
Perbedaan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Antara Peserta BPJS Kesehatan PBI Dan Non PBI Kelas 3 Rawat Inap Di RSUD Dr Suratno Gemolong Sragen


The progress of a nation is sustained by strong human resources. To have strong human resources there are three main pillars: health, education, and economy. Health one of the pillars many obstacles to achieve optimal and optimal health degree. Insurance is a health financing effort to overcome the obstacles. BPJS health is a strategic effort to achieve financing in the health sector, especially for poor and disadvantaged groups. This group of health BPJS mostly finance in third grade both PBI and non PBI. With services that responsisiveness, reliability, ansurance, empathy and tangibility then the quality of health services can achieve optimal and maximum health status. In this research use quantitative research method of random sampling and crosssectional observation by using questionnaire with likert scale with validity and reliability test, normality classic assumption test, outlier and homogeneity. For data analysis using compare mean t test Result of data analysis with Ho; difference of health service quality between BPJS healthcare PBI and non PBI 3rd class inpatient RSUD dr Suratno Gemolong Sragen. Results of data with SPSS program obtained 0.239. The significant number is more than 0.05, so Ho> 0,05 so the hypothesis is accepted. The conclusion is that there is a difference of health service quality between BPJS participants of PBI and non PBI grade 3 inpatient of RSUD Gemolong, Srage

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