

某電廠廠用冷卻水中 ,以加入鉬酸鹽系緩蝕劑的方法來抑制管路的腐蝕,在測緩蝕劑對腐蝕的抑制效果時,卻發設備表面生成的透明泥濘物會加速設備腐蝕。故為延長管路之壽命,本研究的主要目的在分離泥濘物中之微生物,鑑定出其菌名,其試驗防制泥濘物生長之藥劑的效果。結果顯示:廠用冷卻水透明泥濘物中含有桿菌、絲狀菌等微生物菌群,且從透明泥濘物中分離得到6株純種菌株。商用抑制劑P無法抑制廠用冷卻水原水中之菌群及純種菌株生長,而商用抑制劑K、非商用抑制劑N及H可抑制廠用冷卻水原水中的菌群及純種菌株生長,且抑制效果為:非商用抑制劑N>非商用抑制劑H>商用抑制劑K。In the presence, molybdate is added as corrosion inhibitor to the cooling water system of one power plant. Monitoring the inhibitory efficiency of corrosion inhibitor, it was found that the slime generated from the cooling system was accelerating t he corrosion of the cooling system. In order to avoid the corrosion of the cooling system, the main purpose of this research is to isolate and identify the bacterium strains from the slime. The inhibitory efficiency of antimicrobial agents to these strains was examined, in order to find the appropriate type and dosage of the antimicrobial agent. The result showed that the cooling water contains rod-shaped bacteria and filamentous microorganism. Six strains were isolated from the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P could not inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P and Noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, H could inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. The inhibitory efficiency sequences were noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, noncommercial antimicrobial agents H and commercial antimicrobial agent P

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