51 research outputs found


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    Nitrogen Sources and Exports in Jiulong River Watershed

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    人类活动对地球系统的影响迅速扩大,活化氮的大量输入使得生态系统氮“超载”,并引发一系列生态环境问题。世界各国正致力于寻求减少氮的排放以缓解环境压力的对策。因此,从机制上对九龙江流域氮的源汇及其过程进行系统的试验研究,对于加强水资源保护、改善流域生态环境、促进社会经济可持续发展有着非常重要的理论与实践意义。本研究融合多学科知识,在GIS技术支持下,综合运用现场定位试验、模型模拟、同位素示踪及故障树风险评价等多种研究手段与方法,揭示了流域氮的大气沉降、地表径流、淋失、反硝化和氨挥发等输入输出过程及其机制,建立了不同尺度流域氮的收支模式,并针对性提出氮流失的控制对策建议。主要研究结论如下:第一,大气...Excessive reactive nitrogen (N) additions from human activities have resulted in serious and long-term environmental consequences for large regions of the Earth. National and international policies attempt to reduce these impacts on ecosystem health. Understanding of N sources and exports pattern is important for selecting the proper remedial strategies for controlling nutrient losses from watersh...学位:工学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:B20033400

    Environmental risk assessment of intensive animal production in Jiulong River Watershed

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    在G IS支持下采用养分收支平衡法对九龙江流域规模化生猪养殖的环境风险进行评价。规模化养殖污染负荷在不同类型养殖场的分配、空间分布规律以及规模化养殖的环境风险评价结果表明:规模化养猪业年产粪尿量达107万t,以小型规模化养殖场产生的污染负荷最高;整体来看,规模化生猪养殖的环境风险不大,但由于养殖场的地理分布集中,造成近郊区域规模化养殖的环境风险极高;由于过多施用化肥,中远郊规模化养殖粪尿未得到合理利用而流失。位于水系附近的养殖场对水体影响较大,根据“福建省畜禽养殖污染防治管理办法”,为减少规模化生猪养殖对九龙江水质的直接威胁,需搬迁主要支流沿岸1 km范围内的规模化养猪场250个。 【英文摘要】 With the rapid growth in the number and size of intensive livestock enterprises in China,livestock waste in a huge amount has become one of the main sources of water pollution.Environmental risk assessment of the intensive animal production in the Jiulong River Watershed was conducted with the aid of GIS and the nutrient balance method.The findings of the study of spatial distribution of pollution loads and the environmental risk assessment show that a total of 1 070 000 tons of manure is produced annually ...福建省重大科技攻关项目(2002H009

    Watershed Scale Ecosystem Services:Progress and Prospective

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    在分析国内外流域生态系统服务研究动态的基础上,归纳全球流域(河流、湿地)尺度生态系统服务研究案例的分类和评估方法,重点阐述以水循环和水生态过程为纽带的流域生态系统产品和服务的特点和内涵,总结提出流域生态系统服务的研究重点是与水有关的水资源服务和水生态服务。强调今后要加强流域尺度上的科学研究与政策、管理的对接和应用,通过科学规范的流域生态系统服务评估,为流域生态补偿、生态修复机制的建立和流域水环境综合管理提供有力支撑。In the context of increased stresses of global climate change and human activities,watershed scale problems such as water quality degradation,eutrophication,soil erosion,as well as destruction of habitat,have greatly influenced the provision and sustainability of ecosystem services.Based on analysis of global research progress with focus on watershed ecosystem services,methods for classification and evaluation of cases of watershed(river,wetland) ecosystem services for study the world over have been summarized,characteristics and connotation of the products and services of watershed ecosystem with water cycling and water ecology as link are elaborated.It is concluded that the key of the research on watershed ecosystem services is water related water resource services and water ecological services,and it is emphasized that watershed scaled scientific research in future should be intensified and oriented toward serving policy-making and management and towards application.A scientific normalized evaluation of watershed ecosystem services is required to provide a solid knowledge basis for watershed ecological compensation,establishment of mechanisms for ecology restoration and integrated management of watershed water environment.福建省自然科学基金(2010J05153);厦门市重大科技平台项目(3502Z20091005

    Watershed Level Risk Assessment of Nitrogen Discharge Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tools

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    采用故障树及概率分析方法,对九龙江流域氮的流失风险进行定性与定量评价.通过建立故障树定性分析了九龙江流域氮流失的主要风险来源.结果表明,氮流失风险大小主要与肥料施用、畜禽养殖废物的处置及农田耕作有关.在GIS技术支持下,通过土地利用、土壤等数据的计算,结合田间调查结果与专家意见,确定故障树基本故障事件概率,继而对氮流失风险进行定量评价.最佳管理措施模拟评价结果表明,降低施肥水平,在养殖场周边建立植被过滤带,增加河岸林截留入河沉积物等措施可以有效降低氮流失风险,在九龙江流域可以考虑优先实施. 【英文摘要】 Probabilistic risk assessment(PRA) for the discharge of excess nitrogen was conducted for Jiulong River watershed,an agricultural watershed in Southeast China.Using fault tree analysis,the probability of occurrence for excessive nitrogen discharge to the river during a runoff event was qualitatively evaluated.It was showed that the risk of excess nitrogen discharge was mainly related to crop and livestock practices in the watershed.Under the support of GIS,land use,soil type,management practices and expert ...福建省“十五”重大科技攻关计划项目(2002H009

    Characteristics of Sediment Phosphorus in the Jiulong River-Reservoir System and Its Ecological Significance

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    采用沉积物磷形态的标准测试方法 (SMT)分析了九龙江北溪河流-库区系统16个站位的沉积物磷含量和形态组成,探讨了该系统沉积物磷的空间分布、形态特征及其生态学意义.结果表明,沉积物总磷(TP)的含量为387~2 092 Mg.kg-1,平均1 032 Mg.kg-1.以无机磷(IP)为主要赋存形态,IP占TP的48%~98%,而IP中以铁铝结合态磷(fE/Al-P)为主,占IP的43%~99%.TP和fE/Al-P含量呈现上游高、下游低的空间分布规律,与表层水dTP含量和陆源污染负荷的分布一致.北溪沉积物TP含量的高低主要受fE/Al-P控制.沉积物富磷、高fE/Al-P比例(释放潜力大)以及“上游高下游低“的空间分布特征,加上九龙江上游水体较低的氮磷比值属于藻类生长磷弱限制,极可能是九龙江水华首先在上游暴发并向下游库区蔓延的主要原因.九龙江沉积物磷的这些特征在水华过程中具有重要的调控作用和生态学意义.Sediment phosphorus(P) content and component ratio from 16 sites along the North Jiulong River-reservoir system were analyzed using the Standard Measurement and Test(SMT) procedure.The spatial pattern and characteristics of sediment P and its ecological significance in the Jiulong River-reservoir system were examined in combination with water measurement and watershed information.Total P content in sediments ranged from 387 to 2 092 mg.kg-1 with an average of 1 032 mg.kg-1.Inorganic phosphorus(IP) dominated P in sediment,accounting for 48%-98% of TP,and Fe/Al-bound phosphorus(Fe/Al-P) took 43%-99% of IP.The spatial pattern of sediment showed that TP and Fe / Al-P were higher in upstream and lower in downstream,corresponding to the spatial variation of surface water P and land-based loads from animal waste,human waste and fertilizer loss.Spatial variation of TP in sediment was controlled by Fe / Al-P along the North Jiulong River.The P-rich sediment with a great release potential due to the high ratio of Fe / Al-P,the typical spatial pattern,and the lower N / P ratio observed in upstream water(where phytoplankton growth tends to be weakly limited by phosphorus),are likely to explain the fact that algal blooms first appear in the upstream and then spread to downstream reservoirs along the North Jiulong River.Present findings concerning sediment P characteristics indicate an important regulating effect and the ecological significance on the process of algal blooms in the Jiulong River.中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2012121053); 国家自然科学基金项目(41076042

    Impacts of storm event on DOM composition and flux in two Jiulong Tributaries with different watershed features

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    通过调查2014年7月"麦德姆"台风影响期间福建九龙江北溪(流域以林地为主)和西溪(农业流域和城市背景)下游定点站DOM的时间序列,测定样品的DOC含量及其吸收光谱和三维荧光光谱,以评估不同流域背景对河流DOM动力学降雨响应的差异性,并为流域-河口系统的一体化管理提供重要参考。降雨期间,两条河流DOC浓度、吸收系数aCDOM(350)以及总荧光强度均随径流量升高而增大,并在水位下降期持续增加,且西溪增加量明显高于北溪,说明受人类活动扰动大的流域河流有机质对暴雨事件的响应更为灵敏;北溪和西溪的SUVA254分别显示出增大和减小的相反变化趋势,表明林地背景的流域主要冲刷芳香度高的DOM到河流,农业和城市背景则相反;降雨期西溪对九龙江DOM入海通量的贡献率高于北溪,与基流期北溪贡献率占主导恰巧相反,这种碳通量的逆转表明暴雨事件会放大人类活动对下游河口生态环境的影响。Watershed features have great impacts on river DOM composition and flux. In this study, temporal variations in DOM of the North(dominated by forestland)and West(dominated by farmland and urban area)Jiulong River were investigated during the typhoon"Matmo"in July, 2014. The DOM was characterized by DOC, absorption spectroscopy, and fluorescence excitation emission matrix spectroscopy(EEMs)analysis. The DOC concentration, absorption coefficient aCDO(350)and total DOM fluorescence intensity of both rivers increased significantly in both rising and falling hydrograph during the storm event. However, DOM abundance in the West River showed a much greater increase than that in the North River, suggesting more sensitivity of river DOM to rainstorm events in the watershed with greater anthropogenic perturbation. The specific absorption coefficient(SUVA254)of CDOM showed different variation tends between the North and West River,indicating that river DOM in forest-dominant watershed had high aromaticity and average molecular weight. The West River showed higher fluxes of DOM than the North River during storm event, which was opposite to that under the base flow condition. This reversion in DOM export flux suggested that storm event could amplify the influence of human activities in the watershed on the receiving estuarine ecosystems.The present findings are of great significance for the integrated management of coupled river-estuary system.国家自然科学基金项目(41276064,U1305231

    Tracking nitrogen pollutants in Xiamen coastal river via multiple techniques and strategy of water quality management

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    全球变化背景下海岸带地区面临多种环境压力,快速城镇化和人类活动导致河流与海湾营养盐污染和富营养化问题加重,污染溯源是水体达标方案编制与实施的重要; 环节.兼顾科学性与操作性,本文基于综合溯源思路,以厦门湾河流为例,于水质较差的枯水期开展水系沿程梯度调查,进行氮的生物地球化学过程解析,结合硝酸; 盐氮氧双位素及土地利用统计分析,探明氮污染关键源区和氨氮超标成因.结果表明,研究区63%的站位水中氨氮占无机氮的50%以上,沿下游方向氨氮污染加; 重,且与城镇与农村宅基地、渔塘的面积占比均呈正相关.土壤氮、粪肥及污水和化肥贡献了硝酸盐89%~; 91%的来源.最后,提出了污染减排(控源)、生态修复(增容)、以海定陆(统筹)的水体达标策略,为我国水污染防治与管理提供方法示范.Global change has imposed multiple environment stresses on coastal; waters. Rapid urbanization and increasing human perturbation resulted in; severe nutrient loadings followed by eutrophication in coastal waters.; Therefore source identification and tracking become critical for water; quality management. Based on its feasibility,here we conducted a case; study for Xiamen coastal river,in order to track possible nitrogen; pollution sources. Water quality was measured in the whole river during; dry season,in order to explore the biogeochemical processes of nitrogen.; With dual isotopic techniques (delta15N and delta18 O) and statistical; information of land uses,we identified the key source of nitrogen; pollutants,and clarified the causes leading to ammonium levels of; exceeding standards. Current results show that ammonium was the dominant; form (>50%) of dissolved inorganic nitrogen at 63% sampling sites.; Ammonium concentration increased along river downward and significantly; correlated with the areal proportion of built /residence lands and; aquaculture ponds in associate catchment. Soil organic nitrogen,manure; and sewage,and synthetic fertilizer contribute 89% ~ 91% of nitrate; sources. Therefore,we proposed that nitrogen emission; abatement,ecological restoration and integrated sea-land management; should be considered together for improving water quality management.; This study provides an important reference for national water pollution; control and management.国家重点研发计划; 国家自然科学基

    An Inexact System Programming for Agricultural Land Utilization Based on Control of Non-point Source Pollution in Wuchuan Catchment

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    以福建省九龙江西溪五川流域为例,借助区间数系统优化模型和AGNPS模拟模型,对现有农业生产土地利用方式和管理措施性土地利用方式进行了系统分析,探讨通过土地利用的调整,实现低成本控制农业面源污染的最佳途径。结果表明,五川流域目前的土地利用模式不能满足面源污染控制和经济效益最大化的共同要求,其农业生产习惯和面源污染控制措施也需要适当调整。总体上现有土地利用的经济收益低于最佳土地利用优化的下限收益,环境效益一般的坡草地、香蕉地、果园、菜地和村庄用地所占比例过多。农业面源污染控制性措施的用地规划不够,应加大保护性耕作和建立多水塘系统等措施的用地量。An interval numbers optimization model and AGNPS model(Agricultural Non-point Source Model 5.0)were adopted to study the relationship between land use and agricultural nutrient pollution control with the minial cost in Wuchuan Catchment of upstream Xixi River in Jiulong River Watershed,Fujian Province.Both land utilization pattern of agricultural processes and land use pattern of pollution control practices implemented were analyzed systematically.Results indicated that the current land utilization patterns of the catchment needed to be improved,and that the situation of farming habits and management practices should be ameliorated too.The total profit on the basis of the current land use patterns was less than the optimal lower value of system interval.The field scale occupied by pollution control practices with poor environmental effectiveness was too much,such as sloping grassland,banana field,orchard,vegetable and residence.The village should promote the land use with pollution control practices.The area of conservation tillage and multi-pond system are encouraged to increase for their high environmental and economical effectiveness.To achieve a reasonable and applicable program,the decision maker can integrate the solutions of the model with his or her experience and other updated information jointly.福建省“十五”重大科技攻关项目(2002H009);; 福建省发展与改革委员会项目(ZB2003JWKJ001


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