54 research outputs found


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    The Study on the Participation of NPO in Public Service Supply :Take the Case of Xiamen Red Cross

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    政府和市场在公共服务供给中的双重失灵,使学界开始反思“政府——市场公共服务二元供给模式”,并逐渐将目光投向不断成长扩大,并在社会各个领域发挥重要的作用的非营利组织。非营利组织具有组织性、非营利性、公益性、自治性、志愿性等特点,使其在公共服务供给具有独特优势。随着“社团革命”的兴起和以重塑政府与市场、政府与社会关系为核心的新公共管理运动的展开,使非营利组织在公共服务供给中的作用和地位更加凸显,并成为公共服务供给主体之一,公共服务供给体系中的政府、市场、非营利组织三足鼎立格局开始形成。 文章在界定非营利组织的概念和分类的基础上,首先,系统阐述了非营利组织的特点,非营利组织在公共服务供给中的作用,...The double-failure of government and the market supplies in public service ,caused scholars began to reflect on "the government- market dual mode supply of public service ", and gradually paying attentions to NPO, which are ceaselessly growing and expanding, and playing an important role in all fields of society. NPO have organized, non-profit, autonomous, voluntary, etc., so that they have unique...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:1392006115068


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    2 0 0 2年 1月 1日 ,德国《民事诉讼改革法》正式生效并产生了巨大影响。在这次以激励效率、增加透明度为鲜明价值取向的民事诉讼法改革中 ,以低成本、高效率为特点的诉讼和解制度成为消除诉讼迟延、缓解司法压力、节约司法资源的重要武器 ,其意义和地位获得空前的瞩目和提升。德国的和解制度与我国法院的调解制度有许多共同点 ,研究德国诉讼和解制度的改革必将对重构我国法院调解制度具有重要意

    Effect of colonial breeding of Chinese Egret(Egretta eulophotes) on the heavy metal accumulation in heronry soil

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    本研究采用电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)方法,测定福建漳浦菜屿岛黄嘴白鹭(EgrETTAEulOPHOTES)排泄物的重金属元素(V、Cr、Mn、nI、Cu、zn、Cd、SE、Pb)及半金属元素(AS)的含量,分析比较黄嘴白鹭繁殖之前和繁殖之后的集群营巢地、非营巢地的表层土壤的重金属元素及半金属元素含量的变化。结果显示:在本次测定的所有排泄物和土壤样本中均未检出元素SE和Cd;非营巢地土壤中各元素的含量在繁殖前后都没有显著差异(P>0.05),营巢地土壤中的zn和Pb元素的含量在繁殖前后有极显著差异(P 0.05),but the differences in concentrations of Zn and Pb in the nesting soil were highly significant before and after breeding(p < 0.01).A comparison of the concentrations of the elements in the nesting and non-nesting soils also reveals that before breeding,the concentration of Zn in these two soils were significantly different(p < 0.01).After breeding,concentrations of Cu,Zn,As and Pb in the nesting and non-nesting soil were significantly different(p < 0.01) while V and Ni concentrations showed merely significant differences(p < 0.05).These findings indicate that the colonial breeding activities of E.eulophotes play an important role in the transfer of heavy metals between wetland and island eco-systems and that such activities may,over time,result in heavy metal contamination of the heronry soil on the island.supportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(GrantNos.40876077;30970380);theFujianNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(2008S0007;2009J01195


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    InFluence of Laser Irradiation on Serum Albumen of Castor Silkworm

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    我们采用不同波长的激光照射蓖麻蚕蚕卵,使它产生半致死效应,经孵化后的幼虫在五龄期取血分析它的血清蛋白谱,证实了激光照射对蓖麻蚕的遗传性状具有诱变作用,其机理涉及到激光照射与基因表达及调控的关系。Eggs of castor silkworm are irradiated with diFFerent wavelengths of laser and they are made to produce the semilethal eFFect.AFter incubation, taking some blood From larva at the age of Five, the spectra of its serum albumen is analysed.It has been conFirmed that laser irradiation has a mutagenesis on heredity of castor silkworm.the mechanism involved with the relation of laser irradiation with gene expression, as adjuustion and control.福建省自然科学基

    Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 positively regulate phagocytic induction of reactive oxygen species and bactericidal activity

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    该研究成果揭示了吞噬性细胞内Hippo信号通路关键激酶Mst1和Mst2通过活化Rac家族蛋白来调节线粒体向吞噬小泡募集并释放ROS来清除病原体,这个生物学过程在天然免疫和宿主防御中发挥着重要作用。该成果解析了人的Mst1基因缺失或Rac2基因突变引发免疫缺陷综合症的致病机理,为研究人类感染性疾病提供了全新的视角。 该论文的主要工作由2012级博士生耿晶、2013级博士生孙秀峰以及王平、张世浩和王晓珍等学生共同承担,并与厦门市第一医院、台湾长庚大学、中国科学技术大学等单位合作完成,通讯作者为周大旺教授和陈兰芬教授。该研究工作获得了“青年千人计划”、国家自然科学基金委和科技部的资助。Mitochondria need to be juxtaposed to phagosomes for the synergistic production of ample reactive oxygen species (ROS) in phagocytes to kill pathogens. However, how phagosomes transmit signals to recruit mitochondria has remained unclear. Here we found that the kinases Mst1 and Mst2 functioned to control ROS production by regulating mitochondrial trafficking and mitochondrion-phagosome juxtaposition. Mst1 and Mst2 activated the GTPase Rac to promote Toll-like receptor (TLR)-triggered assembly of the TRAF6-ECSIT complex that is required for the recruitment of mitochondria to phagosomes. Inactive forms of Rac, including the human Rac2D57N mutant, disrupted the TRAF6-ECSIT complex by sequestering TRAF6 and substantially diminished ROS production and enhanced susceptibility to bacterial infection. Our findings demonstrate that the TLR-Mst1-Mst2-Rac signaling axis is critical for effective phagosome-mitochondrion function and bactericidal activity.Supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (2015CB910502 to L.C.), China's 1000 Young Talents Program (D.Z. and L.C.), the 111 Projects (B12001 and B06016), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China-Xiamen University (CXB2014004 to J.Z.; 20720140551 to L.C.; and 2013121034 and 20720140537 to D.Z.), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31270918, 81222030 and J1310027 to D.Z.; 81372617, 81422018 and U1405225 to L.C.; 81472229 to L.H.; and 81302529 to X.L.), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian (2013J06011 to D.Z. and 2014D007 to X.L.), the US National Institutes of Health (RO1 CA136567 for J.A.) and institutional funds from Massachusetts General Hospital (for J.A.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript


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    2004年3月23日,在西安市6000万元即开型体育彩票销售现场,家住西安市临潼区农村,今年18岁的刘亮,手持刮出的草花 K 图案彩票,上台要求兑取特等奖。在按程序进行了二次抽奖后,公证人员宣布他中的是特等奖A奖:一辆价值近48万元的宝马轿车和12万元现金。随后主办方请刘亮坐上宝马轿车,披红戴花上街巡游宣传。3月24日,刘亮领奖时被质疑彩票的真伪,兑奖暂缓。25日,刘亮索要宝马车未果,爬上广告牌意欲自杀。26日上午,国家体彩管理中心等部门鉴定确认:刘亮这张中奖彩票系由草花2涂改而成的假票。次日。刘亮及其家人在家中也召开了新闻发布会,称假彩票决不是刘亮伪造,所谓的假彩票不是刘亮原来的彩票。到底是谁做了假?西安城里为此案已吵得沸沸扬扬,不同版本的"案件结论"充斥坊间。忠厚者担忧,尖刻者嘲讽,即便最冷漠的人也不能不侧目。5月8日,最新案情惊爆:承包商杨永明供认造假内幕,四个中奖者除了刘亮都是托儿!真相看来已浮出水面,但距离尘埃落定还有时日,人声鼎沸之势必将继续。但是,在坊间评说里,在法律工作者专业分析中,我们听不到公证应有的声音,却看到了大众甚至法律专家们对公证的漠视与公证制度本身存在的缺陷。——笔

    The Factors Influencing RMB Appreciation Expectation:Empirical Study Based on Monthly Data after Exchange Rate Regime Reform

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    持续的人民币汇率升值预期是影响我国汇改和金融稳定的一个重要问题。本文从经济基本面、汇率制度和国际因素三个维度选择影响汇率预期的13个经济变量,并利用因子分析和递归方差分解技术进行实证分析。研究发现:经济竞争力因子、美元指数和国际政治压力是影响中长期汇率预期的主要因素,其中净对外资产和相对劳动生产率对预期的方差贡献较大;财政货币政策因子和美元指数是影响短期汇率预期的主要因素,其中利率和美元指数的方差贡献较大。Continuous appreciation expectation of RMB currency entails challenge to China' s exchange rate mechanism reform and financial stability.Based on three dimensions,respectively economic fundamentals,exchange rate regimes and international factors,we select 13 economic variables influencing exchange rate expectation and use factor analysis and recursive variance decomposition method to carry out the empirical analysis.The results indicate that economic competitive advantage factor,USDX and the international political pressure are the main variables that influence medium- and long-term exchange rate expectation, with net foreign assets and relative labor productivity contributing more to the variance of exchange rate expectation.While fiscal and monetary policy factor and USDX are the main variables that influence short-term exchange rate expectation,with interest rate and USDX contributing more to the variance.国家自然科学基金课题(项目编号:70873098)的阶段性成