12 research outputs found

    Design of an Intelligent Bike Navigation System : Hardware Implementation

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    本論文提出可使用於自行車活動並可靈活運用的可攜式導航器,以全新構想並結合實務方法,以嵌入式系統為硬體平台,搭配全球定位系統訊號結合地理資訊系統應用於自行車路徑導航規劃,以及具高度資訊之圖資應用於路徑規劃上。此裝置可於路徑規劃後預先提供自行車騎士路徑規劃之高度剖面曲線與該導航路徑所需耗費之卡路里,提供自行車騎士評估自我體能狀況後以作為選擇車行路徑之依據。在騎士行進中搭配心率偵測器提供自行車騎士體能即時資訊。此導航系統可應用於個人休閒、訓練規劃與地圖量測及田野調查。延伸領域之使用範圍可包含旅遊、公共衛生、氣象、交通、土地管理、農業等。In this research, we propose a novel design that allows for the versatile use of the navigation systems for bicycles. Implementation an embedded hardware platform is combined with a global positioning system and a geographic information data base for navigation of the cycling path to obtain elevation profile allowing the cycler to pre-plan the cycling paths and estimate information of calorie. With this design, the rider is able to pre-plan his/her cycling path based on the self-assessed physical condition. During cycling, the system is also able to provide the cycler, his/her heart rate and a variety of real-time information. This navigation system can be used for recreation, training, cycling path planning and field investigation. The scope of the use of this system is expected to be extended to tourism, public health, weather, traffic, land management, agriculture, etc.誌謝辭 i 中文摘要 ii Abstract iii Contents iv List of Figrues vi List of Tables viii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Description of System 3 2.1 System Function 3 2.2 System Hardware 4 Chapter 3 Embedded System 6 3.1 The Characteristics of Embedded System 6 3.2 Embedded System Hardware and Software Consideration 8 3.3 Windows Embedded CE 9 3.4 Global Positioning System Message Structure 10 3.5 Algorithm for Computing Pressure Altitude 11 Chapter 4 Measurement of Energy Expenditure 13 4.1 Direct Calorimetry 13 4.2 Indirect Calorimetry 13 4.3 Characteristic of the Heart Rate 14 4.3.1 Resting Heart Rate 14 4.3.2 Heart Rate During Exercise 14 4.3.3 Maximal Aerobic Capacity and Aerobic Endurance 15 Chapter 5 Practical Application 18 5.1 Navigation System Description 18 5.2 Practical Application of Navigation System 20 5.3 The New Core and Architecture 21 5.3.1 The Windows Embedded CE 6.0 OS Image Deployment 21 5.3.2 Demand for the Basic Software Environment 22 5.3.3 Analog Signal Conversion System Architecture Description 22 5.3.4 Driver Architecture 22 Chapter 6 Testing Results 24 6.1 Testing Procedure and Conditions 24 6.2 Test Results 24 Chapter 7 Conclusions 28 References 2

    On an electro-osmotic meridian theory for numerically exploring dynamical behavior of acupuncture

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    中 文 摘 要 經絡及針灸在中國傳統醫學一直扮演著理論核心的角色。二千年前,「黃帝內經」已詳述了一些客觀的事實,而在生理解剖及顯像科技發達的今日,卻無法清楚地敘述經絡的生理特性,使得經絡理論依舊蒙著一層神秘的面紗。本研究嘗試從力學的觀點將經絡生理與氣血運行的非線性交互作用作一具體的機制描繪。人體經絡線中,膽經與胃經是于小腿段處較深層骨間膜的腓側和脛側,它們沿著經絡線的微血管呈現節段性的分佈,由於微血管密集之處與穴位點的位置吻合,故將其作為研究的主題。本研究透過科學模式的建立並利用數值模擬的方式求解不具壓縮性的定常牛頓流體電滲流運動的方程組,此外亦將滲透係數列入考慮,藉以模擬微血管壁所扮演的角色及嘗試解釋複雜的經絡生理現象。此外,藉由引入合理的邊界條件與生理參數,由研究的結果得知于經絡線上的流速與文獻中所述的小分子循經遷移速度相符。當改變血管壁的滲透係數與動脈端的血壓時,于經絡線上活動的組織液,其速度將對應地發生改變,這符合針刺穴道時所引發的生理反應。若改變組織液(經絡線)的靜壓與入流的條件,可詮釋「氣滯血淤」與「氣行血亦行」的中醫理論。此外,經絡為一電滲流流場,電滲流可因動量方程式中電力項之存在,使得電滲流的邊界層比同物理參數的層流還薄,這有助於低雷諾數組織液的動量傳輸。透過本文所採用的電滲經絡物理模型,可清楚的解析氣血交換的現象,同時亦可解釋當針刺時,肥大細胞脫顆粒所引發穴位高電位與經絡電波與電流傳導的現象,這些結果有助于進一步了解針刺與電針治療的功能與物理機制。Abstract: A numerical study has been performed on the proposed bio-fluid dynamics model to explore some major human meridian characteristics in Chinese medicine. The proposed meridian model involves tissue fluids, which contain ions and nutrition, in the meridian passage. The tissue fluid under investigation can interact with the blood in the capillary vessel at the acupuncture points through a complex electro-osmosis transport process occurring in the meridian path. The investigated physical domain consists of a meridian path with three acupuncture points, namely, GB 37, 38, 39, which are connected with their associated small meridian bodies (SMBs). Based on the properly chosen physiological coefficients, the simulated mean tissue fluid velocity has been shown to have a magnitude of 3.37cm/min (3D model result). This magnitude is observed to be increased and decreased with the hydraulic pressure of the arteriole with the maximum and minimum values of 4.34 cm/min (3D model result) and 2.40 cm/min (3D model result), respectively. Our simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental findings reported in the literature. In the meridian, both blood and tissue fluid flows exhibited complex electro-osmosis nonlinear behaviour. The immediate response due to an externally applied acupuncture is analyzed to reveal the elliptic meridian nature, which is intrinsic in the body fluid. The interaction between the body fluid and blood flow as the master and mother, and the influence of the blood circulation on the meridian system and vice versa are also analyzed in detail. Furthermore, meridian is considered as a passage to proceed the electroosmosis transport. Due to the influence of electric term in the momentum equation, the boundary layer thickness is thinner than the common laminar flow under the same physical coefficients. Through this electroosmosis transport flow model, the phenomena of Chi-blood interaction can be revealed in detail. During acupuncture, how the mast cell degranulation can result in meridian high voltage and transport of electric wave and current has been properly translated by this model. The predicted results are useful for revealing the physical mechanism in acupuncture and electric-acupuncture treatments.目錄 誌謝 I 中文摘要 II Abstract IV 目錄 ⅤI 符號說明 ⅩI 第一章 緒論-回顧經絡的研究 1 I.1 古籍的經絡理論 1 I.1.1 中醫經絡理論 1 I.1.2 古籍經絡理論之沿革 6 I.1.2.1 經絡學說的基礎-十一脈灸經 6 I.1.2.2 最早經絡學說的集結-黃帝內經 6 I.1.2.3 經絡學說的臨床發展-難經 7 I.1.2.4 經絡學說的演變與發展 8 I.2 近代的經絡研究 10 I.3 中國醫學所言的氣、血與津液 19 I.3.1 中醫理論所言的氣 20 I.3.1.1 氣的種類 24 I.3.1.2 氣的功能 27 I.3.1.3 本文所探討之氣 29 I.3.2 中醫理論所言的血 33 I.3.2.1 血液的基本特性 34 I.3.2.2 血漿成份 34 I.3.2.3 微血管的結構和通透性 35 I.3.3 中醫理論所言的津液 37 I.3.3.1 組織液的特性 39 I.3.3.2 組織液的生成 39 I.3.3.3 影響組織液生成的因素 42 I.4 淋巴系統 43 I.5 氣血交換 46 I.5.1 氣血交換的機制-微循環 48 I.5.2 血液和組織液之間的物質交換模式 49 I.6 肥大細胞之作用與研究 54 I.6.1 肥大細胞的形成及其分佈 54 I.6.2 穴位處肥大細胞的生理特徵 55 I.6.3 肥大細胞脫顆粒現象 57 I.6.4 針刺對肥大細胞的影響 58 I.6.5 針刺對穴位區肥大細胞介質釋放的影響 59 I.6.6 肥大細胞因子串聯反應 60 I.6.7 肥大細胞介質釋放與循經感傳機制研究 61 第二章 科學經絡的理論 64 II.1 理論架構-非線性電滲流理論 64 II.2 經絡內的電滲流表徵 69 II.2.1 微管道與帶電離子特性 69 II.2.2 壁電位-細胞之靜止膜電位 71 II.2.2.1 細胞膜的基本架構和跨膜傳輸功能 71 II.2.2.2 細胞膜的靜止膜電位 73 II.2.3 外加電位差-肥大細胞脫顆粒所引起穴位電位差 77 II.3 經絡電滲傳輸的動力模型 80 第三章 電滲經絡傳輸之理論模型 87 III.1 經絡中氣血交換的電滲經絡數學模型 87 III.2 描述外加電場之拉普拉斯方程 88 III.3 描述壁面電位之亥姆霍茲方程 90 III.4 動量守 琱韏{式 92 III.5 質量守 琱韏{式 93 III.6 離子傳輸方程式 94 III.7 無因次化的電滲經絡數值模型 95 III.8 血管壁之數值模型 97 第四章 數值模型 98 IV.1 有限元素模型 98 IV.1.1 葛樂金權重餘數法 98 IV.1.2 形狀函數 99 IV.1.3 SUPG流線上風法 101 IV.1.4 求解步驟 104 IV.2 有限體積模型 105 IV.2.1 有限體積法 105 IV.2.2 內插法 107 IV.2.3 CFDRC模式設定 108 IV.3 模式驗証 110 第五章 數值結果 115 V.1 網格獨立測試 117 V.2 二維SUPG上風法有限元素模型結果 121 V.2.1 網格製作 121 V.2.2 模式結果 123 V.2.2.1 一般狀態之模擬 123 V.2.2.2 電貼片狀態之模擬 127 V.2.2.3 針刺狀態之模擬 135 V.2.2.4 電針狀態之模擬 137 V.2.2.5 離子傳輸之模擬 139 V.3 三維有限體積模型結果 143 V.3.1 三維模型簡介 143 V.3.2 網格製作 143 V.3.3 三維模式之結果 144 V.4 電滲經絡數值模型結果與中醫理論匹配的內涵 155 結論 162 參考文獻 16

    On an electro-osmotic meridian theory for numerically exploring dynamical behavior of acupuncture

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    中 文 摘 要 經絡及針灸在中國傳統醫學一直扮演著理論核心的角色。二千年前,「黃帝內經」已詳述了一些客觀的事實,而在生理解剖及顯像科技發達的今日,卻無法清楚地敘述經絡的生理特性,使得經絡理論依舊蒙著一層神秘的面紗。本研究嘗試從力學的觀點將經絡生理與氣血運行的非線性交互作用作一具體的機制描繪。人體經絡線中,膽經與胃經是于小腿段處較深層骨間膜的腓側和脛側,它們沿著經絡線的微血管呈現節段性的分佈,由於微血管密集之處與穴位點的位置吻合,故將其作為研究的主題。本研究透過科學模式的建立並利用數值模擬的方式求解不具壓縮性的定常牛頓流體電滲流運動的方程組,此外亦將滲透係數列入考慮,藉以模擬微血管壁所扮演的角色及嘗試解釋複雜的經絡生理現象。此外,藉由引入合理的邊界條件與生理參數,由研究的結果得知于經絡線上的流速與文獻中所述的小分子循經遷移速度相符。當改變血管壁的滲透係數與動脈端的血壓時,于經絡線上活動的組織液,其速度將對應地發生改變,這符合針刺穴道時所引發的生理反應。若改變組織液(經絡線)的靜壓與入流的條件,可詮釋「氣滯血淤」與「氣行血亦行」的中醫理論。此外,經絡為一電滲流流場,電滲流可因動量方程式中電力項之存在,使得電滲流的邊界層比同物理參數的層流還薄,這有助於低雷諾數組織液的動量傳輸。透過本文所採用的電滲經絡物理模型,可清楚的解析氣血交換的現象,同時亦可解釋當針刺時,肥大細胞脫顆粒所引發穴位高電位與經絡電波與電流傳導的現象,這些結果有助于進一步了解針刺與電針治療的功能與物理機制。Abstract: A numerical study has been performed on the proposed bio-fluid dynamics model to explore some major human meridian characteristics in Chinese medicine. The proposed meridian model involves tissue fluids, which contain ions and nutrition, in the meridian passage. The tissue fluid under investigation can interact with the blood in the capillary vessel at the acupuncture points through a complex electro-osmosis transport process occurring in the meridian path. The investigated physical domain consists of a meridian path with three acupuncture points, namely, GB 37, 38, 39, which are connected with their associated small meridian bodies (SMBs). Based on the properly chosen physiological coefficients, the simulated mean tissue fluid velocity has been shown to have a magnitude of 3.37cm/min (3D model result). This magnitude is observed to be increased and decreased with the hydraulic pressure of the arteriole with the maximum and minimum values of 4.34 cm/min (3D model result) and 2.40 cm/min (3D model result), respectively. Our simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental findings reported in the literature. In the meridian, both blood and tissue fluid flows exhibited complex electro-osmosis nonlinear behaviour. The immediate response due to an externally applied acupuncture is analyzed to reveal the elliptic meridian nature, which is intrinsic in the body fluid. The interaction between the body fluid and blood flow as the master and mother, and the influence of the blood circulation on the meridian system and vice versa are also analyzed in detail. Furthermore, meridian is considered as a passage to proceed the electroosmosis transport. Due to the influence of electric term in the momentum equation, the boundary layer thickness is thinner than the common laminar flow under the same physical coefficients. Through this electroosmosis transport flow model, the phenomena of Chi-blood interaction can be revealed in detail. During acupuncture, how the mast cell degranulation can result in meridian high voltage and transport of electric wave and current has been properly translated by this model. The predicted results are useful for revealing the physical mechanism in acupuncture and electric-acupuncture treatments.目錄 誌謝 I 中文摘要 II Abstract IV 目錄 ⅤI 符號說明 ⅩI 第一章 緒論-回顧經絡的研究 1 I.1 古籍的經絡理論 1 I.1.1 中醫經絡理論 1 I.1.2 古籍經絡理論之沿革 6 I.1.2.1 經絡學說的基礎-十一脈灸經 6 I.1.2.2 最早經絡學說的集結-黃帝內經 6 I.1.2.3 經絡學說的臨床發展-難經 7 I.1.2.4 經絡學說的演變與發展 8 I.2 近代的經絡研究 10 I.3 中國醫學所言的氣、血與津液 19 I.3.1 中醫理論所言的氣 20 I.3.1.1 氣的種類 24 I.3.1.2 氣的功能 27 I.3.1.3 本文所探討之氣 29 I.3.2 中醫理論所言的血 33 I.3.2.1 血液的基本特性 34 I.3.2.2 血漿成份 34 I.3.2.3 微血管的結構和通透性 35 I.3.3 中醫理論所言的津液 37 I.3.3.1 組織液的特性 39 I.3.3.2 組織液的生成 39 I.3.3.3 影響組織液生成的因素 42 I.4 淋巴系統 43 I.5 氣血交換 46 I.5.1 氣血交換的機制-微循環 48 I.5.2 血液和組織液之間的物質交換模式 49 I.6 肥大細胞之作用與研究 54 I.6.1 肥大細胞的形成及其分佈 54 I.6.2 穴位處肥大細胞的生理特徵 55 I.6.3 肥大細胞脫顆粒現象 57 I.6.4 針刺對肥大細胞的影響 58 I.6.5 針刺對穴位區肥大細胞介質釋放的影響 59 I.6.6 肥大細胞因子串聯反應 60 I.6.7 肥大細胞介質釋放與循經感傳機制研究 61 第二章 科學經絡的理論 64 II.1 理論架構-非線性電滲流理論 64 II.2 經絡內的電滲流表徵 69 II.2.1 微管道與帶電離子特性 69 II.2.2 壁電位-細胞之靜止膜電位 71 II.2.2.1 細胞膜的基本架構和跨膜傳輸功能 71 II.2.2.2 細胞膜的靜止膜電位 73 II.2.3 外加電位差-肥大細胞脫顆粒所引起穴位電位差 77 II.3 經絡電滲傳輸的動力模型 80 第三章 電滲經絡傳輸之理論模型 87 III.1 經絡中氣血交換的電滲經絡數學模型 87 III.2 描述外加電場之拉普拉斯方程 88 III.3 描述壁面電位之亥姆霍茲方程 90 III.4 動量守 琱韏{式 92 III.5 質量守 琱韏{式 93 III.6 離子傳輸方程式 94 III.7 無因次化的電滲經絡數值模型 95 III.8 血管壁之數值模型 97 第四章 數值模型 98 IV.1 有限元素模型 98 IV.1.1 葛樂金權重餘數法 98 IV.1.2 形狀函數 99 IV.1.3 SUPG流線上風法 101 IV.1.4 求解步驟 104 IV.2 有限體積模型 105 IV.2.1 有限體積法 105 IV.2.2 內插法 107 IV.2.3 CFDRC模式設定 108 IV.3 模式驗証 110 第五章 數值結果 115 V.1 網格獨立測試 117 V.2 二維SUPG上風法有限元素模型結果 121 V.2.1 網格製作 121 V.2.2 模式結果 123 V.2.2.1 一般狀態之模擬 123 V.2.2.2 電貼片狀態之模擬 127 V.2.2.3 針刺狀態之模擬 135 V.2.2.4 電針狀態之模擬 137 V.2.2.5 離子傳輸之模擬 139 V.3 三維有限體積模型結果 143 V.3.1 三維模型簡介 143 V.3.2 網格製作 143 V.3.3 三維模式之結果 144 V.4 電滲經絡數值模型結果與中醫理論匹配的內涵 155 結論 162 參考文獻 16

    A study of economic development in west area of Mailand China

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    本論文主要在討論中國大陸「西部地區」在中共建政後至1997年經濟發展的情形。首先筆者將中國大陸的經濟發展分成1.改革閉放前期;2.改革開放初期;3.九十年代時期。並討論各別時期間,中共主要的區域發展策略,及其對「西部地區」的經濟發展所造成的影響。筆者主要是通過基礎的統計分析來比較中國大陸東、中、西部三地區經 濟發展的差距惰形。綜合研究結果,筆者深覺,長期以來一直位於中國大陸邊陲的西部地區,若能利用自己特有資源、環境走自己特有的發展道路的話,也未必不能達到像東部沿海地區的經濟發展程度,畢竟區域經濟增長點發展到了一定程度後,由於土地價格,勞動力價格等種種因素,會出現向外擴散的趨勢,此種擴散就是有效率的擴散。我們也期待「西部地區」的經濟發展會在此種有效率的擴散中,日漸成長茁壯

    Nonlinear second order differential equation with force u''(t)=uP(t)(c1+c2u'(t)q)

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    在這一篇論文中,我們討論的是常微分方程u" =uP(C1+C2(u')q")我們發現一些現象,爆破率、爆破常數、爆破時間。而且我們還發現爆破時問與係數之間的關係,我們將在之後討論。In this paper we work with the ordinary differential equation u" = uP(C1+C2(u')q"). We have found some phenomena, blow-up, blow-up rate, blow-up constant, blow-up time are obtained in this work. Further, we have also found the relationship between blow-up time and blow-up coefficients, we shall detail illustrate it later

    Pigeon Pea Accessions selected from the Yield Trail

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    為選出適合北部地區栽培之樹豆品系;品系比較試驗分別於尖石鄉及新屋鄉進行,試驗的結果,尖石鄉以TYS86014之單株子粒重最佳,而新屋鄉以TYS8602及TYS86015二品系表現佳,故以此三品系入選進入區域試驗。區域試驗於苗朵縣南庄鄉、新竹縣尖石鄉新樂(海拔350公尺)、鎮西堡(海拔1700)公尺處進行,至89年8月21日止,生育情形非常良好,株高約120公分,可是8月22日強烈颱風碧利絲侵襲,尖石鄉(嘉樂)及(鎮西堡)的樹豆,全部遭受颱風災害,祗剩下南庄鄉(東河)的樹豆,生育情形良好,預定12月中旬可以收穫。 The main goal of the projective is to select better yield of pigeon pea accession for the north of Taiwan. The yield trail was conducted at the fiscal year. Three new accessions were found to be better yield. One accession, TYS86014, was selected from Chiang-shi country, The other accessions, TYS 8602 and TYS86O1 5, were selected in Shin-wu country


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    Effect of Chan-Meditation and Meditative Movement on Ryodoraku Values and Heart Rate Variability in Middle-Aged and Elderly Males

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    [[abstract]]禪坐及動禪隨著鍛鍊深度可產生自發性的療癒能力,並提升副交感神經活性及緩解疲勞、焦慮和抑鬱症等症狀,藉由科學研究了解禪坐與動禪對中老年人良導絡生物能量與心率變異的效益。以禪坐、動禪一年以上及未修相關活動者為受測對象(禪坐組15名、動禪組15名、控制組11名),收案條件為40-70歲男性,測量良導絡與心率變異在實驗介入前、中、後之變化,使用單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析及費雪事後檢定,顯著水準設α=.05。結果顯示良導絡方面,動禪組總平均生物能量值(前測:56.95±11.69、後測:57.97±11.37)皆大於禪坐組(前測:47.44±14.77、後測:42.39±12.85),禪坐組總平均生物能量下降,而上/下比值(前測:0.88±0.22、後測:0.91±0.34)顯示上升,控制組良導絡指標則皆顯著下降(p<.05)。心率變異指標方面,禪坐組之高/低頻比值(前測:2.86±3.96、後測:3.03±3.01)、低頻功率(前測:492.17±477.62、後測:742.31±761.41)與總功率(前測:1533.25±1361.76、後測:2292.35±2485.11)顯示上升,動禪組除了高/低頻比值外(前測:4.41±4.26、後測:6.4±4.61)其他指標皆顯示下降,在動禪中隨著不同檢測階段,交感與副交感神經高低呈現交錯模式,代表短期效應可達刺激交感神經與副交感神經交互調節的能力;此外,研究亦發現控制組整體自律神經運作能力下降的狀態,顯示長時間安靜休息可能會導致個體生精神渙散及委靡不振的狀況。 With the practice of meditation and meditative movement, our body's production of self-healing power and some studies show that it can increase the parasympathetic, good for fatigue, anxiety and depression. Through the scientific research to know that can offer health benefits of Ryodoraku and heart rate variability for middle-aged and elderly males. Participants (age 40-70 years) were at least more than one year experienced in Chan-meditation and meditative movement practice (n=30), control group (CG) was no related experience in practice (n=11). Measured Ryodoraku and heart rate variability were compared to the previous, intervention and post. All the data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and Scheffe method. The significance level was set at α=.05. The results showed that average of Ryodoraku bio-energy (pre: 56.95±11.69, post: 57.97±11.37) in meditative movement group (MM) was bigger than the Chan-meditation group(CM) (pre: 47.44±14.77, post: 42.39±12.85). Average of Ryodoraku bio-energy in CM was decreased then "upper limb and lower limb ratio" was increased after intervention Chan-meditation. All of Ryodoraku values in CG were decreased significantly (p<.05). The part of heart rate variability values, HF/LF (pre: 2.86±3.96, post: 3.03±3.01)、LF (pre: 492.17±477.62, post: 742.31±761.41) and power (pre: 1533.25±1361.76, post: 2292.35± 2485.11) in CM were increased, except HF/LF (pre: 4.41±4.26, post: 6.4±4.61) the other values in MM were decreased. In addition, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves present a staggered pattern in different stages of MM. On the other word, meditative movement can be used to stimulate and regulate the autonomic nervous system. Moreover, the autonomic nervous system was decreased in CG that showed rest for a long time leads to distractibility and depressed