46 research outputs found


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    Transition from tunneling leakage current to molecular tunneling in single-molecule junctions

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    数十年来,半导体工业一直遵循基于“摩尔定律”所设定的发展蓝图,逐步提升集成电路芯片上晶体管的集成度和运行速度,减小器件尺寸。为探索这一尺寸极限,课题组基于机械可控裂结技术自主开发了具有飞安级电学测量和亚纳米级位移控制灵敏度的科学仪器,在国际上首次获取了一系列具有不同重复单元的寡聚苯乙炔类分子电导随电极间距的演变关系,并发现随着电极间距的缩小,器件电输运由通过分子器件电流占主导逐步转变到由隧穿漏电流占主导。对于本研究中具有最小尺寸的寡聚苯乙炔分子器件,其由于隧穿漏电流所制约的尺寸极限可小至0.66 nm,预示了有机分子器件在未来电子器件小型化方面具有重要的应用潜力。 这一研究工作是在化学化工学院洪文晶教授、萨本栋微纳研究院杨扬助理教授以及英国Durham University的MartinR. Bryce教授共同指导下完成的。能源材料化学协同创新中心iChEM Fellow刘俊扬博士为论文第一作者,博士研究生郑珏婷、李瑞豪和硕士研究生黄晓艳、唐永翔、皮九婵、本科生王飞等参与了研究工作。田中群教授、毛秉伟教授和师佳副教授为论文工作提供了重要指导。【Abstract】The tunneling leakage current will be a major quantum obstacle during miniaturization in the semiconductor industry down to the scale of several nanometers. At this scale, to promote charge transport and overcome the tunneling leakage current between the source and drain terminals, molecular electronic junctions offer opportunities by inserting molecules between these two electrodes. Employing a series of oligo(aryleneethynylene) (OAE) molecules, here we investigate the transition from tunneling leakage current to molecular tunneling in the single-molecule devices using mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) technique, and the transition distances of the OAE molecular junctions were determined and even down to 0.66 nm for OAE2 molecular junction, which demonstrates that the intrinsic charge transport properties of a single-molecule device can be outstripped from the tunneling leakage current. Consequently, molecular electronic devices show the potential to push the ultimate limit of miniaturization to the scale of several angstroms.This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0204902). This work was also generously supported by the Young Thousand Talent Project of China, the EC FP7 ITN “MOLESCO” project number 606728, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 21703188, 21673195, 21503179), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M622060). 该工作获得科技部国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFA0204902),国家自然科学基金委(21673195、21703188、21503179)以及中国博士后科学基金(2017M622060)等项目的资助,也得到了固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室、能源材料化学协同创新中心的支持


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    Event-Related Potential Correlates of the Occupational Gender Stereotype-Activated Effect

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    目的:采用事件相关电位技术考察职业性别刻板印象激活效应。方法:使用语义联想启动范式,以代表&ldquo;男性&rdquo;或&ldquo;女性&rdquo;的单词为启动刺激,以职业性别刻板印象词为目标刺激,让被试判断启动词和目标词是否一致。结果:行为结果发现对比一致条件,不一致条件下被试的反应时更慢,正确率更低;对比男性启动条件,女性被试在女性启动条件下反应时更快,正确率更高。ERP结果发现,对比一致条件,不一致条件诱发了更大的N400波幅;对比男性启动条件,女性被试在女性启动条件下诱发了更大的P600波幅。结论:这些研究结果可能表明职业性别刻板激活效应是存在的,且支持语义匹配模型,而不是扩散激活模型;女性被试具有内群体偏见效应;职业性别刻板印象激活效应和内群体偏见效应都发生在知觉加工的晚期阶段。 Objective: To explore the occupational gender stereotype-activated effect by using ERPs. Methods: The ex- periment adopted the semantic/associative priming paradigm. Specially, we took maseulinize and feminine words as priming stimuli and the male and female stereotyped occupational words as target words. We used the explicit matching task to ex- amine the occupational gender stereotype-activated effect. Results: Compared with the congruent condition, responses were slower and less accurate in incongruent condition. N400 amplitudes were larger in incongruent condition than in con- gruent condition. In "woman" priming condition, female subjects showed faster responses and better accuracy than "man" priming condition. The averaged P600 amplitudes were larger In "woman" priming eondition than "man" priming condi- tion. Conclusion: Our findings on behavioral data and N400 amplitudes identify the occupational gender stereotype. The production mechanism of N400 effect that belongs to occupational gender stereotype-activated effect might be semantic matching rather than spreading activation. Finally, females show in-group bias effect in behavioral results and P600 ampli- tudes, which may start at the post-perceptual stage.</p


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    This article focuses on the thermal-structural optimal design of actively-cooled panels reinforced by low density cellular structures.Three types of core topologies are considered,i.e.,hexagonal honeycombs, lattice trusses in pyramidal configuration,and corrugated sheets.Parametric numerical models ..


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    Remote Operated Vehicle(ROV) Dynamic Positioning Based on USBL (Ultra Short Base Line)

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    动力定位 (DynamicPositioning(DP) )技术是水下机器人的关键技术之一。因此针对当前动力定位主要在缆控水下机器人 (ROV)中应用的情况 ,给出了ROV动力定位技术的实施方法。通过声学定位技术确定ROV的坐标 ,计算出与期望位姿的差 ,将其作为神经网络控制器的输入量来控制ROV ,从而进行动力定位。同时还重点研究了ROV动力定位中的主要研究内容即水声定位技术和定位控制技术的构建

    Present situation and development of acupuncture in the Netherlands

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    介绍针灸疗法在荷兰的发展历史、现状、针灸教育机构及协会、立法、应用等情况。针灸传入荷兰大约有400年,目前针灸在荷兰仅作为补充和替代医学之一,尚未通过国家立法;其发展以民间为主,缺乏正规的针灸医疗机构,教育机构也以私立为主;针灸虽未列入荷兰基本医疗保险范围,但作为保险公司提供的附加保险项目之一,其费用仍可得到部分报销。尽快建立正规的医疗机构,培养高素质的针灸师,促进国家对针灸的立法,将针灸纳入基础医疗保险范畴,是荷兰中医界目前亟待解决的问题。The development,present situation,educational institution and association,legislation and application of acupuncture therapy in the Netherlands are introduced.Acupuncture was introduced into the Netherlands about 400 years ago.At present,being one of the complementary and alternative medicine,acupuncture has not passed the national legislation yet.The nongovernmental source is given priority to the development of acupuncture and the educational institution is private.Even though acupuncture has not been listed in the basic medical insurance in the Netherlands,it becomes one of the additional items of the insurance company and its expenditure is reimbursed partially.The field of TCM in the Netherlands now is facing to the issues to be solved,including constructing the official medical institution,educating high-quality acupuncturists,promoting national legislation and adopting acupuncture into the basic medical insurance


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