12,098 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Indonesia harus mengembangkan sektor agroindustri. Hal ini karena pendapatan negara dari sektor minyak dan gas mengalami penurunan. Perkembangan dalam bidang agroindustri secara pasti dapat meningkatkan jumlah dan kualitas produk agroindsutri. Namun, sejumlah limbah proses produksi yang tidak diinginkan jugs akan terbentuk. Sebagai contoh adalah terbentuknya limbah cangkang udang pada proses produksi udang segar bersih. Limbah cangkang udang telah terbukti sebagai material yang tidak ramah Lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, teknologi untuk mengubah limbah menjadi bahan lain yang lebih bermanfaat harus ditemukan. Penelitian untuk mengembangkan teknologi mengubah limbah cangkang udang menjadi kitin telah dapat ditemukan pada beberapa pustaka. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa limbah cangkang udang sangat potensial untuk pembuatan kitin. Namun, sampai saat ini proses alir yang lengkap untuk memproduksi kitin dart limbah cangkang udang belum ads. Suatu studi lebih mendalam telah dilakukan untuk merancang diagram alir lengkap proses produksi kitin dart limbah cangkang udang. HMO rancangan disampaikan dalam makalah ini. Produk kitin kasar diproduksi dart limbah cangkang udang dengan proses deproteinasi, dan kitin kualitas tinggi diproduksi dart kitin kualitas kasar dengan proses demineralisasi


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    Sejak tahun 80-an telah terjadi peningkatan kebutuhan energi, khususnya untuk bahan bakar mesin diesel. Di sisi lain cadangan minyak yang dimiliki Indonesia semakin terbatas karena merupakan produk yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan upaya untuk mencari bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat diperbaharui dan ramah lingkungan. Salah satu energi alternatif adalah biodiesel. Indonesia sebagai negara penghasil minyak nabati terbesar dunia, juga sebagai negara penghasil CPO terbesar dunia mempunyai peluang untuk menghasilkan bahan bakar biodiesel. Dengan asumsi gliserol yang dihasilkan sebesar 12% dari produksi biodiesel, maka pada tahun 2011 nanti akan diperoleh gliserol sebagai hasil samping industri biodiesel sebesar 5.400 kL/hari atau 1.750.000 ton/tahun. Produk samping gliserol yang dihasilkan memerlukan alternatif penanganan segera sehingga tidak menjadi limbah yang mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu solusinya adalah mengolah gliserol menjadi poliglisidil nitrat (PGN). Hasil samping gliserol dari industri biodiesel yang melimpah ini bisa dinitrasi menghasilkan 1,3 dinitro gliserol. Jika direaksikan dengan natrium hidroksida 30% berlebih, 1,3 dinitrogliserol menjadi glisidil nitrat. Reaksi polimerisasi kation glisidil nitrat dengan katalis asam Lewis menghasilkan poliglisidil nitrat. Poliglisidil nitrat adalah bahan untuk binder propelan dan bahan peledak. Pembuatan poliglisidil nitrat dapat dilakukan secara batch maupun secara kontinyu. Proses batch memerlukan reaktor dan alat pemisah berupa dekanter, filter atau evaporator . Sedangkan komponen peralatan untuk proses kontinyu adalah reaktor nitrasi, reaktor siklikasi, dekanter dan reaktor polimerisasi. Ilmu-ilmu yang mendasari keteknikan di Indonesia mampu menganalisis dan mengeksploitasi reaksi-reaksi dasar untuk membuat poli glisidil nitrat, sehingga industri poliglisidil nitrat sangat berpotensi untuk dibangun di Indonesia. Perancangan pabrik poliglisidil nitrat memerlukan informasi teknik tentang reaksi gliserol menjadi poliglisidil nitrat. Untuk mendapatkan informasi-informasi tersebut perlu dilakukan eksperimen skala laboratorium. Oleh karena itu untuk mempersiapkan perancangan pabrik poli glisidil nitrat, diperlukan segera penelitian untuk mempelajari mekanisme reaksi gliserol menjadi poliglisidil nitrat dan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimum pembuatan poliglisidil nitrat dari gliserol. Saat ini sedang berlangsung penelitian tentang poliglisidil nitrat di Universitas Gadjah Mada

    Kinetic Modelling of Nitration of Glycerol: Three Controlling Reactions Model

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    In the present study, a kinetic model of nitration between glycerol and nitric acid was developed. The presented model describes three controlling reactions model used elementary reactions consisting of three reversible reactions. The model utilizes first order reaction according to each reactant. The nitration of glycerol was modelled by fitting the kinetic model with 6 parameters, the rate constant at an average temperature and the activation energy. The reaction rate is assumed to be governed by three reactions, i.e. the formation of MNG, the formation of DNG and the formation of TNG. The aim of this work is compare two models: seven controlling reactions model and three controlling reactions model. Two models have the similar trend. The three controlling reactions model gives better fit than seven controlling reactions model. The accuracy of three controlling reactions model is higher. The advantage of the seven controlling reactions model is this model can predict all products of nitration. So this model can be used at preliminary design plant. Three controlling reactions model can be used at next step, as design of reactor

    Separation of Lithium Ion from Lithium-Cobalt Mixture using Electrodialysis Monovalent Membrane

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    Electrodialysis is a separation process which ions are transported through semi permeable membranes under an influence of electric potential. In this research, electrodialysis using monovalent ion exchange membranes was applied to separate lithium ions from mixtures of lithium-cobalt aqueous solution. The study aims to examine factors that affect the performances of electrodialysis monovalent membrane, such as applied voltage, flow rate and the concentration of cobalt as co-ion. The research was conducted using electrodialysis PC cell BED 64004, monovalent cation exchange membrane (PC-MVK) and  monovalent anion exchange membrane (PC-MVA) produced by PCA-PolymerchemicAltmeier, GmbH, Heusweiler, Germany. The effect of applied voltage was studied by varying the voltage in the range of 1 ‑ 4 volt/cell volt. The effects of flow rate and initial concentration of ion were studied by changing the flow rate (10, 15, and 20 L/h) and varying the ratio of initial concentration between Li and Co ions (100 - 100, 100 - 400, and 100 - 500 mg/L). The results exhibited that the highest separation capacity of lithium (99.40%) was obtained when using the optimum applied voltage of 2 volt/cell. Low energy consumption would be obtained when using a low voltage for the process separation. The optimum flow rate for the lithium separation using electrodialysis monovalent membrane in this research was 15 L/h. The greater flow rate reduced the current efficiency and increased the energy consumption. When the concentration of cobalt were increased in the range of 100 - 500 mg/L, the results indicated a decrease of current efficiency but an increase of energy consumption showing the influence of concentration of cobalt to transportation of lithium ions and selectivity of monovalent membrane


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    The double-pass solar coiliaor wilh porous media in lhe lower clnnnel provides a higher oullet tenrperqhtre compared to conventional single-pass collec,tor. Therefore, the thermal eficiency of the solar collector is higher. The solar colledor can be used for wide variety of applications such as solar induslrial process heal qnd solar drying of agricultural procfucts. A theoretical model has been developed for the double-pass solar colle<:tor. An experimental setup has been designed and construcled. Comparison ofthe theoretical and the experimenlal resulls have bee,'t conducted. Such comparisons include the outlets tentperatnres and thennal eficiencies of lhe solar colleclorforvqrious desigtt and operating conclilions. Close agreement has been obtained behveen lhe theorelical a tt d exp er i men ta I resu I t s

    Analisis Akulturasi Kebudayaan antara Masyarakat Transmigran dengan Masyarakat Lokal

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    The objective of this research was to know the Acculturation of Culture between Transmigrant Communities with Local Communities in Desa Tunggal Bhakti Kecamatan Kembayan Kabupaten Sanggau. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method. The techniques of data collection observation, interviews, and documentation. The research instruments were the directive of observation, directive of interview, and the documentation tools. The research showed the Acculturation in the form of social organization has been mixed, because social organization carries the name of an ethnic but its membership has mixed up. Caused by several factors namely marriage, inheritance of membership and religion.Acculturation in the form of livelihood in the form of livelihood change, job change and cooperation among tribes. Changes in the system of the shift of the Dayak agricultural system from cultivation of dry field to wet field, changes in the work of the Javanese became better and can be rubber gardening, and inter-tribal cooperation on the activities pengarih or sambetan. Acculturation Language in the form of Javanese language blend Dayak people can speak Java and vice vers. Acculturation of Arts in the form of participation and enthusiasm of citizens towards Javanese arts (Kuda lumping) and the original art of Dayak tribe (Tari Perang


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    This study discusses the transformation of the form of the Rimbi Temple into batik motifs as a medium of local cultural education and also discusses the identity that exists in batik motifs as a local cultural education in Jombang Regency. This research uses a qualitative a descriptive-analytical method. Primary data obtained from direct observation and study of documentation related to the Rimbi Temple. Next, the data were analyzed using a historical approach and shape transformation to dissect about shape transformation, symbol analysis, and the identity therein. The results showed that the figurative transformation of the natural forms of the Rimbi Temple was triggered by the ecological state of the natural spaces and the phenomenon of the people of Jombang Regency. The process of transforming the natural form of the Rimbi Temple into an associative batik motif was demonstrated by considering the harmonization of all elements of the existing composition both the Rimbi Temple and the people of Jombang Regency. The form of batik motifs provides an educative element of local culture from the symbolization of the elements that exist in batik motifs that have symbolic strength so that they can explain imaginatively about the culture of Jombang Regency. In addition, symbols in motifs as symbolic associations provide aesthetic experience for the wearer and the audience who are able to provide memories and interpretations of the Rimbi Temple and Jombang Regency
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