38 research outputs found


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    Effects of Tusi Erxian Decoction on sperm motility, malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase in seminal plasma of asthenospermia patients with syndrome of deficiency of kidney yang

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    目的:探讨菟丝二仙汤治疗肾阳虚型弱精子症的疗效及相关机制。方法:180例肾阳虚型弱精子症患者随机分为菟丝二仙汤组、右归丸组、西药组(辅酶Q10胶; 囊、维生素E、维生素C),每组60例,分别治疗3个月。比较各组治疗前后精液参数,检测精浆丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)变化,比较临床; 疗效。结果:菟丝二仙汤组在改善a级精子、精子活力、精子活率明显优于右归丸以及西药组(P<0.01),同时其能显著降低精浆MDA浓度,提高精浆SO; D水平(P<0.01);组间临床疗效比较,菟丝二仙汤对肾阳虚型弱精子症疗效明显优于右归丸组与西药组(P<0.05)。结论:菟丝二仙汤可以明显提高; 肾阳虚型弱精子症患者的精液质量,增强精子的抗氧化作用可能是其治疗弱精子症的机制之一。Objective: To investigate the effects and mechanism of Tusi Erxian; Decoction in treating asthenospermia with syndrome of deficiency of; kidney yang. Methods: A total of 180 patients were included and randomly; divided into 3 groups: Tusi Erxian Decoction group, Yougui Pills group,; and the western medicine group (coenzyme Q10 capsule, vitamin E and; vitamin C), 60 cases per group. Each group was treated by the; corresponding drugs for 3 months. The sperm parameters, malondialdehyde; (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were detected to compare the; clinical efficacy. Results: The Tusi Erxian Decoction could; significantly improve a-level sperm, sperm motility and sperm activity; when compared with the Yougui Pills group and the western medicine group; (P<0.01). Meanwhile, Tusi Erxian Decoction could decrease the; concentration of MDA and increase SOD in the seminal plasma (P<0.01).; Clinical efficacy in the Tusi Erxian Decoction group was significantly; better than that in the Yougui Pills group and the western medicine; group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Tusi Erxian Decoction can improve the; quality of sperm of asthenospermia patients with syndrome of deficiency; of kidney yang by enhancing the antioxidant activity of spermatozoa.厦门市科技局科技计划项目; 厦门市卫计委第四批中医后备人才基金资助项

    A study on bioremediation of eutrophication of mariculture waters by Gracilaria lemaneaformis

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    于2002年至2004年期间,在福建省东山岛的八尺门鱼类网箱养殖区、西埔湾对虾养殖区、乌礁湾鲍鱼养殖区等进行了龙须菜(G racilaria lem aneaf orm is)对动物海水养殖造成的富营养化的生物修复研究。结果表明,从围隔实验到小面积的海区实验到大面积的海区推广试点,龙须菜对富营养化的海水均有良好的修复效果。围隔实验中,龙须菜能使网箱养殖区缺氧的海水达到过饱和状态,对无机氮(IN)、无机磷(IP)的去除率达80%以上;实验海区,修复区的溶解氧(DO)浓度明显高于非修复区,IN、IP、叶绿素(Ch l-a)浓度低于非修复区;推广海区,鲍鱼养殖污水流经龙须菜养殖区后,IN、IP得到有效的吸收,DO浓度得到提高。因此,大面积养殖龙须菜对减轻养殖污水对海区的污染,防止水体富营养化,抑制赤潮的发生有积极作用。Eutrophication caused by mariculture has become a serious environmental problem in Chinese coastal waters.Since macroalgae can absorb nutrients and increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen(DO),and can be ultimately removed from water by being harvested,macroalga-based bioremediation of eutrophication would be the best way to solve such environmental problems.The effects of Gracilaria lemaneaformis remediated eutrophication were studied.G.lemaneaformis,red seaweed,originated in Shandong Province,was cultivated on ropes in three typical mariculture areas at Dongshan island,Fujian province where mariculture is advanced.The mesocosm experiment was conducted in Bachimen fish-cage area;the bioremediation experiment——in a field about 3 hm~2 in Xipu bay where the shrimp-farm and urban sewage is discharged;and in the spread application experiment,about 400 hm~2 were tested in Wujiao bay where abalone sewage is discharged.Water quality parameters were monitored during all the experimental stages.According to different tide and depth of the sea,two floating-rafts,i.e.bamboo raft and string raft,were devised to cultivate G.lemaneaformis on ropes in sea.The results demonstrated that the effects of bioremediation of eutrophication of mariculture waters by G.lemaneaformis were obvious regardless to the place of experiment: in mesocosm one,in a small-scale's bioremediation or in large area's spread application.The results of mesocosm experiments showed that G.lemaneaformis increased DO from low concentration to supersaturation and increased DO saturation from about 60% to 200%;in meantime,it absorbed the inorganic nitrogen(IN) and inorganic phosphorus(IP) above 80% during 3~4 days.In bioremediation area in Xipu bay,the specific growth rate of G.lemaneaformis was 9% during the first month and 6% during the next half month.The DO concentration in bioremediation area was significantly higher than that in non-bioremediation area: the highest DO concentration in bioremediation area was 5.6 mg·L~(-1) higher than that in non-bioremediation area in the same monitoring transect,the highest DO saturation was 198.7%.Furthermore,it increased the DO concentration of downstream seawater.And the IN and IP concentrations in bioremediation area were lower than those in non-bioremediation area.Besides,the microaglae were restrained,the concentration of Chlorophyll-a in bioremediation area was lower than that in non-bioremediation area,whereas,the transparence was contrary.In spread application area,when the abalone cultural sewage went through G.lemaneaformis cultural areas,the nitrogen and phosphorus were effectively absorbed.Especially,the IP concentration of abalone cultural sewage discharging area was above 0.05mg·L~(-1),however,that in G.lemaneaformis cultural areas was below 0.015mg·L~(-1).The DO concentration was increased in G.lemaneaformis cultural areas,its saturation was above 120%,the highest one was 166%,but,in non-cultural areas,the DO saturation was about 100% normally.In conclusion,by large farming of G.lemaneaformis in animal maricultural areas,it is possible to alleviate the pollution of marine environment,prevent from eutrophication and control the red tide.At the same time,because G.lemaneaformis was the ideal food for abalone and material to produce agar,it could resolve the problems of the local abalone culture.Hence,large farming of G.lemaneaformis in the eutrophic mariculture areas could reduce environmental impact and increase economic output,and good environmental and economic advantages would be obtained.福建省重大科技资助项目(2002Y005)~


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    目的调查分析厦门市2010年社区卫生资源配置现状及公平性,了解居民满意度,为进一步提高社区卫生服务质量提供参考。方法采用多阶段随机抽样选取社区卫生服务中心进行调查,应用洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数评价卫生服务公平性,应用lIkErT量表评价居民满意度。结果共调查8家社区卫生服务中心;基尼系数分别为:人员编制g=0.319、固定资产g=0.470、财政补助g=0.631;居民对多个服务项目评分较高,尤其在看病用时和医生态度方面。结论 社区卫生服务中心是多数居民的首诊地点;其卫生资源配置的公平性较好,尤其在人员编制方面,但仍需加强财政投入;居民总体满意度较高。全国大学生创新性实验计划项目(编号091038451

    The effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and ecosystem

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    海洋酸化是CO2排放引起的另一重大环境问题.工业革命以来,海洋吸收了人类排放CO2总量的三分之一.目前,海洋每年吸收的量约为人类排放量的四分之一(即约每小时吸收100万吨以上的CO2),对缓解全球变暖起着重要的作用.然而,随着海洋吸收CO2量的增加,表层海水的碱性下降,引起海洋酸化.海洋酸化会引起海洋系统内一系列化学变化,从而影响到大多数海洋生物的生理、生长、繁殖、代谢与生存,可能最终导致海洋生态系统发生不可逆转的变化,影响海洋生态系统的平衡及对人类的服务功能.地球历史上曾多次发生过海洋酸化事件,伴随着生物种类的灭绝,其内在联系虽然不甚明确,却也可能暗示未来海洋酸化可能对海洋生态系统产生重大的影响.Ocean acidification is known as another global change problem caused by increasing atmospheric CO2.Since the industrial revolution, the oceans have absorbed more than one third of the anthropogenic CO2 released to the atmosphere, currently, at a rate of over 1 million tons per hour, totaling to about one quarter of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions annually.Uptake of CO2 by the ocean has played an important role in stabilizing climate by mitigating global warming.However, rising ocean carbon levels caused by the uptake of anthropogenic CO2 (acidic gas) leads to increased ocean acidity (reduced pH) and related changes in ocean carbonate chemistry, or "ocean acidification".Recent research has shown that ocean acidification affects the physiology, growth, survival, and reproduction of many, if not most marine organisms.Ultimately, future ocean acidification may lead to significant changes in many marine ecosystems, with consequential impact on ecosystem services to societies.Several ocean acidification events are known to have occurred during Earth’s history, each coinciding with high rates of species’ extinctions.Although the mechanisms involved in past massive species extinction associated with ocean acidification events, they certainly hint potential disastrous impacts on ecosystem functions in short future.中国科学院“百人计划”(2006-067); 国家自然科学基金(40872168)资


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    海洋是地球上最大的碳库,发挥着全球气候变化缓冲器的作用.蓝色碳汇,简称蓝碳,即由海洋生态系统捕获的碳(主要是有机碳),是海洋储碳的重要机制之一.; 蓝碳最初认识的形式是可见的海岸带植物固碳.其实之前没有得到足够重视的、看不见的微型生物(浮游植物、细菌、古菌、病毒、原生动物)占海洋生物量90%; 以上,是蓝碳的主要贡献者.中国陆架边缘海占国土总面积的1/3,碳汇潜力巨大,亟待研发.本文以近海生态系统碳汇过程、调控机制及增汇模式为主线,论述; 了近海生态系统结构与碳循环功能特征、碳汇形成过程与机理,并结合近海碳汇在沉积记录中的地史过程演变探讨了自然过程和人类活动对碳汇的可能影响,展望了; 碳汇工程在增加近海海洋储碳能力方面的应用前景.国家重大科学研究计划项目; 国家重点研发计划项目; 国家自然科学基金项目; 国家海洋局全球变化与海气相互作用专项项