11 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Antara Peserta BPJS Kesehatan PBI Dan Non PBI Kelas 3 Rawat Inap Di RSUD Dr Suratno Gemolong Sragen

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    The progress of a nation is sustained by strong human resources. To have strong human resources there are three main pillars: health, education, and economy. Health one of the pillars many obstacles to achieve optimal and optimal health degree. Insurance is a health financing effort to overcome the obstacles. BPJS health is a strategic effort to achieve financing in the health sector, especially for poor and disadvantaged groups. This group of health BPJS mostly finance in third grade both PBI and non PBI. With services that responsisiveness, reliability, ansurance, empathy and tangibility then the quality of health services can achieve optimal and maximum health status. In this research use quantitative research method of random sampling and crosssectional observation by using questionnaire with likert scale with validity and reliability test, normality classic assumption test, outlier and homogeneity. For data analysis using compare mean t test Result of data analysis with Ho; difference of health service quality between BPJS healthcare PBI and non PBI 3rd class inpatient RSUD dr Suratno Gemolong Sragen. Results of data with SPSS program obtained 0.239. The significant number is more than 0.05, so Ho> 0,05 so the hypothesis is accepted. The conclusion is that there is a difference of health service quality between BPJS participants of PBI and non PBI grade 3 inpatient of RSUD Gemolong, Srage


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of quality health care on the level of patient satisfaction with health services in the working area of Ngrampal Health Center, Sragen Regency. The study sample consisted of 100 respondents in the Ngrampal Health Center, Sragen Regency. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling. Variable quality of service, level of satisfaction. In this study using law, the results of the study show that reliability, empathy, truth that have a significant effect on the level of patient satisfaction and the response is not significant to the level of patient satisfaction. The overall results have a relationship between the quality of health services and the level of patient satisfaction in national health insurance at Ngrampal Health Center, Sragen Regency

    Analisis Penerapan Lean Hospital Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Hospital health service business is currently considered inefficient because there are still many wastes found in its business processes. Lean hospital is a series of concepts, principles and tools used to eliminate waste and create activities that add value (value added) seen from the perspective of consumers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of lean hospital variables consisting of quality, cost, delivery, safety. morals and the environment towards consumer satisfaction PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Surakarta. This type of research is quantitative research. The study sample was 130 inpatients. Data collection using questionnaires and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variables of service quality, cost, safety, morals and environment had a positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction, while the delivery variable had a positive but not significant effect on patient satisfactionKeywords: Lean Hospital, Waste, Value Added, Consumer Satisfaction Keywords: Lean Hospital, Waste, Value Added, Consumer Satisfactio

    Evaluasi Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Dan Rawat Jalan Terhadap Pelayanan Gizi Pasien Diet Diabetes Mellitus Di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Yogyakarta

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    This research aims to identify and evaluate: 1) the performance of health workforce to satisfaction of patient with diabetes mellitus. 2) The obedience of eating schedule to satisfaction of patient with diabetes mellitus. 3) The obedience of food type to satisfaction of patient with diabetes mellitus. The data of this research is the premier data which was obtained from the answers of 100 respondents with accidental sampling method. This research is using multiple linear regression analysis. The test result concluded that all variables instrument are valid and reliable as a data collecting tool. In the data analysis shows that: 1) There is effect of the performance of health workforce to satisfaction of patient with diabetes mellitus. 2) There is not effect of the obedience of eating schedule to satisfaction of patient with diabetes mellitus. 3) There is not effect of the obedience of type food to satisfaction of patient with diabetes mellitus

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Di Klinik Spesialis Graha Amanah

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    The aim of this stduy is to identify and analyze the effect of: 1) the reliability of the patient’s satisfaction. 2) The responsiveness patient’s satisfaction. 3) The confidence (assurance) of patient’s satisfaction. 4) The empathy of patient’s satisfaction. 5) The tangible of patient’s satisfaction. The data that used was primary data obtained from the answer of 100 respondents with the accidental method. The method that used was multiple linier regression analysis tool data using SPSS. The test result concluded that all variables instruments were valid and reliable as a tool of collecting the data. From the data analysis showed that: 1) The reliability has the positive and significant impact on patient’s satisfaction. 2) The responsiveness has positive and significant impact on patient’s satisfaction. 3) The confidence (assurance) has positive and significant impact on patient’s satisfaction. 4) The empathy has positive and significant impact on patient’s satisfaction. 5) And the tangible has positive and significant impact on patient’s satisfaction

    Analisis Efisiensi Ruang Rawat Inap Isolasi Covid-19 Dengan Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) Rumah Sakit Rujukan Pelayanan Covid-19 Kelas B Di Eks Karesidenan Surakarta

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    This study aims to (1) analyze the efficiency of the Covid-19 isolation inpatient room at the Covid-19 class B service referral hospital in the former Surakarta residency, (2) analyze the level of optimization of input and output variables in the Covid-19 isolation inpatient room at the hospital. referral for class B Covid-19 services in the former residency of Surakarta, and (3) analyzing which input and output variables play an important role in the efficiency of the Covid-19 isolation inpatient room at the referral hospital for class B Covid-19 services in the former residency of Surakarta. This study used a sample of 8 class B hospitals in the former residency of Surakarta using secondary data obtained from the Central Java Provincial Health Office. This study uses an efficiency analysis tool using the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method. The results showed that in general the Covid-19 isolation inpatient room at the Class B Covid-19 service referral hospital in the former Surakarta residency was efficient. In the results of this study there is 1 government hospital that is not yet efficient and 1 non-government hospital that is not yet efficient. The 2 hospitals that are not yet efficient are not optimal in using input variables in determining the number of doctors, the number of nurses, the number of beds, the number of ICUs with negative pressure and ventilators and the number of confirmed patients. The inefficient hospital is also not optimal in obtaining its output, namely the number of recovered patients and BOR. In the calculation using the DEA method in this study, the input variable that has the most influence on efficiency is the number of doctors, while the output variable is the number of recovered patient

    Analisis Pengaruh Penghargaan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai yang di Mediasi oleh Motivasi Kerja

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of rewards on employee performance mediated by work motivation. This study used a questionnaire technique with 366 respondents at the Karanganyar District Hospital. The data collection method in this study used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis used research instrument tests, hypothesis testing, different tests, mediation tests and classical assumption tests assisted by the use of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) data processing tools. The results of this study are: (1) Rewards have a positive and significant effect on employee performance (2) Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (3) Rewards have a positive and significant effect on work motivation (4) Work Motivation is able to mediate the effect of rewards on performance employees (5) civil servants and contract employees there is no difference in employee performance. Recent findings in this study contribute to the performance of civil servants and contract employees and suggest that hospital leadership should provide equal rewards and motivation regardless of employment status. So that it can provide the best performance results for the hospital

    Analisis Efisiensi Klinik Pratama Rawat Inap Di Kabupaten Sragen

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    This research aims to (1) to analyze the level of efficiency of inpatient pratama clinics in Sragen Regency, (2) to analyze the level of optimization of the use of inputs in pratama inpatient clinics in Sragen Regency, and (3) to analyze the level of optimization of output in pratama inpatient clinics in Sragen. Sragen Regency. This research uses a saturated sample, there are all members of the population who have complete data input and output of the study, as many as 20 clinics. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Sragen District Health Office, and the Prartama Clinic in Sragen Regency. Data collection uses the document method, and analysis tools use efficiency analysis with the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The results showed that in general the pratama clinics in Sragen Regency were inefficient, where only 3 BPJS inpatient clinics were efficient, 4 efficient non-BPJS inpatient clinics, and 5 efficient outpatient inpatient clinics. Pratama clinics in Sragen Regency are also not optimal in using input, i.e. they are not optimal in determining the number of general practitioners, nurses, analysts, pharmacists, laboratories and the number of capitation. Pratama clinics are also not optimal in obtaining output, namely BPJS and NON-BPJS inpatient pratama clinics are not optimal in the use of output of the number of patients, BOR and LOS, and outpatient pratama clinics are not optimal in the use of capitation output and the number of patient

    Perbedaan Rasio Ekspresi RANKL dan OPG pada Pasien Otitis Media Supurativa Kronik Tipe Maligna dan Benigna

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    Latar belakang : Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis (OMSK) merupakan penyakit yang sering terjadi di negara berkembang dan komplikasi yang menyertainya masih merupakan problem utama. OMSK tipe maligna merupakan suatu kondisi dimana terjadi gangguan resorpsi dan destruksi tulang sehingga dapat menyebabkan komplikasi. Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor ĸB Ligand (RANKL) dan Osteoprotegerin (OPG) merupakan faktor yang mengontrol osteklastogenesis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan rasio ekspresi RANKL dan OPG pada OMSK tipe maligna dan tipe benigna Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik dengan desain cross-sectional. Sebanyak 24 sampel terdiri dari 2 kelompok sampel yaitu 14 sampel OMSK tipe maligna dan 14 sampel OMSK tipe benigna menggunakan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia dengan perhitungan IDS. Hasil : Pemeriksaan secara Imunohistokimia dari 24 sampel yang terdiri dari 14 OMSK tipe maligna dan 14 OMSK tipe benigna didapatkan IDS Rasio RANKL/OPG pada OMSK tipe maligna 12,19 11,69 lebih tinggi daripada rasio RANKL/OPG pasien OMSK tipe benigna 1,75 1,13. Uji beda rasio RANKL/OPG menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p = 0,008). Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan rasio ekspresi RANKL/OPG pada pasien OMSK tipe maligna dan OMSK tipe benigna. Kata kunci : OMSK tipe maligna, OMSK tipe benigna, Rasio RANKL/OP


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of service quality consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, tangible, partial and simultaneous empathy on inpatient satisfaction at Bina Kasih General Hospital Medan. . The purpose of this study is expected to identify the problem of how the influence of service quality on patient satisfaction. This research method uses a sample of 96 respondents, data collection techniques through questionnaires and documentation and data analysis techniques with multiple regression. The results of the study using multiple linear regression equations: KP = 2.641 + 0.103K + 0.131Kt + 0.305Ky + 0.203B + 0.108E. This means that the variables of reliability, responsiveness, confidence, tangibles and empathy have a positive effect on patient satisfaction. The belief variable has a greater influence on inpatient satisfaction compared to other variables. The results of the F test indicate that the variables of reliability, responsiveness, confidence, tangibles and empathy have a simultaneous and significant effect on patient satisfaction, this can be seen from Fcount = 19,027 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The results of the t-test, showed that reliability, responsiveness, confidence, tangibles and empathy had a partial and significant effect on patient satisfaction, then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. The value of the determinant coefficient (R Square) is = r 0.514, which means that inpatient satisfaction can be explained by service quality variables (reliability, responsiveness, confidence, tangibles and empathy) of 51.4% while another 48.6% is explained by other factors that are not described in this study such as security, promotion and communication. The Bina Kasih Hospital Medan should improve the quality of service regarding the variables of reliability, responsiveness, confidence/guarantee, tangible, empathy in order to maintain the level of patient satisfaction for the futur