11 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Desain Terminal Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah

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    Sukoharjo Terminal located at Jalan Wonogiri-Sukoharjo with inadequate terminal facilities, circulation in the terminal and layout of the building. This study aims to analyze facilities and suitability needs, analyze the circulation of passengers and vehicles, calculate the performance of terminal services based on assessment and expectations, design appropriate design for development needs referring to the standard terminal type B. This research begins with a preliminary survey to find out the existing conditions, terminal facilities, passenger circulation and vehicles, after which re-measurement, coordinate calculations, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Then melakuakan data analysis and concept formulation to plan the development design of Sukoharjo Terminal. The results of the facility analysis still lacks the standard of the total 46 facilities that must be owned only 27 facilities. Passenger and vehicle circulation will be minimal level of security due to crossing (crossing) between vehicles and the absence of special passenger lanes. The service performance has not been satisfied because the terminal facility is not adequate. So it is necessary to design the Sukoharjo terminal design that focuses on terminal facilities with the division of service zones and circulation patterns within the terminal

    Evaluasi Kapasitas dan Tingkat Pelayanan Terminal Penumpang Bandar Udara Ahmad Yani

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    Ahmad Yani Airport is an International Airport located in Semarang City, Central Java Province. During 2013-2017, the movement of passengers at Ahmad Yani Airport has increased to 3-4 million passengers per year, causing density in the passenger terminal and impacts on the quality of service provided to passengers. The purpose of this research project evaluate is to capacity and performance of services at airport terminals. This research project using survey and observation method. To evaluate service performance, service time calculation based on passenger arrival rate on check in counter and baggage claim area, then the data obtained is processed by using queuing theory and the result is compared with the standard in PM 178 Year 2015, while to know the quality of service according to the perception of passengers conducted the questionnaire distribution, from the questionnaire data is processed by using the method of Importance And Performance Analysis (IPA). For capacity evaluation, it is done by analyzing the terminal area including check in area, domestic departure waiting room, and baggage claim area based on passenger data obtained from the airport by using SNI 03-7046-2004, then forecasting passengers for 2022 using Arithmatic method straight line method. The results of the research analysis show that service time at check in counter is less than 2.5 minutes and service time on baggage claim area less than 20 minutes, while for service quality according to passenger perception there are 9 service attributes which require major priority improvement and the remaining 25 service attributes need improvement on the performance that has been done. For the width of calculation, 255 m² check in area, 1458 m² departure lounge area and baggage claim area 894,96 m², from forecasting calculation for the year 2022 obtained the number of passengers as much as 5,321,414 passengers with a check-in area of 1350 m², departure lounge area 7967 m² and baggage claim area 4889 m². Based on the results of forecasting the terminal area obtained need to expand the terminal space

    Analisis Kapasitas Runway di Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Terhadap Pemberangkatan Haji Daerah Jawa Tengah

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    Adi Soemarmo Airport is one of the international airport in Central Java Province. Beside serving domestic and internasional flight, Adi Soemarmo Airport is also serving departure and arrival of hajj for Central Java and Yogyakarta Province in this time. Adi Soemarmo Airport jusat have one runway which used for departure and arrival and it frequency become increace when hajj time. The purpose of this research is to analyzed the capacity of runway for normal condition (domestic and international) and mix condition (domestic, international and hajj). Data used in this research divided in primary data and secondary data for analizing the capacity of runway, there are four assumtion runway capacity : runway with served arrival only, error position assumtion, runway with served departure only, and mixed (arrival,departure and error). This research results for air space capacity that runway capacity in off peak day can served 18 operaion/hour, in other side in hajj time the capacity become 19 operation/hour. It can be concluded that in this time runway can served all operation and can be more good in the future

    Optimasi Kinerja Simpang Stagger Bersinyal Jl. Slamet Riyadi Sukoharjo - Jl. Dr. Rajiman - Jl. Transito - Jl. Joko Tingkir

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    Pertumbuhan kendaraan yang sangat pesat dan terbatasnya kapasitas jalan perkotaan menimbulkan permasalahan di bidang transportasi. Khususnya di daerah persimpangan, yang sering mengalami kemacetan dan antrian panjang. Pengaturan persimpangan dengan pengendalian lampu lalu lintas harus direncanakan sesuai dengan jumlah arus lalu lintas yang melewati simpang tersebut, agar arus lalu lintas dapat terlayani dengan baik dan menghasilkan kinerja simpang yang optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui besarnya arus lalu lintas dan tingkat kinerja simpang stagger bersinyal Jl. Slamet Riyadi-Jl. Dr. Rajiman-Jl. Transito-Jl. Joko Tingkir, kemudian memberi usulan alternatif pemecahan masalah yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja simpang tersebut. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer meliputi: kondisi geometri, lingkungan, lalu lintas dan persinyalan, serta data sekunder yang terdiri dari: peta lokasi penelitian dan jumlah penduduk. Optimasi kinerja pada kondisi existing menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997, dengan parameter kinerja, meliputi kapasitas (C), derajat kejenuhan (DS), tundaan (D), dan panjang antrian (QL). Selain itu dilakukan perencanaan pengabungan kedua simpang di mana acuan yang digunakan masih seperti pada kondisi eksisting. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari analisis eksisting simpang didapat kinerja simpang stagger bersinyal Jl. Slamet Riyadi-Jl. Dr. Rajiman-Jl. Transito-Jl. Joko Tingkir belum memenuhi syarat MKJI 1997. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai kapasitas (C), derajat kejenuhan (DS), tundaan (D), panjang antrian (QL), secara berurutan adalah, (Barat : 1009 smp/jam ; 0,950 ; 97,9 det/smp ; 164,3 m), (Timur : 589 smp/jam ; 1,867 ; 1608,2 det/smp ; 1596,2 m), (Selatan ; 397 smp/jam ; 2,087 ; 2008 det/smp ; 1660,2 m), (Utara : 310 smp/jam ; 1,223 ; 474,9 det/smp ; 454,7 m) Berdasarkan hasil alternatif perbaikan yang memberikan nilai terbaik yaitu pemisahan simpang dengan koordinasi sinyal, Alternatif ini dapat meningkatkan kinerja simpang. Peningkatan tersebut dapat dilihat dari nilai, derajat kejenuhan (DS), tundaan (D), panjang antrian (QL), secara berurutan adalah, Simpang A (Barat1 : 1128 smp/jam ; 0,850 ; 75,9 det/smp ; 123,4 m),(Timur 2 : 943 smp/jam ; 0,843 ; 80,4 det/smp ; 105,8 m), (Utara : 459 smp/jam ; 0,826 ; 88,8 det/smp ; 119,4 m). Simpang B (Barat 2 : 708 smp/jam ; 1,189 ; 445,8 det/smp ; 426,2 m), (Timur 1 : 950 smp/jam ; 1,157 ; 372,6 det/smp ; 600,7 m), (Selatan ; 714 smp/jam ; 1,161 ; 387,8 det/smp ; 582,5 m), Kondisi alternatif tersebut secara keseluruhan belum memenuhi persyaratan MKJI 1997, akan tetapi alternatif ini dapat meningkatkan kinerja simpang, maka alternatif ini dapat diterapkan di simpang stagger bersinyal Jl. Slamet Riyadi-Jl. Dr. Rajiman-Jl. Transito-Jl. Joko Tingkir

    Analisis Tingkat Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas (Studi Kasus : Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Jalan Jogja-Solo Km. 17+300 - Km. 49+800 Kabupaten Klaten)

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    Traffic accidents are events that occur in transportation activities. Jogja-Solo road section Km. 17 + 300 - Km. 49 + 800 is a road located in Klaten Regency that connects Yogyakarta Province with Sukoharjo Regency and Surakarta Municipality. As a National road, the volume of vehicles crossing the road is very high. Such conditions have the potential for traffic accidents to take casualties. Thus the need for efforts to find out the point of frequent occurrence of accidents / blackspots and efforts to deal with them. This study uses secondary data from local police agencies in 2015-2017. To complete this study then the data was analyzed to calculate the number of accidents and vulnerable areas using the EAN (Equivalent Accident Number) method, BKA (Upper Control Limit), and UCL (Upper Control Limit). In addition to ranking using the AEK Method. The number of accidents that occurred on Jalan Raya Jogja-Solo Km. 17 + 300 - Km. 49 + 800 for 645 events. Where the number of victims died as many as 154 people, as many as 9 people were seriously injured, and victims of minor injuries were 985 people. Based on secondary data it is known that the results of prone areas on Jogja-Solo Highway Km.17 + 300-Km.49 + 800 with the highest EAN value of 399. With Upper Control Limits obtained as a reference for vulnerable areas worth 264. The highest acquisition UCL method is 259. From each of these methods, the ranking of accident-prone areas is analyzed, namely in the Km section. 46 + 800-48 + 300 located at Simpang 4 Prambanan. Actions that can be taken to reduce the level of accidents that occur in the location of vulnerable areas, namely by installing danger lights, making road markings and counseling on traffic and law enforcement for those who violate. keywords: blackspot, traffic accident, ranking accident

    Studi Literatur Pemilihan Rute Pergerakan Orang Dan Angkutan Barang

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    The increase in the number of private vehicles causes several transportation problems, such as congestion, longer travel times, and delays and queues. As a result of congestion, road users tend to choose the best route. The best route is the route with the minimum travel time and the lowest cost. In the four-step modeling of transportation (Four Step Modeling), the route selection stage is the last stage. Route selection modeling can identify the route that will be used by each driver so that finally the number of movements on each segment is obtained. The purpose of the literature review is to review the basic concepts of choosing an economical route. The research method is carried out by conducting a search on the results of scientific publications regarding the selection of routes that have economic value. Each journal that has been selected based on the criteria, limitation of the scope of the journal published in 2009 to 2020 is analyzed and a conclusion is drawn. The results of the review show that the factors influencing travellers in choosing a route are travel time, time value, travel costs and vehicle operational costs. Other factors that influence route selection are smoothness and socio-demographic factors which include gender, age, occupation, and monthly income. However, freight transport tends to be more concerned with distance and travel costs. Conclusion: route selection is strongly influenced by internal and external conditions

    Studi Literatur Kinerja Ruas Jalan Pada Perlintasan Sebidang

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    Crossing a plot of highway and railroad traffic problems often occur. Traffic problems are caused by increasing population mobility, changes in land use, and economic changes, which are not balanced with the development of traffic facilities and infrastructure. The existence of crossing a plot of road with the railroad causes an obstacle caused by the presence of rumble strips, when entering the crossing where the driver is forced to reduce his speed so that the density that occurs is higher. As a result of crossing a plot of road with the railroad, this not only results in queues and delays at the crossing gate, resulting in a decrease in the quality of road performance around level crossings. The data used in the form of primary data obtained by previous researchers consisted of traffic flow, queue length, and delays. This study was analyzed using the literature study method. The larger the incoming vehicles and the longer the duration of closing the railroad crossing doors, the longer the time and queue length and the delay experienced by vehicle drivers will be greater

    Pengaruh Pola Pergerakan Kendaraan Terhadap Karakteristik Arus Lalu Lintas Pada Ruas Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF THE VEHICLE PATTERN TO TRAFFIC FLOW CHARACTERISTICS AT SLAMET RIYADI ROADS, SURAKARTA The differences every drivers in the roads causes some movement patterns happen. This is very closest relation with traffic flow characteristics such as volume, speed, and density. Moreover in city areas that traffic flow very dense like in Slamet Riyadi roads, Surakarta. This research aim to knows the vehicle movement pattern, to knows the traffic flow condition is see from speed and flow rate in Slamet Riyadi roads, Surakarta also to knows the influence of vehicle movement pattern to traffic flow like was mention in above. This research was conducted in Slamet Riyadi roads, Surakarta that the roads with 3 line 1 direction type and 1 line again was used on street parking. In this research the line that used is second line from south or can called right line. The data was used such as traffic video recording, roads geometric, areas condition also road network map. Taking the data was conducted on Thursday, 18 December 2014 at 09.05 – 14.05 WIB. The analysis method that was used is multy regression analysis by helping SPSS 15 version programs. The parameter was used such as the relation of vehicle movements pattern with traffic flow caharacteristics (speed and volume). Based on the result of the research, was get 19 movement patterns. Pattern I, II, III and add I only consist of car only that have different position in one line. Pattern IV – VII consist of one car and one until two motorcycle in one line. The other patterns (13 patterns) only consist of one until two motorcycle that have different position in one line. Number of events of all pattern maximal happen at 10.10 – 10.14 with 159 events, and was get Vs is 43.56 kilometres/hour, while number of events the smallest happened at 13.15 – 13.19 with 103 events, and get Vs is 45,65 kilometres/hour. The value of flow rate (Q) all of patterns that the most happened at 10.10 – 10.14 with 181 kend/5’ or 1336,80 amp/hour, while the flow rate (Q) the smallest happened at 13.40 – 13.44 with 109 kend/5’ or 883,20 smp/hour. Based on analysis the relation between movement patterns (P1) until Adding Patterns (PTIII) with Speed (Vs) or flow rate (Q) was get the formulas such as: Vs = 48,555 - 0,049 PI - 0,034 PII+ 0,050 PIII + 0,10 PIV - 0,311 PV - 0,452 PVI - 0,015 PVIII + 0,137 PIX - 0,094 PX - 0,030 PXI - 0,502 PXII - 0,692 PXIII - 0,239 PXIV + 0,164 PXV - 0,163 PTI – 0,097 PTII + 0,062 PTIII Q = 0,079 + 12,009 PI + 12,017 PII + 23,890 PIII + 16,866 PIV + 16,741 PV + 21,358 PVI + 4,795 PVIII + 4,783 PIX + 4,793 PX + 9,624 PXI + 9,486 PXII + 14,344 PXIII + 14,423 PXIV + 14,033 PXV + 12,016 PTI + 9,665 PTII + 9,630 PTIII From the second formulas in above have the value with 0,286, with 1,000 and was saw from each other the value of t Test also F Test then can be concluded that vehicle movement patterns with speed individually or together (Pattern I until Adding Pattern III) not influence to the speed, while the vehicle movement patterns with flow rate can be seen from other the value t Test also F Test then can be concluded that vehicle movement patterns with flow rate individually or together (Pattern I until Adding Pattern III) influence the flow rate. Key word: movement pattern, characteristics, speed, flow rate, regressio

    Studi Kelayakan Terminal Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Sukoharjo District has a passenger terminal type B one of which is Kartasura terminal. The location of Kartasura terminal has moved from JL Ahmad Yani Kartasura and is currently located in Gunung Pare, Wirogungan, Kartasura District. After operating for 14 years at a new location, Kartasura terminal is considered to be developing. The lack of interest of terminal users to take advantage of the terminal in support of daily activities, as well as many vehicle operators who do not use terminals to serve passengers. The purpose of this study is to identify the location of Kartasura terminal, to examine the terminal services and to formulate the factors affecting terminal services according to the terminal user's perception. data collection techniques used in the study are interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation. The method of analysis used is the method of Importance Performance Analysis Based on the results of the terminal location test results obtained obtained 2 indicators of 5 indicators in accordance with the location requirements of passenger terminal type B. Factors affecting the termination of terminal services obtained 13 service indictors that have not met the expectations of terminal users of 26 indicators. Thus, it can be stated from the analysis that the Kartasura terminal in terms of location and service can be declared unfeasible

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Penggunaan Lajur Terhadap Karakteristik Arus Lalu Lintas Pada Ruas Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta

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    The development of IPTEK became the basis of increasing development in various fields which affect the transportation infrastructure needs. This resulted in the volume of traffic on a road becomes increasingly dense. The issue is considered from a buildup of traffic on a road or intersection, which is like a long queue and the convoy is very solid. When this happens then the need for proper traffic arrangements so that such problems can be solved. In this study aims to determine the value of Peak Hour Factor each respective lane, knowing the speed and the average density at the time of the Peak Hour, traffic characteristics determine the relationship of each lane by using fundamental diagrams. The research location is at Slamet Riyadi Street segment exactly in front of the stadium Sriwedari, Surakarta. Retrieving data using the video recorder carried out for 5 hours on Thursday, December 18, 2014 at the hour 9:05 to 14:05 pm and workmanship using PMB software from the Sony DCR SR47E. The analysis was conducted to find the value of PHF, speed and density during peak hours (Peak Hour), and put it into a mathematical model using the model Greenshield, Greenberg and Underwood. The results obtained by analysis of the value of PHF on the Lane I of 0.9088 and 0.9180 for both Lane II occurred at 9:50 to 10:50, while the value of PHF in Lane III, 0.9172 took place at 10:20 to 11:20. The value of the average room rate (Vs) and the density (D) of each lane during Peak Hour above is 42.39 km / hour and 18.73 smp / km (Lane I); 42.60 km / hour and 29.78 smp / km (Lane II); 34.20 km / hour and 22.71 smp / km (Lane III). Based on the analysis of fundamental diagram, the best model on the Lane I is by Vs = 53,9034 – 0,6333D with R2 = 0,3649; the best model on Lane II is by Vs=51,698.e-D/143,772with R2 = 0,3974, while the best model in Lane III is by Vs=6,8432.Ln(3276,207/D) with R2 = 0,2678. Keywords: PHF, space mean speed, average density, fundamental diagram