7 research outputs found

    Tooth Color Detection Using PCA and KNN Classifier Algorithm Based on Color Moment

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    Matching the suitable color for tooth reconstruction is an important step that can make difficulties for the dentists due to the subjective factors  of color selection. Accurate color matching system is mainly result based on images analyzing and processing techniques of recognition system.  This system consist of three parts, which are data collection from digital teeth color images, data preparation for taking color analysis technique and extracting the features, and data classification involve feature selection for reducing the features number of this system. The teeth images which is used in this research are 16 types of teeth that are taken from RSGM UNAIR SURABAYA. Feature extraction is taken by the characteristics of the RGB, HSV and LAB based on the color moment calculation such as mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis parameter. Due to many formed features from each color space, it is required addition method for reducing the number of features by choosing the essential information like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. Combining the PCA feature selection technique to the clasification process using K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classifier  algorithm can be improved the accuracy performance of this system. On the experiment result, it showed that only using  KNN classifier achieve accuracy percentage up to 97.5 % in learning process and 92.5 % in testing process while combining PCA with KNN classifier can reduce the 36 features to the 26 features which can improve the accuracy percentage up to 98.54 % in learning process and  93.12% in testing process. Adding PCA as the feature selection method can be improved the accuracy performance of this color matching system with little number of features.Â

    Dampak Bangkitan Lalu Lintas Universitas PGRI Terhadap Arus Lalu Lintas di Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani Kota Palembang Laporan Ini Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Syarat Lulus Program Diploma III Pada Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Oleh : Ade Justiawan Gozali : 061130100025 Sumarjo Arito : 061130100046 POLITEKNIK NEGERI SRIWIJAYA PALEMBANG 2014

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    ix ABSTRACT Transportation is one of the things that really flexible and always changing every time, changes in the form of growth is exactly being caused the problem in transportation system. For example the traffic density. Therefore, we need necessary studies and research that focus on all the things became benefactor in traffic density. One study that can be pursued is to examine the level of traffic generation caused by a zone. However, the focus in this study is the effect of University of PGRI Palembang operations against Ahmad Yani street traffic density Palembang. The data is taken from the data traffic by using the enumeration method of traffic that is processed using descriptive statistical methods were subsequently also carried out regression to test the relation between the physical characteristics associated toward university trip distribution, where the results of the test are: total vehicle that in and out of the university at busy day as much as 1249,12 smp/hour, busy hour is 17.00 o’clock until 18.00 o’clock as much as 14,87 % from total.. The largest level of trip generation is on Thursday afternoon at 236.55 smp / hour. While the peak traction, on Saturday morning at 268.2 smp / hour With the influence toward the traffic 2,48%. This indicates no significant effect that create by the hospital operational. Jenderal Ahmad Yani street’ capacity as musch as 3136,32 smp/hour. The percentage of traffic on the roads seizures caused by PGRI University Palembang as much as 3.46%, while the percentage of tug as much as 4.51%. The maximum level of service which is 0.72. This indicates that no significant influence of the university generated. Keyword : Transportation, Traffic Density, Trip Attractio

    Penggunaan Color Model Dalam Pemilihan Warna Gigi

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    Background: Dental color matching is an important step to match a single crown to an anterior set of natural teeth to a natural set of teeth. Succesful of dental color matching depend on operator experience. Dental color matching is subjectif by operator. Dental color matching influence by operator condition such as freshness or fatique of operator also around working area like lighting etc. Tools need it for decrease operator`subjectivity. Using color model for increasing precising of dental color matching. Purpose. To know what is the color model remove these problems. Method: This method uses RGB and HSV color model. Using database by Vitta lumina shade guide will similarity histogram check with color of crown. Results: compressed color image and RGB color image, RGB image and HSV color image matching technique can remove the problems. Conclusion: subjectifity of operator elimination by using color model

    Performance analysis of color matching technique for teeth classification based on color histogram

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    Objective: Color matching technique is one of the requirement in clinical dentistry. Using dental shade selection can help the dentist to determine the suitable color for the patients during fabrication of prosthesis. However the lack of dentists’ knowledge in color science due to many kinds of shade guide becomes a problem in the field of dentistry. So color matching technique by using digital images are feasible solution when suitable color features have been properly manipulated. Material and Methods: Separating the color features of digital images into RGB and HSV feature spaces are the first step of this system. Due to many features in this step, it requires some classifier algorithm according to the shade type of teeth. In this paper, we proposed color teeth classification for dental shade selection using DT, NN and K-nearest neighbors algorithm based on color histogram feature spaces. Results: The result showed that on using the KNN algorithm it achieved 96.67% in learning process and 90% in testing process which had error level (0.183). Conclusion: It proves that our proposed system have high similarity in color matching according to the learning and testing proces

    Comparative Analysis of Color Matching System for Teeth Recognition Using Color Moment

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    Background: In recent years, veritable image processing systems have been developed for several field applications, some of which are recognition and classification. One such application is in the medical field for teeth color matching systems. The color matching technique is a feasible solution for classifying patients’ teeth images to evaluate the suitable treatment of tooth replacement in dentistry. However the lighting conditions of the environment and visual teeth color deficiency will be influenced or affected by the color matching performance. Methods: This paper proposes the comparative analysis of a color matching system, using K-nearest neighbors (KNN), neural network (NN), and decision tree (DT) algorithms to classify and recognize 16 types of dental images of persons that used several extracted features, from shade guide of teeth, with a digital camera, ranging from 250–300 lux lighting value. The extracted features are produced from RGB, HSV, and Lab color moment characteristic calculation of tooth samples. Those features were compared with input images using euclidean distance value. Results: KNN algorithm in RGB characteristic achieves 97.5% within only a 0.02 second computation time. Conclusion: KNN algorithm in RGB characteristic provides the best performance when compared to the other approache

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    Gender Identification Using Mandibular Morphometric Parameters and PCA-NN Classifier Algorithm on Panoramic Radiographs

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    Gender identification is urgently required to reveal the deceased person’s identity in several proximity conditions such as disasters, accidents, and violence. The mandible bone has been explored in the field of forensic odontology for the human gender identification. Dental panoramic radiography has become one of the routine procedures at medical hospitals as part of primary investigations. Untuk kepentingan submit jurna F1000 researc