22 research outputs found

    The effects of pleasant scent stimulus on product evaluation and information process

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    本論文主要探討愉悅的嗅覺刺激對產品評價與資訊處理的影響。透過兩個子研究分別瞭解產品嗅覺刺激與情境嗅覺刺激各自的影響,以推敲可能性模型做為貫穿全文的主要理論模型,並從多元角色觀點與享樂權宜觀點建構整合模型。產品嗅覺刺激指與產品本身直接有關的氣味,過去在此議題上的研究缺口有二,分別為未考量區辨氣味與產品搭配適合性所需具備之動機,以及不同產品類型之調節效果,例如,氣味對於家用清潔品及保養品的診斷性及攸關性皆較高,但對於筆記型電腦、手機、手錶或隨身碟等產品之診斷價值較低。情境嗅覺刺激指存在於情境中但與被評估之標的產品無關的氣味,過去缺乏探討情境嗅覺刺激影響資訊處理模式之相關研究,但此議題無論對學術或實務都相當重要,因為許多研究人員皆不斷地想探索那些因素會影響人們的資訊處理模式。而且,行銷人員總是希望能藉由產品資訊說服消費者,尤其當不知名品牌的新產品問世時,更仰賴消費者對產品資訊的仔細處理而被說服,進而產生較佳評價。因此,若能進一步瞭解情境嗅覺刺激對資訊處理的影響,對行銷人員在氣味氛圍的營造與操作上,將可提供可參考的方向。 本論文透過兩個子研究並採用實驗法,分別瞭解產品嗅覺刺激與情境嗅覺刺激的影響。研究一又可分為兩個主題,主題一採3 (產品嗅覺刺激:無vs.適合性vs.不適合) * 2 (嗅覺刺激診斷性:高vs.低) *2 (涉入程度:高vs.低)之12組受測者間實驗設計。主題二為情境嗅覺刺激之前導研究,採3 (情境嗅覺刺激:無vs.適合性vs.不適合)之3組受測者間實驗設計。研究二採2 (情境嗅覺刺激的提供:有vs.無) * 2 (廣告訴求:享樂vs.功利) *2 (產品論點品質:強vs.弱)之8組受測者間實驗設計。 關於產品嗅覺刺激有三點重要發現,分別為:(1) 對低資訊處理涉入者來說,無論嗅覺刺激是否具診斷性,氣味愉悅性都是主要的影響因素,此時,產品嗅覺刺激乃為情感性角色,因任務結果對低資訊處理涉入者並不攸關且不感興趣,在這種情況下,其易採取週邊說服路徑,視產品嗅覺刺激為週邊線索,只要氣味具愉悅性,雖適合性不高,仍可提升產品評價。(2) 對高資訊處理涉入者來說,嗅覺刺激具診斷性時,產品嗅覺刺激主要扮演認知性角色,因任務結果對高涉入者為攸關且感興趣,在此情況下,其易採取中央說服路徑,視該氣味為攸關判斷的產品論點,所以會仔細推敲該嗅覺刺激與產品的關係,以決定搭配適合性,對於適合的嗅覺刺激評價會比不適合的佳,此時,嗅覺刺激適合性就類似於強弱產品論點的角色。(3) 當嗅覺刺激不具診斷性時,其認知性角色就會消失,此時,高資訊處理涉入者仍然採取中央說服路徑,但氣味已被視為與判斷無關的週邊線索,所以高涉入者並不會再仔細推敲該嗅覺刺激與產品的關係,適合與否也就不會產生差異,甚至高涉入者還會啟動修正機制,排除氣味愉悅性的影響。 在情境嗅覺刺激部份亦有四點重要發現,分別為:(1) 當愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激存在時,會有助於增加知覺者的正向心情,進而增加消費者對情境標的產品之資訊處理程度並促進其採取中央資訊處理路徑,對於強勢論點品質之產品評價會優於弱勢論點。(2) 愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激也會改變消費者對不同產品資訊類型的偏重,即在資訊處理或編碼階段會對享樂資訊特別關注,因此,在事後對於享樂資訊的提取比率較高,上述效果在享樂廣告訴求下更為明顯。(3) 有愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激存在時,會讓消費者對享樂訴求廣告之產品評價優於功利訴求。(4) 本研究進一步建構情境嗅覺刺激影響產品評價之多元關係,結果發現當產品類型較偏功利性時,則情境嗅覺刺激會先經由引發好心情再增加資訊處理程度,最後才影響產品評價,其中正向心情與資訊處理程度在模式中都是部份中介的角色,當產品類型較偏享樂性時,則情境嗅覺刺激影響產品評價就完全經由心情機制。This study adopts a multiple-role view from the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and hedonic contingency model to explore the influences of product scents and ambient scents. The product scents are scents that consumers smell directly from products. In the literature on product scents, there are no research studies considering the moderate role of product types and the motivation to recognize scents appropriately. Ambient scents are scents smelled that are unconnected to products. In the literature on ambient scents, there are no research studies considering how ambient scents can influence information processes. However, many scholars want to explore the factors that can influence information processes. Furthermore, a new product launch by an unknown brand can convince consumers depending on consumers’ careful processing of product information. Thus, this issue is very important to academic study and practice. This study adopts two experiments that realize the effects of product scents and ambient scents separately. Study One can be divided into two parts. Part A adopts a 3 (product scents: none, fit, unfit) * 2 (involvement: high vs. low) * 2 (diagnostic of scents: high vs. low) between-subjects design. Part B is a pilot study of ambient scents that adopts a between-subjects design with 3 factors (ambient scents: none, fit, unfit). The Study Two adopts a 2 (ambient scents: yes vs. no) * 2 (advertisement appeal: hedonic vs. utilitarian) * 2 (argument quality: strong vs. weak) between-subjects design. The results of Study One have three points: (1) for consumers with low involvement in tasks, whether scents are diagnostic for products or not, pleasant scents have significant effects. Because people who are involved in tasks at a low level and are not concerned or interested in outcomes, they are almost persuaded by peripheral routes and regard product scents as peripheral cues. Even though the scents do not fit with the products, they still can cause positive product evaluation depending on the nature of the pleasure. For people with low involvement in tasks, product scents mainly play an emotional role. (2) For people who are highly involved in tasks and really concerned or interested in outcomes, they are almost persuaded by central routes and regard product scents as arguments, especially when scents are diagnostic for products. For them, product scents not only play an emotional role but also a cognitive role. They will evaluate the similarities or differences between products and scents. A scent that fits with a product will cause a more positive product evaluation than a scent that does not fit a product. (3) For consumers who are highly involved in tasks, as scents are not diagnostic for products, the cognitive role will disappear. The scents are regarded irrelevant to product evaluation, so consumers do not evaluate the similarities or differences between products and scents. Whether a scent fits a product or does not is unimportant for them; furthermore, they will correct for and eliminate the effects of pleasant scents in product evaluation. The results of Study Two have four points: (1) when pleasant ambient scents can be provided by marketers, they can cause a positive mood among perceivers and enhance the level of information processing toward the focal product within the context. Furthermore, pleasant ambient scents can encourage consumers to adopt central routes to process information. People will evaluate products with strong argument quality more positively than products with weak argument quality. (2) Pleasant ambient scents also draw people’s attention toward different information types. People will attend more to hedonic product information, especially with hedonic advertisement appeal. (3) A pleasant ambient scent that matches a hedonic advertisement appeal can cause a more positive product evaluation than a pleasant ambient scent that matches a utilitarian advertisement appeal. (4) For a utilitarian product type, the effects of pleasant ambient scents on product evaluation will cause a positive mood and enhance the level of information processing. Mood and cognition play a partial mediation role. For a hedonic product type, the effect of pleasant ambient scents on product evaluation is fully mediated by a positive mood

    [[alternative]]Effects of Online Reading Annotation Modes and Learning Motivation on English Learning Effectiveness: The Cognitive Load Perspective

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    [[abstract]]目標:探討台灣兒童燒燙傷發生率、變化趨勢及住院相關因素。方法:本研究使用台灣全民健康保險研究資料庫2000年、2005年及2010年百萬人歸人檔資料;依人口學特性呈現0-18歲兒童燒燙傷發生率,以卜瓦松迴歸檢定燒燙傷門急診、住院發生率趨勢,以邏輯斯迴歸探討兒童燒燙傷住院的相關因素。結果:2000年、2005年及2010年兒童門急診燒燙傷整體發生率分別是0.70%、0.74%、0.70%。門急診部分三個時段依性別、年齡標準化之總體發生率,每十萬人口分別是699.68、779.63及737.59人,整體發生率有上升趨勢,但未達統計顯著;於4-6歲兒童(806.71, 1025.62, 970.60)則有顯著上升趨勢;住院部分標準化之發生率,每十萬人口,兒童整體分別是38.03、34.07及26.04人,女童整體分別是38.37、35.65及23.41人,1-3歲兒童分別是169.64、129.49及83.83人,均有顯著下降趨勢。13-18歲兒童燒燙傷住院風險較低,南區兒童及急診就醫兒童住院風險較高。結論:兒童燒燙傷門急診發生率整體有上升趨勢,但未達統計顯著,4-6歲兒童則有顯著上升趨勢;兒童整體、女童整體及1-3歲兒童住院發生率均顯著下降,顯示兒童燒燙傷嚴重度下降

    Establishing Electronic Platform for E-Learning and Evaluating Distribution and Risk of Plant Pests

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    (一)、建立西方花薊馬國內分布風險電子化評估平台 本計畫標為預測西方花薊馬在我國之潛在地理分布,作為西方花薊馬監測調查之依據,並評估其可能引起之經濟損失。研究以CLIMEX模型,分析其氣候生態指數,藉以評估了解西方花薊馬在台灣適合生存及發生之區域,作為其疫情預警資訊以提高監測體系的效率。 (二)、有害生物資料庫及其線上學習平台之維護與建置 (1) 持續維護植物防檢疫知識線上學習平台,增加8部植物保護及檢疫等相關課程,新增2種平台系統功能,預期學習點閱人數可達200人次。 (2) 持續維護農作物有害生物資料庫查詢系統,本年度擬完成所有新出版植物保護圖鑑之上架工作,5本植物保護圖鑑內容及農藥所農藥田間使用資料與單筆資料表之連結,新增50種有害生物之分類及田間病徵圖片資料,修訂、收集與整理5種重要花卉作物病蟲害之分類、分布、生態、為害狀、發生期及地區分布等資料。 (1)、Electronic Platform for Evaluating Distribution and Risk of Western Flower Thrips in Taiwan This project is aimed at predicting the potential distribution of western flower thrips in Taiwan . to provide information for setting up survey spot, analyzing for potential economic losses by thrips and developing management strategy. The ecoclimatic index of western flower thrips will be analyzed by using CLIMEX model system, so as to estimate and understand the suitable living area of western flower thrips in Taiwan. The results can be provided for forewarning epidemic situation to improve the efficiency of detection system of western flower thrips. (2)、Maintenance and establishment of pests databases and online learning platform. 一、This project ongoing maintenance of plant phytosanitary knowledge online learning platform to increase 10-20 Plant Protection and Quarantine and other related courses, 2 new system features of platforms, the number of expected learning point of reading up to 200 people. 二、This project ongoing maintenance of crop pests database query system, this year intends to complete the pest single table links with the information of five illustrations and pesticides database in plant protection field, add 50 pest species classification and field symptoms pictures, information, revision, collection and collation 10 kinds of important crop pests flowers on the classification, distribution, ecology, damage-like, and geographical distribution of the occurrence of such information

    專論/台灣圖書館史數位圖書館建構之研究/王梅玲;蔡明月;陳志銘;柯雲娥;蔡佳縈;陳勇汀;林怡甄 | A Digital Library Pilot Study on Taiwan Libraries' History / Mei-Ling Wang; Ming-Yueh Tsay; Chih-Ming Chen; Yun-Er Ke; Chia-Ying Tsai; Yong-Ting Chen; Yi-Jen Lin

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    <p>圖書館是保存與詮釋人類文化重要的機構,1990 年代開始,網際網路的進步,促成數位圖書館蓬勃發展,有人預測它就是未來的圖書館,因此,圖書館界與教育界積極參與相關研究。台灣地區歷經日據時期、重建 時期、成長時期及茁壯時期四階段,建設許多圖書館,有其豐富的主題與素材值得發展成為數位圖書館。政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所有鑑於此,提出「『台灣 百無圖書館史』數位圖書館」的構想,並獲得政大「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」經費支持。本研究計畫目的包括:(1)探索以台彎圖書館事業史為主 題的數位圖書館建構模式;(2)建構數位圖書館以支援圖書資訊學教育與研究;(3)研訂圖書館事業史料文獻的Metadata與數位資料格式;(4)將圖 書文獻與文物數位化以建構數位館藏;(5)發展數位圖書館系統與技術;(6)研發數位圖書館網站的瀏覽與檢索功能;(7)探討數位圖書館支援數位學習的模 式。計畫成果共研訂六種 Metadata標準:建置746筆數位化資料;以Dspace系統平台,依據需求設計台灣百年圖書館史系統架構與網站,最後提出結論與建議。</p><p>Libraries are important social institutions that preserve and communicate human culture and knowledge. From the beginning of 1990s, the digital library has grown up rapidly based on the progress of the Internet. Libraries and educational institutions should be actively involved in digital library research and development. The Taiwan libraries’ history can be divided into four stages: Japanese occupation period, reconstruction period, growth period and strong period. In these processes, many events and libraries with rich materials that can be developed into a digital library. Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University, planned the Digital Library Pilot Study on Taiwan Libraries’ History and got the university support. The pilot study objectives include: (1) exploring the digital library model on Taiwan libraries' history; (2) constructing digital library to support education and research in information and library science; (3) developing Metadata standards of library documents and heritage; (4) digitalizing documents and heritage to build digital collections (5) developing digital library systems and technology; (6) researching browsing and search functions of the digital library; (7) exploring the model of the digital library supports e-learning. In this pilot study, we developed six Metadata standards, built 746 digital resources, constructed a digital library system and web site, and proposed the conclusions and suggestions finally.</p><p>頁次:15-38</p&gt


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    [[abstract]]網路電話是透過網際網路來傳輸語音資料,由於話費成本相對較低,進而威脅傳統電信業者於國際、長途以及行動電話語音的業務。甚者,隨著科技的發達與網際網路的盛行,網路電話於未來的電信市場中,將佔有一席重要之地位。鑑於網路電話已逐漸吸引了更多的使用者,然而國內外學者卻甚少有此服務品質的相關研究。因此,本研究欲 藉由問卷調查方式,探討網路電話服務品質的顧客滿意度。 本研究以國內網路電話使用者為研究對象,首先經由前測,以探索性因素分析法,萃取了網路電話服務品質因素的七大構面,包括:「經濟成本因素」、「品牌聲譽因素」、「整合運用因素」、「品質穩定因素」、「品質可靠因素」、「方便舒適因素」、「系統功能因素」等。其次,經正式問卷後,本研究以多變量變異數分析法,探討不同個人屬性變項於網路電話服務品質七大構面的顧客滿意度。最後,以多元迴歸分析法,發現「經濟成本因素」較其他因素更能影響顧客滿意


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