22 research outputs found


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    [[alternative]]The study of FCB model to brand equity and country of manufacture : an exploratory study on Chinese students

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    碩士[[abstract]]隨著全球市場的國際化,國際品牌產品大肆進攻各國市場。另一方面,全球專業化分工結果,也帶動知名企業外移至較低成本國家生產。 中國大陸從1991年開始,經濟快速發展,國民所得也隨之提高,如此接近13億人口的市場消費潛力,已是全球最矚目的市場。 基於以上研究動機,探討以下的問題: 一、消費者在購買產品時,品牌權益(Brand Equity)與製造來源國(Country of Manufacture)在其心中的影響力大小之分析。 二、探討品牌權益及製造來源國各構面在FCB模型(FCB Model)象限下,對大陸學生消費行為影響之研究。 本研究以大陸西南財經大學學生為初探對象,並參考過去學者相關文獻探討與實證歸納,選出六種大學生最常用的產品作為FCB模型下各象限之產品定位代表,分別為手提電腦(Notebook)、手機(Mobile)、洗髮水(Shampoo)、流行服飾(Fashion Dress)、方便麵(Instant Noodle)及啤酒(Beer),以探討大陸學生消費者在FCB模型四個象限下對品牌權益和製造來源國的重視程度。 本研究採用『便利抽樣方法』,將問卷發放至班級填答,回收有效樣本為222份。實證結果如下: 一、無論在FCB模型任一象限之產品,消費者心目中的權重,品牌權益皆大於製造來源國。 二、在『高涉入/理性』象限:消費者最關心的是『知覺品質(Perceived Quality)』、在『高涉入/感性』象限:消費者最關心的也是『知覺品質(Perceived Quality)』、在『低涉入/理性』象限:『品牌知名度(Brand Awareness)』最被消費者所重視、在『低涉入/感性』象限:知覺品質(Perceived Quality)、品牌忠誠度(Brand Loyalty)、品牌知名度(Brand Awareness)、品牌聯想(Brand Association)彼此無顯著的差異,對消費者的影響力是同等重要。[[abstract]]With the internationalization of the global market, the international brand products attack the markets in various countries without restraint. On the other hand, global division of labor on the basis of specialization has driven the famous enterprises move to the other areas for reducing the production cost. Since 1991, Mainland China’s economy has been fast growing, and the national income has been improving thereupon. The consumption potentiality for about 1.3 billion people''s market has most already attracted attention all over the world. Based on the motivation mentioned above, this thesis investigates the following problems: (1) Influence power of the Brand Equity and Country of Manufacture to the consumers for purchasing the products; (2) Influence of Brand Equity and Country of Manufacture on the consumption behavior for the Chinese students using the FCB model. The consumption behavior for students from Southwest University of Finance and Economics are involved as an example in this research. Six most frequently used products for the university students, including the notebook computer, mobile phone, shampoo, fashion dress, instant noodle, and beer, are selected for investigating the attraction of Brand Equity and Country of Manufacture to the Chinese students using the FCB model under four quadrants. The “Convenient Sampling Method” is adopted, of which 222 samples are effective in this research. The result is as follows: (1) In the consumer''s mind, no matter the products are in which quadrant of FCB model, the Brand Equity are more important than the Country of Manufacture. (2) In the “high involvement/rationality” quadrant (e.g., shampoo), as for the Brand Equity, what the consumers concern most is the Perceived Quality; as for the Country of Manufacture, what the consumers concern most is the Quality Stability. (3) In the “high involvement/perceptivity” quadrant (e.g., notebook computer, mobile phone), as for the Brand Equity, what the consumers concern most is the Perceived Quality; as for the Country of Manufacture, what the consumers concern most is the Customer Service After. (4) In the “low involvement/rationality” quadrant (e.g., instant noodle, and beer), as for the Brand Equity, what the consumers concern most is the Brand Awareness; as for the Country of Manufacture, what the consumers concern most is the Reputation. (5) In the “low involvement/perceptivity” quadrant (e.g., fashion dress), as for the Brand Equity, there is no apparent difference between the perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand association, i.e., the influence power to consumers is equally important; as for the Country of Manufacture, what the consumers concern most is the fashion and reputation.[[tableofcontents]]謝辭 I 中文摘要 II 英文摘要 III 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究範圍及對象 5 第四節 研究流程 6 本章註釋 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 品牌權益相關文獻與衡量構面 9 第二節 製造來源國相關文獻與衡量構面 17 第三節 FCB模型之理論基礎 21 第三章 研究設計與方法 31 第一節 觀念性架構 31 第二節 研究變數操作性定義 32 第三節 分析性架構 36 第四節 研究流程和分析方法 37 第五節 問卷設計與抽樣設計 39 第六節 信度分析 41 第四章 資料分析與結果 42 第一節 樣本資料分析 42 第二節 「涉入」和「理性/感性」構面強度指標之建構 44 第三節 產品定位分析 49 第四節 FCB模型下品牌權益和製造來源國權重之實證分析 51 第五章 研究與發現 69 第一節 研究結論 69 第二節 研究發現 71 第三節 研究限制 75 參考文獻 76 附錄 正式問卷 84 表目錄 表1-1 研究範圍及對象 5 表2-1 品牌權益定義及觀點 13 表2-2 製造來源國定義及觀點 19 表2-3 來源國衡量構面 21 表2-4 個人涉入量表 28 表3-1 品牌權益構面操作性定義、衡量問項及參考文獻 32 表3-2 製造來源國衡量問項、參考文獻 33 表3-3 FCB模型之操作性定義、衡量問項及參考文獻 34 表3-4 問卷之信度分析 41 表4-1 樣本特徵描述 43 表4-2 涉入均值 44 表4-3 模式配適度判斷指標 47 表4-4 理性/感性之驗證性因素分析模式配適度指標 47 表4-5 理性/感性之驗證性因素分析參數估計表 48 表4-6 涉入及理性/感性均值排序 49 表4-7 品牌權益和製造來源國權重加總 51 表4-8 產品別之品牌權益和製造來源國權重加總 52 表4-9 FCB模型之品牌權益和製造來源國權重 53 表4-10 品牌權益平均權重和製造來源國平均權重 55 表4-11 FCB象限和品牌權益構面之平均權重 55 表4-12 高涉入/理性之成偶檢定 56 表4-13 高涉入/理性之對比檢定 57 表4-14 高涉入/感性之成偶檢定 57 表4-15 高涉入/感性之對比檢定 58 表4-16 低涉入/理性之成偶檢定 58 表4-17 低涉入/理性之對比檢定 59 表4-18 低涉入/感性之成偶檢定 60 表4-19 FCB象限下品牌權益構面權重之實證結果 61 表4-20 FCB象限和製造來源國屬性之平均權重 62 表4-21 高涉入/理性之成偶檢定 63 表4-22 高涉入/理性之對比檢定 64 表4-23 高涉入/感性之成偶檢定 64 表4-24 高涉入/感性之對比檢定 65 表4-25 低涉入/理性之成偶檢定 66 表4-26 低涉入/理性之對比檢定 67 表4-27 低涉入/感性之成偶檢定 67 表4-28 FCB象限下製造來源國構面權重之實證結果 68 表5-1 不同象限下品牌權益四個構面在消費者心中權重之比較 70 表5-2 不同象限下製造來源國六個屬性在消費者心中權重之比較 71 表5-3 不同象限下品牌權益與製造來源國在消費者心中權重 之實證結果 74 圖目錄 圖1-1 本研究流程與步驟 6 圖2-1 FCB模型之基本架構 22 圖3-1 觀念性架構 31 圖3-2 分析性架構圖 36 圖4-1 理性/感性量表二階段驗證性因素分析模式 46 圖4-2 FCB模型之產品定位圖 50 圖4-2 品牌權益和製造來源國權重連續帶-產品別 53 圖4-3 品牌權益和製造來源國權重連續帶-FCB構面別 54 圖4-4 高涉入/理性之成偶檢定 56 圖4-5 高涉入/感性之成偶檢定 57 圖4-6 低涉入/理性之成偶檢定 59 圖4-7 低涉入/感性之成偶檢定 60 圖4-8 高涉入/理性之成偶檢定 63 圖4-9 高涉入/感性之成偶檢定 65 圖4-10 低涉入/理性之成偶檢定 66 圖4-11 低涉入/感性之成偶檢定 68[[note]]學號: 792480229, 學年度: 9


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    [[alternative]]A Study of School Life Adjustment of First Graders in Yunlin County

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    [[abstract]]  本研究的旨在探討雲林縣國小新生學童的學校生活適應狀況,並探討不同個人、家長及家庭變項在學校生活適應、學習適應、常規適應及人際關係適應上之差異情形。為達研究目的,研究者參考相關文獻自製「國小新生學童基本資料調查表」和「國小新生學童學校生活適應量表」。本研究採問卷調查法,係以雲林縣地區國小一年級學生為對象,分層隨機取樣抽取640位為施測樣本,有效樣本為572位,並將資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、多元迴歸等方法來進行統計分析。   本研究主要發現如下:一、雲林縣國小新生學童在整體學校生活適應、學習適應、常規適應及人際關係適應的表現上皆達良好狀態,尤其是常規適應。二、不同排行和就讀不同學前機構的國小新生學童在整體學校生活適應、學習適應、常規適應及人際關係適應上無顯著差異。三、不同性別的國小新生學童在整體學校生活適應、學習適應、常規適應及人際關係適應上皆達顯著差異。四、學前機構就讀年數不同的國小新生學童在整體學校生活適應及人際關係適應上皆達顯著差異。五、家長背景變項不同的新生學童其整體學校生活適應、學習適應、常規適應及人際關係適應上皆未達顯著差異。六、不同家庭結構的的國小新生學童在常規適應上達顯著差異。七、學習適應、常規適應與人際關係適應兩兩之間的相關均達顯著水準,且正相關。八、性別、學習適應、常規適應與人際關係適應可預測國小新生學童的整體學校生活適應之情形。   綜合上述研究結果提出研究建議以供家長、幼兒園所教師、國小教師、教育單位及未來研究者參考。[[abstract]]  The purpose of the study is to investigate the school life adjustment of first grade students at elementary schools in Yunlin County, and to analyze the difference of their personal backgrounds and their parents’ and families’ backgrounds on their school life adjustment. To reach the purpose, according to the analysis of literature, the reseacher used “Elementary First Grader Personal Background Questionnaire” and “School Life Adjustment of Elementary First Graders Scale“ as the study tools. The data for this study was mainly collected through questionnaire surveys, and the survey sample consisted of 572 elementary school students from Yunlin County. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Scheffe’ method, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis.   Findings from this study showed: (1) first grade students of elementary schools in Yunlin County performed well on the overall school life adjustment, learning adjusment, school regularity adjustment, and relationship adjustment, specially on the adjustment to school regularities; (2) there were no statistically significant differences in school life adjustment and its three aspects among the first graders of elementary of sibling position and preschool types; (3) different genders had significantly differences on school life adjustment and its three aspects; (4) different preschool schooling had significantly differences on school life adjustment and relationship adjustment; (5) There were no statistically significant differences in school life adjustment and its three aspects among the first graders of elementary of different parental backgrounds; (6)Different family structures had significantly differences on school regularity adjustment. That is, first graders who come from three generations family structures are better than those come from nuclear family structures; (7) There are significant positive correlations between the factors of learning adjustment, school regularity adjustment, and relationship adjustment; (8) Gender, learning adjustment, school regularity, and relationship adjustment can effectively predict school life adjustment.   According to the findings, the researcher suggests some conclusions for further studies in the future