3,078 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Perilaku Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Pria dan Wanita dalam Mematuhi Pelaksanaan Diet

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    Background: Diabetes melitus is one of the degenerative disease, which is the amount will increase in the future and needs serious treatment because of complications cause it. Diet is the main therapy to improve and maintain the blood sugar in normal rate. For helping the diabetic patient doing the new diet therapy in their daily living is depend on their attitude and behavior. The long lasting obedience in preparing the meals is one of the most challenge in diet therapy.Method: The aim of this research is for identificated the differences of behavior and the obedience between male and female who have diabetes melitus in diet therapy with descriptive comparative and independent t-test with SPSS version 12.0,Result: The result of this research shows 55,0% males and 70,0% females have bad behavior of the obedience in diet therapy. Beside that 80,0% males and 70,0% females are obey to follow diet therapyConclusion: From the result of this research shows P = 0,093, because P > 0,05, the conclusions is there is no differences of behavior in obedience diet therapy between male and female


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    The purpose of this research is to describe theequivalence of local knowledge and scientific knowledgeor western knowledge in terms of medicinal plantusage for traditional medicine (TM) or ethnomedicineand modern herbal medicine or jamu (MM), and therecognition of both. This descriptive-comparative researchwas accomplished using the case study method.The research used participant observation and semistructuredinterview techniques to collect data andinformation from traditional healers, communityleaders, and villagers. The research results show thaton the one hand, local people particularly traditionalhealers (dukun) have developed knowledge of medicinalplants and TM compounds. This knowledgehas been based on the existence of illnesses in thecommunity and availability of medicinal plants in theirenvironment. On the other hand, rural communityhas known, acknowledged, and consumed MM as acomplement to TM produced by traditional healers(dukun). Comparison of medicinal plants used for TMand MM is not appropriate to prove the equivalenceof local knowledge and scientific knowledge, becausedifferent plant species mayhave the same efficacy. Onthe other hand, different local communities may usedifferent plants with similar efficacy for TM. Likewise,different MM industries may use different plants forMM to have the same efficacy.Key words: Local knowledge, ethnomedicine, medicinalplants, NTFPs, East Kalimantan Indonesi

    Comparing Medicinal Plants Use for Traditional and Modern Herbal Medicine in Long Nah Village of East Kalimantan

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    The purpose of this research is to describe theequivalence of local knowledge and scientific knowledgeor western knowledge in terms of medicinal plantusage for traditional medicine (TM) or ethnomedicineand modern herbal medicine or jamu (MM), and therecognition of both. This descriptive-comparative researchwas accomplished using the case study method.The research used participant observation and semistructuredinterview techniques to collect data andinformation from traditional healers, communityleaders, and villagers. The research results show thaton the one hand, local people particularly traditionalhealers (dukun) have developed knowledge of medicinalplants and TM compounds. This knowledgehas been based on the existence of illnesses in thecommunity and availability of medicinal plants in theirenvironment. On the other hand, rural communityhas known, acknowledged, and consumed MM as acomplement to TM produced by traditional healers(dukun). Comparison of medicinal plants used for TMand MM is not appropriate to prove the equivalenceof local knowledge and scientific knowledge, becausedifferent plant species mayhave the same efficacy. Onthe other hand, different local communities may usedifferent plants with similar efficacy for TM. Likewise,different MM industries may use different plants forMM to have the same efficacy

    The Role of Scientists in Green Fiscal Policy Formulation: Case Study in Jambi

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    Forest functions as a provider of environmental services and non-timber forest products (NTFP) should be considered in the fiscal transfer mechanism of central and local governments. Thus, it is necessary to shift the direction of fiscal policy in the forestry sector from timber revenue to green fiscal policy. The preparation of the green fiscal policy framework requires a series of stages analysis: policy instruments, stakeholder and the role of scientists in the formulation of green fiscal policy. The objective of this study is to analyze the role and influence of scientists in green fiscal policy making. Scientists are expected to be a bridge so that the concept of green fiscal funding policy can be formulated and implemented based on scientific theories. This research was conducted in Jambi Province. Data collection and information was done through interview, observation and literature study. Data were analyzed using scientist classification matrix that influenced the policy making process based on the level of independence and its influence. The results showed that the role and position of scientists in green fiscal policy making is divided into the honest broker of policy alternative and advocate issues,. The influence of scientists is limited to the preparation of academic texts

    Improvement of Soil Physical Properties of Cambisol Using Soil Amendment

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    Managing dryland requires intergrated knowledges on soil, water and plants relationship in order to achieve maximum yield. Using local and unused resource is important not only in aspect of reducing pollution but low price and also affordable for farmers. Thus, using amendment from in situ resources is suggested by many experts. This amendment used is assumed it could contribute improvement physical properties of soil and result better yields. This study aimed to studi more deeply on how much of soil amendment might improve physical properties of Cambisol under dryland environment and furthermore find out the crop response to soil amendments. The research was conducted during July to Oct. 2016 at Gampong Paud, Muara Tiga District, Pidie District, Aceh Province with the altitude ± 30 m asl and slope 0-3 %. A Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with two factors replicated three times was used. First factor was soil amendment consisting of 4 levels ; no amendment (control), cow manure amount 10 ton ha -1, straw compost 10 ton ha-1, and cow manure 10 ton ha -1 + compost 10 ton ha-1. The second factor was 5 varieties of peanut: Tuban, Hypoma 2, Bima, Kelinci and Gajah. The parameters observed were soil bulk density, permeability, total soil porosity, aggregate stability index, soil water holding capacity at water potential -3 and -15 bar. Results of our studies showed soil amandement improves some soil physical properties, combination amendment with variety of peanuts resulted significant effects to soil physical properties, and combination treatments mostly influenced soil physical properties at soil depth of 0 -20 cm. Addition of 10 tons ha -1 cow manure or 10 ton ha -1 straw compost is enough to improve soil physical propertie

    Strategi Implementasi Kebijakan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat di Kabupaten Sarolangun, Jambi

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    Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (HTR) merupakan kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia yang membutuhkan partisipasi dan tanggungjawab dari masyarakat lokal untuk mengelola hutan produksi secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian terhadap kapasitas masyarakat sebagai pemeran utama dalam kebijakan ini sangat dibutuhkan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah: (1) mengukur modal fisik, modal manusia dan modal sosial yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat dan mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam program HTR; (2) menganalisis hubungan antara modal fisik dan modal manusia terhadap elemen dari modal sosial dan antara modal sosial dengan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat; dan (3) membangun strategi implementasi kebijakan HTR. Data akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, korelasi peringkat Spearman, SWOT dan QSPM. Informasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari hasil survey terhadap 81 kepala keluarga dari Desa Taman Bandung, Seko Besar dan Lamban Sigatal di Kabupaten Sarolangun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal fisik, modal manusia dan modal sosial dalam katagori sedang. Tidak ada korelasi antara modal fisik dan modal sosial, namun terdapat korelasi antara modal sosial dengan modal manusia. Strategi terpilih dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan HTR adalah: (1) Mengakomodir pola pemanfaatan kawasan hutan yang ada saat ini sebagai motivasi masyarakat untuk berpatisipasi dalam kebijakan HTR; (2) Mengotimalkan dukungan pemerintah daerah dalam percepatan implementasi melalui pendampingan dan sosialisasi secara intensif; dan (3) Menggunakan isu kelangkaan kayu dan peluang pemasaran ke PT Samhutani sebagai rangsangan bagi masyarakat untuk menanam tanaman berkayu

    Peranan Para Pihak dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan untuk Pertambangan

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    Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui peranan dan hubungan antara para pihak dalam implementasi kebijakan penggunaan kawasan hutan (PKH). Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode indepth interview, document and literature review dan observasi tak terstruktur digunakan dalam studi ini. Analisis para pihak dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi kepentingan dan pengaruh para pihak serta analisis terhadap rights, responsibility, revenues dan relationship (4R's) para pihak. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 19 pihak yang terkait dengan implementasi kebijakan PKH. Kementerian Kehutanan menjadi pihak utama sedangkan pemegang izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan (IPPKH) menjadi pihak kunci dalam implementasi kebijakan PKH. Peranan keduanya menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan ini. Terdapat keseimbangan yang cukup baik antara rights, responsibility dan revenues untuk masing-masing pihak. Hubungan di antara para pihak terjalin dalam berbagai tingkat, dari bekerjasama sampai dengan adanya konflik. Kementerian Kehutanan perlu mengalokasikan anggaran yang cukup untuk mengurangi kendala implementasi kebijakan PKH, sedangkan pemerintah daerah juga perlu menyiapkan sumber daya manusia yang memadai untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pemantauan dan evaluasi IPPKH

    Skenario Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Bogor

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    This study discusses the policy scenarios on private-forest management in Bogor. The aims of this study are: determining leverage attribut on private-forest and formulating policy models, and making scenario for the development of the sustainability index of privately managed forest. This study uses multidimensional scalling (MDS) to analyze five dimensions. By using ordinal score on certain attribute, i.e. 0 (the lowest) and 10 (the highest) of each attribute. Then, by using Rap-Pforest, we could estimate the leverage attribute of f each dimension. To prepare policy models will use a prospective analysis. Final stages, to build strategic scenarios model. The analysis showed that there are two dimensions, i.e. ecology and legal and institutional, are moderately sustainable. While for the dimensions of economy, socio-culture, and accessibility and technology are less sustain. Based on five dimensions sustainability index, this study concludes that63 indicators were used and resulting 21 leverage-attributes. Qualitative model formulation for policy scenarios are: HRB = f (EKN3, EKN4, SOS1, SOS3, LBG2, LBG3). Scenario II most realistic choice, this scenario has been able to increase the value of sustainability index of 46.35 (less sustainable) to 52.52 (quite sustainable). This study recommends, it is necessary to conduct the development strategy by involving all stakeholders as the most appropriate policy options to improve the sustainability of small scale privately managed forest in Bogor

    Pembahasan*kajian Produksi, Perdagangan, Industri Dan Teknologi Eboni

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    Penghargaan dan rasa hormat penulis sampaikan kepada LIPI dan Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) yang telah menaruh perhatian pada penyelamatan dan pemanfaatan eboni di tanah air, khususnya di pulau Sulawesi. Penghargaan juga disampaikan kepada Prof. Dr. Ir. Djamal Sanusi yang telah menyajikan pengetahuan yang luas dan mendalam tentang eboni pada makalahnya dengan judul seperti tertulis di atas
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