409 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Incidental Neuroimaging Abnormalities in New Primary Headache Patients

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    Background and purpose: Deciding whether or not to perform neuroimaging in primary headache is a dilemma for headache physicians. The aim of this study was to identify clinical predictors of incidental neuroimaging abnormalities in new patients with primary headache disorders. Methods: This cross-sectional study was based on a prospective multicenter headache registry, and it classified 1,627 consecutive first-visit headache patients according to the third edition (beta version) of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3β). Primary headache patients who underwent neuroimaging were finally enrolled in the analysis. Serious intracranial pathology was defined as serious neuroimaging abnormalities with a high degree of medical urgency. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify factors associated with incidental neuroimaging abnormalities. Results: Neuroimaging abnormalities were present in 170 (18.3%) of 927 eligible patients. In multivariable analysis, age ≥40 years [multivariable-adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=3.37, 95% CI=2.07-6.83], male sex (aOR=1.61, 95% CI=1.12-2.32), and age ≥50 years at headache onset (aOR=1.86, 95% CI=1.24-2.78) were associated with neuroimaging abnormalities. In univariable analyses, age ≥40 years was the only independent variable associated with serious neuroimaging abnormalities (OR=3.37, 95% CI=1.17-9.66), which were found in 34 patients (3.6%). These associations did not change after further adjustment for neuroimaging modality. Conclusions: Incidental neuroimaging abnormalities were common and varied in a primary headache diagnosis. A small proportion of the patients incidentally had serious neuroimaging abnormalities, and they were predicted by age ≥40 years. These findings can be used to guide the performing of neuroimaging in primary headache disorders.ope

    A Dataset of Relighted 3D Interacting Hands

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    The two-hand interaction is one of the most challenging signals to analyze due to the self-similarity, complicated articulations, and occlusions of hands. Although several datasets have been proposed for the two-hand interaction analysis, all of them do not achieve 1) diverse and realistic image appearances and 2) diverse and large-scale groundtruth (GT) 3D poses at the same time. In this work, we propose Re:InterHand, a dataset of relighted 3D interacting hands that achieve the two goals. To this end, we employ a state-of-the-art hand relighting network with our accurately tracked two-hand 3D poses. We compare our Re:InterHand with existing 3D interacting hands datasets and show the benefit of it. Our Re:InterHand is available in https://mks0601.github.io/ReInterHand/.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2023 (Datasets and Benchmarks Track

    Clinical features of chronic cluster headache based on the third edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders: A prospective multicentre study

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    The criterion for the remission period of chronic cluster headache (CCH) was recently revised from < 1 month to < 3 months in the third edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3). However, information on the clinical features of CCH based on the ICHD-3 criteria is currently limited. The present study aimed to investigate the clinical features of CCH based on ICHD-3 using data from the Korean Cluster Headache Registry (KCHR). The KCHR is a multicentre prospective registry of patients with cluster headache (CH) from 15 hospitals. Among the 250 participants with CH, 12 and 176 participants were classified as having CCH and episodic cluster headache (ECH), respectively. Among 12 participants with CCH, 6 (50%) had remission periods of < 1 month, and the remaining 6 (50%) had a remission period of 1-3 months. Six participants had CCH from the time of onset of CH, and in the other 6 participants, CCH evolved from ECH. CCH subjects had later age of onset of CH, developed the condition after a longer interval after CH onset, and had more migraine and less nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea than ECH subjects. Clinical features of CCH with remission periods < 1 month were not significantly different from those of CCH with remission periods of 1-3 months, except for the total number of bouts. More current smoking and less diurnal rhythmicity were observed in participants with CCH evolved from ECH compared to those with ECH. In conclusion, the number of subjects with CCH doubled when the revised ICHD-3 criteria were used. Most of clinical characteristics of CCH did not differ when the previous and current version of ICHD was applied and compared. Some clinical features of CCH were different from those of ECH, and smoking may have a role in CH chronification.ope

    Continuous Facial Motion Deblurring

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    We introduce a novel framework for continuous facial motion deblurring that restores the continuous sharp moment latent in a single motion-blurred face image via a moment control factor. Although a motion-blurred image is the accumulated signal of continuous sharp moments during the exposure time, most existing single image deblurring approaches aim to restore a fixed number of frames using multiple networks and training stages. To address this problem, we propose a continuous facial motion deblurring network based on GAN (CFMD-GAN), which is a novel framework for restoring the continuous moment latent in a single motion-blurred face image with a single network and a single training stage. To stabilize the network training, we train the generator to restore continuous moments in the order determined by our facial motion-based reordering process (FMR) utilizing domain-specific knowledge of the face. Moreover, we propose an auxiliary regressor that helps our generator produce more accurate images by estimating continuous sharp moments. Furthermore, we introduce a control-adaptive (ContAda) block that performs spatially deformable convolution and channel-wise attention as a function of the control factor. Extensive experiments on the 300VW datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework generates a various number of continuous output frames by varying the moment control factor. Compared with the recent single-to-single image deblurring networks trained with the same 300VW training set, the proposed method show the superior performance in restoring the central sharp frame in terms of perceptual metrics, including LPIPS, FID and Arcface identity distance. The proposed method outperforms the existing single-to-video deblurring method for both qualitative and quantitative comparisons

    The Avant-garde and Resident Korean Film-making: Kim Sujin and the Shinjuku Ryozanpaku

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    The plays and films of Kim Sujin (1954– ) and his company Shinjuku Ryozanpaku attest to the variety of styles employed in recent works by resident Korean artists in Japanese literature and theatre. The appearance of his plays and films is connected to the changing identities of resident Koreans, especially since the 1980s. Kim makes use of political theatre performances of the earlier period to magnify and to remake into art the experiences of resident Koreans in Japan. As such, his works mobilize the legacy of his antecedents in Japanese theatre as well as the past experiences of resident Koreans. Instead of enacting an essential Korean ethnicity or culture onstage or through films, Kim inclines toward denoting migration, hybridity and being situated as betwixt and between. By doing so, his works depict the distinct niche occupied by resident Koreans in Japan, which distinguishes them from both the Koreans on the mainland and the Japanese

    Smoking History and Clinical Features of Cluster Headache: Results from the Korean Cluster Headache Registry

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    Background and purpose: Epidemiologic data suggest that cluster headache (CH) is significantly associated with cigarette smoking. The aim of this study was to determine differences in features between patients with a smoking history and those who are never-smokers, using data from a prospective multicenter registry. Methods: Data used in this study were obtained from the Korean Cluster Headache Registry that collected data from consecutive patients diagnosed with CH. We compared clinical and demographic features between ever-smokers (current or former smokers) and never-smokers. Results: This study enrolled 250 patients who were diagnosed with CH, of which 152 (60.8%) were ever-smokers and 98 (39.2%) were never-smokers. The age at CH onset was significantly lower in the never-smoker group than in the ever-smoker group [27.1±12.9 years vs. 30.6±10.9 years (mean±standard deviation), p=0.024]. Seasonal rhythmicity (58.1% vs. 44.7%, p=0.038) and triptan responsiveness (100% vs. 85.1%, p=0.001) were higher in never-smokers, while other clinical features such as pain severity, duration, attack frequency, and associated autonomic symptoms did not differ significantly between the groups. The male-to-female ratio was markedly higher in ever-smokers (29.4:1) than in never-smokers (1.7:1). Conclusions: Most of the clinical features did not differ significantly between patients with a smoking history and never-smokers. However, the age at CH onset, sex ratio, and seasonal rhythmicity were significantly associated with smoking history.ope

    Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX Followed by Pancreatoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Cancer in Patients with Previous Transhiatal Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer

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    During pancreaticoduodenectomy after transhiatal esophagectomy, the preservation of the blood supply to the gastric conduit is technically difficult due to adhesion. Here, we present a case of successful pancreaticoduodenectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in a patient with pancreatic head cancer who previously underwent subtotal esophagectomy with gastric reconstruction for esophageal cancer. A 69-year-old man who had undergone cholecystectomy 20 years prior and transhiatal esophagectomy 6 years prior for esophageal cancer presented to our hospital for indigestion. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 2.8-cm pancreatic head cancer, with focal abutment with the gastroduodenal artery, right gastroepiploic artery, and right colic vein. After discussion with the multidisciplinary team, the patient underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy with six cycles of FOFIRINOX. The patient successfully underwent pancreatectomy, which preserved the pylorus. We preserved the gap between the gastric tube and the left lateral segment of the liver to avoid injuring the right gastric artery and vein. The tumor was found to be invading the gastroduodenal artery; thus, we performed R0 resection of the gastroduodenal artery and an end-to-end anastomosis between the gastroduodenal artery and the right gastroepiploic artery. After completing the surgical procedure, we added Braun anastomosis to reduce the incidence of delayed gastric emptying. Pancreaticoduodenectomy after transhiatal esophagectomy can be performed with preservation of the blood supply to the neogastric tube by reconstructing the major vessels, even in cases in which the tumor is invading or abutting the major vessels.ope

    Sääriamputoitujen henkilöiden kokemuksia aavesäryistä ja niiden hoitomuodoista

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää sääriamputoitujen henkilöiden kokemuksia aavesäryistä sekä niiden hoitomuodoista. Opinnäytetyötä varten toteutettiin kolme teemahaastattelua, jotka noudattivat laadullisen tutkimuksen periaatteita. Haastateltavat valittiin yhteistyössä Haltija Group Oy:n kanssa ja haastattelut toteutettiin heidän toimitiloissaan. Teoreettinen viitekehys perustui aavesärkyjä ja niiden hoitoja käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin. Aavesärkyjen esiintyvyys henkilöillä, joilla on amputaatio, on suurta, ja ne vaikuttavat merkittävästi elämänlaatuun. Erilaisia hoitomuotoja on runsaasti, mutta vain pientä osaa niistä on tutkittu. Yhtä kaikille toimivaa hoitomuotoa ei ole, jonka vuoksi aihetta olisi tärkeää tutkia lisää. Aavesärkyjen mekanismien parempi tunteminen voisi edesauttaa oikean hoitomuodon löytämistä. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään sääriamputaatioita sekä määritellään aavesärkyjen, aavetuntemusten ja tynkäsärkyjen erot. Lisäksi perehdymme neljään eri hoitomuotoon, jotka ovat peiliterapia, TENS, lääkehoito ja vaihtoehtoiset hoidot. Vaihtoehtoisiin hoitomuotoihin kuuluvat akupunktio ja jooga. Teemahaastatteluiden kolme pääaihetta olivat aika ennen amputaatiota, amputaation jälkeen jääneet kivut sekä aavesärkyihin annetut hoidot. Haastatteluiden tulokset ja teoriassa esitetyt tutkimustulokset eivät täysin kohdanneet. Esimerkiksi peiliterapia ja TENS on tutkitusti todettu tehokkaiksi hoitomuodoiksi, mutta haastateltavat eivät kokeneet näistä olevan hyötyä. Jatkossa olisi hyvä perehtyä paremmin aavesärkyjen syntyyn tarkemmin, jotta niiden hoitoa voitaisiin kehittää. Aavesärkyihin ei ole olemassa hoitosuosituksia, joten niiden laatiminen helpottaisi kuntoutumista. Opinnäytetyö on suunnattu kuntoutusalan ammattilaisille, alan opiskelijoille sekä aavesäryistä kärsiville henkilöille.The purpose of this Bachelor’s Thesis was to find out experiences of phantom limb pain and different treatments in transtibial amputees. For the Thesis we implemented three theme interviews that followed principles of qualitative research. The interviewees were selected with Haltija which is a Finnish Assistive Technology Company and interviews were performed in their office. The theory is based on researches of phantom limb pain and its treatment. The incidence of phantom limb pain is high with amputees and it affects their quality of life. There are many different treatments for phantom limb pain but only few of them are well known. There is not one treatment that suits everyone and therefore there should be more studies on the subject. Better knowledge of mechanisms of phantom limb pain would help to find better options for treatments. In the Bachelor’s Thesis we go through transtibial amputations and define the differences between phantom limb pain, phantom limb sensation and stump pain. In addition, we take a look at four different treatments for phantom limb pain: mirror therapy, TENS, pharmacological treatment and optional treatment which includes acupuncture and yoga. In the theme interviews we had three main subjects that were time before amputation, the pain after amputation and the treatments for phantom limb pain. The results of the interviews and theory did not match fully. For example mirror therapy and TENS had no effect on our interviewees even though they are known to be effective treatments. In the future it would be useful to know the origin of phantom limb pain so their treatments could be improved. There are no treatment recommendations for phantom limb pain that could help rehabilitation. This study can be utilized by professionals and students of rehabilitation and for persons who suffer phantom limb pain