5,611 research outputs found


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    Di dalam pembangunan sebuah rumah susun biasanya tidak terlepas dari masalah pokok pelaksanaan proses penerbitan serifikat hak milik pada satuan rumah susun. Pada umumnya penerbitan sertifikat Hak Milik pada satuan rumah susun dikeluarkan dan didaftarkan dalam jumlah yang besar dan dengan jangka waktu yang bersamaan.Sehingga sering terjadi keterlambatan penerbitan sertifikat tersebut dari jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan dalam Peraturan yang telah ada. Dalam Penelitian ini permasalahan yang dibahas adalah : 1) Bagaimana Penerbitan Sertifikat Hak Milik atas satuan Rumah Susun serta Kendala dan hambatan dalam penerbitan sertifikat hak milik pada satuan rumah susun ? 2) Bagaimana Kepemilikan hak atas satuan rumah susun?Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis prosedur penerbitan sertifikat hak milik pada satuan rumah susun apakah telah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada dan untuk mengetahui kepemilikan hak atas satuan rumah susun tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari metode pendekatan menggunakan yuridis empiris, spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis dan analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif terhadap data primer dan data sekunder. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam pelaksanaannya penerbitan sertifkat tersebut dimulai dengan pembuatan akta pemisahan dan kemudian disahkan oleh walikota lalu dilakukan pendaftaran haknya ke kantor pertanahan. Pada saat setelah pihak penyelenggara melakukan pendaftaran di kantor pertanahan maka sebelum dibuatkanya gambar denah pihak staff dari kantor pertanahan melakukan pengukuran di lokasi tersebut tetapi pada saat proses ini menjadi salah satu faktor yang paling sering menghambat penerbitan sertifikat tersebut. selain faktor adanya pihak yang kurang mengindahkan ketentuan yang telah disyaratkan. Kepemilikan alas hak dari rumah susun yang ada di kota semarang adalah Hak Guna Bangunan dimana para pemilik wajib memperpanjang kembali hak tersebut apabila telah habis masa berlakuknya. Saran dari hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa kantor pertanhan dapat memperbaiki dalam siste pelayanan dan melaksanakan pelaksanaan dengan seoptimal mungkin dan meminimalisir keterlambatan dalam penerbitan sertifikat hak milik pada satuan rumah susun dan adanya sosialisis pemberitahuan mengenai alas ha dari kepemilikan satuan rumah susun tersebut kepada pihak pembeli serta sosialiasi agar diadakan kewajiban dalam pembentukan PPRS


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    Pembuatan proyek akhir ini bertujuan untuk : 1) menghasilkan rancangan tata rias wajah fantasi, penataan rambut, kostum dan body painting pada tokoh Odette dalam cerita Swan Lake pada pagelaran Fairy Tales Of Fantasy 2) menerapkan tata rias fantasi, penataan rambut, kostum dan body painting pada tokoh Odette 3) menampilkan tokoh Odette dalam cerita Swan Lake pada pagelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu: 1) merancang dengan cara mengetahui alur dongeng Swan Lake dan mengkaji teori, mempelajari karakter tokoh Swan Lake, mencari sumber ide dan merancang sajian gambar 2) menerapkan dengan cara melakukan tes make – up, tes penataan rambut, gladi kotor yang meliputi: fitting kostum, gerak dan musik agar tercipta kesatuan, gladi bersih yang meliputi: mengaplikasikan tata rias fantasi, penataan rambut, kostum, body painting dengan penerapan tokoh Odette di atas panggug serta penyesuaian tata cahaya dan musik 3) menampilkan tokoh Odette dalam pagelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy, menyusun kegiatan (latihan gladi kotor dan gladi bersih) dan menyelenggarakan pagelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. Hasil proyek akhir berupa pagelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy yang meliputi: 1) terciptanya rancangan tata rias fantasi, penataan rambut, penataan kostum, body painting pada tokoh Odette 2) terwujudnya tata rias fantasi dengan menggunakan eye shadow warna putih pada kelopak, biru tua pada sudut mata dan merah muda pada highlight serta menggunkan hiasan permata dan bulu angsa pada dahi, penataan rambut dengan menggunakan sanggul berbentuk angsa yang dipasang di atas kepala, penataan kostum yang menggunakan bulu angsa dan permata sebagai hiasan kostum dan bordir pada tepi rok, body painting diplikasikan sesuai dengan motif bordir pada tepi rok pada kostum tokoh Odette 3) terselenggaranya pagelaran Fairy Tales Of Fantasy pada tanggal 17 Maret 2012 bertempat di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY) pukul 14.00 WIB dengan menampilkan tokoh Odette dalam cerita Swan Lake pada pagelaran Fairy Tales Of Fantasy

    Strengthening Cluster Building in Developing Country alongside the Triple Helix: Challenge for Indonesian Clusters - A Case Study of the Java Region

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    This paper is a component of my conceptual foundation paper due to PhD field work in Indonesia to understand the possibility and the chance for developing country such as Indonesia to strengthen cluster building alongside The Triple Helix model within the region of Java. This paper is a conceptual paper based on case study in Indonesia related to the Triple Helix and cluster approach for chosen Industrial Clusters in Java. In this paper, the focus will be on six selected industrial clusters across the Java region. They are Gresik Industrial District in East Java, Tugu Wijaya Semarang in Central Java, Sentul Bogor in West Java, Jababeka in Bekasi, Kujang Industrial District, and Kawasan Berikat Nusantara in Jakarta. In conjunction with the fact in Indonesian industrial condition, Indonesian government initiated the setting up of industrial district which later known as 2 industrial cluster to make existence easier for both domestic and international investors by providing all necessary infrastructure, facilities and housing in one safe location - at a reasonable cost - thus providing a secure base for industry and manufacturing. Regarding clustering approach, Indonesia has a very long tradition of SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) cluster around similar activities. In 2002, the cluster comprised approximately 3700 firms mostly SMEs employing 58.000 permanent workers (Loebis and Schmitz, 2005). They are usually craft industries and export oriented driven. About 70% of the cluster production is exported while the rest is sold on the domestic markets. However, little is known about the critical success factors that determine economic development of cities and regions and empirical studies that draw lessons for policy are scarce (Tichy, 1998), specifically for implementing cluster approach in industry/manufacturing sector in Indonesia. Moreover, there are good reasons to doubt to what extent a purely sectoral view is adequate to analyse region economic growth and to design policies. There are many indications that urban economic growth increasingly seems to emerge from fruitful cooperation between economic actors, who form innovative networks. It is in these geographically concentrated network configurations, or ‘cluster’ that value-added and employment growth in urban regions is realised. This demands a new policy approach in urban economic development, specifically for Indonesian study. Accordingly, it is motivating to investigate the process of cluster building in industrial district in Java region as the important region due to economic, social, and political condition. Thus, details can be read in the following section within this paper.Cluster, Triple Helix, SMEs,

    Nominal wage rigidity in the European Countries: evidence from the Europanel

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    This paper analyses wage dynamics at individual level using the ECHP data. We compare yearly wage changes of employees in twelve European countries during the 1994-96 time-period. In all the European countries we find evidence of nominal and not real wage rigidity. At the same time, in none of the countries considered wages are completely downwardly rigid. We also compare nominal wage changes of employees staying with the same employer to movers and find that, despite movers distributions are generally more flexible than stayers, surprisingly enough they also have a spike at zero. Explanations of the above results with institutional features of the countries considered are given.wage rigidity, hold-up, risk-sharing, stayers, movers

    Micro-Nanostructured Polymeric Constructs for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications. Preparation and Chemical & Biological Evaluation

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    Controlled drug delivery technology represents one of the most rapidly advancing areas of science in which several disciplines, such as chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, and medicine are contributing to human health care. The goal of drug delivery systems, is to deploy medications intact to specifically targeted organs and compartments of the body through a medium that can control administration of the active principle by means of either a physiological or chemical trigger. During the past decade, polymeric micro-nanoparticles, polymer micelles, and hydrogel-type materials have all been shown to be effective in enhancing drug targeting specificity, lowering systemic drug toxicity, improving treatment absorption rates, and providing protection for pharmaceuticals against biochemical degradation. The research activities reported in the present thesis are the result of experimental work performed at the Laboratory of Polymeric Materials for Biomedical and Environmental Applications (Biolab) of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa and in part at SINTEF company (Trondheim, Norway). The aim of the present PhD thesis was mainly focused on the preparation of polymeric nanoparticles based on Poly(maleic anhydride–alt–butyl vinyl ether) 5% grafted with methoxyPEG2000 and 95% grafted with 2-methoxyethanol (VAM41) loaded with human Hemoglobin to be used as artificial oxygen carriers. Nanoparticles were prepared by means of the co-precipitation technique performed under controlled conditions in order to minimize oxidative phenomena; nanoparticles characterization was carried out in terms of size, morphology and surface properties analysis, highlighting the feasibility of obtaining Hemoglobin loaded polymeric nanoparticles possessing suitable features to be used as artificial oxygen carriers. The maintenance of protein functional bioactivities, once loaded inside nanoparticles, was also investigated; results showed that although protein secondary and quaternary structure seems to be maintained, Hemoglobin oxidation takes place during the formulation process. To overcome this inactivating phenomenon different strategies were investigated including the introduction of several reducing agents inside the formulation system as well as the modification of the polymeric structure by means of the introduction of a conductive moiety. Although Hemoglobin oxidation phenomenon during the formulation process was not avoided, alterations regarding nanoparticles features were not observed, highlighting the versatility of the so developed system and opening promising perspectives in the development of VAM41 based polymeric nanoparticles loaded with functional Hemoglobin. The use of Alginate as alternative polymeric matrix was also investigated; the formulation process based on the ionic gelation was optimised carrying out successfully the reduction of Alginate particles dimensions from a millimetric to a micrometric scale, without affecting particle protein contents. Results obtained during this research activity indicated Alginate as a potential polymeric matrix usable in the development of artificial oxygen carriers. Moreover, during a six months visiting period spent at SINTEF, the research activity was focused on the development of VAM41 based polymeric nanoparticles loaded with Dead Sea Salts, to be used as dermal drug delivery system. VAM41 polymer was applied in a water-in-oil mini-emulsion based formulation system, demonstrating the feasibility of obtaining polymeric nanoparticles loaded with Dead Sea Salts possessing suitable features in terms of size and morphology; a time controlled release profile of the loaded active principle was also detected, opening promising perspectives in the use of the so developed system in topical pharmaceutical applications

    Understanding The Triple Helix Model from The Perspective of the Developing Country: A Demand or A Challange for Indonesian Case Study?

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    This paper is based on the conceptual and theoretical analysis regarding the triple helix model as the demand or a challenge for developing country, particularly the Indonesian case study under investigation. The paper will discuss the essential stages required to establish a robust synergy between three different actors: the university, the industry and the government alongside the local context in Indonesia, mainly the role of university in providing help for SMEs in Indonesia together with the government or other institutional developing agencies. This paper will also explore the promotion of SMEs by clustering approach as the fact that Indonesian SMEs are scattered across the region. Furthermore, this paper will analyse the potential strengths and weaknesses within Indonesian SMEs, of setting up appropriate strategic movements for the future of the triple helix paradigm itself. It will start with the lessons, learned from the implementation of the triple helix implementation in the developed countries then it will look at the local Indonesian context in order to bridge the gaps within the actors involved.Triple Helix, Cluster Approach, SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises), University – Industry - Government Relations

    Endogenous Technical Progress and the Emergence of Child Labor Laws

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    I develop a theory of technical progress that uncovers sufficient conditions for opposition to the adoption of child labor laws to disappear over time. The supply of child labor comes exclusively from unskilled parents, because of their inability to help their children benefit from formal education, while its demand originates from capitalists-the firms' owners. Because child labor crowds out adult employment, there are always social pressures to ban it. However, such pressures are met by capitalists' opposition. Capitalist oppose the adoption of a ban on child labor because such a ban reduces opportunities for earning a high return on capital. Technical progress, induced by skill accumulation, improves the earning prospects of firms hiring adult workers only, while it reduces those of firms hiring children only. As a result, more capitalists are drawn into the adult labor market, and industrial opposition to a ban on child labor eventually vanishes over time. Provided child labor exhibits skill-enhancing learning-by-doing, policy action to speed up the emergence of child labor laws should therefore focus on education reforms that raise the quality of education school-goers receive, and on political reforms that raise the cost of lobbying legislators against adopting a ban on child labor. However, in countries where child labor provides little or no opportunities for learning-by-doing, no law will emerge unless appropriately targeted poverty alleviation mechanisms are designed, in order to induce unskilled parents to allocate a positive fraction of child's time to schooling.Child labor, Learning-by-doing, Education, Technical progress, Lobbying cost, Voting equilibrium

    Endogenous Technical Progress and the Emergence of Child Labor Laws

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    I develop a theory of technical progress that uncovers sufficient conditions for opposition to the adoption of child labor laws to disappear over time. The supply of child labor comes exclusively from unskilled parents, because of their inability to help their children benefit from formal education, while its demand originates from capitalists-the firms' owners. Because child labor crowds out adult employment, there are always social pressures to ban it. However, such pressures are met by capitalists' opposition. Capitalists oppose the adoption of a ban on child labor because such a ban reduces opportunities for earning a high return on capital. Technical progress, induced by skill accumulation, improves the earning prospects of firms hiring adult workers only, while it reduces those of firms hiring children only. As a result, more capitalists are drawn into the adult labor market, and industrial opposition to a ban on child labor eventually vanishes over time. Provided child labor exhibits skill-enhancing learning-by-doing, policy action to speed up the emergence of child labor laws should therefore focus on education reforms that raise the quality of education school-goers receive, and on political reforms that raise the cost of lobbying legislators against adopting a ban on child labor. However, in countries where child labor provides little or no opportunities for learning-by-doing, no law will emerge unless appropriately targeted poverty alleviation mechanisms are designed, in order to induce unskilled parents to allocate a positive fraction of child's time to schooling.

    Education Subsidy, Fertility, and Growth

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    In this paper, we show that replacing a public-education regime by a private regime with public subsidization of education, causes agents to completely internalize the effect, on their offspring education, of their fertility decisions. As a result, fertility is lower compared to a public regime, while growth is enhanced.Education subsidy, Fertility, growth, Income tax

    Why Banning the Worst Forms of Child Labour Would Hurt Poor Countries

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    Although it is intuitive and morally compelling that the worst forms of child labour should be eliminated, banning them in poor countries is unlikely to be welfare improving and can come at the expense of human capital accumulation. We show that the existence of harmful forms of child labour, in fact, has an economic role: it helps keep wages for child labour high enough to allow human capital accumulation. Therefore, unless appropriate mechanisms are designed to mitigate the decline in child labour wages caused by reduced employment options for children, a ban on harmful forms of child labour will likely prove undesirable in poor countries. We perform our analysis within a simple two-period model of parental investment in children's education and nutritional quality.Child labour, Human capital, Nutrition, Development
