825 research outputs found

    The Development of a Universal USB Waterproof Charger

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    随着电子产品的发展和普及,充电器的使用频率越来越高,需求量也越来越大。所以充电器仍然具有较大的市场空间和较广阔的应用前景。但是,充电器的频繁和大量使用,使其工作环境变得更加复杂多样,特别是在有水汽的环境中充电变得更加平常,而这种情况间接地提高了发生危险的可能性。此外,充电器作为一种与能源相关的耗材消费品,其效率的降低和产量的增加,都会给环境造成严重的负担。因此,开发一种通用、节能、经济的防水充电器具有一定的实际意义。本文通过对充电器原理及其结构进行研究,并结合安规要求和工程实际,开发了一种USB(UniversalSerialBus通用串行总线)防水开关电源充电器。开关电源技术是一种通过控制开...With the development and popularization of electronic products, chargers are used more and more frequently, and their demands are getting larger and larger too. So chargers are still have a larger market and a wide application prospect. However, it makes the using environment of chargers become more complex and diverse, because of the frequently used. Especially the case that they are used in high...学位:工程硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_工程硕士(机械工程)学号:X201218201

    The Philippines: Review of 2016 and Prospect of 2017

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    2016年,菲律宾顺利完成大选,并成功进行权力交接,政治社会总体稳定;经济以6.8%的增长率跃居亚洲首位;外交上一改依赖美国的大国平衡外交政策,在新任总统杜特尔特的率领下,菲律宾试图走独立自主的外交道路。随着杜特尔特的成功访华和两国领导人对南海问题的磋商,菲中关系逐步恢复正常。2017年,菲律宾将继续走独立自主的外交路线,并有望实现7%以上的经济增长。In 2016, the Philippines had successfully completed the election, and completed the transfer of rights. Changing from the former presidents' foreign policy of balancing great power relying mainly on the United States', under the leadership of the new president DuthelTe, the Philippines is trying to take the path of independent diplomacy. With the success of DuthelTe's visit to China and the South China Sea resolved by consultations, the Philippines - China relations is increasingly normalized, in the year, the Philippines is steady in both society and politics, so the economy grew by 6.8%, taking the first in Asia. Looking forward to 2017, the Philippines will continue to follow an independent diplomatic line, and is expected to achieve more than 7% of economic growth

    Overseas-Chinese Merchants of Southeast Asia under the Construction of CAFTA Upgraded Version

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    中国-东盟自由贸易区经过十几年的建设,取得了举世瞩目的成绩,年均双边贸易总额呈两位数增长。但诸如优惠政策利用率不高、投资服务市场开放度低等问题与不足也日益明显,自贸区升级版建设势在必然。东南亚华商自改革开放以来的中国经济发展,尤其是在以往的中国-东盟自由贸易区建设中有着推动和桥梁纽带作用。在中国-东盟自由贸易区升级版建设中,要继续发挥他们的作用。After over 10 years of construction,Chinese-ASEAN Free Trade Area(CAFTA)has obtained a worldwide-attention scores,the annual growth of bilateral trade volume was double figures.But the problems,for example,the preferential policy is not fully utilized,the opening degree of investment and service market is still low and so on is also increasingly obvious,the upgraded version of CAFTA is inevitable,Overseas-Chinese Merchants of Southeast Asia has the role of promotion and bridge in China's economic development since China's reform and opening up,especially in the CAFTA construction.In the future construction of upgraded CAFTA,their role should be utilized continuously.2014年度国家社会科学基金项目;课题名称为《中国—东盟自由贸易区升级版背景下东南亚华商的作用研究》;课题批准号为:14XJY00

    Study on Issues of China’s Foreign Exchange Reserve Accumulation

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    中国外汇储备量从1994年外汇体制改革以来一直在稳定增长,尤其是近年来增长规模越来越大,年均增长2000亿美元。中国人民银行为此投放的外汇占款大量增加,导致中国货币供应量增速过快,国内面临的通货膨胀的压力越来越大,本文围绕相关问题展开了探讨。首先,论文认为中国外汇储备增长的来源主要渠道是经常项目顺差和外商直接投资,在目前汇率水平比较稳定的情况下,中国的外汇储备增长具有很强的稳定性。然后结合外汇储备增长的国际趋势,提出目前亚洲外汇储备增长的根本原因是当前非均衡国际货币体系的中心—外围构架。位于国际货币体系中心的国家担负着提供国际货币的职能,而外围国家为获得国际货币只有保持巨额顺差。其次,论文在比...Chinese foreign exchange (FX) reserve is steadily increasing since the foreign exchange management system reformation in 1994, especially in recent years, it increases $200 billions on average. The money supply of the People’s Bank of China (PBC) augments correspondingly due to it’s increment, and causes an inflation trend. This dissertation mainly discusses the relevant topics of Chinese foreign ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:B20034203


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    A Study on Strategy of HD Logistics Company

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    在中国加入WTO之后,随着中国物流行业不断对外开放,我国物流市场的竞争日益激烈,中国民营企业不仅面对国外大型物流企业的正面竞争,还将面对中国无数小型物流企业的竞争。如何适应外部环境的新变化,如何将自身的资源优势转化为竞争优势,如何改变自身在竞争中的不利地位,都已经成为中国民营物流企业在企业发展过程中不可或缺的、不可超越的、重要的战略课题。HD物流公司是中国民营物流企业的一个缩影,他所处的外部环境,自身的特点,公司的运作能力都很具有代表性。本文先通过对外国大型物流企业的发展特点进行介绍,寻找和发现中国物流企业的差距,为我国的民营物流企业的发展指明了一个发展方向。通过对HD物流公司外部环境的分析,...After China joined the WTO, Chinese logistics market was open for foreign company, the competition in China logistics market is getting warm. Chinese private logistics companies are not only face the competition with big foreign company, but also face competition with thousands of small Chinese company. How to adapt the new change of condition? how to have their resource advantage transfer competi...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20031532


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