15 research outputs found

    Research on the Method and Experiment of Robot Grinding Individualized Artificial Hip Joint

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    人体股骨髓腔具有绝对差异性。现有的标准化、系列化人工髋关节产品种类有限,与患者的股骨髓腔不能完全匹配,而且无法满足特殊病人的需求。根据病人髋关节解剖结构和生物力学传递特点,设计制造出与患者股骨髓腔相适应的个性化人工髋关节,不仅能够满足不同患者的需求,而且能够提高人工髋关节的长期稳定性,延长人工髋关节的有效使用寿命。由于个性化人工髋关节的外形复杂,增加了加工工艺的复杂性,导致定制周期长、加工成本高。因此,国内个性化人工髋关节主要用于特殊病例,难以在普通病例中推广。 本论文基于机器人磨削系统,利用CAD/CAM/Robotic一体化技术,研究了一种速度快、效率高、成本低的个性化人工髋关节制造方法...Human femoral medullary cavity has absolute difference. The existing standardized and serialized kinds of artificial hip joint are limited, no matching completely with the femoral medullary cavity of the patient, and can't meet the patients’ special needs. According to the patient's hip joint anatomical structure and biomechanics transmission characteristic, designing and manufacturing the individ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_测试计量技术及仪器学号:1992011115273

    Arachidonic acid oil production by microbial fermentation

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    花生四烯酸(ArA)是一种重要的脂肪酸,现在主要由生物法生产,本文综述了高山被孢霉发酵生产花生四烯酸油脂的菌落形态控制及其代谢途径,以期为相关的研究者提供参考。Arachidonic acid(ARA) is a very important fatty acid,and mainly proudced by biological method.In this paper,production of ARA by Mortierella alpina and the involved metabolic pathways were reviewed,in order to provide references for relative research.广东省工业技术研究院生物工程研究所科技基金(B201301

    Ocean surface wind and wave monitoring at Typhoon Fung-Wong by HFSWR OSMAR071

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    介绍了OSMAr071高频地波雷达系统“凤凰“台风期间海面风、浪遥测结果。文中给出高频地波雷达OS-MAr071风、浪反演算法:利用SbM模型结合多波束采样法反演风向;利用改进的bArrICk模型进行有效波高的反演;利用SMb关系式进行风速反演。将雷达定点观测结果与浮标数据进行对比,表现出很好的一致性,其中有效波高相关系数为0.72,均方根误差为0.48M,风向相关系数为0.97,均方根误差为27.7°,风速的相关系数为0.6,均方根误差为3.5M/S。文中还对影响探测精度的因素进行了分析。This paper provides wind and wave observation results detected by high frequency surface wave radar OSMAR071 during Typhoon Fung-Wong.Methods for extracting ocean surface parameters from HFSWR sea echo are introduced.The Stewart Barnum and Maresca SBM method combined with multi-beam sampling method is used to invert wind direction.A modified Barrick's model is proposed to obtain significant wave height and the SMB formulation is used to extract wind speed information.Compared with buoy data of wind and wave,radar inversion results show good agreement with in-situ observations.The root-mean-square error RMSE of significant wave height,wind speed and wind direction between radar-derived and those from the buoy are 0.48 m,3.5 m/s,27.7°,and the coefficients of determination(R2) are 0.72,0.60 and 0.97,respectively.Factors affecting detecting accuracy are also discussed in this paper.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(编号:2009AA09A301);国家自然科学基金(编号:60571065)---

    The Research of the Mechatronic Systems on Pressure Casting Blanking and Burring Achieved by the Application of Robot

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    建立了工业机器人自动化下料与去毛边加工一体化系统,减少压铸件使用设备的种类,降低压铸件制造成本。在工业机器人下料时,其末端夹具对压铸件形成负压吸附和压板的立体空间定位,精确定位压铸件与夹具的位姿关系,保证毛边的加工精度。利用软件仿真系统编制工业机器人加工压铸件毛边的轨迹,在压铸件毛边加工轨迹编制前,首先对软件仿真系统和工业机器人加工系统进行标定,建立软件环境与实际工业机器人加工系统的一致性,确保软件中编制的轨迹点映射到实际工业机器人加工系统中的精度。实验结果表明,软件环境和实际工业机器人加工系统标定后,其毛边加工精度可以达到0.28 MM。In this paper we build the system to achieve pressure casting blanking and burring by the application of robot.Using this method we can reduce the kinds of equipments and decrease the cost of casting manufacturing.When industrial robot blanks, end clamps for casting generates negative pressure adsorption and three-dimensional spatial positioning, which can pinpoint casting pose relationship with fixture and ensure the machining precision of overlap.We use the preparation of industrial robot simulation system software processing casting burrs track.Casting flash processing path in the preparation before the first software simulation system and calibrate industrial robot machining system.Then we build the consistency between software system and the actual machining system.By this way, we can ensure that the software is mapped to the preparation of the track point actual industrial robot precision machining systems.The experimental results show that after Calibrate the software system and the actual machining system, the machining precision of burring could be 0.28mm.国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:61172046


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    A Method and Relevant Experiment for Individualized Artificial Hip Joint Handle of Robot Grinding

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    人体髋关节髓腔具有S型的形状,并且具有个性化特征.现有标准型的直柄人工髋关节与病人髓腔匹配时将形成三点接触,降低了人工髋关节与病人髓腔的贴合度.利用病人的CT数据重建髋关节髓腔的三维模型,将该三维模型作为人工髋关节关节柄的设计模型,并利用机器人磨削技术将该关节柄复制到铜棒上,通过检测加工后的关节柄与三维模型的尺寸误差,验证机器人磨削个性化人工髋关节的可行性.实验结果表明,关节柄磨削完成后,在其上取断面进行测量,其与髓腔三维模型的最大误差为0.624 8MM.Human hip joint has an S-shaped canal with personalized feature.The existing standard straight shank type artificial hip joint matching with the medullary cavity of the patient,will form a three-point contact and reduce the fit precision between joint and femoral canal.In this paper,the patient′s CT data is applied to reconstruct the three-dimensional model of medullary cavity for designing the artificial hip joint handle model,then,the artificial hip joint handle model is copied to the copper bar by using robotic grinding technology.It is verified that the feasibility of the robot grinding individual artificial hip joint by measuring the size error between the processed shank and the three-dimensional model.Experimental results show that different sections are fetched in three dimensional model for measurement when grinding has been accomplished,and the maximum error is 0.624 8mm.国家自然科学基金(50875222


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    The Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst sample with 6 % Mo loading prepared by impregnation method has been proved to be the best catalyst for methane non-oxidative aromatization. In this paper, the distribution of Mo species in 6 % Mo/ZSM-5 was focused on. The crystalline structure of Mo/ZSM-5 was determined by XRD and refined by Rietveld method. The results revealed that the Mo species had three states in the Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst. One kind of Mo species, Mo5O12(6+), situated at the channel of ZSM-5 zeolite. There was about 0.4 of Mo5O12(6+) unit per cell of ZSM-5 zeolite on the average. These units neutralized a number of B acid sites. As a result, the B acid sites of the Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst decreased obviously compared with the parent HZSM-5 zeolite By contraries, the amount of L acid sites increased slightly in the Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst. The Mo in Mo5O12(6+) units was about 3.03 % of Mo/ZSM-5 crystals in mass fraction. The other two kinds of Mo species, alpha-MoO3 and amorphous Mo oxides, distributed on the external surface of the Mo/ZSM-5 crystal and modified it


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    The Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst sample with 6 % Mo loading prepared by impregnation method has been proved to be the best catalyst for methane non-oxidative aromatization. In this paper, the distribution of Mo species in 6 % Mo/ZSM-5 was focused on. The crystalline structure of Mo/ZSM-5 was determined by XRD and refined by Rietveld method. The results revealed that the Mo species had three states in the Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst. One kind of Mo species, Mo5O12(6+), situated at the channel of ZSM-5 zeolite. There was about 0.4 of Mo5O12(6+) unit per cell of ZSM-5 zeolite on the average. These units neutralized a number of B acid sites. As a result, the B acid sites of the Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst decreased obviously compared with the parent HZSM-5 zeolite By contraries, the amount of L acid sites increased slightly in the Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst. The Mo in Mo5O12(6+) units was about 3.03 % of Mo/ZSM-5 crystals in mass fraction. The other two kinds of Mo species, alpha-MoO3 and amorphous Mo oxides, distributed on the external surface of the Mo/ZSM-5 crystal and modified it

    The critics to Caozhi’s Poem in Ming Dynasty :Focus on  Hu Yinglin’s Shi Sou

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