309,038 research outputs found


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    Telah dibuat sebuah sistem pembayaran tol otomatis. Sistem ini memanfaatkan sensor RFID untuk mengidentifikasi kartu tol. Software sistem ini dibuat dengan menggunakan pemrograman Delphi 2010 dan database MySQL. Pembuatan software ini memanfaatkan protokol komunikasi serial sebagai penghubung antara software dengan hardwarenya. Software sistem ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian yang sangat penting, yaitu aplikasi pembayaran tol dan aplikasi isi ulang kredit tol. Aplikasi pembayaran berfungsi untuk mengoperasikan olah data transaksi pembayaran tol. Sedangkan aplikasi isi ulang kredit tol berfungsi untuk mengoperasikan transaksi isi ulang kredit yang bertujuan untuk menambah saldo. Kedua transaksi tersebut dilakukan dengan satu kartu tol. Antara aplikasi pembayaran dan aplikasi isi ulang kredit tol saling berhubungan untuk kepentingan akses data pada satu komputer server. Sarana untuk melakukan akses data tersebut adalah jaringan komunikasi Wi-Fi. Kata kunci : RFID, Delphi, database, komunikasi serial, Wi-F

    Kantor Operasional Trans MargaJateng Semarang Dengan Penekanan Desain Arsitektur Hi Tech

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    Di Indonesia, pertambahan jumlah kendaraan berkisar antara 8-12% per tahun, sedangkanpertambahan panjang jalan berkisar antara 2-5% per tahun dengan rata-rata jaringan jalan kota-kotadi Indonesia, kurang dari 4% dari total luas wilayah kota (www.hubdat.web.id). Apabila halini terjadi terus menerus, maka kota-kota besar di Indonesia akan mengalami kemacetan yangsemakin parah.Salah satu kota besar dengan kemacetan parah yaitu kota Semarang. Kota Semarang merupakan ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan luas wilayah 373,30km2serta dapat digolongkan sebagai kota metropolitan. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi kemacetan dan kepadatan jumlah kendaraan di kota Semarang, Pemerintah menyelenggarakan pembangunan infrastruktur jalan tol berdasarkan Peraturan Nomor 15 Tahun 2005 tentang jalan tol. Saat ini kota Semarang sudah mengandalkan jalan tol sebagai jalur transportasi antar daerah. Salah satunya yaitu jalan tol Semarang-Solo. Jalan tol Semarang-Solomenjadi salah satu skala prioritas pembangunan jalan tol oleh Pemerintah saat ini, telah sesuai dengan tata ruang terpadu yang disusun oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang diharapkan dapat mempercepat pengembangan wilayah tersebut.Jalan tol Semarang-Solodikelola oleh PT. Trans Marga Jateng (TMJ).Berdasarkan uraian di atas, dibutuhkan perencanaanGedung Kantor Operasional Jalan Tol Semarang-Solo sebagai fasilitas sarana atau wadah pihak PT. TMJ dalam mengelola, merencanakan, membangun, mengoperasikan dan memelihara jalan tol serta sarana kelengkapannya agar jalan tol dapat berfungsi sebagai jalan bebas hambatan yang memberikan manfaat lebih tinggi dari pada jalan umum bukan tol

    The tower of London (tol) in Italy. standardization of the tol test in an Italian population

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    Deficit in planning and problem-solving, affecting a wide range of neuropsychological patients, has been widely investigated using the Tower of London (ToL) test, as developed by Shallice (Philos Trans R Soc Lond Ser B Biol Sci 298:199-209, 1). The ToL taps on several executive functions (EF), such as planning, time for planning or rule breaks, which may be usefully indexed by different ToL measurements. However, in its original version, the different aspects involved in ToL are not evaluated in a specific way.Here, we report the standardization of the ToL, on 896 individuals aged 15-86 years, taking in account individual factors (i.e. gender, age, years of education) which may affect performances on ToL. We computed several indexes on the ToL including score, planning and execution times, perseverations, rule breaks and self-monitoring. We found that these indexes were affected by individual factors such as gender, age and education. Present results not only provide extensive normative data according to gender, as well as different age and education ranges, but also represent a very useful instrument for a more fine-grained diagnosis of EF deficits in a wide range of neuropsychological patients, including traumatic brain injury and brain-damaged patients, as well as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease patients

    Computing mean first exit times for stochastic processes using multi-level Monte Carlo

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    The multi-level approach developed by Giles (2008) can be used to estimate mean first exit times for stochastic differential equations, which are of interest in finance, physics and chemical kinetics. Multi-level improves the computational expense of standard Monte Carlo in this setting by an order of magnitude. More precisely, for a target accuracy of TOL, so that the root mean square error of the estimator is O(TOL), the O(TOL-4) cost of standard Monte Carlo can be reduced to O(TOL-3|log(TOL)|1/2) with a multi-level scheme. This result was established in Higham, Mao, Roj, Song, and Yin (2013), and illustrated on some scalar examples. Here, we briefly overview the algorithm and present some new computational results in higher dimensions

    The He abundance in the metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxies Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65

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    We present high-quality Keck telescope spectroscopic observations of the two metal-deficient blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65. These data are used to derive the heavy-element and helium abundances. We find that the oxygen abundances in Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65 are the same, 12+logO/H=7.54+/-0.01, or Zsun/24, despite the different ionization conditions in these galaxies. The nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratio in both galaxies is logN/O=-1.64+/-0.02 and lies in the narrow range found for the other most metal-deficient BCDs. We use the five strongest HeI emission lines 3889, 4471, 5876, 6678 and 7065, to correct self-consistently their intensities for collisional and fluorescent enhancement mechanisms and to derive the He abundance. Underlying stellar absorption is found to be important for the HeI 4471 emission line in both galaxies, being larger in Tol 65. The weighted He mass fractions in Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65 are respectively Y=0.2458+/-0.0039 and 0.2410+/-0.0050 when the three HeI emission lines, 4471, 5876 and 6678, are used, and are, respectively, 0.2466+/-0.0043 and 0.2463+/-0.0057 when the HeI 4471 emission line is excluded. These values are in very good agreement with recent measurements of the He mass fraction in others of the most metal-deficient BCDs by Izotov and coworkers. We find that the combined effect of the systematic uncertainties due to the underlying HeI stellar absorption lines, ionization and temperature structure of the HII region and collisional excitation of the hydrogen emission lines is likely small, not exceeding ~2% (the error is 2sigma). Our results support the validity of the standard big bang model of nucleosynthesis.Comment: 22 pages, 3 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Developmental toxic effects of ethylbenzene or toluene alone and in combination with butyl acetate in rats after inhalation exposure

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    First, the developmental toxic potential of n-butyl acetate (BA) was examined in Sprague-Dawley rats following whole body inhalation exposure, 6 h day-1, from day 6 to 20 of gestation, at concentrations of 0, 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm. Maternal toxicity was evidenced by significant decreases in body weight gain at 2000 and 3000 ppm, and by reduced food consumption at 1000 ppm and higher concentrations. The effects on prenatal development were limited to a significant decrease in fetal weight at 3000 ppm. Thus, inhaled BA was not a selective developmental toxicant. In the second part of this study, the developmental toxic effects of simultaneous exposures to ethylbenzene (EB) and BA, or to toluene (TOL) and BA were evaluated. Pregnant rats were administered EB (0, 250 or 1000 ppm) and BA (0, 500 or 1500 ppm), or TOL (0, 500 or 1500 ppm) and BA (0, 500, 1500 ppm), separately and in combinations, using a 2 × 2 factorial design. The maternal weight gain was reduced after exposure to 1000 ppm EB, to 1500 ppm BA, or to 1500 ppm TOL, either alone or in binary combinations. A significant reduction of fetal weight was associated with exposure to 1000 ppm EB alone, to either mixtures of EB with BA, or to 1500 ppm TOL alone or combined with BA at either concentration. No embryolethal or teratogenic effects were observed whatever the exposure. There was no evidence of interaction between EB and BA or between TOL and BA in causing maternal or developmental effects. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Extended Tidal Structure In Two Lyman Alpha-Emitting Starburst Galaxies

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    We present new VLA C-configuration HI imaging of the Lyman Alpha-emitting starburst galaxies Tol 1924-416 and IRAS 08339+6517. The effective resolution probes neutral gas structures larger than 4.7 kpc in Tol 1924-416, and larger than 8.1 kpc in IRAS 08339+6517. Both systems are revealed to be tidally interacting: Tol 1924-416 with ESO 338-IG04B (6.6 arcminutes = 72 kpc minimum separation), and IRAS 08339+6517 with 2MASX J08380769+6508579 (2.4 arcminutes = 56 kpc minimum separation). The HI emission is extended in these systems, with tidal tails and debris between the target galaxies and their companions. Since Lyman Alpha emission has been detected from both of these primary systems, these observations suggest that the geometry of the ISM is one of the factors affecting the escape fraction of Lyman Alpha emission from starburst environments. Furthermore, these observations argue for the importance of interactions in triggering massive star formation events.Comment: ApJ, in press; 11 pages, 2 color figure
