95,161 research outputs found

    Bounds On Anomalous Magnetic And Electric Moments Of Tau Lepton From LEP And Lepton Flavor Violation

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    The most stringent bounds on the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the tau lepton was derived by Escribano and Mass\'{o}[6] from the Z width at LEP in an effective lagrangian approach to the new physics. In this paper we point out that the higher dimensional operators introduced by Escribano and Mass\'{o} not only modify the neutral currents of the tau lepton to Z gauge boson and the photon, but also induce lepton flavor violation (LFV). The size of the LFV effect depends crucially on the dynamics of the lepton mass generation. Assuming the lepton mass matrices in the form of an Fritzsch ansatz, we point out that the experimental limit on μeγ\mu \to e \gamma will push the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the tau lepton down to 101110^{-11} and 1025ecm10^{-25} e cm respectively.Comment: 6 pages, latex, no figure

    El escribano Melchor de Ezcurdia. Gaztelu, Gipuzkoa, 1794 - Tolosa, 1864

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    Con el título El escribano Melchor de Ezcurdia. Gaztelu (Gipuzkoa), 1794-Tolosa, 1864, el libro traza la vida de un escribano guipuzcoano de larga trayectoria, deteniéndose en el litigio que sostuvo para su reconocimiento como vecino concejante de la villa tolosarra previa acreditación de su "limpieza de sangre". El libro está ilustrado por Rafael Munoa.El escribano Melchor de Ezcurdia. Gaztelu (Gipuzkoa), 1794-Tolosa, 1864 izenburuko liburuak jardunbide luzeko gipuzkoar eskribau baten bizitza kontatzen digu. Liburuak luze aipatzen du eskribau horrek Tolosako hauteslegaitzat ezagutu zezaten izan zuen auzia, aldez aurretik bere "odol garbitasuna" egiaztatu behar izan zuela. Rafael Munoak irudiztatu du liburua.Sous le titre El escribano Melchor de Ezcurdia. Gaztelu (Gipuzkoa), 1794-Tolosa, 1864, le livre retrace la vie d'un greffier de Guipuzcoa ayant une longue trajectoire, s'attardant sur le litige qu'il soutint pour être reconnu en tant que voisin conseiller de la ville de Tolosa avec la preuve de sa « pureté de sang ». Le livre est illustré par Rafael Munoa.With the title El escribano Melchor de Ezcurdia. Gaztelu (Gipuzkoa), 1794-Tolosa, 1864, [The scribe Melchor de Ezcurdia. Gaztelu (Gipuzkoa) 1794-Tolosa, 1864] the book follows the life of a long-standing Gipuzkoan scribe, focusing on the litigation he had to go through to be recognised as a council neighbour in Tolosa after having to prove his "blood cleanliness". The book is illustrated by Rafael Munoa

    Purificación Escribano

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    Purificación Escriban

    El programa lingüístic del «no»-nacionalisme espanyol

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    L'extensa ressenya de Daniel Escribano desmunta, punt per punt, els discursos que conté aquest volum a propòsit de les polítiques lingüístiques de l'Estat espanyol (únicament les no estatals), posa en entredit la validesa científica de les asseveracions que s'hi troba i evidencia les nombroses incongruències i contradiccions de cada col·laborador. Per Escribano, el llibre, pretesament científic, no passa de ser el "programa lingüístic oficiós del PP"

    A preliminary analysis of eta' -> eta pi pi in chiral theories

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    Preliminary results for the Dalitz plot distribution of ηηππ\eta^\prime\to\eta\pi\pi decays in the frameworks of Large-NcN_c Chiral Perturbation Theory and Resonance Chiral Theory are given. We hope our results to be of some relevance for the present and forthcoming analysis of these decays at GAMS, CLEO, VES, KLOE-2, Crystal Ball, Crystal Barrel, WASA, and BES-III.Comment: 5 pages, uses aipproc style. Talk presented at the XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (HADRON09), Florida State University (Tallahassee), USA, 29.11-4.12.200

    Carbon footprint in dehesa agroforestry systems

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