416 research outputs found

    Manipulation of Stock Trading Halt and Equity Pledge of Major Shareholders—— Based on "Half of Listed Stock Halted " Event

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    长期以来,中国股票市场不严格的停牌制度时常成为公司大股东和管理层等内部人进行利益操纵的有力工具。近年来,大股东股权质押引起的停牌操纵嫌疑更是引起了金融界和监管层的高度关注,然而却鲜有专业文献进行过科学的验证。2015年,中国股市发生了历史罕见的“千股停牌”事件。该事件持续时间短,上市公司停复牌行为模式单一,为研究中国A股市场大股东股权质押情况对上市公司股票停牌操纵的影响关系提供了难得的准自然实验环境,据此本文展开了相关的实证研究。 具体地,本文根据该事件的具体情况,把2015年6月29日到2015年7月9日共计9个交易日为“千股停牌”期间。基于这一事件,本文使用2015年6月30日上市公司大...Major shareholders and management as well as other insiders often regard the loose stock trading halt system in China as a tool for interest manipulation. And recently the regulators have drawn attention to the problem of manipulation of the stock trading halt caused by equity pledge of major shareholder, while few professional scholars have discussed the issue in a scientific method. The "Half of...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:1842014115062

    Research on Personalized Spot Recommendation Algorithm Based on Location-Based Social Networks

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    随着社交网络和定位服务的发展,基于位置的社交网络逐渐兴起。在这个信息爆炸的时代,个性化推荐算法可以有效帮助社交网络的用户过滤掉自己不感兴趣的信息,更好的发掘用户的爱好,这样可以大大的增加用户在社交网络的活跃度。目前推荐算法已经在传统的在线社交网络平台上得到了广泛应用,对于基于位置的社交网络来说,推荐系统也是必不可少的。 相比传统在线社交网络推荐系统,位置社交推荐系统引入了地理位置信息,能更好地帮助推荐系统发现用户的喜好。目前,在位置社交推荐系统中,推荐类型主要包括好友推荐、活动推荐和地点推荐。其中地点推荐已经成为了最近研究的一个重点。然而由于基于位置的社交网络大部分的地点签到的人很少,甚至有...With the development of the social networks and location-based services, location based social networks are increasingly popular. In this era of information explosion, personalized recommendation algorithms can effectively help social network users filter out information that they are not interested in. Using personalized recommendation algorithms also can explore users’ interests and greatly incr...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2432011115229

    Study on Indonesia's Fuel Subsidy

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    我国成品油定价机制改革成为2005年最受人们关注的事件,因为长期以来我国成品油与国际原油价格倒挂,油价高企给我国经济发展带来多方面压力,成品油价格上调已成为必然的发展趋势。 作为石油输出国家组织(OPEC)唯一的亚洲成员,印尼给予国内的燃油津贴比例之大,持续时间之长是备受瞩目的。印尼目前正在进行调高燃油价格的尝试,并确保弱势群体和公益事业能够真正享受到补贴,因此有必要对印尼的燃油津贴政策进行研究分析,针对我国价格改革所遭遇的问题,找出切实可行的解决方案。 本文详细回顾了印度尼西亚燃油津贴政策的历史变革,分析了不同经济发展阶段津贴政策的合理与不合理之处,对燃油津贴政策做出综合的绩效评价,并结...With the long-term difference existed between domestic and global oil price, higher global oil price brings us challenges from various aspects, when it is the right time for the Chinese government to further reform its oil pricing mechanism to make the prices of its processed oil more responsive to the global oil price. What’s more, the reform is significant because of its profound influence on th...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:20041900

    『日本書紀』の「歴史」と朝鮮 : 世界構造と世界理念

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    学位の種別: 論文博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学講師 徳盛 誠, 東京大学教授 桜井 英治, 東京大学教授 齋藤 希史, 明治大学特任教授 神野志 隆光, 早稲田大学講師(非常勤) 橋本 繁University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Validity of peptide composition and GC-content for classifying bacteria

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    本文研究了细菌的蛋白质多肽组分统计特征与基因组gC(guAnInE+CyTOSInE)含量的相关性,发现当多肽长度较小时多肽组分特异性与gC含量存在着很强的关联;随着多肽长度增加,上述关联发生突变,关联迅速丧失.这一结果表明,基于组分特异性确定细菌亲缘关系的方法的确给出了不同于gC含量的信息,从而能实现有效分类.In the past decades,a lot of methods have been proposed to construct Genome Tree.Among them,K-String Composition Approach which is Alignment-Free shows nonnegligible superiority.On the other hand,the species specificity of GC(Guanine+Cytosine)-content which actually is the lowest-order version of K-String Composition has been discovered for a long time,especially in bacteria.Unfortunately,its resolution is too poor to be applied to reconstruct phylogeny.Motivated by those facts,in this paper,relationship between composition vector of peptides and GC-content of corresponding DNA sequence is studied for bacteria.A strong correlation is uncovered for short peptides,and with the increase of peptide length the correlation exhibits an abrupt change,that is,tends to vanish quickly.These results indicate that the composition vector of longer peptide do contains more precise information of species specificity than that of GC-content,and therefore can effectively measure the genetic relationship of bacteria.Short peptides are obviously not competent.国家自然科学基金(批准号:11147020); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号:GK201102028)资助项


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