Penggunaan Color Model Dalam Pemilihan Warna Gigi


Background: Dental color matching is an important step to match a single crown to an anterior set of natural teeth to a natural set of teeth. Succesful of dental color matching depend on operator experience. Dental color matching is subjectif by operator. Dental color matching influence by operator condition such as freshness or fatique of operator also around working area like lighting etc. Tools need it for decrease operator`subjectivity. Using color model for increasing precising of dental color matching. Purpose. To know what is the color model remove these problems. Method: This method uses RGB and HSV color model. Using database by Vitta lumina shade guide will similarity histogram check with color of crown. Results: compressed color image and RGB color image, RGB image and HSV color image matching technique can remove the problems. Conclusion: subjectifity of operator elimination by using color model

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