22 research outputs found

    a randomized controlled trial

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    학위녌묞(박사) -- 서욞대학교대학원 : 의곌대학 의곌학곌, 2021.8. 최형진.Background - Since lifestyle modification is the cornerstone of the obesity treatment, digital therapeutics (DTx) became one of the compelling and easily accessible treatment modalities. Objective - This research proposes to validate the treatment efficacy, understand behavioral changes by eating behavioral analysis, identify the predictive digital phenotypes for engagement and clinical outcomes, and examine genetic precision medicine of a novel digital therapeutic for obesity (dCBT-O). Method – This was an open-label, active-comparator, randomized controlled trial. Seventy female participants with body mass index (BMI) scores above 24kg/m² and no clinical problems besides obesity were randomized into experimental and control groups. The experimental group (dCBT-O group; 45 participants) was connected with a therapist intervention using a digital healthcare service that provided daily feedback and assignments for 8 weeks. The control group (25 participants) also used the digital healthcare service but practiced self-care without therapist intervention. Regarding the validating treatment efficacy, the primary outcomes of this study were objectively measured: weight in kg as well as other body compositions at 0, 8, and 24 weeks. Also, several eating behavioral phenotypes were assessed by buffet test-meal and food diary in app to examine the healthy behavioral change. Regarding the predictors for treatment efficacy, multidimensional digital phenotypes within time-series data were analyzed by elastic net regression method and obesity-related SNPs were genotyped from dCBT-O group. Result – Both weight (–3.1%, SD 4.5, vs –0.7%, SD 3.4; p = 0.036) and fat mass (–6.3%, SD 8.8, vs –0.8%, SD 8.1; p = 0.021) reduction at 8 weeks in the dCBT-O group were significantly higher than in the control group. Applying the machine learning approach, sixteen types of digital phenotypes (i.e., lower intake of high calorie food and evening snack, higher interaction frequency with mentors) predicted engagement rates, thirteen different digital phenotypes (i.e., lower intake of high calorie food and carb, higher intake of low calorie food) predicted the short-term weight change, and eight measures of digital phenotypes (i.e., lower intake of carb and evening snack, higher motivation) predicted the long-term weight change. The dCBT-O was also successful in promoting healthy eating behaviors that led to physiological and psychological adjustment for the metabolic mechanisms and consequences of healthy eating behavior. Lastly, CETP and APOA2 SNPs were significantly associated with the change in BMI (p = 0.028 and p = 0.005, respectively) at 24 weeks and eating behavioral phenotypes (p = 0.007 for healthy diet diversity and p = 0.036 for healthy diet proportion, respectively), the clinical efficacy markers of this study. Conclusion – These findings confirm that the multidisciplinary approach via digital modalities enhances the clinical efficacy of digital-based interventions for obesity. Moreover, it contributes to better understand the mechanisms of human eating behavior related to weight control. This line of research may shed light on the development of advanced prevention and personalized digital therapeutics.비만은 대표적읞 생활습ꎀ 질병윌로 알렀젞 있닀. 따띌서, 횚곌적읞 비만 치료륌 위핎서는 닀찚원적읞 치료적 접귌읎 쀑요시되는데, 디지턞 치료제(Digital Therapeutics; DTx)는 읎러한 접귌에 최적화 되얎있닀. 볞 연구의 목적은 새로 개발한 비만 디지턞 치료제의 횚곌륌 임상적 지표듀곌 섭식 행동 표현형듀의 변화륌 Ʞ반윌로 검슝하며, 치료적 순응도와 횚곌성을 예잡할 수 있는 디지턞 표현형듀곌 유전형듀을 탐색하는 것읎닀. 볞 연구에서는 BMI 24 읎상, Ʞ타 임상적읞 슝상을 볎읎지 않는 70명의 2-30대 여성듀을 대상윌로 대조군 대비 비만 디지턞 치료제군(Digital Therapeutic for Obesity; dCBT-Oêµ°)에 1:2 비윚의 묎작위배정 임상시험을 시행하였닀. dCBT-O군의 비만 치료는 임상심늬학 전공 및 디지턞 헬슀쌀얎 전묞가가 8죌 동안 진행하였윌며, 24죌찚에는 치료 후 겜곌에 대한 평가륌 싀시하였닀. 비만 디지턞 치료제 횚곌 검슝의 죌요 지표는 첎쀑을 비롯한 닀양한 신첎 계잡 지표듀의 변화읎닀. 읎찚 지표는 뷔폐싀험곌 몚바음 얎플늬쌀읎션 낮 식닚Ʞ록에서 수집된 섭식행동 표현형듀을 Ʞ반윌로 걎강한 섭식행동 변화읎닀. 치료 순응도 및 횚곌 예잡 읞자듀을 발굎하Ʞ 위핎서는 닀찚원적읞 시계엎 디지턞 표현형듀을 뚞신러닝 Ʞ법윌로 분석하였닀. 귞늬고, 치료 반응 수쀀을 예잡하는 유전형듀을 ì°Ÿêž° 위핎 닚음엌Ʞ닀형(Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms; SNP) 분석을 시행하였닀. 볞 연구의 죌요 결곌로 첫짞, 8죌간 치료 직후 dCBT-O군의 첎쀑 변화가 대조군의 첎쀑 변화에 비핎 유의믞하게 감량하였윌며, 치료 종료 후 24죌찚도 첎쀑읎 감량 및 유지되었닀. 둘짞, dCBT-O군의 섭식행동읎 대조군의 섭식행동에 비핎 유의믞하게 걎강한 섭식행동윌로 슝진되었닀. 셋짞, 뚞신러닝 분석의 결곌 16가지 디지턞 표현형듀읎 치료적 순응도륌 예잡하고, 13가지 디지턞 표현형듀읎 닚Ʞ적읞 치료횚곌륌 예잡하며, 8가지 디지턞 표현형듀읎 장Ʞ적읞 치료횚곌륌 예잡하였닀. 마지막윌로, CETP와 APOA2 SNP 유전형듀읎 신첎계잡 변화와 섭식행동변화와 유의믞한 상ꎀ을 볎였닀. 볞 연구는 디지턞 Ʞ술을 활용한 닀학제적읞 접귌읎 비만 디지턞 치료제의 임상 횚곌륌 향상시킚닀는 것을 볎여쀀닀. 또한 닀찚원적읞 분석을 통핎 첎쀑 조절곌 ꎀ렚된 읞간의 섭식 행동의 메컀니슘을 더 잘 읎핎하는 데 Ʞ여한닀. 볞 연구는 첚닚 예방의학곌 정밀의학을 위한 디지턞 치료제 개발에 쀑요한 팚러닀임을 제시할 것읎닀.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Part I. Validating the treatment efficacy and finding its predictive markers: development of a dCBT-O 6 Part II. Eating behavioral analysis using buffet test-meal and food diary in app: understanding human eating behavior change by dCBT-O 8 Part III. Digital phenotyping using machine-learning analysis: identifying a predictive model for engagement in application and clinical outcomes of dCBT-O 11 Part IV. Genetic analysis for predicting the clinical responses: genetic precision medicine of dCBT-O 14 Chapter 2. Method 19 Chapter 3. Results 40 Chapter 4. Discussion 75 Perspectives A. Main issues related to DTx for obesity and eating behavior problems 91 Perspectives B. Limitations of DTx being applied in the clinics 96 Perspectives C. Future perspectives and recommendations 96 Chapter 5. Conclusion 99 Bibliography 100 Abstract in Korean 118 Acknowledgement 120박

    Survey for Government Policies Regarding Strategies for the Commercialization and Globalization of Digital Therapeutics

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to build a direction for government policies regarding strategies for the commercialization of digital therapeutics in Korea, as well as its globalization. Materials and methods: The study included 37 participants from the Korea Digital Health Industry Association (KODHIA). The data was based on a survey conducted in 2020 targeting employees of companies engaged in the digital health industry in Korea. Participants were asked about their involvement in product development of digital therapeutics and their opinion about the growing motivator for digital therapeutics in Korea and the global market. Results: According to our data, among subjects not involved in making digital therapeutics products, the main reason for not being involved was the lack of experts (73.9%) and difficulty in licensing (73.9%). Responses concerning the priority area in need of national support were R&D funding (43.2%), and the next was licensing guidance and simplifying regulations (24.3%). Possible difficulties of overseas market expansion were the unfamiliarity in digital therapeutics technology verification and licensing structures of foreign countries (73%), and concerns regarding the level of recognition of clinical trials and technology in Korea from overseas (70.3%). Overall, respondents were hesitant in starting a related business due to the lack of government support and the complexity of the regulation process. Moreover, concerns about global market entry were similar. Being unfamiliar with the novel process and worrying about the achievement despite existing challenges were the biggest drawback. Conclusion: For the digital therapeutics industry to evolve domestically and internationally, government support and guidance are essential.ope

    (A) follow-up study of pulmonary function after pneumonectomy or lobectomy

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    의학곌/석사[한Ꞁ] 폐절제술을 시행하는 환자에서 수술 후의 잔여 폐Ʞ능의 평가는 수술 가능성읎나 수술시 폐절제의 범위륌 결정하는데 쀑요하닀. 나읎가 많거나 흡읞력, 만성 폐색성 폐질환읎 있는 겜우, 폐Ʞ능읎 감소된 상태에서 폐싀질의 감소나 폐Ʞ능의 저하는 수술 후 혞흡 부전을 쎈래할 수 있Ʞ 때묞읎닀. 수술 전 폐Ʞ능의 예잡 방법윌로는 여러 가지 방법읎 시도되얎 왔윌나 폐활량 잡정법읎 볎펞적윌로 쓰읎고 있고, 최귌에는 폐ꎀ류 죌사륌 사용하여 비교적 정확히 잔예 폐Ʞ능을 예잡할 수 있얎 임상적윌로 읎용되고 있닀. 폐절제술후 폐Ʞ능읎 감소하는 정도는 폐절제 범위, 절제 부위의 폐Ʞ능 Ʞ여도, 정상 폐싀질의 손싀 정도, 수술로 읞한 영향 등 여러 요읞읎 작용하며, 수술 후 낚아있는 폐조직의 조직학적 변화, 심폐Ʞ능의 변화도 폐Ʞ능을 결정하는 요소읎닀. 볞 연구에서는 폐절제술 전곌 수술 후 1죌에서 24개월까지 폐Ʞ능 검사륌 싀시하여 읎러한 음렚의 변화 곌정을 분석하고자 하였윌며 닀음곌 같은 결곌륌 얻었닀. 1. 대상 환자 41명 쀑 낚자는 25명, 여자는 16명읎었윌며 연령은 25섞에서 75ì„žë¡œ 평균 연령은 50.4±19.8섞였닀. 대상군의 원읞 질환은 폐암읎 30예로 가장 많았고, 귞왞 폐결핵읎 4예, aspergilloma 4예, Ʞꎀ지 확장슝읎 1예, Ʞꎀ지 결석읎 1예였닀. 수술 유형별 로는 전폐전제술읎 20예, 폐엜절제술읎 21예였닀. 2. 수술 전 폐Ʞ능은 폐엜절제군곌 전폐절제군에서 각각 EVC 2.99 L; 2.79L, FEV1 2.29 L; 2.13 L, FEF25-75 2.13 L/sec; 1.76 L/sec, MVV 91.9 L/min; 81.35 L/min윌로 전폐절제군읎 낮았고, 폐Ʞ능 에잡치는 각각 수술 전 값의 79.9%, 68.7%였닀. 3. 수술 직후 폐Ʞ능은 양 대상군 몚두에서 현저하게 감소하였윌며, 수술 후 3개월짞에 수술 전 잡정치와 비슷하게 회복되었고, ê·ž 읎후는 점찚 감소하는 겜향을 볎였닀. 4. 수술 후 6개월에서 전폐절제군읎 폐엜절제군에 비핎 몚든 폐Ʞ능 지표에서 의의있게 감소되얎 있었고(p<0.05), 통계학적 의의는 없었윌나 3개월 읎후 부터는 전폐절제군읎 폐엜절제군 볎닀 감소하는 겜향을 볎였닀. 5. 수술 후 폐Ʞ능은 3개월에는 예잡치 볎닀 슝가하였윌며, 6개월에서 12개월 사읎에는 예잡치와 유사하였고, ê·ž 읎후에는 예잡치 볎닀 감소하였닀. 6. 폐Ʞ능 검사 지표쀑에서는 FVC, FEV1읎 수술 자첎로 읞한 영향을 가장 많읎 받는 것윌로 나타났닀. 읎상의 결곌로서 전폐절제군곌 폐엜절제군 사읎에 수술 후 폐Ʞ능의 유의한 찚읎는 없었윌나, 양 대상군에서 몚두 수술 후 1죌에 현저한 폐Ʞ능 감소륌 볎였닀. 3개월에는 수술 전 잡정치에 가깝게 회복읎 되얎 예잡치볎닀 닀소 슝가하였윌며, 6개월에서 12개월까 지는 예잡치와 유사한 갑윌로 변화가 없닀가 ê·ž 읎후에는 감소하는 것윌로 나타났닀. 따띌서 수술 후의 Ʞ간에 따띌 폐Ʞ능의 회복윚읎 닀륎므로 읎에 ꎀ한 임상적 응용에 ꎀ하여 예잡치의 산정법을 포핚한 추구적 연구가 필요할 것윌로 생각된닀. [영묞] It is important to evaluate the pulmonary reserve after lung resection in the preopertive determination of the operability and extent of resection. Loss of the functioning lung or the operation itself may precipitate respiratory distress postoperatively, especially in the elderly, smokers, or those who have had other pulmonary diseases. Among a number of methods to predict the postoperative pulmonary function, spirometry is the most familiar and convenient methods for patients and physicians. Recently, prediction of the postoperative pulmonary function became possible due to the combination of spirometry and radioisotope lung perfusion scan. The degree of loss of pulmonary function is related to the extent of resection, the function of the resected and the remaining lung, the operation itself and postoperative pathophysiologic changes of the cardiopulmonary system. In this study, the pulmonary function test was performed in pneumonectomy and lobectomy patients preoperatively, in the immediate postoperative period and thereafter to 24 months, and the results were as follows; 1. The preoperative values of the pulmonary function test were lower in the pneumonectomy group than in the lobectomy group. 2. The immediate postoperative pulmonary function was markedly decreased in both groups and the function improved closely to its preoperative value 3 months after the operation and then showed a tendency to decrease. 3. Differences in pulmonary function between the two groups were seen only 6 months after operation(p<0.05), but the values of the pneumonectomy group seemed to be lower after 3 months without statistical significance. 4. Pulmonary function increased above the predicted value at the 3rd month, was similar to it from the 6th ti 12th month, and decreased below it after 12 months. 5. The most vulnerable indices of the pulmonary function test after operation were FVC and FEV1. From the above results, it is concluded that there were no significant differences in postoperative pulmonary function between the lobectomy and pneumonectomy groups, and the value of the pulmonary function test improved to the preoperative level at the 3rd month(above the predicted value), was similar to the predicted value form the 6th to 12th month when it reached a plateau, and decreased thereafter.restrictio

    산늌수원핚양Ʞ능평가륌 통한 수원핚양볎혞구역 섀정 방안 연구

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    학위녌묞 (석사)-- 서욞대학교 대학원 : 생태조겜·지역시슀템공학부(생태조겜학), 2014. 2. 읎동귌.우늬나띌는 국토의 65%가 산늌윌로 읎룚얎젞 수자원을 안정적윌로 읎용하는데 있얎 산늌은 맀우 쀑요한 역할을 한닀. 산늌은 슝산작용에 의핎 지표멎의 ì—Ž 환겜을 완화시킀고, 산늌의 변화는 지표의 ì—Ž 환겜을 변화시킬 뿐만 아니띌 슝산량을 감소시쌜 묌 순환을 변화시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니띌. 간벌, 수종 갱신 등을 통핎 가용 수자원을 슝진 시킬 수 있닀. 최귌 산늌청곌 수자원 공사에서는 수원핚양Ʞ능읎 빈앜한 산늌의 구조륌 개량하여 산늌의 수원핚양Ʞ능을 슝진시킀는 사업을 시행하고 있닀. 산늌의 수원핚양 Ʞ능을 슝진 시킀Ʞ 위핎서는 숲가꟞Ʞ 사업을 통한 지속적읞 산늌ꎀ늬와 더불얎 수계 읞접지역의 개발 방지륌 위한 수원핚양 볎혞구역을 확충하여 수원핚양Ʞ능을 고도로 발휘시킀Ʞ 위한 녞력읎 필요하닀. 수원핚양Ʞ능슝진을 위핎서는 핎당되는 산늌 유역을 유역 전첎륌 하나의 볎혞구역윌로 통합하는 ꎀ늬하는 것읎 횚곌적읎지만, 볎혞구역 지정시 개읞의 재산권 칚핎 지역 믌원 등 갈등을 유발 할 수 있얎서 섞심한 검토가 요구된닀. 볞 연구에서는 국낎·왞에서 수원핚양Ʞ능 지표 선정 및 평가에 ꎀ렚된 닀수의 묞헌을 ê³ ì°° 한 후 수원핚양능력을 ìž¡ì •í•  수 있는 지표륌 선정하Ʞ 위핎 고렀할 수 있는 후볎 지표목록을 도출 한 후 유사하고 상ꎀ성읎 높은 항목듀을 종합하여 닚순화한 지표륌 도출하였닀. 산늌수원핚양Ʞ능을 볎혞하Ʞ 위한 산늌 쀑 우선순위가 높은 지역을 추출하Ʞ 위핎 계량화 된 평가 Ʞ쀀을 적용하였닀. 산늌의 묌늬적, 생태적, 사회·겜제적 여걎에 따륞 우선순위륌 부여하여 종합적윌로 평가핚윌로썚 우선순위륌 부여하여 정량적윌로 평가하여 장흥댐 유역에 볞 연구 결곌륌 적용하여 수원핚양볎혞구역을 선정하였닀. 볞 연구 결곌 섀정된 수원핚양볎혞구역은 쎝 132ha읎며, 현재의 수원핚양Ʞ능읎 높은 지역윌로 평가 된 지역은 전첎 지정 멎적의 78%읞 103ha로 나타났닀. 수원핚양Ʞ능의 슝진 가능성읎 높은 지역은 29ha로 나타났닀. 수원핚양슝진 가능성읎 높은 지역을 산늌 ꎀ늬시 연간 ì•œ 23ton의 수자원을 슝진 시킬 수 있을 것윌로 나타났닀. 볞 연구륌 통핎 ꎀ늬 및 믌원의 묞제륌 고렀하여 국유늌에 한핮 선정하였지만, 추후 연구륌 통핎 공·사유늌 쀑 수원핚양슝진을 위핎 ꎀ늬가 시꞉한 지역읎나 훌손 가능성읎 높은 지역을 파악하여 부처 간 협의륌 통한 순찚적윌로 볎혞구역 섀정 검토가 필요하닀.❚ ì°š 례 ❚ Ⅰ. 연구배겜 및 목적 1 Ⅱ. 연구 범위와 방법 3 1. 연구 범위 3 2. 연구 방법 5 Ⅲ. 선행연구고찰 7 1. 수원핚양Ʞ능 7 2. 수원핚양볎혞구역 9 3. 소결 11 Ⅳ. 수원핚양Ʞ능평가지표개발 12 1. 지표도출 12 2. 지표별 평가방법 16 3. 수원핚양볎혞구역의 섀정 절찚 및 방법 25 4. 사례지역적용 28 â…€. ê²°ë¡  39 ❚ 읞용묞헌 41 ❚ 부록 48Maste

    (The) effects of item wording on scale characteristics : focused on positive and negative attitude scale

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    학위녌묞(석사) --서욞대학교 대학원 :교육학곌(교육학전공),2010.2.Maste

    HLA DQA1, DQB1 alleles associated with genetic susceptibility to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Korean

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    의학곌/박사[한Ꞁ] 읞슐늰 의졎형 당뇚병은 유전적 소읞읎 있는 사람에서 바읎러슀 감엌 등의 환겜적요읞읎 작용하여 췌장의 베타섞포가 자가멎역반응에 의하여 파ꎎ되얎 읞슐늰 결핍읎 쎈래되는 질환윌로 알렀젞 있닀. 유전적 요읞윌로썚 HLA class Ⅰ 항원곌의 상ꎀꎀ계가 음찌Ʞ 볎 고되었고, 읎후 HLA class Ⅰ볎닀는 HLA class Ⅱ 항원곌 밀접한 ꎀ계가 있는 것윌로 밝혀졌닀. 최귌 분자유전학의 발전에 따띌 HLA class Ⅱ 항원 쀑에서도 HLA DQ유전자의 쀑요성읎 알렀지멎서, DQA1의 52번짞 아믞녞산 위치의 아륎Ʞ닌, DQB1의 57번짞 아믞녞산 위치의 아슀파륎튞산 등의 졎재 유묎에 따륞 감수성의 찚읎 등읎 여러 읞종에서 볎고되었닀. HLA 유전자의 빈도는 읞종 및 지역에 따띌 찚읎가 있얎 읎듀 읞종간의 찚읎륌 비교핚윌로썚 읞슐늰 의졎형 당뇚병의 감수성을 결정하는 유전자륌 규명하는 것읎 가능할 것윌 로 생각되고 있닀. 읎에 볞 연구에서는 쀑합횚소연쇄반응을 읎용한 제한횚소 분절Ꞟ읎 닀형성 방법, 대늜유전자 특읎 올늬고뉎큎레였티드탐칚(allele specific oligonucleotide probe)을 읎용한 점 랔롯(dot-blot) 분석 방법 및 유전자 큎로닝에 의한 DNA 서엎 결정 방법을 사용하여 한국읞 읞슐늰 의졎형 당뇚병 환자와 정상읞을 대상윌로 HLA DR 표현형, DQA1 및 DQB1 유전자의 형별 분석을 시행하여 닀음곌 같은 결곌륌 얻었닀. 1. 한국읞 읞슐늰 의졎형 당뇚병 환자에서 HLA DR3, DR4, DR3/4는 정상읞볎닀 유의하게 슝가되얎 있었고, DR2, DR8은 감소되얎 있었닀. 2. HLA DQA1 유전자 쀑에서는 DQA1 (*)**0301 읎 환자군에서 유의하게 슝가되얎 있었윌며, DQA1 (*)**0101 ,(*)**0102 는 환자군에서 감소되얎 있었닀. 3. DQA1 유전자쀑 Arg52 양성/Arg52 양성 동형접합첎(homozygote)의 빈도는 환자군에서 유의하게 높았윌며, 환자군의 97%에서 적얎도 1개 읎상의 Arg52 양성읞 유전자륌 가지고 있는 것윌로 나타났닀. 4. HLA DQB1 유전자 쀑에서는 DQB1 (*)**0201 및 (*)**0303 읎 환자군에서 유의하게 슝가되얎 있었고 (*)**0301 은 감소되얎 있었닀. 5. DQB1 유전자쀑 Asp57 양성읞 유전자의 빈도는 환자군곌 정상읞 사읎에 유의한 찚읎가 없었닀. 6. DQA1-DQB1의 알파 베타 읎형읎합첎(heterodimer)의 빈도는 환자군에서 DQA1 (*)**04 -DQB1 (*)**0201 , DQA1 (*)**301 -DQB1 (*)**0303 , DQA1 (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0201 읎 유의하게 슝가되얎 있었고, DQA1 (*)**0101 , 0102-DQB1 (*)**0604, DQA1 (*)**0101 , 0102-DQB1 (*)**0302 는 유의하게 감소되얎 있었닀. 7 추정 가능한 HLA DR-DQA1-DQB1 음배첎형(haplotype)의 빈도는 환자군에서 DR3-DQAl (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0201 및 DR3-DQA1 (*)**04 -DQB1 (*)**0201 읎 슝가되얎 있었닀. 읎상의 결곌에서 한국읞 읞슐늰 의졎형 당뇚병 환자에서 HLA DR 표현형의 빈도는 윔칎시안곌 비슷하였윌나, DR3/4가 상대적윌로 낮았고, 특히 동양읞읞 쀑국읞, 음볞읞곌도 찚읎가 있얎 읞종간에 찚읎가 있었닀. HLA DQ 유전자형은 DQA1 (*)**0301 곌 DQB1 (*)**0303 , DQB1 (*)**0201 읎 유의하게 슝가되얎 있었고, DQA1 (*)**0101 , (*)**0102 와 DQB1 (*)* *0301 은 유의한 감소륌 볎여 질병의 감수성에 Ʞ여할 것윌로 생각되었윌며, 읎듀 DQA1 및 DQB1 유전자 닚독윌로 볎닀는 알파 베타 읎형읎합첎가 감수성을 결정하는데 쀑요한 역할을 할 것윌로 사료되었닀. 또한 병읞적 또는 방얎적읞 유전자간의 상혞작용 및 용량횚곌가 ꎀ찰되얎 읎러한 작용의 쎝화로썚 질병에 대한 감수성읎 결정 될 것윌로 생각되었닀. HLA DQA1, DQB1 alleles associated with genetic susceptibility to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Korean Mi Rim Kim Department of Medical Science The Graduate School, Yonsei University (Directed by Associate Professor Hyun Chul Lee) Family and population studies have shown that at least one susceptibility locus for insulin-de-pendent diabetes mellitus(IDDM) is located in the HLA (human leucocyte antigen) class Ⅱ region. Transracial analysis provides a method of distinguishing primary associations between IDDM and HLA calss Ⅱ alleles from those secondary to linkage disequilibrium. This study was aimed to investigate the HLA association with IDDM in Korean population. DNA, amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR), was subjected to allele specific oligonucleotide dot-blot analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP) analysis and DNA sequencing. The frequency of HLA DR3, DR4 and DR3/4 was significantly increased in the diabetic patients(15/55[27.3%] vs control subjects, 8/76[10.5%], p<0.05, RR =3.1, 39/55[70.9%] vs. 23/76[30.3%], RR=5.3, p<0.01, 8/55[14.5%] vs.3/76[4.1%], RR=4.0, p<0.05).The frequency of DR2 and DR8 was significantly decreased in the diabetic patients(3/55[5.4%] vs. 14/76[18.4%], RR=0.3, p<0.05 and 5/55[9.1%] vs. 21/76[27.6%], RR=0.3, p<0.05). The frequency of DOQA1 (*)**0301, which was positively associated with IDDM in Caucasian and Japanese but not in Chinese, was significantly higher in the patients(27/32[84.5%] vs. control subjects,24/39[61.5%], RR=3.4, p<0.05). The frequency of DQA1 (*)**0101 ,(*)**0102 was significantly lower in the diabetic Patients(9/32[28.1% vs. control subjects, 21/39[53.8], RR=0.3, p<0.05). The frequency of DQB1 (*)**0201 , which was not associated with IDDM in Chinese, was significantly higher in the diabetic patients(16/37[43.3% vs. control subjects, 5/36[13.9%], RR=6.2, p<0.005). The frequency of DQB1 (*)^^0303 was significantly higher in the diabetic patients(16//37[43.2%0 vs.control subjects, 3/36[8.3%], RR=8.4, p<0.001). The frequency of the heterodimer DQA1 (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0201 , DQA1 (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0303 , DQA1 (*)**04 -DQB1 (*)**0201 was significantly increased and DQA1 (*)**0101 , 0102-DQB1 (*)**0302 was significantly decreased in diabetic patients. The frequency of the deduced haptotype DR3-DQA1 (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0201 and DQA1 (*)**04 -DQB1 (*)**0201 was significantly increased in diabetic patients(9/28[32.1%] vs. DR3-positive control subjects, O/l8[0.0%], p<0.01 and 7/28 vs. 0/18[0.0%], p<0.05). The frequency of Arg52 positive allele homozygotes was significantly increased in diabetic patients but the frequency of Asp57 positive allele was not different from control subjects. The distribution of HLA DR phenotype of Korean IDDM patients was similar to Caucasian IDDM patients except for relatively low frequency of HLA DR3/4 and was slightly different from other Oriental populations. HLA DQAl (*)**0301 , DQB1 (*)**0303 , DQB1 (*)**0201 were increased and DQA1 (*)**0101 , DQA1 (*)**0102 , DQB1 (*)**0301 were decreased in Korean IDDM patients. It seems likely that there exists dose effect among these susceptible and Protective alleles. And also the role of heterodimer which is consisted of these alleles may be important to determine susceptibility to IDDM. [영묞] Family and population studies have shown that at least one susceptibility locus for insulin-de-pendent diabetes mellitus(IDDM) is located in the HLA (human leucocyte antigen) class Ⅱ region. Transracial analysis provides a method of distinguishing primary associations between IDDM and HLA calss Ⅱ alleles from those secondary to linkage disequilibrium. This study was aimed to investigate the HLA association with IDDM in Korean population. DNA, amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR), was subjected to allele specific oligonucleotide dot-blot analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP) analysis and DNA sequencing. The frequency of HLA DR3, DR4 and DR3/4 was significantly increased in the diabetic patients(15/55[27.3%] vs control subjects, 8/76[10.5%], p<0.05, RR =3.1, 39/55[70.9%] vs. 23/76[30.3%], RR=5.3, p<0.01, 8/55[14.5%] vs.3/76[4.1%], RR=4.0, p<0.05).The frequency of DR2 and DR8 was significantly decreased in the diabetic patients(3/55[5.4%] vs. 14/76[18.4%], RR=0.3, p<0.05 and 5/55[9.1%] vs. 21/76[27.6%], RR=0.3, p<0.05). The frequency of DOQA1 (*)**0301, which was positively associated with IDDM in Caucasian and Japanese but not in Chinese, was significantly higher in the patients(27/32[84.5%] vs. control subjects,24/39[61.5%], RR=3.4, p<0.05). The frequency of DQA1 (*)**0101 ,(*)**0102 was significantly lower in the diabetic Patients(9/32[28.1% vs. control subjects, 21/39[53.8], RR=0.3, p<0.05). The frequency of DQB1 (*)**0201 , which was not associated with IDDM in Chinese, was significantly higher in the diabetic patients(16/37[43.3% vs. control subjects, 5/36[13.9%], RR=6.2, p<0.005). The frequency of DQB1 (*)^^0303 was significantly higher in the diabetic patients(16//37[43.2%0 vs.control subjects, 3/36[8.3%], RR=8.4, p<0.001). The frequency of the heterodimer DQA1 (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0201 , DQA1 (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0303 , DQA1 (*)**04 -DQB1 (*)**0201 was significantly increased and DQA1 (*)**0101 , 0102-DQB1 (*)**0302 was significantly decreased in diabetic patients. The frequency of the deduced haptotype DR3-DQA1 (*)**0301 -DQB1 (*)**0201 and DQA1 (*)**04 -DQB1 (*)**0201 was significantly increased in diabetic patients(9/28[32.1%] vs. DR3-positive control subjects, O/l8[0.0%], p<0.01 and 7/28 vs. 0/18[0.0%], p<0.05). The frequency of Arg52 positive allele homozygotes was significantly increased in diabetic patients but the frequency of Asp57 positive allele was not different from control subjects. The distribution of HLA DR phenotype of Korean IDDM patients was similar to Caucasian IDDM patients except for relatively low frequency of HLA DR3/4 and was slightly different from other Oriental populations. HLA DQAl (*)**0301 , DQB1 (*)**0303 , DQB1 (*)**0201 were increased and DQA1 (*)**0101 , DQA1 (*)**0102 , DQB1 (*)**0301 were decreased in Korean IDDM patients. It seems likely that there exists dose effect among these susceptible and Protective alleles. And also the role of heterodimer which is consisted of these alleles may be important to determine susceptibility to IDDM.restrictio

    홍윩쀑묞대학교 교수학습섌터

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    Studies on Staphylococcus aureus derived extracellular vesicle as one of causes in immune-based inflammatory disorder in the lung

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    MasterAsthma is characterized by the over-whelming activation of the adaptive immune system against allergens and is caused by common allergens including house dust mite and pollen to invade in to the airway. The Th2 hypothesis of asthma is that exaggerated Th2 immune response in allergen sensitized person induces eosinophilic airway inflammation in combination with a decreased Th1 response. Although many reports support the Th2 hypothesis, recent researches reported that IFN-γ (a Th1 cytokine) is elevated in the blood and airway, and IL-17 (a Th17 cytokine) is also increased in asthma patients, especially severe asthma patients (neutrophilic asthma). Previously, our group first found that house dust, an important causative agent, induces lung inflammation derived by T helper cell (Th) 17 immune response and house dust-derived extracellular vesicles (dust EV) also induce lung inflammation mediated by Th17 immune response. We also found that house dust contaminates S. aureus which is gram-positive bacterium presenting in air or indoor dust as well as colonizing the human skin and nasopharynx. S. aureus is a one of the most important human pathogens, and it causes various superficial, systemic, and nosocomial infections. There are no researches that reported relationship between S. aureus-derived inflammatory lung diseases and Th17 immune response. Recent studies reported that S. aureus can produce S. aureus-derived vesicles that may be able to act as causative agent for inflammation such as atopic dermatitis.The vesicles were prepared by sequential ultrafiltration and ultracentrifugation. In vitro and in vivo innate immune dysfunction was evaluated after application to alveolar macrophages in vitro and after once application to the mouse airways, respectively. Adaptive immune dysfunction was evaluated after 3 weeks airway exposure of the vesicles with or without ovalbumin (OVA), respectively. Inflammation and immune response were evaluated at 6 h or 48 h after the final application. Inflammatory cytokines and serum antibody were measured by ELISA and flow cytometry. Else, evaluation of inflammation was measured by histology stained with H&E. The present study shows that S. aureus-derived vesicles enhanced the production of proinflammatory mediators, such as TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IP-10, from alveolar macrophages. In addition, once application of the vesicles into the mouse airways increased lung inflammation and the production of IL-12 and IL-6 (Th1 and Th17 polarizing cytokines, respectively) as well as proinflammatory mediators including TNF-alpha and IL-1. Repeated airway exposure of the vesicles for 3 weeks induced neutrophilic inflammation in the lung, which is associated with both Th1 and Th17 cell responses. In terms of adjuvant effect of the vesicles, sensitization with the vesicles and OVA and then challenge with OVA alone induced neutrophilic inflammation which is partially eliminated by the absence of IFN-gamma or IL-17. Our results indicate that S. aureus-derived vesicles can induce neutrophilic inflammation in the lung via both Th1- and Th17-dependent mechanisms. S. aureus-derived vesicles are a novel target for the development of technologies for neutrophilic asthma control

    Analysis of Students Open-Ended Course Evaluation Using Topic Modeling

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    읎 연구는 토픜 몚덞링(topic modeling)의 음종읞 잠재 디늬큎레 할당(latent Dirichlet allocation, 읎하 LDA)을 활용하여 S대학교의 학생듀읎 작성한 강의평가 응답을 분석핚윌로썚 학생듀읎 갖고 있는 강의에 대한 생각을 볎닀 직접적윌로 알아볎고자 하였닀. 읎륌 위핎 2015년 1학Ʞ에 개섀된 ì•œ 1,500개 강의에 대핮 학생듀읎 강의에서 개선 되얎알 할 점곌 강의에서 좋았던 점에 대핮 서술한 ì•œ 47,000개의 응답 낎용을 LDA륌 활용핎 분석하였닀. 아욞러, 6개의 닚곌대학(공곌대학, 농업생명곌학대학, 사범대학, 읞묞대학, 사회곌학대학, 자연곌학대학) 강의의 개선되얎알할 점, 좋았던 점에 대핮 분석하였닀. 분석 결곌, 첫짞, 강의에서 개선되얎알 할 점곌 강의에서 좋았던 점 몚두 3개 죌제 몚형읎 가장 적합한 것윌로 나타났닀. 뚌저, 강의에서 개선되얎알 할 점은 1) 곌제·싀험·싀습에 대한 개선사항, 2) 발표·토론에 대한 개선사항, 3) 시험·진도·수업낎용에 대한 개선사항의 ì„ž 가지 죌제로 나타났닀. 닀음윌로, 강의에서 좋았던 점은 1) 교수자·교수 방법에 대한 Ɥ정적 플드백, 2) 직접적 겜험·싀습에 대한 Ɥ정적 플드백, 3) 강의낎용에 대한 Ɥ정적 플드백의 ì„ž 가지 죌제로 나타났닀. 둘짞, 닚곌대학별 분석 결곌, 닚곌대학별로 나타난 죌제의 의믞는 대첎적윌로 전첎 대학 자료륌 분석했을 때와 비슷했윌나, 하나의 죌제 정도가 닚곌대학의 특성을 반영하고 있는 것윌로 나타났닀. 읎 연구는 강의평가의 선택형 묞항 분석에 치쀑하였던 êž°ì¡Ž 연구와 달늬, 토픜 몚덞링을 활용핚윌로썚 대량의 서술형 강의평가 자료륌 횚윚적윌로 요앜하였윌며, 읎륌 통핎 강의 전반에 대한 학생듀의 읞식을 볎닀 직접적읎고 종합적 윌로 삎펎볌 수 있었닀는 의의륌 갖는닀

    The profile analysis for private tutoring expenses of undergraduate and graduate students using the youth panel data collected by KEIS

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    읎 연구는 한국고용정볎원의 청년팚널 2007년(1찚년도)부터 2010년(4찚년도)까지의 자료륌 읎용하여 대학 (원)생의 사교육 싀태륌 분석한 것읎닀. 연구 결곌, 대학(원)생 쀑 행정고시 등 시험쀀비륌 하거나 영얎공부 등 췚업을 위한 사교육을 받아볞 겜험읎 있닀고 응답한 비윚은 최하 14.5%(2010년)에서 최고 22.6%(2007년) 수 쀀읎며, 사교육을 받는닀고 응답한 대학(원)생의 1읞당 월 평균 쎝사교육비는 최하 25.2만 원(2008년)에서 최고 28.2만 원(2007년) 수쀀읞 것윌로 나타났닀. 아욞러, 시험쀀비 사교육을 받는닀고 응답한 대학(원)생의 50% 정 도가 국가Ʞ술자격, 섞묎사, 회계사 등의 전묞자격시험을 쀀비하Ʞ 위한 사교육을 받고 있고, ì·šì—… 사교육을 받 는닀고 응답한 대학(원)생의 50% 정도가 TOEIC, TOEFL, TEPS 등의 영얎시험을 위한 사교육을 받고 있는 것윌로 나타났닀. 읎러한 결곌는 대학(원)에서의 교육 낎용읎 시험쀀비와 췚업쀀비륌 위한 교육 낎용곌의 연계륌 더욱 강화할 필요가 있음을 시사한닀. 한펾, 대학(원)생의 연도별 사교육비 지출 팚턎을 확읞하Ʞ 위핎 2007년도 부터 2010년도까지 각 연도별로 대학(원)생의 사교육 유형별 íš¡ë‹š 프로파음을 분석 제시하였윌며, 대학생의 1학 년부터 4학년까지의 사교육 지출 비용의 변화 팚턎을 확읞하Ʞ 위핎 종닚 프로파음을 분석 제시하였닀. This study analyzed the status of a private tutoring for college students using the Youth Panel data from 2007 (the first year survey) to 2010 (the fourth year survey) collected by Korea Employment Information Service (KEIS). On the basis of 3,045 undergraduate and graduate students who was responded to the first year survey, 2,514 of the second year, 2,384 students of the third year, and 2,407 of the forth year response data were analyzed. As a result, from 14.5% in 2010 to 22.6% in 2007 of respondents were experienced private tutoring to prepare for the examination or to get a job. Moreover, total average monthly tutoring expenses were from 252,000 won to 282,000 won per student who was experienced private tutoring. In addition, about 50% of undergraduate and graduate students who spent private tutoring expenses to prepare for the examination were preparing examination for national and professional qualifications. About 50% of undergraduate and graduate students who spent private tutoring expenses to get a job were taking private tutoring for English tests. On the other hand, profiles for each year were analyzed in order to identify annual spending patterns for private tutoring types. Longitudinal-profile analyses were also conducted to check the patterns of changes from the first year to the forth year