796 research outputs found

    Labor Flow Costs, Urban Economic Agglomeration and Urban-Rural Income Gap:Based on the Revised C-P Model

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    本文主要研究任务有两项:一是在经典的C-P模型框架下,加入劳动力流动成本的设定,探究经济均衡所发生的变化,以及劳动力流动成本对经济集聚产生的影响;二是聚焦城乡收入差距,探究城市经济集聚与城乡收入差距的内在关联。本文结合理论分析与经验分析以完成研究任务。 首先,基于8条假设,借助一般均衡分析框架,本文推导出一个即时均衡的非线性方程组,并利用Mathematica9.0进行数值模拟,得到三项命题:命题I指出,在标准的C-P模型中引入劳动力流动成本后,经济集聚的可能性及程度将减小,而且产生非集聚且非对称的均衡现象;命题II指出,当运输成本随时间逐渐减少时,一个地区的经济集聚程度提升将导致两地间收入...This paper mainly makes two studies. The first is to revise classic C-P model by introducing labor flow costs, and explore what will happen to economic equilibrium and how labor flow costs affect economic agglomeration. The second, concerning urban-rural income gap, is to investigate inherent relations between agglomeration and income gap. To finish the studies, the paper comprehensively uses a ma...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_西方经济学学号:1532014115213

    Design and Implementation of Online Question Answering System for Wuzhou University

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    科学技术的进步,密切了人与人之间的联系,利用网络进行信息沟通,大大提高了生活的便利性。在教育领域,现在利用网络,开展网上学习,足不出户就能够增长知识,提高学习效率。近年以来,梧州学院的教学工作取得了很大的发展,招收学生的人数得到增多,在校生以及网络教育的人数持续增长,这给学校的教学工作带来了挑战。随着学生人数日益增长,教师与上课地点并不固定,学生与老师之间只能开展有效的交流,在时间与空间方面都受到限制,师生间信息交流不顺畅,有关的教学工作难开展,为此需要开发设计一个在线答疑系统,这对于学校教学水平的提高必将大有帮助。 本系统采用B/S基本结构,使用SERVLET、JSP、JAVASCRIPT...With the development of science and technology, the relationship among people is established closely and a more convenient life is brought by communication on line. In the field of education, knowledge can be acquired easily and study can be improved effectively by learning online at home. In recent years, the teaching work of Wuzhou University havs been greatly developed. However, the increasing ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323093

    Density of states of a graphene in the presence of strong point defects

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    The density of states near zero energy in a graphene due to strong point defects with random positions are computed. Instead of focusing on density of states directly, we analyze eigenfunctions of inverse T-matrix in the unitary limit. Based on numerical simulations, we find that the squared magnitudes of eigenfunctions for the inverse T-matrix show random-walk behavior on defect positions. As a result, squared magnitudes of eigenfunctions have equal {\it a priori} probabilities, which further implies that the density of states is characterized by the well-known Thomas-Porter type distribution. The numerical findings of Thomas-Porter type distribution is further derived in the saddle-point limit of the corresponding replica field theory of inverse T-matrix. Furthermore, the influences of the Thomas-Porter distribution on magnetic and transport properties of a graphene, due to its divergence near zero energy, are also examined.Comment: 6 figure

    Design and Implementation of School Personnel Management System Based on JAVA

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    当前电子计算机网络,硬件无论是性能还是可靠性方面,都足以满足学校管理应用的需要。学校领导及员工对计算机应用重要性的认识亿大大提高,这些为学校管理信息化提供了有利条件。为实现高校无纸化办公发展要求,使人力资源管理中各项事务日臻科学化和规范化,并使人力资源管理工作者从原始复杂的人工管理的高劳动强度中解脱出来,以提高效率和工作质量,提升管理水平,便捷、高效地为各级领导和各相关部门及时提供科学的决策数据。人力资源管理涵盖了从人员聘用到教职工离职的所有业务流程,人力资源管理信息化的实现,不仅可以涵盖从岗位、职称、薪酬到培训方案等一系列工作模块,而且也可以高效的实现高校人力资源管理工作的系统化、模式化和集...The electronic computer network, both performance and dependability of hardware are enough to meet the need used in business administration at present. The school leader and the staff understanding that the computer uses importance has already been improved greatly, these have offered the advantage for school administration informationization. To achieve the paperless office development request of...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023051


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    自建国以来,围绕财权与事权、中央与地方关系的调整一直是我国政府所关注并不断尝试的一个重要问题。构建财权与事权相统一的财税制度,是调整好中央与地方关系、发挥二者积极性的重要举措。十八届三中全会指出,要明确事权、改革税制、稳定税负、透明预算、提高效率,建立现代财政制度,发挥中央和地方的积极性。要改进预算管理制度,完善税收制度,建立事权和支出责任相适应制度。2012年国家社科基金基金资助项目“财政分权、包容性增长与治理研究”〈12CJY097〉阶段性成果; 厦门大学繁荣哲学社会科学项目成

    Research and Application of Data Warehouse for E-commerce System

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    伴随着现代信息技术的迅速发展,阿里巴巴在纳斯达克成功上市,电子商务的巨大市场价值和发展动力得到充分显现。当今网上购物已经成为消费市场的主力军,当传统企业纷纷加入电子商务行列时,领导者都急切希望将企业零散在各系统的海量数据转变成对企业有意义的数据,通过数据库技术发现数据内在的价值,争取为企业创造出更大的利润。数据仓库之父W.H.Inmon博士在1991年提出:数据仓库是面向主题的、集成的、相对稳定的、反映历史变化的数据集合,用于支持经营管理中的决策制定过程。更确切的说,数据仓库是基于企业数据模型,面向业务主题、统一数据标准、存储历史数据的数据集合,本质上是一种分析型数据库。当前电子商务系统数据库...With the rapid development of modern information technology, Alibaba successfully listed on NASDAQ, huge market value and development of electronic commerce power fully revealed.Today online shopping has become the main force of the consumer market, when traditional companies join e-commerce, leaders are eager to make the scattered in various systems of mass data into meaningful data, discovered t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223112

    Weak Signal Detection based on Correlation Technologies in Underwater Acoustic Communication

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    水声通信涉及国防水声学和民用海洋开发、利用诸多方面,受到各有关海洋国家的高度重视。我国是一个海洋大国,拥有丰富的海洋资源,随着人类开发和利用海洋的步伐加快,对水声通信的研究将成为必然。 在水中,无线电波和光波都衰减得非常快,因此使用声波通信几乎成了水下通信唯一的选择。但是水声信道是一个十分复杂的时-空-频变随机多径信道,再加上高噪声、窄带宽、载波频率低、大起伏、传输时延大等特点,给水声通信带来极大的困难,其中强多途效应和大幅度起伏是造成水声通信性能较差的主要因素,它会导致信号幅度衰落和严重的码间干扰。本论文以DSP为平台,利用相关技术对水声微弱信号的检测进行初步的探索。 本论文共分为七个部...Underwater sound communication has attracted much attention of maritime countries, because it concerns various important aspects, such as national defense hydroacoustics, the development and civilian use of oceans. China is a maritime power with abundant ocean resources. As the exploitation and utilization of oceans develop, there will be more researches on underwater sound communication. Both r...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋物理学号:2242007115081

    Yasi Electric Apparatus Company's Marketing Strategy Analysis

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    改革开放以来我国经济实现了快速发展,为企业的发展提供了难得的市场机会。与此同时,国家提出加快转变经济增长方式的发展思路,要求由片面追求数量、产值和速度的数量型增长向更注重质量、效率、结构的质量型增长转变,这就有利于促进技术含量高和实力强的企业的发展。亚斯电气公司作为电气成套设备行业的知名企业,近些年在电网基础设施建设投入的稳定增长以及现代化城市的快速发展带动了电力及成套设备、服务的市场快速增长的背景下,公司实现了跨越式发展。但是,由于电力行业的高速发展,吸引了大量企业进入,导致亚斯电气公司面临的市场竞争更加激烈,环境变化更为复杂,因此要求公司能根据自身所处的内外部环境以及自身的优劣势,制定合适...Since China’s reform and opening up, our country has achieved rapid economic development and provides rare opportunities for many enterprises. At the same time, the development idea of speeding up the economic growth pattern requires the transformation from quantitative growth to qualitative growth which gives more attention to quality, efficiency and structure rather than quantity and speed. This...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X201215639