135 research outputs found

    Algorithm of information hiding based on ICA for image

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    独立分量分析(ICA)是一种基于高阶统计量的信号分析方法,它可以找到隐含在数据中的独立分量,已广泛应用于信号处理领域。信息隐藏是一种新兴的技术,其目的在于将秘密信息隐藏于另一非机密信息中。本文提出一种新的信息隐藏技术,即将ArnOld置乱后的秘密图像嵌入到载体图像中,再利用ICA算法从中提取出秘密图像。仿真结果表明该算法有效可行。Independent Component Analysis(ICA)was widely used in signal processing,which is a signal analysis method based on signal's high order cumulants,it can find out the latent independent components in data.Information hiding technology is a new method in information processing;the hiding information is embed in public information.This paper introduces an algorithm based on ICA for information technology.This paper embeds the cryptogrammic hiding image in public image,then using ICA algorithm to abstract the hiding image.The results of emulation indicate this algorithm is available and feasible


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    吸入用布地奈德混悬液为目前唯一可雾化给药的非卤素糖皮质激素,雾化吸入即可到达全肺,局部抗炎作用强,有较强的抗炎、抗过敏和抗渗出作用,可减轻炎症渗; 出,阻止过敏介质的释放和降低介质活性,清除呼吸道炎症。吸入用复方异丙托溴铵溶液是一种由沙丁胺醇以及异丙托溴铵组成的复方制剂。异丙托溴铵为抗胆碱能; 受体药物,能降低迷走神经张力,抑制肺内活性物质释放而起支气管舒张作用;硫酸沙丁胺醇是beta_2受体激动剂,能选择性兴奋支气管平滑肌的beta_; 2受体,抑制肥大细胞和嗜酸粒细胞的介质释放,从而使支气管平滑肌舒张。两者协同舒张大、中、小气道平滑肌,促进支气管扩张。同时,还可改善支气管纤毛运; 动功能,减少黏液的分泌并促进其清除,以促使呼吸道通畅,最终改善患者的通气功能。吸入用布地奈德混悬液联用吸入用复方异丙托溴铵溶液为目前临床常用的局; 部雾化处方,文献有报道单用吸入用布地奈德混悬液致颜面与颈部潮红、咽部及后脑枕部麻木感、胸痛、疲乏等。吸入用布地奈德混悬液联用吸入用复方异丙托溴铵; 溶液可见不良反应为痉挛性呛咳、呼吸困难、发绀伴血氧饱和度下降,口咽部念珠菌感染等,但引起接触性疱疹尚未见报道,提醒临床注意


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    建立了应用于酒类中乙醇含量快速检测的无酶光电化学方法。通过水热法在FTO表面生长垂直板状WO3阵列(VAP-WO3),利用SEM、EDX和XRD技术分别表征VAP-WO3的形貌、元素组成和晶格特征。光电化学实验结果表明,乙醇对VAP-WO3/FTO电极的光电流有明显增强作用。实验考察了钨酸钠反应量、偏置电压、缓冲溶液p H值对VAP-WO3/FTO电极检测乙醇光电性能的影响。在优化的条件下,乙醇的检测线性方程为ΔI=6.773+0.0494CEthanol(μg/mL),线性范围为20.0160.0μg/mL,检出限为7.3μg/mL。此外,VAPWO3/FTO电极在乙醇检测中表现出良好的可重复使用性能和较高的选择性。将本方法应用于市场在售酒类中乙醇含量的检测,测定值与国标法的测定结果相符,并与酒精度的标注值相吻合,样品的加标回收率为93.9%107.0%。国家自然科学基金项目(Nos.21675062,21305050);;福建省自然科学基金项目(No.2017J05024)资助~


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    采用浸泡腐蚀方法研究了TC17钛合金在50℃下3.5%盐酸溶液中的腐蚀形貌和腐蚀速率,并用电化学腐蚀方法研究了TC17钛合金在室温下不同浓度盐酸溶液中的极化曲线变化及腐蚀速率。研究表明:TC17钛合金在盐酸溶液中耐腐蚀性能降低,试件表面形貌出现明显变化。在50℃下3.5%盐酸溶液中腐蚀深度随时间(0~480 h)呈线性变化,腐蚀速率随时间呈非线性变化;在室温下5.0%和10.0%的盐酸溶液中,TC17钛合金的极化曲线出现了钝化过渡区,且钝化电位与盐酸浓度相关。国家自然科学基金(51475396);;航空发动机高空模拟技术重点实验室基金(SYS2015006


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    当前,平潭综合实验区行政组织体制还存在职能交叉、关系不顺等问题,迫切需要尽快推行行政组织体制改革,建立符合现代行政理念的组织结构。浦东新区、滨海新区、两江新区和横琴新区等国内其他地区的实验区,在发展的过程中积累了很多经验和教训,值得平潭实验区加以学习与借鉴。文章提出,需要对平潭综合实验区的行政管理体制与机构改革进行长远规划,高标准地设定不同阶段的改革目标,通过持续的改革建立一种扁平化、高效率的管理体制及运作机制。厦门大学“985工程”-公共管理重点学科建设项目; 平潭综合实验区行政体制改革方案研究(平潭综合实验区管委会委托项目

    Design of Electrical Downtilt Broadband Patch Antenna

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    针对室内壁挂基站应用要求,采用对称角形缝隙加载正方形贴片,实现具有电下倾辐射特性的低剖面宽带贴片天线结构。实验结果表明,设计天线S11参数小于-10db的相对阻抗带宽为5.15%。在工作频带内,天线辐射场可产生约30°的下倾角。并且可通过馈电位置的改变,实现辐射场下倾角的调整。水平平面辐射方向图表明,在120°范围内,其垂直极化辐射场要比水平极化高10db以上,表明天线具有良好的垂直线极化特性。工作频带内天线的增益约为6dbI。该天线可内置于壁挂基站以减小设备尺寸。To meet the requirements of electrical downtilt beam patterns and broad bandwidth for the indoor wallmounted base-station antennas,a symmetrically right-angled slot is loaded into the low-profile square patch antenna.The experimental results show that the relative impedance bandwidth with the parameter S11less than-10dB is 5.15% for the designed antenna.Over the operating frequency band,the electrical downtilt of radiation beams is about 30°.Meanwhile the downtilt can be adjusted by changing the feed position.In the angle range 120° of the horizontal plane pattern,the radiation level of the vertically polarized electric field is 10dB higher than the horizontal polarization,which indicates that the antenna has the radiation characteristics of vertically linear polarization.Over the working band the antenna gain is about 6dBi.The presented antenna can be built into the wall-mounted base station to reduce the device size.福建省重大科技专项(2010HZ0004-1

    Trapezoid Printed Monopole Band-Notched UWB Antenna

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    设计了带三角形槽梯形辐射元和阶梯接地面的30 MMx30 MM印制单极超宽带天线原型。实验结果表明,原型天线驻波比小于2的阻抗带宽为2.8 gHz~12.81 gHz,频带内天线具有全向辐射特性,增益变化平坦,相位中心稳定。通过对原型天线振子体的缝隙加载,实现了具有带阻特性的陷波超宽带天线,其驻波比大于3的陷波频带为4.8 gHz~6.0 gHz,陷波频带内最高增益抑制为9 db,而其他频段性能与原型天线基本一致。A trapezoid printed monopole Ultra Wide Band(UWB) antenna of the triangular cut and step ground plane is designed as the prototype,which size is 30 mm×30 mm.The experimental results show that its impedance band width is from 2.8 GHz to 12.81 GHz defined by Voltage Standing Wave Ratio(VSWR) less than 2.Over the operating band the prototype antenna has omni-directional radiating pattern,stable antenna gain and fixed phase center.By cutting a slot in the radiator of the prototype,the band-notched antenna is introduced.Its notch band is from 4.8 GHz to 6.0 GHz defined by VSWR≥3,and the largest gain rejection ratio is 9 dB.In the other working bands the band-notched antenna has the similar radiating performance with the prototype.福建省重大科技专项(2010HZ0004-1


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    为了对锂离子电池剩余电量(SOC)进行准确测量,以2 200 mA?h的聚合物锂电池为研究对象,利用Hyperion平衡充放电设备采集6个不同放电电流下(0.7,1.1,1.7,2.2,2.7和3.3A)的放电电压和放电倍率;采取误差反向传播(BP)和径向基函数(RBF) 2个原理不同的神经网络算法进行SOC预测;把采集的样本数据分为训练组和测试组,采用不同的神经网络算法对训练组进行训练后,选择合适的参数构建神经网络,并用测试组数据进行测试;最终比较2种算法的预测效果和误差。研究结果表明:RBF预测结果的相对误差比BP的低,且预测速度更快,RBF较BP更适合于锂离子电池剩余电量的预测。国家自然科学基金资助项目(61571381)~

    Design of Wideband Bi-directional Microstrip Antenna

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    针对室内走廊或狭长街道小功率基站应用要求,采用微带结构设计了一款具有双向辐射特性的宽带线极化低剖面天线。天线辐射元为平行四边形结构,馈电点在其几何中心,通过在靠近馈点两侧开两个反对称l形槽,实现了宽带双向辐射特性。低剖面原型天线的相对带宽为5.8%,两端射方向增益约为4.3dbI,在工作频带内天线辐射场为有一定倾角的线极化。该天线结构可置于小功率基站内部,有助于减少系统体积。A linearly polarized wideband microstrip patch antenna with the bi-directional radiation pattern is proposed for the low-power indoor or narrow-street base station systems.The proposed antenna,which has a parallelogram radiator,is fed by a coaxial line at its geometric center.In order to achieve the wideband bi-directional radiation characteristics,two anti-symmetric L-shaped slots were etched near the feed point.The simulation and measurement show that the low profile prototype antenna provides a relative bandwidth of about 5.8%,and the endfire direction gain of 4.3dBi.In the working band its linear polarization direction has incline angles with the vertical.This antenna can be placed inside the low-power base stations to help reduce the system size.福建省重大科技专项(2010HZ0004-1

    A quantitative research based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized hip prosthesis and porcine femoral canal fixed

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    目的基于CT三维重建个性化设计猪股骨髋关节假体与骨髓腔接触率的定量研究。方法选择猪股骨,拍摄实验前正侧位,双斜位片,再运用CT进行横断面扫描,获得CT数据后三维重建。基于CT三维重建数据,运用机器人磨削个性化假体,使其成为与髓腔完全匹配的定制假体。匹配后,拍摄实验后正侧位片,计算定制假体与髓腔接触的骨皮质或者骨松质的表面积以及接触率。结果通过计算,个性化假体近端表面与骨髓腔直接接触率为90.8%,与医疗机器人辅助扩髓组获得的假体表面与骨髓腔直接接触率相近,远较传统手工扩髓组获得的假体近端表面与骨髓腔直接接触率高。结论基于CT三维重建个性化股骨假体与猪股骨髓腔初始固定直接接触率为90.8%,可获得良好的接触率。Objective A quantitative research based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized hip prosthesis and porcine femoral canal fixed.Methods Choose a pig femur and get photos of its lateral and double oblique positions before the experiment, then use CT scanning in cross-section.Reconstruct three-dimension on obtaining CT datas, grind personalized prosthesis by using robot and making it perfectly matched with femoral canal of customized prosthesis.Take photos of its lateral when personalized prosthesis matched with femoral canal of pig after the experiment.Then calculate the surface area and contact rate of the cancellous bone or cortical bone respectively where the personalized prosthesis contact with femoral canal.Results Through calculation, personalized prosthesis proximal surface directly contact with the bone marrow cavity at a rate of 90.8% which is close to the rate that prosthesis surface directly contact with the bone marrow cavity which acquired by the medical robot-assisted reaming group.And further the rate is higher than the rate obtained by the traditional manual expanding medullary group.Conclusion The direct contact rate based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized femoral prosthesis and porcine femoral canal initial fixed is 90.8% making it possible to have a good fixed