671 research outputs found

    Implementasi Surat Edaran Gubernur Sulaweasi Tengah Nomor 516/613 Ro.huk-gst/2012 Tentang Upah Minimum Kota (Umk) Di PT. Royalindo Multi Nusa

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    Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan Pasal 1 ayat 30 berbunyi :‘‘Upah adalah hak pekerja/buruh yang diterima dan dinyatakan dalam bentuk uang sebagai imbalan dari pengusaha atau pemberi kerja kepada pekerja/buruh yang ditetapkan dan dibayarkan menurut suatu perjanjian kerja, kesepakatan, atau peraturan Perundang-undangan, termasuk tunjangan bagi pekerja/buruh dan keluarganya atas suatu pekerjaan dan/atau jasa yang telah atau yang akan dilakukan.''Kemudian dalam Pasal 27 Ayat (2), di jelaskan bahwa tiap-tiap warga negara berhak atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut untuk mendapatkan penghidupan yang layak, setiap warga negara harus bekerja, dan di dalam melakukan pekerjaan mendapatkan imbalan yang setimpal. Untuk itu pemerintah telah menetapkan kebijakan pengupahan dalam berbagai macam peraturan, mulai dari aturan setingkat Undang-Undang pokok sampai dengan penjabaran dalam bentuk peraturan pelaksanaan. Dari uraian tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “Implementasi Surat Edaran Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah Nomor 516/613 RO.HUK-GST/2012 tentang Upah Minimum Kota (UMK) di PT. Royalindo Multi Nusa”. Adapun rumusan masalah yang di teliti yaitu bagaimana pelaksanaan upah minimum kota terhadap pekerja/buruh di PT. Royalindo Multi Nusa. Pedekatan yurisdis normatif ini dalam menganalisa dan meninjau masalah yang digunakan dan prinsip-prinsip dan asas-asas hukum. Penelitian ini menentukan pada segi-segi yuridis dan melihat pada peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan upah minimum kota. Spesifikasi dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif analistis, populasinya adalah PT. Royalindo Multi Nusa dan subjek penelitian adalah pekerja/buruh yang bekerja di Perusahaan tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung yang berbentuk obervasi dan wawancara, selain itu digunakan studi kepustakaan. Dalam metode analistis data menggunakan analistis data kualitatif.Proses pelaksanaan penentuan upah terhadap tenaga kerja di PT. Royalindo Multi Nuasa belum terlaksana dengan baik karena masih ada hak-hak normatif pekerja/buruh yang belum terpenuhi


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    This research brings about radical feminism and the role and position of women as pimps. The analysis of this research is fulfilled by using descriptive qualitative research in which the data and the finding of the research are presented and described in a form of description.  In this research, radical feminism was revealed in the life of a woman by the name of Dewi Ayu who worked as a prostitute during Japanese colonialism in a warehouse named Mama Kalong Place. Mama Kalong who worked as a pimp served Japanese soldiers in the whorehouse played to make a price for prostitutes. Mama Kalong gave a good shelter and well care to the women in order that they remained healthy and fresh so that they would be ready anytime they were needed. Unfortunately, the pimp did not give the women any protection from any harms which are very possible to befall upon the women. The finding of this research shows that the life of women in colonialism under a pimp is really oppressed. Oppression, suffering, and injustice are with them in the whole life


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    Double personality usually occurs in someone who has experienced trauma in past. Double personality should not happen in someone’s life. The traumatic event can impact their life. This study is conducted to analyze double personality reflected in the novel Cold Heart and to find out the causes of the antagonist’s double personality. This research uses descriptive qualitative method because the process of the result and discussion are accomplished descriptively. The descriptive qualitative methodology is applied to explain the antagonist’s double personality from the text in the novel. The result of this research shows that the antagonist’s in the novel has two different personalities. They are being obsessed with women and being kind to women. These personalities are really opposite. Then, there are two causes which result in the antagonist’s double personality. The first is his brother’s death and the second is being a cause of a murderer. Both events make the antagonist feel traumatic. Consequently, he has such double personality


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    The study focuses on the stress experienced by the protagonist, Alicia Berenson. The main purpose of this study is to determine the types and the impacts of stress experienced by the protagonist by the name of Alicia Berenson, based on the theory of stress proposed by Priyoto (2014). In analyzing The Silent Patient, the researchers use qualitative research method to process and arranges the data. The data collected are divided into two categories i.e. primary data and secondary data. The primary data is the novel The Silent Patient (2019), and the researchers find fifteen data to be included in the analysis. The secondary data are books and other sources related to the analysis such as books or journals of stress issues, literary theory, the author’s biography, internet and other relevant information to the analysis of this research paper. The data are collected through library research and searched based on the explanation from types and the impact of Stress proposed by Priyoto. The results of the study show the following conclusion. First, Alicia suffers from chronic stress which can be shown through impaired social relationships and nervousness. Second, the behavioral impact is shown through changes in the behavior system to be silent, aggressive behavior and self-injured


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    The study aims to describe the kinds of conflict and also the factors causing conflict in Kevin Kwan's novel Crazy Rich Asians. It only focuses on kinds of conflict and factors causing conflict in selected characters of the novel. This study used a qualitative method. The data were analyzed descriptively. The data in this study were collected from the novel Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan. The data were taken by reading and marking words and phrases from the novel, which are related to the study. The data were analyzed from the novel based on the theory and statement of the problem to be analyzed. The results of the analysis obtained from this study have two conclusions. First, the types of conflicts in the novel Crazy Rich Asians, namely internal and external conflict are found in several characters in the novel. Second, the factors that may cause conflict in the novel Crazy Rich Asians are causative factors. These factors are differences between individuals, cultural differences, and differences in interests. The results of this study are expected to provide benefits, understanding, and knowledge in analyzing conflict in a literary work in the form of a novel. The results of this study are also expected to be used as a reference for further research


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    This study entitled Injustice in Eka Kurniawan’s Novel Beauty is a Wound focuses on the injustice experienced by some women, Dewi Ayu and her four daughters. The main purpose of this study is to determine the types of injustice experienced by some women. In analyzing the novel Beauty is a Wound, descriptive research method was used to identify, classify and analyze the data. The collected data are divided into two categories: primary data and secondary data. The primary data is the novel Beauty is a Wound (2002) itself. The secondary data are some books and literatures related to the analysis such as from books or journals of injustice issues, from the internet and other relevant information to the analysis. The data are collected through library research. The result of the study shows that there are three types of injustice found in the novel. They are discrimination, subordination and violence


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    This research is concerned with the race discrimination in Tony Kushner’s movie script Lincoln. A story of four months of struggle of Lincoln and the Republican party and its supporters to pass the 13th amendment which formally abolished slavery in the United States passing the Senate on April 8, 1864, and the House on January 31, 1865 and approved by President Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865. The analysis focuses on the types of race discrimination: the direct and the indirect of race discrimination and the negative impacts of race discrimination adopted from Liliweri. This research used descriptive qualitative research. The one adopted in the research is proposed by Khotari and Bogdan Taylor. The finding shows that the direct race discrimination is an act of limiting a job based on race. It comes from black soldiers. There is also a tendency to discriminate between groups and beliefs with human law itself. The negative impacts of race discrimination are slavery and civil war. Furthermore, race discrimination also causes heavy casualties between whites and blacks by taking over place the territories of the minority


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    The purpose of the study is to carry out the democratic parenting in Tere Liye’s novel Si Anak Badai. The writer uses democratic parenting written by Istisaroh and Widyasari (2019). The indicator are: encouraging children to foster independent; being responsible and respect other people; and approaching to children gently. The study is qualitative research for it is about literary phenomena (Endraswara:2011). The indicators are served in Bapak, Mamak, and their two sons and a daughter. As parents, Bapak and Mamak applied democratic parenting. They encourage, and approach their children wisely. They teach their children how to be a good people by seeing some phenomena in their daily life so their children becomes a good role model for their friends

    Successive Refinement with Decoder Cooperation and its Channel Coding Duals

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    We study cooperation in multi terminal source coding models involving successive refinement. Specifically, we study the case of a single encoder and two decoders, where the encoder provides a common description to both the decoders and a private description to only one of the decoders. The decoders cooperate via cribbing, i.e., the decoder with access only to the common description is allowed to observe, in addition, a deterministic function of the reconstruction symbols produced by the other. We characterize the fundamental performance limits in the respective settings of non-causal, strictly-causal and causal cribbing. We use a new coding scheme, referred to as Forward Encoding and Block Markov Decoding, which is a variant of one recently used by Cuff and Zhao for coordination via implicit communication. Finally, we use the insight gained to introduce and solve some dual channel coding scenarios involving Multiple Access Channels with cribbing.Comment: 55 pages, 15 figures, 8 tables, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. A shorter version submitted to ISIT 201


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    Freshwater catfish culture has been hampered by bacterial diseases. One of the agents of the bacterial disease is Motile Aeromonas Septicemia (MAS). The application of synthetic antibiotics has had some disadvantages such as bacterial resistance and undegradable in water. One of the potential antibacterial herbs is Lantana camara. Information of Lantana as an antibacterial on catfish is still limited. Therefore, the experiment of utilization of Lantana as an antibacterial for catfish should be conducted. The experiment was carried out to evaluate the potential of Lantana extract as an antibacterial of A. hydrophila for catfish. The completely randomized design was applied consisting of four treatments using two parts of the plant, leaves and flowers. The treatments were: A = 1,000 ppm of leaves; B = 2,000 ppm of leaves; C = 1,000 ppm of flowers; D = 2,000 ppm of flowers), and control. Lantana extracts were diluted into each culture media which had been infected with A. hydrophila. Several factors were observed in this experiment such as prevalence with of MAS disease, survival rate, percentage of haematocrites and total of leukocytes of fish blood. The results showed that the fish treated with 2,000 ppm of flowers extract had a lower in prevalence of MAS disease and higher in survival rate than those treated with 1,000 ppm; 2,000 ppm of leaves; and 1,000 ppm of flowers, respectively. However, percentage of haematocrytes and total of leucocytes was not influenced by the extracts from different parts of Lantana plant. In conclusion, 2,000 ppm of Lantana flowers extract might be useful as an antibacterial of A. hydrophila for catfish culture
