7,694 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Noviyanti, 2012; Effect of Debt Policy, Dividen Policy, Firm size and Profitability upon Firm Value on Manufacturing Industry in 2007-2010. Skripsi, Jakarta: Concentration of Financial Management, Study Program of Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. This research was to determine the effect of debt policy, dividend policy, firm size and profitability of the company. The sample study is company manufactur are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2007-20010. Study sample as many as 39 companies manufactur, where the method used was purposive sampling. Analysis of data usig multiple regression analysis test tools, preceded by a test consisting of the assumption of classical test for normalitas test, multicollinearity test, heteroskedastisitas test and autocorrelation test. Test data is done using panel data and for testing hypotheses using t test and F test. The results of this analysis states that the debt policy and dividend policy has no significant relationship to the value of the company, but the size and profitability of the company has a significant effect on firm value and all independent variables simultaneously affect firm value. Keywords :Firm Value, Debt Policy, Dividend Policy, Firm Size, Profitabilit

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bus Damri Bandara Soekarno Hatia Sebagai Transportasi Antarmoda

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    Bus Senrice Performance Damri which is a passenger transportation at the airport in terms of several.attributes, not only measured at the time of tire tnp 7ms the bus Danrri only. One factor thnt alsodetermines tire leuel of sen1ice pafor111n11cr is 11ssocintr1I wit/1 co11ifort, sernrity and tinre trmd journet}took when the senrice user was at the airport to replna: tire uelzicle or changing nwdes of transportationin order to conh.nue his journei;, nnd the m1ailnbilihJ of transport continued to be used to reachthe final. destinntion or uice versn. Impraued performance of passenger transport services continued/multimoda can be seen from the driver's behnvi.or in senn.ce to passengers, the ease of passengertransport continued to I from the Jwmda Airport Suknmo Hatta and m1ai.lnbility of transportationfacilities to senie demand antamwdn sen1ice /passenger transport continued. Achieving imprmiementof entplotjee sen1ice perfomumce On111ri h11s Suknmo Hnttn ns passenger transport, the fulfillmentsenrice facilities proportionately, the right target and meclmnism antarmoda transportationsenrices and met the standard requirements Antamwdn Transportation senrice facilities in SoekamoHatta Airport is a ven; expected. To detemzine the effect of emplot;rnent and training motivas ki.nejaconducted a sun'elJ of 60 ernplm;ees Damri and annlyzed m; using correlntive annlysis model, theresearch result of a strong and pos1ti11e relations/zip between work motimtion 71nth the efforts ofworkers, there is a strong and positive relationship between enrplot;ee training with Enrplot;ee Performance,and the presence of a strong and positi11e relations/zip between nwtimtion work with Emplot;ee Training jointly unth Emplm;ee Perfommnce.Keywords: Work motimtion and training, Sennce Performanc

    Kajian Kebutuhan Kebijakan Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Terpadu Di Stasiun Sudirman

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    At this time the faci.lih; polia; I integrated terminal and the Integrated Terminal functions as aterminal in accordance with the criteria of an integrated terminal at some airports in Indonesia likeJakarta (Bus Damri by plane), Surabaya (Bus Damri by plane), ]ogajakarta (Bus, Train by plane) isa positive thing for creating efficienci; in transport FerVi.ces there has been no uniformity/ standards ofboth design and aperation of terminal facilities such integrated.It should be no legal basis concerning the implementation and aperation of the 'terminal facilities'governing integrated aspects of design, complete facilities and aperations as well as entering 'terminalfacilities' integrated as an element of the master plan of transportation nodes (airports, ports, stationsand terminals) that guarantee the safety aspects, safety, health and accessibility applied uniformly

    Evaluasi Kriteria Penetapan Lokasi Terminal Tipe A (Studi Kasus: Terminal Leuwipanjang, Bandung Dan Terminal Giwangan, Yogyakarta)

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    In Indonesia there are some terminal type A that perceived lack benefits for users because the location is less representative. With quantitative analysis by AHP method the survey held on Bus Terminal at Giwangan and Leuwipanjang. The criteria to decide the location of terminal type A are passanger demand (0.39), density of traffic and road capacity (0.17), environmental sustainability (0.13), integration between modes (0.10), RUTR (0.09), topography (0.07), and security and safety (0.06). The criteria below passanger demand are number of routes, transportation nodes, travel deployment, travel destination and origin. The density of traffic and road capacity has 4 sub-criteria: low-side constraints, the degree of saturation lebih besar 0.7, on arterial roads min IIIA, and have access at least 100 m Sub criteria of environment sustainability: AMDAL documents, lower emissions, noise level lebih kecil 74 dB. Sub criteria of integration between modes are intermodal transfer facilities, 5 routes of public transportation, and b us shelter around bus terminal. Sub criteria for RUTR are located in capital of province, on the AKAP route network, located on the edge city, and the distance between terminal is 20 km. Sub criteria of topography are: easy access AKAP traffic and has at least 5 ha land area in Java. Sub criteria for safety and security are low fatality, safe from safety interruption, easy access for safety official.Keywords: Terminal, Determination of location, AHP  Di Indonesia terdapat beberapa terminal A yang kurang dirasakan manfaatnya bagi pengguna kendaraan angkutan umum yang salah satu penyebabnya dikarenakan lokasinya yang kurang representatif. Dengan mengevaluasi kriteria penetapan lokasi terminal type A dengan analisis kuantitatif menggunakan metode AHP, dari lokasi terminal Leuwipanjang dan Giwangan sebagai lokasi survey, tersusunlah konsep kriteria penempatan lokasi terminal tipe A dengan urutan prioritas demand terminal (0,39), kepadatan lalu lintas dan kapasitas jalan (0,17), kelestarian lingkungan (0,13), keterpaduan antar moda (0,10), RUTR (0,09), Kondisi topografi (0,07), dan keamanan dan keselamatan (0,06). Dari tiap kriteria utama terdapat subkriteria yaitu untuk demand terminal adalah jumlah trayek, simpul transportasi, penyebaran perjalanan, dan asal tujuan perjalanan. Kriteria kepadatan lalu lintas dan kapasitas jalan memiliki 4 sub kriteria yaitu hambatan samping yang rendah, derajat jenuh lebih besar 0,7, terdapat pada jalan arteri min IIIA, dan memiliki akses masuk minimal 100 m. Untuk kriteria kelestarian lingkungan memiliki urutan sub kriteria yaitu dokumen AMDAL, nilai emisi yang rendah, kebisingan lebih kecil74 dB. Urutan sub kriteria untuk keterpaduan antar moda yaitu adanya fasilitas transfer, 5 rute jalur angkot, dan terdapat halte angkot di terminal.Kriteria RUTR memiliki urutan sub kriteria yaitu terletak di ibukota propinsi, terletak pada jaringan trayek AKAP, terletak di pinggir kota, dan jarak antar terminal 20 km.Kriteria kondisi topografi memiliki 2 sub kriteria yaitu akses yang mudah untuk lalu lintas AKAP dan memiliki luas lahan minimal 5 Ha di Pulau Jawa. Untuk sub kriteria keamanan dan keselamatan yaitu fatalitas rendah, aman dari gangguan keselamatan, akses petugas mudah.Kata kunci: Terminal, Penetapan lokasi, AH


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk, jenis dan fungsi pemakaian campur kode pada percakapan penjual dan pembeli di pasar Babakan Legok Kabupaten Tangerang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, data pada penelitian ini adalah tuturan penjual dan pembeli yang mengandung unsur campur kode. Teknik yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, rekam dan catat. Penelitian ini diawali dengan mendeskripsikan data berupa data rekaman percakapan di lapangan yang kemudian di simak lalu dicatat. Hasil yang di temukan pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut ; Pertama ditemukan adanya pemakaian campur kode berupa kata sebanyak 11 data, frasa sebanyak 10 data, klausa sebanyak 6 data dan pengulangan kata sebanyak 2 data. Kemudian jenis campur kode dalam penelitian ini berupa kedalam atau intern yaitu pemakaian bahasa Jawa, Sunda dan Minang ke dalam bahasa Indonesia sebanyak 6 data dan pemakaian bahasa Indonesia kedalam bahasa Jawa, Sunda dan Minang sebanyak 4 data. Fungsi dari pemakaian campur kode pada percakapan penjual dan pembeli di pasar tersebut terdapat 7 fungsi pemakaian yaitu untuk menambah keakraban antara penjual dan pembeli sebanyak 1 data, untuk memudahkan menyampaikan pesan sebanyak 2 data, untuk menunjukkan identitas penjual maupun pembeli sebanyak 3 data, untuk menghormati lawan tutur sebanyak 2 data, untuk mempertegas sesuatu sebanyak 2 data, untuk kebutuhan kosa kata sebanyak 1 data, dan untuk pengisi dan penyambung kalimat sebanyak 1 data.

    Kajian Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Angkutan Kota Di Balikpapan Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    CihJ of Balikpapan in zst Kalimantan Province is a cihJ of industn;, trade, EerUices and tourism, hasa ven; strategic position and has great economic potential both locally, regionally, nationally andinternationally. With the development of East Kalimantan Balikpapan particularly influential onvarious aspects including the transportation sector. To develop and realize the transportation StJStemnecessan; to determine appropriate policies and planning, so that the implementation of developmentcan be implemented with efficient transportation. To establish poliaj and good planningslwuld be supported btJ a number of data and information such as travel demand patterns andbottom-up approach, so that wisdom really made in accordance with local needs.Data were analyzed using Qualitative Descriptive Analysis Method is reviewing the condition ofurban transportation management and characteristics of the study area, too many overlapping routepermit, the existence of terminals and facilities that are not in accordance with the regulations, transportationplanning is not in accordance with the forecast demand and needs. whereas the expectedresults of the study are compiled in urban transportation planning effective and efficienJ in the studiedregion and as inputs for the improvement of urban transportation planning in order to improve transportation services


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    Fire is an unwanted event for everyone and fires can also be fatal. Fires can occur anywhere and anytime, in places or buildings that are at risk of fire hazards (Ramli, 2010). One of the interventions that can be done to overcome the risk of fire is the introduction of potential fire hazards and their prevention measures. The purpose of this service is to provide knowledge about the introduction of potential fire hazards to used electric bicycle traders in Tanjung Sengkuang Batam. This service is carried out for approximately one month. This service program has several activities, namely identification, and implementation of counseling for electric bicycle traders. This service is carried out at a used electric bicycle dealer in ward, Batam. It was found that some bicycle traders still do not know about the risks that will arise from electric bicycles and their preventive measures by using tools such as a light fire extinguisher (Apar). The output of this service is an increase in public knowledge about the risk of fire and what actions will be taken. The advice given to the puskesmas is to make a program related to Occupational Health and Safety (K3), especially regarding the risk of fire, preventive measures, and personal protective equipment (PPE) used by traders when working.  Keywords: Fire, Secondhand Trader, Electric Bik

    Kinerja Pelayanan Angkutan Bus Transjakarta Korioor Pulo Gadung-Harmoni

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    The Jakarta administration hopes the communihJ who currently use private vehicles as a means oftransportation will turn to the Trans Jakarta Bus as a means of transportation. It is felt not east),comfort becomes the main reason people who do not want to turn to this rrwde of transportation.Corridor 2 with Pulogadung route-Harrrwny is a rorridor with a very dense number of (JllSsengers.The position of the stop which is at Pulogadung termi.nal, and must come together with bus and othervehicles that serve the transportation lxJth within and outside the dty certai.nly un1l reduce the comfortof this transport service user. Related to the above, need to be evaluated against the performance.of service providers-Wm) bus transportation in this corridor.Keywords: Bus Way, Stop, Bus Rapid Transi

    Kendala Program Pemindahan Pemanfaatan Sarana Transportasi Pribadi Ke Publik Transpori' (TRANSJAKARTA)

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    Special Capital Region (D KI) Jakarta is surrounded bt; several cities that rome to support the eamomyof Bogar, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Eren; morning peak hours when congestion is difficul.t toavercome than tJwse cities to the D KI Jakarta. This happens because most people who work in the cityof Jakarta is located in tJwse cities. D KI Jakarta Prouincial Government's efforts to imprc:roe seroices tothe public using public transport Feroices such as Transjakarta has been cultivated as much as TXJSsiblesuch as steril:iz.a.tion lane lmsway. Hawever, it was less successful because most people who usepersonal rehicles do not want to switch to public transport such as Transjakmta. Related to the above,need to do ref£tl1'Ch on various things that cause the difficulty of transferring public using privatevehicles to public transport such as Transjakarta.Keywords: Tmasportasi Bus Way, Personal Vehicl
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