17 research outputs found


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    Studies on the Formation of Lateral Roots and Root Hairs in Rice

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      本論文以水稻品種台中在來一號 (Oryza sativa L. cv. Taichung Native 1, TN1)為材料,探討生長素與一氧化氮對黃化幼苗側根與根毛之形成是否需要Ca2+與heme oxygenase (HO)之參與,以及apocynin對水稻黃化幼苗側根形成之影響。   Sodium nitroprusside (SNP,一氧化氮釋放劑)、indole-3-butyric acid (IBA,植物體中存在之生長素)與hemin (Hm,HO之誘導劑)處理皆會誘導水稻側根與根毛之形成。SNP與IBA所誘導之一氧化氮形成以及側根與根毛形成可由一氧化氮清除劑2- (4-carboxy- phenyl)- 4,4,5,5- tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (cPTIO)所抑制,而Hm處理不影響一氧化氮之形成,且其對側根與根毛形成之作用也不受cPTIO影響,nitrate reductase (NR)抑制劑tungstate會抑制IBA所誘導之一氧化氮形成以及側根與根毛之形成,顯示IBA是透過NR的作用產生一氧化氮進而影響側根與根毛之形成。Ca2+之螯合物、通道阻礙劑、CaM拮抗劑與IP3合成抑制劑皆可明顯抑制SNP與IBA所誘導之側根與根毛形成,而不影響SNP與IBA所誘導之一氧化氮形成,顯示SNP與IBA之作用需要Ca2+之參與,且Ca2+位於一氧化氮與IBA作用之下游。   SNP、IBA與Hm處理皆會使HO的活性提升,Zn protoporphyrin IX (ZnPPIX,HO抑制劑)與hemoglobin (Hb,一氧化碳與一氧化氮之清除劑)皆能有效抑制SNP、IBA與Hm誘導之側根與根毛形成及HO的活性提升。而HO催化反應之產物biliverdin IXα (BV) 也可有效地誘導側根與根毛形成,這些結果說明SNP、IBA與Hm所誘導之水稻黃化幼苗側根與根毛之形成需要透過HO的參與。   Apocynin會誘導水稻側根形成與H2O2合成,而diphenylene iodonium (DPI,NADPH oxidase抑制劑)可抑制其作用,顯示apocynin經由H2O2之作用調控側根形成。  In this thesis, rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Taichung Native 1, TN1, an Indica type) seedlings were used to investigate the involvement of Ca2+ and heme oxygenase (HO) in auxin- and nitric oxide (NO)-induced formation of lateral roots (LRs) and root hairs (RHs) and the effect of apocynin on LR formation.   Application of sodium nitroprusside (SNP; a NO donor), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA; a naturally occurring auxin), or hemin (Hm; a HO inducer) to rice seedlings induced the formation of LRs and RHs. LR and RH formation and NO production induced by SNP and IBA were prevented by the specific NO scavenger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5- tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (cPTIO). Hm had no effect on NO production. Hm-induced formation of LRs and RHs could not be blocked by cPTIO. Nitrate reductase (NR) inhibitor sodium tungstate completely inhibited IBA-induced LR and RH formations and NO production. Clearly the effect of IBA is attributed by NO released, and the NO generation in response to IBA might mainly involve NR activity. The effects of Ca2+ chelators, Ca2+-channel inhibitors, and calmodulin antagonists were effective in reducing the action of SNP and IBA. However, Ca2+ chelators and Ca2+- channel inhibitors had no effect on SNP- and IBA-induced NO generation. It is concluded that Ca2+ is involved in SNP- and IBA-induced LR and RH formations, and is acting downstream of NO and IBA.   Treatment of rice seedlings with SNP, IBA, and Hm resulted in an enhancement of HO activity. Zn protoporphyrin IX (ZnPPIX; a HO inhibitor) and hemoglobin (Hb; a CO/NO scavenger) reduced the LR and RH formation and the enhancement of HO activity induced by SNP, IBA, and Hm. The product of HO catalyzed reaction, biliverdin IXα (BV), was also able to induce LR and RH formation and enhance HO activity. These data suggested that HO is involved in SNP-, IBA- and Hm-induced LR and RH formation.   Apocynin was able to induce LR formation and the generation of H2O2, which could be blocked by diphenylene iodonium (a NADPH oxidase inhibitor). These results indicate that the apocynin-induced LR formation is related to H2O2


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    A Study of Elderly Mortality Models and Their Applications in Annuity Insurance

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    傳統上國人寄望養兒防老,但面臨少子化及壽命延長,家庭已無法獨力負擔照顧老年人的責任,必須仰賴個人(老年人自己)、國家及政府分擔人口老化造成的需求,這也是政府在過去二十年來積極投入更多資源,制訂與老年人有關的社會保險、福利及政策的原因。像是1995年開辦的全民健康保險提升了全民健康,其中老年人受惠尤多;2005年的勞工退休金條例、2008年的國民年金保險等,則是因應我國國民壽命延長的社會保險制度。對於未來費用的需求估算,需要依賴可靠的死亡率預測,但大多數預測並沒有將死亡率改善列入考量,勢必低估長壽風險的衝擊,影響個人的財務規劃、增加國家負債。 有鑑於此,本文研究常用的死亡率模型,評估哪些適合用於描述高齡死亡率的變化,且能用於計算年金商品的定價。本文考量的模型大致分成兩類:關係模型(Relational Models)及隨機模型(Stochastic Models),第一類包括常用於高齡的Gompertz、Coale-Kisker模型,以及Discount Sequence模型,第二類則有Lee-Carter及CBD等模型。模型比較的方式以長期預測和短期預測,選用交叉驗證的方式驗證死亡率模型的預測結果與觀察值之間的差異。研究結果顯示Discount Sequence、Lee-Carter、CBD隨機模型較能準確描述台灣、日本與美國等三個國家的死亡率特性;但這三個模型在年金險保費並沒有很明顯的訂價差異。另外,若用於短期預測、長期預測比較,又以Discount Sequence的預測結果優於Lee-Carter模型的預測。Traditionally in Asia, families played the main role in caring their own elderly (i.e., parents and grand-parents), but the declining fertility rates and longer life expectancy make it difficult for the families to take care of the elderly alone. The elderly themselves and the government need to share the burden caused by the aging population. In fact, most Taiwan’s major social policies in the past 20 years are targeting the elderly, such as National Health Insurance, Labor Pension Act and National Pension Insurance. Their planning and financial solvency rely on reliable mortality models and their projections for the elderly population. However, many mortality models do not take into account the mortality improvements and thus underestimate the cost. In this study, we look for elderly mortality models which can reflect the mortality improvements in recent years and use them to price the annuity products. Two types of mortality models are of interest: relational models and stochastic models. The first group includes the Gompertz model, Coale-Kisker model and Discount Sequence; the other group includes the Lee-Carter and CBD models. We utilize these mortality models to project future mortality rates in Taiwan, Japan and U.S., along with the block bootstrap and ARIMA for projection. The model comparison is based on cross-validation, and both short-term and long-term projections are considered. The results show that the Discount Sequence, Lee-Carter model and CBD model have the best model fits for mortality rates and, for the short-term and long-term forecasts, the Discount Sequence is better than the Lee-Carter model

    From Millet to Cabbage: A Study on the Spatial Change of Pyanan Community from a Gender Perspective

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    「發展」涉及改造社會的整體想像,產業即是發展政策中相當重要的一環,產業的變遷不僅改變了一個社會的生產模式和分工方式,亦會改變一個社會中的空間和性別關係。本研究運用:參與觀察、深度訪談、焦點團體座談會和參與式製圖等方法、以性別的觀點來探究比雅楠部落從以小米為主食的燒墾農業轉型到當代以高麗菜為主要經濟作物的發展過程中部落的空間變化。本研究有三個主要的研究發現。一是政府的發展政策牽動了部落的空間與性別關係的改變;二是比雅楠部落的兩性有著不同的發展軌跡,男性較快投入市場經濟中、其勞動也被換算為較高的薪資,女性的勞動所賺取的薪資較少;三是女性保留並實踐更多的生態知識─包含對物種的知識、對人際協商的知識。總結本研究發現,筆者認為當比雅楠部落面臨到現代工業化發展所帶來的負面影響時,這些女性保存並實踐的生態知識是部落尋求替代性發展的契機。Development demands active imaginations toward transforming a society in which industrial transformation is a decisive part. Industrial transformation not only changes a society’s mode of production and labor division, but also changes its space and gender relationships. By employing the methods of participatory mapping, focused group discussions and in-depth interviews, this study attempts to explore Pyanan community’s experiences of industrial transformation particularly from the aspects of space and gender. There are three main findings in this study. Firstly, the government’s development policies are the main cause for the changes of Pyanan community. Secondly, this study shows that Indigenous men and women have experienced different changes in the industrial development process, like Indigenous men’s work is priced higher than the women’s under similar working condition. Thirdly, Indigenous women preserve and practice much more traditional ecological knowledge than Indigenous men. In conclusion, this study suggests that the traditional ecological knowledge preserved and practiced by Indigenous women could be the key to seek alternative development strategies while the community faces the negative influences from the modern industrial development


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    唇瓣為文心蘭花被結構最引人注目之處,其形態較花萼花瓣為大,裙裾邊緣呈現波浪狀皺摺,頂端具有腫瘤狀突起為其特徵。本實驗室透過次世代高通量定序技術將文心蘭南茜品種花被部位的轉錄體進行定序,篩選出在唇瓣發育時具有特異性表現的基因,其中包括轉錄因子基因家族之 ARF (auxin response factor)、Myb 、 CONSTANS-Like genes 以 及 TCP (TEOSINTE-LIKE1,CYCLOIDEA,andPROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR) 等。利用 qRT-PCR 驗證並比較以上候選基因在幼期及成熟花苞的表現量,挑選並選殖出數個在花被發育期間表現量具有差異的基因 OnTCP2 與 OnTCP4 分別為文心蘭 TCP2-like 與 TCP4-like 基因 OnTCP2。,於幼期花苞唇瓣的表現量較花萼花瓣高,而當花苞趨近成熟時在唇瓣中的表現量會逐漸減少;相較之下,OnTCP4 在花朵發育的過程中一直維持於唇瓣的高表現量 OnMyb21 為文心蘭之 Myb21-like 基因 無論在幼期或是成熟花苞的唇瓣中,。,其表現量皆明顯較花萼花瓣為低。為分析基因表現與唇瓣形態分化的關聯性,進行文心蘭野生型與花被突變株中 OnTCP2 OnTCP4 及 OnMyb21 基因表現型式的、比較。花被突變株的兩片花瓣突變為唇瓣形態,使花朵呈現三唇瓣的外觀。突變株中 OnMyb21、OnTCP2 與 OnTCP4 在花瓣的基因表現模式,隨形態轉變為唇瓣化而切換成唇瓣表現模式,顯示這些基因在花被特化成唇瓣結構的過程中具有專一調控功能。OnMyb21 在含苞時期必須被抑制才有利於唇瓣分化,且在唇瓣開展時該抑制現象才被解除;OnTCP4 在唇瓣完整地發育過程中均必須維持相對高表現量,直到花被形態發育完成才有下降趨勢;OnTCP2 在花苞發育初期唇瓣與花萼花瓣表現量差異小,但伴隨花苞發育趨近成熟、唇瓣型態逐漸鮮明,OnTCP2唇瓣中的表現量在花被型態發育成熟時降低 指出 OnTCP2 及 OnTCP4 具備促進。細胞分化功能,而 OnMyb21 有抑制細胞分化的可能性。進一步利用阿拉伯芥轉基因植物大量表現 OnTCP4 OnMyb21 及兩種選殖出之 TCP2-like 基因 OnTCP2-2、、OnTCP2-4,以探討各基因之生理功能。轉基因植物與野生型阿拉伯芥相比,觀察 到 轉 殖 株 35S::OnMyb21 、 35S::OnTCP2-2 花 瓣 較 短 小 , 35S::OnTCP4 、35S::OnTCP2-4 花瓣較大,並以共軛焦顯微鏡觀察花瓣上表皮細胞,顯示在文心蘭唇瓣發育 OnTCP2-4 及 OnTCP4 促進唇瓣細胞的延展,OnMyb21 和 OnTCP2-2則分別為抑制細胞分裂或細胞延展,直到唇瓣發育完成。In Oncidium, the morphology of labellum (lip) is attractive and distinct from that of petals and sepals. The Oncidium lip is characterized with expanded shapes, wavy edges, and adorned with a callus on the upper surface. To identify the genes specifying the lip development, the transcriptome of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey' perianths was subjected to NGS high-throughput sequencing. We obtained the sequence information of several transcription factor families, including ARF (auxin response factor), Myb, CONSTANS-Like genes and TCP (TEOSINTE-LIKE1, CYCLOIDEA, and PROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR), which may be involved in the floral development. After validation by qRT-PCR analysis of gene expressions in young and mature floral buds, a few candidates expressing differentially during the perianth development were identified and full open reading frames were obtained. OnTCP2 and OnTCP4 are respectively TCP2-like and TCP4-like genes of Oncidium. OnTCP2 expressed with a higher level in lips than in sepals/petals of young buds, and reduced the expression in lips as the floral buds matured. OnTCP4 remained high expressions in lips during the floral bud development. OnMyb21, a Myb21-like gene, expressed suppressively in lips of both young and mature buds. Interestingly, the gene expression patterns of OnMyb21, OnTCP2 and OnTCP4 in peloric petals, along with the morphology changes, were transformed to that in lips, which indicated these genes may specifically regulate the lip differentiation in opposite manners. To promote the lip differentiation, OnMyb21expression should be suppressed in floral buds until the lip successfully expands. However, OnTCP4 should keep relatively high expression level during the whole flower development stage until the flower open. OnTCP2 expression showed a slight difference between peloric petals and lips of young buds, and expression of OnTCP2 reduce gradually while flowers matured. However, there's two cloning types of OnTCP2, OnTCP2-2 and OnTCP2-4. 35S::OnTCP2-2 and 35S::OnMyb21 Arabidopsis produced smaller petals whereas 35S::OnTCP2-4 and 35S::OnTCP4 Arabidopsis produced larger petals than that in wild-type plant. Observation of petal epidermal cell of transgenic Arabidopsis under confocal microscope revealed the potential function for OnTCP2-4 and OnTCP4 in promoting the petal expansion, while OnTCP2-2 and OnMyb21 in repressing petal expansion or cell division.摘要.....................i Abstract .....................ii 目錄.....................iii 前言.....................1 材料與方法.....................9 結果.....................19 一、文心蘭唇瓣發育調控基因 OnMyb21、OnTCP2-2、OnTCP2-4 及 OnTCP4之選殖 ..... 19 二、OnTCP2-2、OnTCP2-4 和 OnTCP4 基因序列之分析.....................20 三、OnTCP 演化樹之分析.....................21 四、OnMyb21 基因序列之分析.....................21 五、OnMyb 演化樹之分析.....................22 六、唇瓣發育相關候選基因在文心蘭花朵發育時期花被各部位表現量之分析.....................22 七、比較唇瓣發育相關候選基因在野生型與三唇瓣變異株文心蘭花朵發育各時期中花被各部位之表現分析.....................23 八、35S::OnTCP2-2、35S::OnTCP2-4、35S::OnTCP4、35S::OnMyb21 轉殖載體之構築.....................23 九、大量表現文心蘭 OnTCP2-2 基因之野生型阿拉伯芥性狀分析.....................24 十、大量表現文心蘭 OnTCP2-4 基因之野生型阿拉伯芥性狀分析.....................25 十一、大量表現文心蘭 OnTCP4 基因之野生型阿拉伯芥性狀分析.....................26 十二、大量表現文心蘭 OnMyb21 基因之野生型阿拉伯芥性狀分析...............26 十三、利用酵母菌雙雜合法確認 OnMyb21 與 OnTCPs 蛋白之間的交互作用...27 討論.....................28 參考文獻.....................3

    The development of a quality-based job dispatching index for the IC ion implantation process

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    在積體電路的製造裡, 離子植入的製程,影響晶片的品質甚大. 在過程中,由於機器的陰極靶在加熱的時候, 陰極靶的電阻直徑,會因不同處方或增加或減少. 因而改變電阻係數, 也因而製造出不良品質之晶圓. 因此, 離子植入製程之派工指標不僅要縮短加工作業時間和滿足交貨期,更要確保機器的加工狀況,製造出優良品質的晶圓。 本研究主要目的在於提出一個以品質導向為主之積體電路離子植入製程之派工指標. 所提出之派工指標不僅考量縮短加工作業時間與滿足交貨期, 尤其確保機器的加工狀況. 在本研究中,所有等待加工之線上晶圓批的派工指標會即時被估算出,獲得最大之派工指標的晶圓批將被選擇為下一批最適加工的晶圓批。為了與其它派工指標比較,除了建立以品質導向為主之派工指標, 同時建立了比例組合優先派工指標和混合優先派工指標,此三種指標將在本研究中被深入的討論與比較。 為了探討不同情境下之三種指標的表現,本研究擬採用模擬的方式來達成,因此單機器的模擬模式被建立了。三個績效指標,即加工作業時間、交貨期與機器的加工優良狀況,將被用來評估兩種不同的具體方案。 模擬結果顯示品質導向為主之派工指標的確可確保機器的加工品質, 在加工作業時間與交貨期上的表現,亦優於或相似於其它兩個指標.The ion implantation process in the IC fabrication is one of the most important steps that determine the wafer quality. During the process, the filament in the equipment is heated, and the resistance of the filament decreases or increases depending on the recipes processed. Equipment with too large or too small resistance of the filament may produce unacceptable quality wafers. Therefore, not like the dispatching scheme for the other IC fabrication processes, the scheme for an ion implantation process must consider not only the minimum total process time and due dates but also the machine operational quality condition. This research proposes a quality-based job dispatching index for the IC ion implantation process that minimizes the total process time and meets due dates, as well as improves the equipment operational quality condition. In an on-line look-ahead base, the quality-based job dispatching index for all work in process jobs are estimated, and the jobs with the largest index is picked to be processed next. For the comparison purpose, besides the proposed quality index, two more job dispatching indexes with a recipe mix priority and a joint priority are established, respectively, in this study. A single machine simulation model is established, and used to evaluate the three indexes under two specific scenarios. The simulation results provide insights about the implementation of the quality-based index, and demonstrate the quality-based index can achieve the goals better than the other two indexes


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    [[abstract]]由於國民所得的提高及實施週休二日以來,國人對休閒遊憩活動日趨重視,為因應國民對休閒生活的需求,現今國人休閒旅遊風氣一部份漸漸轉為一種親近自然的農業休閒型態,促使農場資源合理分配與有效利用,並增加農民所得,休閒農業已成為政府推動的政策。運用特有的鄉土生活文化與體驗活動,去發展一種深度旅遊,休閒農場可利用田園景觀、自然生態及環境資源,結合農業生產和生態,設計各型態的遊憩體驗活動,滿足國人遊憩市場的需求,故休閒農業經營應掌握體驗經濟的特質,並藉由體驗活動這樣的工具,來產生體驗過後的價值研究者想藉由此論文的探討與說明,釐清體驗活動與體驗價值兩者之間的關係。研究結果顯示,在遊客對體驗價值認知方面 可知,「年齡」及「職業」兩者人口背景特徵是不同的主要因素。另外,在農場裡遊客對體驗價值影響關係方面,體驗價值的構面間均具有直接影響關係;其中,體驗價值可透過顧客來體驗產生間接影響關係


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    [[abstract]]本次將傳統導覽手冊的內容加以改善,把QR code 加入導覽手冊中避免有厚厚一本的導覽手冊但實際上用到的只有地圖,不如把文字轉換成影片讓想了解的旅客,用自己的手機掃描一下便可簡單的獲取資訊。 透過文獻回顧我們將日月潭主要的六條步道挑選出來六條步道按照順序分別是,涵碧步道、水社親水步道、年梯步道、大竹湖步道、水蛙頭步道以及慈恩塔步道。將這六條步道的文化故事透過實際拍攝影片,來做說明。 再來將我們實際到日月潭拍攝的影片,放在youtube平台上,把網址轉成QR code 並貼在導覽手冊上,背後即是日月潭地圖,方便旅客尋找自己想要的資訊


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    [[abstract]]本次將傳統導覽手冊的內容加以改善,把QR code 加入導覽手冊中避免有厚厚一本的導覽手冊但實際上用到的只有地圖,不如把文字轉換成影片讓想了解的旅客,用自己的手機掃描一下便可簡單的獲取資訊。 透過文獻回顧我們將日月潭主要的六條步道挑選出來六條步道按照順序分別是,涵碧步道、水社親水步道、年梯步道、大竹湖步道、水蛙頭步道以及慈恩塔步道。將這六條步道的文化故事透過實際拍攝影片,來做說明。 再來將我們實際到日月潭拍攝的影片,放在youtube平台上,把網址轉成QR code 並貼在導覽手冊上,背後即是日月潭地圖,方便旅客尋找自己想要的資訊