
Evaluasi Desain Terminal Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah


Sukoharjo Terminal located at Jalan Wonogiri-Sukoharjo with inadequate terminal facilities, circulation in the terminal and layout of the building. This study aims to analyze facilities and suitability needs, analyze the circulation of passengers and vehicles, calculate the performance of terminal services based on assessment and expectations, design appropriate design for development needs referring to the standard terminal type B. This research begins with a preliminary survey to find out the existing conditions, terminal facilities, passenger circulation and vehicles, after which re-measurement, coordinate calculations, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Then melakuakan data analysis and concept formulation to plan the development design of Sukoharjo Terminal. The results of the facility analysis still lacks the standard of the total 46 facilities that must be owned only 27 facilities. Passenger and vehicle circulation will be minimal level of security due to crossing (crossing) between vehicles and the absence of special passenger lanes. The service performance has not been satisfied because the terminal facility is not adequate. So it is necessary to design the Sukoharjo terminal design that focuses on terminal facilities with the division of service zones and circulation patterns within the terminal

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