1,075 research outputs found

    K Company's Business Strategy Based On Life Cycle Theory

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    企业生命周期是从企业发展成长过程的角度来研究企业成长问题的理论,该理论认为,任何一家企业都犹如一个自然生命体,都会面临成长与死亡的历程,企业的内部组织随着生命周期不断演变,将呈现出可以预测的行为规律模式。我们通过认识企业生命周期各阶段的特征及其可能出现的问题,就可以知道如何避免或尽量减少问题继而解决问题,促进企业健康发展,以最佳姿态进入成熟期,并通过一定的途径和方法延长成熟期,延缓衰退期的到来,使企业获得高质量的生命。本文主要应用企业生命周期理论,对教育行业近年一发展速度迅猛的企业K公司的发展过程进行分析研究,判断其所处生命周期阶段,继而得出结论、给出建议。 笔者通过对K公司的高层访谈、文献...Enterprise life cycle is from the enterprise growth process perspective to the study of the enterprise growth theory, the theory that any enterprise are like a natural life will face the process of growth and death, enterprise organization system with the life cycle evolution, will show predictable patterns of behavior. The understanding of the characteristics of each stage of life cycle of enterp...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792010115072


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    Real-Time Measurement on Deformation Fields of Hole-Excavated Samples under Impact Tension

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    In this paper, the real-time deformation fields are observed in two different kinds of hole-excavated dog-bone samples loaded by an SHTB, including single hole sample and dual holes sample with the aperture size of 0.8mm. The testing system consists of a high-speed camera, a He-Ne laser, a frame grabber and a synchronization device with the controlling accuracy of I microsecond. Both the single hole expanding process and the interaction of the two holes are recorded with the time interval of 10 mu s. The observed images on the sample surface are analyzed by newly developed software based on digital correlation theory and a modified image processing method. The 2-D displacement fields in plane are obtained with a resolution of 50 mu m and an accuracy of 0.5 mu m. Experimental results obtained in this paper are proofed, by compared with FEM numerical simulations

    A Study on the Development Strategy of Shipbuilding Business for CATICXM Company

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    船舶工业是国民经济中的重要领域,为国防在海上筑起“长城”而提供装备,是国家、地区间经济交往重要的海洋装备工业,因产业关联度高而带动上下游产业的发展,受到各国政府的重视和支持。新中国成立后,经过几代人的努力,中国的船舶工业取得了长足的发展,占据世界造船14.2%的市场份额,连续10年排名世界第三,位居日本、韩国之后,欧盟之前。从上世纪90年代开始,中国造船走向世界,目前70%的船舶出口,是中国外贸出口依存度最高的产业之一。期间的发展凝集着外贸公司不可替代的作用,经营船舶出口的外贸公司与船舶工业一起度过了艰难的经济困难期。从2002年开始中国造船迎来了新的机遇和挑战。从事船舶出口业务的外贸公司如何...Shipbuilding industry occupies a vital position in the national economy; in the field of naval shipbuilding which plays a positive role offering outfit and equipment to form "the Great Wall" of national defense at sea, and in the economic area which it offers merchant shipbuilding and marine equipment that form important associations among countries and economic regions. The high level of shipbuil...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20031503


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    Allocation Plan and Carbon Emission Trading under CO2 Intensity Framework

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    我国政府在哥本哈根世界气候会议上做出的关于2020年碳排放强度比2005年下降40%到45%的减排承诺,并且将此作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展中长期规划。因此,将碳强度下降率的减排目标按区域进行分配,成为落实碳减排承诺的关键。 考虑到中国作为一个区域发展和资源禀赋极不平衡的国家,各地区的碳排放特征和发展趋势也呈现较大差异,所以碳排放问题不仅体现在总量和增长上,更多地是体现在碳排放的空间格局的动态变化方面。只有将区域的差异性和关联性纳入碳强度指标的区域分配计划中,才能使得相关政策具有更明确的针对性和更良好的可操作性。 我们首先采用空间计量经济学的研究方法,综合区域经济、人口、资源和能源...This research use spatial economics models to carry out an empirical analysis of spatial character of regional carbon emission in china across provinces in china. The results show that there is not only a conditional convergence in regional carbon emission, but also a club convergence has been identified, that is, the neighbor provinces have a certain growth convergence in carbon emission. Otherwi...学位:博士后院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_技术经济及管理学号:200917003

    A Study on Complexity of Foreign Exchange Market and Artificial Foreign Exchange Market

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    浮动汇率制度下,外汇市场上汇率的持续异常波动是经济学中最让人困惑和难以给予理论解释的经济现象之一。从20世纪70年代的宏观模型到90年代末以来日益盛行的外汇市场微观结构理论研究,虽然大量的研究工作取得了很多令人鼓舞的进展,但至今还不能很好解释汇率内在生成机制及其波动特性。与之相对应,汇率理论中微观基础和宏观规律之间的联系也一直没有得到合理的说明。近年来,随着复杂性科学在经济和金融研究中的应用,出现了一种崭新的金融市场研究方法——计算实验金融学。计算实验金融学借助多主体仿真技术构建人工金融市场,模拟金融市场的运行,来发现金融市场演化的规律。从现有研究成果来看,人工金融市场的研究已经取得了一定的进...In floating exchange rate system, the continued abnormal fluctuations in the exchange rate is the most confusing phenomenon and difficult to explain though the economic theory. We still can’t explain the exchange rate formation mechanism and its inherent volatility characteristics, although many studies have made a lot of encouraging progress from the macro-model appeared in the 70's to the increa...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562006015306

    Changes in the Export Ceramics Industry in the Meiji Period

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    新領域・次世代の日本研究, 京都, 2014年11月11日-13


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    工商行政自由裁量权是工商行政职权的重要内容,它在保证工商行政管理部门实现市场监督管理职能的同时,也不同程度地存在着被滥用的现象。本文通过对工商行政自由裁量权概况的论述,具体探讨了工商行政自由裁量权的滥用在实践中的具体表现形式、成因及其性质等问题,并在此基础上提出了控制工商行政自由裁量权滥用的法律途径。 全文分为引言、正文、结束语三部分。引言指出了工商行政自由裁量权及其滥用的理论和实践的现状,阐明了研究工商行政自由裁量权滥用的法律控制机制,发挥工商行政自由裁量权能动性的现实意义。 正文共分五章。第一章工商行政自由裁量权概述。本章首先阐述了工商行政自由裁量权的概念、特征及其存在的必要性,然后以...NO学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200008060