4 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Determination of Multi-class Antibiotics Residues in Dried Aquatic Products by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass(LC-MS/MS)Spectrometry

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    运用液质联用技术建立了水产干制品中40种抗生素的同时测定方法。含0.1%甲酸乙腈进行提取,考察了不同萃取溶剂及nA2EdTA添加量对目标抗生素回收率影响。目标抗生素在0.1~100μg/kg范围内线性良好;以基底匹配工作曲线进行定量,在高加标浓度下虾仁、鳗鱼干、红娘鱼干的加标回收率和rSd(n=4)分别为40.5%~138.6%和0.4%~19.4%、41.3%~134.5%和1.3%~11.6%、及40.3%~136.7%和0.1%~14.7%,方法检测限在0.1~0.5μg/kg。方法快速、简便,已成功应用于厦门周边常见水产干制品的检测。A method for simultaneous determination of 40 antibiotics in dried aquatic products was established using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS).Effects of experimental conditions,such as extraction solvents and Na2 EDTA adding on extraction efficiency were investigated.Under the optimized conditions,recoveries of 40 target drugs calculated by matrix match calibration curve at 20 μg/kg spiking level and RSD(n=4)were 40.5%~138.6% and 0.4%~19.4% for dried shrimp,41.3%~134.5% and 1.3%~11.6% for dried ell and 40.3%~136.7% and 0.1%~14.7% for dried gurnard,respectively.Most of method detection limits of target antibiotics ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 μg/kg.The method was sensitive,accurate,fast and successfully applied in the analysis of residual antibiotics in typical aquatic products in Xiamen


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    Study on the risk factors for intrauterine infection of hepatitis B virus among pregnant women

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    目的探讨厦门市孕妇乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染情况和HBV宫内感染的影响因素。方法在1; 064名孕妇第一次到医院建立孕产妇保健卡时进行问卷调查并检测其血清乙肝标志物,根据检测结果选择外周血乙型肝炎表面抗原(hepatitis B; surface antigen,HBsAg)阳性的产妇179例随访至其分娩,并采集其分娩时的脐血和胎盘组织。对脐血进行HBsAg和HBV; DNA的检测,对胎盘组织进行HBsAg的检测。采用chi~2检验和非条件Logistic回归分析相关因素与HBV宫内感染的关系。结果被调查的1; 064名孕妇中,HBsAg阳性的孕妇共179名,感染率为16.8%。对179名HBsAg阳性的孕妇的脐血进行检测发现,发生HBV宫内感染的孕妇共; 34名,感染率为19.0%。孕妇HBV宫内感染的危险因素为胎盘HBsAg阳性、孕妇血清乙型肝炎E抗原(hepatitis B e; antigen,HBeAg)阳性、孕前超重,OR分别为5.123(95% CI:1.422 ~ 18.413)、4.619(95%; CI:1.225 ~ 17.534)、 3.343(95% CI:1.233 ~; 9.092)。结论对于HBsAg和HBeAg双阳性的超重/肥胖孕妇,其新生儿可能发生HBV宫内感染,应加强自身防护措施,合理规避HBV宫内感染风; 险。Objective To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV); infection in pregnant women and the risk factors for Intrauterine; infection of HBV among pregnant women in Xiamen. Methods Total 1 064; pregnant women were included in this study. A questionnaire was; performed to collect the general information of the subjects and HBV; infection status was tested on the first day when they came to the; hospital. Then HBsAg positive pregnant women were selected and followed; until delivery. We collected their cord blood and placenta tissue when; they delivery. HBsAg and HBV DNA in cord blood and HBsAg in placental; tissue were detected. Chi-square test and the non-conditional Logistic; regression analysis were conducted to investigate the correlation; between HBV intrauterine infection and risk factors. Results 179 out of; the 1 064 pregnant women were HBsAg positive. The infection rate was; 16.8%. 34 out of 179 HBsAg positive pregnant women were found; intrauterine transmission with a rate of 19.0%. The risk factors for the; occurrence of HBV intrauterine transmission were placenta HBsAg positive; (OR = 5.123, 95% CI:1.422-18.413),mothers with hepatitis B e; antigen(HBeAg) positive (OR = 4.619, 95% CI:1.225-17.534) and; overweight(OR = 3.343, 95% CI:1.233-9.092), respectively. Conclusions; Placenta HBsAg positive,mothers with HBeAg positive and overweight are; independent risk factors for the occurrence of HBV intrauterine; transmission.国家自然科学基金; 厦门市科技计划项


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    氮素(N)是陆地生态系统尤其是草地生态系统第一生产力的重要限制性养分之一。陆地生态系统N素的可利用性由土壤N素的转化速率决定,其中包括氨化和硝化2个重要过程。准确测定N素在各转化过程中的量,对于估算陆地生态系统N转化非常重要。稳定性同位素15 N由于其安全、准确且不干扰自然生态系统等特点,近年来在生态系统N循环研究方面得到广泛应用,常用方法包括15 N自然丰度法、15 N还原法、15 N库稀释法和15 N示踪法。在查阅大量文献的基础上,搜集整理了15 N库稀释法和15 N示踪法的详细操作流程并综述了其在草地生态系统应用的最新进展,分别从不同草地管理方式(增施氮肥、放牧、火烧和刈割等)和全球气候变化(增温、增雨、大气氮沉降和CO2浓度升高等)对草地生态系统N转化过程的影响进行论述。同位素15 N在草地生态系统应用的方法同样适用于森林、农田以及其他陆地生态系统