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    The objectives of this study were to investigate developmental changes in physical morphological, composition and mineral element concentrations of 'Kyoho' and 'Honey Red' grapes. The summer and winter grape berries of 'Kyoho' and 'Honey Red' grapes showed double sigmold curve of fruit width and fruit weight, it need 80-88 days for growth and the period of summer grape was shorter than winter grape. The firmness of summer grape berries was lower and 'Honey Red' showed low level in growth stage Ⅰ, and fast increase in growth stage Ⅲ. It needed 80 days for growth to reach 18。Brix in summer grape, and 8 days later in winter grape. Total titratable acidity of fruit was high at initial stage of development, and then fall rapidly while fruit maturity. During harvest, the winter grape were more acidic than summer grape. The macronutrient concentrations of berries decreased during the fruit growth.巨峰'及'蜜紅'葡萄在夏、秋兩收果實生長曲線呈現雙S型,生長期間分別為80及88日,第一收夏果果實比第二收冬果之生長期間較短。第二收冬果可觀察出較明顯的第二生長期。第一收夏果的果實硬度較第二收冬果為低,而'蜜紅'葡萄比'巨峰'葡萄之果實硬度為低。可溶性固形物在發育初期緩慢增加,在生長第三期迅速增加,第一收夏果約在花後80日可達18°Brix以上,第二收冬果約晚8日左右。可滴定酸度在發育初期逐漸增加,之後逐漸減少,成熟時第二收冬果比第一收夏果之可滴定酸度為高。分析果實氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂五種大量元素含量的結果顯示,皆隨果實發育的增加而有減少之趨勢

    Effect of Chan-Meditation and Meditative Movement on Ryodoraku Values and Heart Rate Variability in Middle-Aged and Elderly Males

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    [[abstract]]禪坐及動禪隨著鍛鍊深度可產生自發性的療癒能力,並提升副交感神經活性及緩解疲勞、焦慮和抑鬱症等症狀,藉由科學研究了解禪坐與動禪對中老年人良導絡生物能量與心率變異的效益。以禪坐、動禪一年以上及未修相關活動者為受測對象(禪坐組15名、動禪組15名、控制組11名),收案條件為40-70歲男性,測量良導絡與心率變異在實驗介入前、中、後之變化,使用單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析及費雪事後檢定,顯著水準設α=.05。結果顯示良導絡方面,動禪組總平均生物能量值(前測:56.95±11.69、後測:57.97±11.37)皆大於禪坐組(前測:47.44±14.77、後測:42.39±12.85),禪坐組總平均生物能量下降,而上/下比值(前測:0.88±0.22、後測:0.91±0.34)顯示上升,控制組良導絡指標則皆顯著下降(p<.05)。心率變異指標方面,禪坐組之高/低頻比值(前測:2.86±3.96、後測:3.03±3.01)、低頻功率(前測:492.17±477.62、後測:742.31±761.41)與總功率(前測:1533.25±1361.76、後測:2292.35±2485.11)顯示上升,動禪組除了高/低頻比值外(前測:4.41±4.26、後測:6.4±4.61)其他指標皆顯示下降,在動禪中隨著不同檢測階段,交感與副交感神經高低呈現交錯模式,代表短期效應可達刺激交感神經與副交感神經交互調節的能力;此外,研究亦發現控制組整體自律神經運作能力下降的狀態,顯示長時間安靜休息可能會導致個體生精神渙散及委靡不振的狀況。 With the practice of meditation and meditative movement, our body's production of self-healing power and some studies show that it can increase the parasympathetic, good for fatigue, anxiety and depression. Through the scientific research to know that can offer health benefits of Ryodoraku and heart rate variability for middle-aged and elderly males. Participants (age 40-70 years) were at least more than one year experienced in Chan-meditation and meditative movement practice (n=30), control group (CG) was no related experience in practice (n=11). Measured Ryodoraku and heart rate variability were compared to the previous, intervention and post. All the data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and Scheffe method. The significance level was set at α=.05. The results showed that average of Ryodoraku bio-energy (pre: 56.95±11.69, post: 57.97±11.37) in meditative movement group (MM) was bigger than the Chan-meditation group(CM) (pre: 47.44±14.77, post: 42.39±12.85). Average of Ryodoraku bio-energy in CM was decreased then "upper limb and lower limb ratio" was increased after intervention Chan-meditation. All of Ryodoraku values in CG were decreased significantly (p<.05). The part of heart rate variability values, HF/LF (pre: 2.86±3.96, post: 3.03±3.01)、LF (pre: 492.17±477.62, post: 742.31±761.41) and power (pre: 1533.25±1361.76, post: 2292.35± 2485.11) in CM were increased, except HF/LF (pre: 4.41±4.26, post: 6.4±4.61) the other values in MM were decreased. In addition, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves present a staggered pattern in different stages of MM. On the other word, meditative movement can be used to stimulate and regulate the autonomic nervous system. Moreover, the autonomic nervous system was decreased in CG that showed rest for a long time leads to distractibility and depressed


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    某電廠廠用冷卻水中 ,以加入鉬酸鹽系緩蝕劑的方法來抑制管路的腐蝕,在測緩蝕劑對腐蝕的抑制效果時,卻發設備表面生成的透明泥濘物會加速設備腐蝕。故為延長管路之壽命,本研究的主要目的在分離泥濘物中之微生物,鑑定出其菌名,其試驗防制泥濘物生長之藥劑的效果。結果顯示:廠用冷卻水透明泥濘物中含有桿菌、絲狀菌等微生物菌群,且從透明泥濘物中分離得到6株純種菌株。商用抑制劑P無法抑制廠用冷卻水原水中之菌群及純種菌株生長,而商用抑制劑K、非商用抑制劑N及H可抑制廠用冷卻水原水中的菌群及純種菌株生長,且抑制效果為:非商用抑制劑N>非商用抑制劑H>商用抑制劑K。In the presence, molybdate is added as corrosion inhibitor to the cooling water system of one power plant. Monitoring the inhibitory efficiency of corrosion inhibitor, it was found that the slime generated from the cooling system was accelerating t he corrosion of the cooling system. In order to avoid the corrosion of the cooling system, the main purpose of this research is to isolate and identify the bacterium strains from the slime. The inhibitory efficiency of antimicrobial agents to these strains was examined, in order to find the appropriate type and dosage of the antimicrobial agent. The result showed that the cooling water contains rod-shaped bacteria and filamentous microorganism. Six strains were isolated from the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P could not inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P and Noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, H could inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. The inhibitory efficiency sequences were noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, noncommercial antimicrobial agents H and commercial antimicrobial agent P