856 research outputs found

    The Marketing Strategy of Empire Resort in Vietnam

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    随着跨界旅游在全球的蓬勃发展,旅游地产迎来了发展的春天。相比中国而言,越南有世界闻名的优质海岸线,房地产市场正逐步发展和对外国人开放,得天独厚的地理和自然风光吸引了很多外籍人士。越南帝国度假中心紧邻岘港海滩,是集别墅、公寓、酒店于一体的综合性度假中心。中国四川华西集团作为设计施工采购总承包商身份参与项目开发,为营销策略研究提供很多便利条件。通过研究帝国项目的开发营销策略,结合中国旅游地产的发展现状,借鉴相关理论,可指导启迪发展中国旅游地产。 本文以越南帝国度假中心为案例进行研究。论文首先阐述了相关理论,概述了项目的主要内容;分析了项目的市场环境,竞争对手的优势;分析了项目的市场需求,通过市场...With the vigorous development of cross-border tourism in the world,the development of tourism real estate are in the spring. Compared with China, Vietnamese high-quality coastline are world famous;It’s market of real estate is gradually developed and open to foreigners;and it’s geographical advantage and natural scenery has attracted numerous foreign tourist. Empire Resort Center in Vietnam is nea...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:X201415635

    The Study on the Local Government Debt Disclosure Based on Risk Prevention

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    地方政府性债务信息披露是指地方政府将政府性债务信息通过政府预算报告或政府财务报告等形式,向相关利益主体披露的行为。披露地方政府性债务信息有助于提高地方政府的债务管理能力,约束地方政府的举债冲动,从而更好的防范债务风险。同时地方政府性债务作为政府会计的重要会计要素,对其披露进行研究,将有助于构建我国的政府会计体系。 随着美国地方政府债务危机的相继爆发,国内外学者及国际信用评级机构对中国政府性债务特别是地方政府性债务的潜在风险更加关注。鉴于准确、完整的核算、报告、披露地方政府性债务信息对防范债务风险、维持财政可持续性的重要性,本文采用规范研究分析与实证分析相结合的方法,在对地方政府性债务信息披露...Local government debt information disclosure is the local government disclosure the debt information to relevant stakeholders in the form of budget report or financial report. Disclosure of local government debt information can help improve the debt-management capacity and constrain the borrowing impulses of the local government, so as to better prevent debt risk. At the same time, as an important...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752009115095

    The Research on Three-dimensional Virtual Try-on and Dynamic Cloth Simulation

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    最近几年,布料仿真己经成了人们感兴趣的研究课题。布料仿真是计算机动画、纺织服装CAD和试衣系统等研究领域中的一项重要内容。其中,虚拟试衣是一种应用于服装电子商务的新兴技术。为了使客户能够在网上快捷便利地、真实有效地进行服装的挑选试衣,网上虚拟试衣技术的出现成为必然。虚拟试衣给用户提供了一个实时的交互平台,它允许用户在各种服装中做出选择,并把选中的衣服在虚拟模特身上进行试穿。 目前,国内外对于三维服装试衣技术的研究已逐渐深入,在衣片建模、衣片缝合以及碰撞检测等方面均有一系列的研究成果。但传统的碰撞检测算法,在包围盒建立方面存在死循环的现象,同时,碰撞检测算法的时间复杂度高。 本文在研究现有的...In recent years, cloth simulation has become a research topic that interests many researchers. Cloth simulation is an important part of computer animation, garment CAD and virtual try-on system. The virtual try-on is a new technology in electronic commerce. In order to make the customers to choose and try on clothes conveniently and quickly, and moreover, realistically and effectively, the appeara...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2432006115263

    A Simplified Model of Mat-shape Algae Horizontal Drift

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    Wind can lead to large-scale heterogeneity in the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton in lakes. By analyzing the stress mechanism of the mat-shape algae on the surface of water, we treat the algae layer as a kind of liquid and establish a two-layer fluid model. A basic relationship between wind speed and algae moving velocity is deduced theoretically, which indicates that the drift velocity of mat-shape algae changes with wind speed in a quadratic function. Finally, the theoretical result is examined by the observation data and fits well.Wind can lead to large-scale heterogeneity in the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton in lakes. By analyzing the stress mechanism of the mat-shape algae on the surface of water, we treat the algae layer as a kind of liquid and establish a two-layer fluid model. A basic relationship between wind speed and algae moving velocity is deduced theoretically, which indicates that the drift velocity of mat-shape algae changes with wind speed in a quadratic function. Finally, the theoretical result is examined by the observation data and fits well.</span

    Study on the Cost Control of Value Chain Based on the Ready-mixed Concrete Enterprise

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    商品混凝土在中国经过了三十多年的发展,行业市场竞争日趋激烈。随着国家产业政策调整和市场经济不断完善,企业面对的竞争环境更加错综复杂,由此,成本控制已成为商品混凝土企业保持核心竞争力的关键因素。而传统的成本控制不能为企业释放更多的利润空间,企业要想创造竞争优势,应从价值链理论视角着手研究,来发掘企业的成本优势,并帮助企业更好地适应竞争环境的变化,促使企业的管理理念和方法发生根本性地改变。 价值链管理作为当今企业管理的核心理念,被越来越多的企业用于探索新的成本控制思路。本文将价值链理论与成本控制理论相结合进行了分析研究,并以QE砼公司作为实例研究对象,采用规范研究和案例分析方法进行了研究。通过阐...Ready-mixed concrete industry has developed more than 30 years in china, the trade market has been increasingly competitive. Along with the adjustment of the national industrial policy, as well as the market-oriented economy being perfected uninterruptedly, the concrete enterprise will be faced with the competitive environment even more complex. Therefore, cost control has become the key factor fo...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:X200915701

    A Study on Convenience store’s Profit Model in China ——Take ET Convenience Store as an Example

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    便利店作为满足顾客便利性、应急性需求的零售业态,已成为最具竞争力的零售业态之一。起源于美国的便利店,在日本和台湾得到了迅速发展,经过一系列系统革新,其特点被发挥到极致。20世纪90年代,便利店在我国大陆地区起步,随后在沿海经济发达地区,特别是上海形成一定的规模。 但是目前我国便利店发展还不够成熟,很多便利店经营企业内部管理不够规范,盈利模式模糊不清,始终不能突出其特有的便利性,而与食杂店、超市等不能相互区分开来,以致其盈利有限,发展受阻。 本文首先对便利店和盈利模式的概念进行了界定,其次分析了我国便利店发展的总体概况,再次以福建省易太便利店为例,分析了易太便利店所处的发展环境为其带来的发展...As a type of operation of Retailing, satisfying the demands for convenience and emergency, convenience store has been becoming one of most competitive retailing forma. The convenience store, originating from the United Stated, has been developing rapidly in Japan and Taiwan. And after a series of system reform, its characteristics has been played fully. In the 1990s of 20th Century, convenience st...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200815620

    The Issues and Resolutions for China’s Residential Special Maintenance Funds System

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    住宅专项维修资金制度伴随着建筑物区分所有权制度的建立而形成和发展起来的,是物业管理制度的重要组成部分之一。但由于我国过去房屋产权体制单一,物业发展晚,专项维修资金制度也发展缓慢。随着住房体制的改革,商品住宅大量兴建,业主入住率的提高,对住宅共用部位、共用设施设备的维护、更新和改造问题也逐步出现,因此,对专项维修资金制度的研究日益受到了人们的重视。目前,我国在专项维修资金的立法上还比较滞后,且很不规范,实践中出现了不少问题,妨害了物业的安全和人们的安居乐业,给社会造成了极不安定的因素。本文从实践出发,结合相关理论,对实践中出现的问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策。同时,也对《住宅专项维修资金管理办法...Residential special maintenance funds system has been developed as a result of the building ownership distinction system and is an important and integral part of the property management system. With oversimplified housing ownership system in the past and late start of property management business and ordinance, the development of residential special maintenance funds system has been very slow. Fol...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20040804

    Improving The Core Competence of China Merchants Bank Quanzhou Branch

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    随着我国市场经济的发展,金融在现代经济中的地位越来越重要,而银行业作为金融产业的核心角色也被人们广泛关注。而随着我国海西建设的大力进展,海西金融业的合理运作对整个海西的建设和发展都具有重要的意义。福建省政府日前与国家开发银行签订了《共同推进海峡西岸经济区建设“十二五”开发性金融合作备忘录》,国家开发银行将加大对海西经济区建设金融支持。分别从支持企业发展、支持交通等基础设施建设以及推动城镇发展建设三个方面来对海西发展进行大力支持。身在其中的商业银行,应该在这样历史性时期中塑造自身的核心竞争力,打造核心品牌形象,及时的进行战略调整,致力创新,开发新产品和新业务模式以适应市场的变化,获得市场先机。 ...With the development of market economy in China, financial industry is becoming more and more important in the modern economy. As the core role of financial industry, the banking industry has gained widely attention. Along with the great progress in China's construction of the West Strait, the reasonable operation of the financial industry makes great influence on the construction and development...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200615513

    Liquidity-adjusted capital asset pricing model in China

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    流动性是投资者在资产配置中需要考虑的重要因素之一,它反映了市场上买卖资产的难易程度。国外众多的研究成果表明,流动性对资产定价有重大的意义。目前国内关于这方面的研究还很少,而本文基于我国A股市场的数据,将流动性引入资产定价模型的研究,算是国内这一领域研究的一次尝试。 本文运用Amihud的非流动性比率、换手率、零收益率、有效流速以及Pastor与Stambaugh的流动性指标等五个指标来衡量流动性。以1997年1月至2005年12月的A股股票作为研究样本,通过研究证实了我国A股市场不管使用哪个指标来衡量流动性,都存在着流动性溢价现象,即流动性低的组合预期收益要高,而流动性高的组合预期收益要低。...Liquidity is an important factor, which must be considered in investors’ asset allocation. It reflects the difficulity of exchanging assets. Many foreign researches demonstrated that liquitidy is meaningful for asset pricing. Therefore I engage into the research of application of liquidity into asset pricing by adopting the data of A stock exchange market in China. Liquidity indexes are measured ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:2005130093

    Trading Behavior of Small Trade Investors and its Impact on Market: Based on High Frequent Trading Amount Data

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    A股市场是个体投资者影响较大的市场,但在国内对于个体投资者交易行为的研究还很少,主要是由于缺少高品质的交易数据。本文利用高频交易额数据以间接推断个人投资者的交易行为,该衡量办法的优点在于数据可得性相对较高,具有可检验性,更为重要的是不仅可以研究投资者的交易行为,还可以研究他们的交易行为对资产价格的影响。据笔者所知,目前在国内运用该方法的研究很少,本文的研究具有一定的开拓性。 本文研究小额投资者的交易行为及其市场影响,具有以下几点结论: 第一,本文发现小额投资者在面对复杂投资环境时往往会运用简单的投资方法来替代复杂的逻辑思考,这使得他们在面对强势股价格回落时会倾向于买入,而面对弱势股价格回升...The influence of individual investor can not be ignored in A-share market, but there are few reseaches on the trading behavioral of such investors, due to lack of high quality trading data. Based on high frequent data of trading amount, the paper indirectly infers the trading behavioral of individual investors. The advantage of the method includes its availability, testability. Furthermore the dat...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562010015375