33 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Arus Dan Tegangan Plasma Terhadap Degradasi Parameter Limbah Cair Kelapa Sawit

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    Plasma technology is formed by discharge current in the air which produce ionized gas that positive and negative charged. It has a smaller potential energy than kinetic energy among the ion particles. Kinetic energy of ions which large enough will emerge measured plasma flow. This plasma flows proved the capability of degrading liquid waste oil palm indicated by oxidation in the liquid waste that increase after degraded and reduced the value of the electrical conductivity in the liquid waste after degraded. Base on the correlation between the effects of changes in the plasma flows toward Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) and EC (Electrical Conductivity) is greater than 90 %

    Studi Polimerisasi Ester dari Asam Lemak Sawit Distilat (ALSD) Menggunakan Inisiator Benzoil Peroksida 0,4 %

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    Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) is a byproduct from palm oil processing industry that used as raw material for synthesis polyester based vegetable oil. The purpose of the research is to study polymerization reaction of ester from PFAD using inisiator benzoyl peroxide 0,4%. There are three step reaction in this research that was esterification, polymerization, and polyesterification. The esterification stage was done at temperature 70oC, reaction time 2 hours, reactant ratio 1:8 (ALSD : metanol), and concentration catalyst H2SO4 1% (w/w) ALSD. Polymerization stage was done at variation of temperature 120, 130, and 140oC and variation reaction time 3, 4, and 5 hours using initiator benzoyl peroxide 0,4% (w/w) methyl ester. Polyesterification stage was done at temperature 175-200oC, reaction time 4 hours, and ratio reactant 1:1 (polymerized methyl ester : ethylene glikol). Product was analyzed by using FT-IR, GC-MS, and viscosity. The result of FT-IR showed that vinyl group was presence who indicated double bonding was presence and polymerization was not occur. The result of GC-MS showed there had no change of molecular weight. And product with temperature 130oC and reaction time 5 hours has higher viscosity value

    Pemanfaatan Bahan Limbah Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Pada Campuran Beton K-225

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    Fly Ash is a waste material from coal burning at thermal power plant. Power Plant Sijantang produces ± 600 tons per day and it is an environmental problem in the area. In this study, the waste fly ash substituted into concrete K-225 or fc'=19.04 MPa amounted to 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. Results optimum compressive strength at 5% substitution. After that the additive is added Sikamen NN 0.3%, 1.3% and 2.3%.The addition of 2.3% additive produces compressive strength of 298.59 kg / cm2 very much required at 225 kg / cm2. On the addition of additive 0.3% age 28 day compressive strength of 279.19 kg / cm2, the larger the required amount of 225 kg / cm2. Without the addition of additive, compressive strength of 218.35 kg / cm2, less than the required amount of 225 kg / cm2. So for concrete K-225, mix with the substitution of 5% and 0.3% addition of additives can be used as a standardmixture


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    Dye waste that contains synthetic dyes like Direct Black 38, Remazol Yellow FG, and Reactive Red 2 in high concentration, is the main source of water pollution which can decrease the quality and ecosystem of water due to its difficult degradation properties. Physical and chemical adsorption method using adsorbent like activated carbon-chitosan composites can be carried out to decrease the concentration of dye waste. The purpose of this research is to find out the adsorption capacity of activated carbon-chitosan composites on Remazol Yellow FG dye waste using fixed bed column continuous system. The composites were made by adding 1:1 of the activated carbon into chitosan solution and then dropping it into the 15% NaOH-96% Ethanol in 4:1 v/v as the coagulant. Then, composites were used to adsorb the dye waste in order to find out the adsorption capacity. Next, samples were analyzed using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The results showed the optimum point was on 8 mL/min flow rate. The best adsorpstion capacity of 1.21781 mg/g was obtained in Thomas and Yoon-Nelson’s Models

    Padang Halal Tourism: Studi Kasus Terhadap City Branding Pada Pusat Perdagangan Kota Padang

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    Since West Sumatra established itself as the world's best halal tourist destination at the World Halal Tourism Award 2016, Padang City is automatically synonymous with the city of "Halal Tourism". The victory in the category of Worlds Best Halal Culinary Destination and World's Best Halal Destination motivated the Padang City Government and all stakeholders to build awareness that the time for tourism in the City of Padang was to rise up and be aligned with other regions in Indonesia. But the fundamental problem faced in the development of Padang City tourism is the non-specificity of the Padang City city branding with the cities and regencies in West Sumatra. Case studies reveal, that the pattern and concept of city branding halal tourism has not been created yet, there is no guarantee that Padang City holds the main principles and conditions for halal tourism even though the population is predominantly Muslim. Important factors for Muslim tourists may also be partly accommodated, such as halal labels, worship facilities and halal services. Padang must be more consistent in the selection of city branding and conducting socialization and promotion on an ongoing basis

    Daya Antibakteri Ekstrak Kulit Buah Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) sebagai Alternatif Bahan Irigasi Saluran Akar terhadap Streptococcus viridans

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    Streptococcus viridans is a Gram-positive facultative anaerobe that most commonly found in infected root canals. The biomechanical preparation of root canal treatment requires root canal irrigation as it functions not only used to cleanser but also antibacterial agent. NaOCl 2,5% is the most commonly used Endodontic irrigant, however it is still considered to have several disadvantages. Cocoa pod shell (Theobroma cacao L.) are industrial plantation waste which has a source of antibacterial compounds that expected to be an alternative to substitute NaOCl’s drawbacks. This study aim to examine the antibacterial effectiveness of cocoa pod shell extract against S.viridans. The research is posttest only group control design and the method use broth dilution to examine the antibacterial effectiveness. The results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Levene's test showed that data set which exhibited both non-normally distributed and non-homogeneous, continued with the nonparametric test using the Kruskal-wallis test, it was found that p <0.5 meant there were significantly differences between all study groups. 25%; 12,5%; 6,25%; 3,125%; 1,56%; 0,78% concentration of cocoa pod shell extract has antibacterial activity against S.viridans. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration to against S.viridans is cocoa pod shell extract concentration 0,78%. Cocoa pod shell extract concentration 12,5% and 25% equal to NaOCL 2,5%


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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti yang berjudul Strategi Penguatan City Branding Berbasis Produk Lokal “Gambo” Di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin dengan menggunakan teori city branding dari Rangkuti (2002). Berdasarkan hasil analisis peneliti, maka dapat disimpulkan dalam upaya penguatan city branding berbasis produk lokal gambo di kabupaten muba sudah sangat baik, baik dari dinas maupun pemerintah kabupaten terus menciptakan inovasi, dari yang peneliti amati sejauh ini, jumputan gambo ini sudah bisa di akui sebagai produk unggulan baik di dalam kabupaten maupun nasional bahkan terus terlibat dalam event eventbesar dengan tujuan mengikuti model dan penjualan serta pemasaran yang ada saat ini, namun yang masih menjadi catatan besar bagi pemerintah kabupaten untuk lebih mensejahterakan lagi petani gambir guna mecegah kepunahan gambir dan sdmnya itu sendiri Strategi Penguatan City Branding ini dapat dikatakan baik. Dikarenakan tiga dari indikator tersebut menghasilkan bahwa penguatan city branding yang di nilai berhasil

    Kinerja Soil Stabilizer Polymer Termoset Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Sifat Mekanis Tanah Pasir sebagai Material Jalan

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    Soil stabilizer polymer hasil campuran lateks polyester tak jenuh Yukalac 157 BQTN-EX dengan lateks pekat karet alam (LPKA),  disebut soil stabilizer termoset (SSTS). Campuran ini homogen pada perbandingan 90/10 dan stabil hingga hari ke 28 penyimpanan, dapat digunakan sebagai perekat tanah pasir untuk meningkatkan sifat kekuatannya. Melalui berinteraksi gugus polar pada polester dengan partikel tanah pasir diprediksi dapat membentuk komposit yang memiliki sifat mekanis yang tangguh sebagai material jalan. Hasil uji mekanis komposit tanah yang distabilkan dengan SSTS  meningkat hingga penambahan SSTS 35%. Kuat tekan meningkat hingga penambahan  SSTS 25% dan menurun pada penambahan  lebih tinggi . Daya serap air menurun dengan peningkatan jumlah SSTS. Hasil uji termal terdapat pergeseran puncak dari  polyester, SSTS dan komposit campuran SSTS dengan tanah pasir

    Analisis Model Epidemi Penyebaran Tuberkulosis Dengan Struktur Umur

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    Tuberculosis (TBC) is a contagious disease caused by infection with the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which attacks the lungs. taking into account the laten period of individuals infected with tuberculosis, this study uses the SEIRS model. The total population is grouped into two age groups, group child and group adult . The purpose of this research is to determine SEIRS model of the spread tuberculosis disease with age structure and its completion behavior. The steps in analyzing of the model can be done by determining the equilibrium point, the results are obtained two equilibrium points, namely disease-free equilibrium points and endemic equilibrium points. Determine basic reproduction number and stability analysis at the equilibrium point. Analysis of the stability of the disease-free equilibrium point is carried out to find the stability of the model using linearization around the equilibrium point. The simulation result are disease-free equilibrium point is the asymptotic stable if the basic reproduction number is less than one, and it means that the disease will disappear over time, and the endemic equilibrium point is stable if the basic reproduction number is more than one, meaning there is disease spread in the population