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    战后日本经济取得高速发展后 ,从 80年代起就明显地暴露出“大国意识” ,要从经济大国走向政治大国 ,在国际舞台上发挥重要作用。中国的台湾对日本实现这一目标 ,具有重要的战略意义 ,因此 ,近年来 ,日本不断调整对台政策 ,明显提升日台关系 ,直接或间接地干涉中国内政 ,影响中国统一进程。本文从这一角度切入分析日本“大国意识”抬头的原因和种种表现 ,指出日本对台政策调整的用心是要使中国长期处于分裂状态 ,甚至用台湾问题来制约中国的发展和影响中日关系的健康发展。因此 ,日本“大国意识”的抬头是十分值得中国人民警惕的


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    Causes of the Rise and Fall of Japanese Postwar Literature

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    战后派文学的兴起 ,给刚刚打破了沉闷凝重的战后初期日本文坛吹来了一缕清风 ,而且激励着有良知的日本人放弃旧观点 ,反省过去的错误 ,为新生而努力做出一定的贡献。但是 ,1950年爆发了朝鲜战争后 ,世界两极的对立加强 ,国际形势发生重大变化 ,美国通过“日美安全保障条约”将日本纳入其远东战略体制圈内 ,日本政治、社会转向反动。因此 ,以“反战”为特点的战后派文学从 50年代初开始就无法继续存在了。可以说 ,日本社会转型是战后派文学的兴衰的主要原因。同时 ,战后初期没有彻底批判日本军国主义的侵略行径 ,也成了今天日本“大国意识”明显抬头的历史根源。[英文摘要]Japanese Postwar Literature fully reflects the close relationship between Japanese postwar literature and social changes, helps to break the deadly oppressiveness of the society; and impels Japanese with intuitive knowledge to give up old views, to examine their past misdeeds and to make an effort towards new life. However, the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950 intensifies the antagonism between two opposing extremes. Japanese politics and society converted to reaction. Thus the Postwar Literature with an...厦门大学人文社科项目《战后日本“大国意识”抬头及其对中日关系的影响》的阶段性成果

    Economy Fiction of the Postmodernist Japanese Literature: Sakaki Toko's Sanponnoya

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    本文以木神东行的《三枝箭》为例 ,分析日本经济小说的特点。通过对经济小说的纪实性、新知性和预见性等特点的分析 ,进而确定日本 90年代的经济小说在多元化的后现代主义文学中的地位.[英文摘要]This article tries to shed light on the characteristics of Japanese economy fiction through a detailed analysis of Sakaki Toko's Sanponnoya . The emphases of study are on the features of documentary, new learning and historical anticipation, so as to locate the position of Japanese economy fiction in the postmodernist Japanese literature in the 1990's


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    Analysis of causes of policy adjustment of Japan s ODA to China

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    日本对华援助是在中国放弃日本战争赔款和国际形势发生重大变化、要促进中日两国和平友好相处的背景下产生的,20多年来,日本对华“援助”在中国大地的改革开放过程中,谱写了中日友好的新篇章。但是,近年来,由于国际形势和中日两国国内情况的变化,中日关系在逐步倒退。日本开始改变初衷,即对华援助从过去的以经济利益为目的转向以政治利益为目的。日本对华ODA政策作了大幅调整,“援助”金额逐渐减少,而且,日本政要多次表示对华经援“总有一天要毕业”。日本方面出现了与初衷不同的做法,给两国关系正常化带来了不利的影响。 【英文摘要】Japan s assistance to China is brought about in a certain background,in which China gave up the war indemnity from Japan and the changing international trend enhanced a friendly Sino-Japan relationship.In the past 20 years,Japan s assistance to China has added a new chapter to the friendly Sino-Japan relationship in the course of China s open-up and reform.However,in recent years,the changing international situation and the changing domestic situation in China and Japan have led to the gradual retrogression of the Sino-Japan relationship.Japan began to alter its original intention,i.e.from econom ical orientation to political orientation.The ODA to China has undergone a profound alteration.The amount of assistance has decreased little by little.The key Japanese government officials made declaration several times that the assistance"would surely graduate some day."This article analyses the reasons of the alteration in Japan’s ODA to China and its influence on Sino-Japan relationship from two aspects,namely,the background of ODA and over 20 years’practice of ODA in China.福建省社科联项目“日本军国主义复活对中日关系的影响”(2003E092


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