71 research outputs found

    A Study on the Status Quo of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Development Policies of Quanzhou

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    改革开放以来,福建省泉州市在实施对外开放政策、发展对外经济贸易上,虽然取得了明显的成绩,但与苏州、宁波等其他先进的沿海地区和经济发达地区相比,还有一定差距。伴随着经济全球化的发展和中国加入世界贸易组织,中共中央提出建设21世纪海上丝绸之路战略的布局,这些时代背景已经倒逼泉州在更为复杂的国际竞争中发展外经贸。因此,泉州如何克服对外商投资的吸引力弱化、外商投资产业结构不平衡、对外贸易核心竞争力不强、对外经济技术合作基础相对薄弱等瓶颈,充分利用固有优势,做大做强外经贸,已成为当前迫切需要解决的一个重要课题。在这个问题上,笔者以公共政策为视角,从公共政策、外经贸的概念、我国外经贸政策的历史进程入手,梳...Since reform and opening-up, the city of Quanzhou in Fujian Province has made noticeable achievements in implementing opening-up policy as well as in developing foreign trade and economic cooperation. However, compared with Suzhou, Ningbo and other pioneering cities in the coastal developed areas, there are still gaps for Quanzhou to bridge. With the development of economic globalization and China...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115028

    Studies on the Syntheses, Structures and Magnetic Properties of Polypyridine Derivatives Cobalt Complexes

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    随着微电子技术的飞速发展,越来越多的研究者关注于开发研究分子水平的微电子器件材料,希望合成出具有可变稳定态及开关性质的材料。分子基磁性材料因其具有传统磁性材料无法比拟的优势诸如体积小、密度低、易修饰和易组装、磁性能的多样性被广泛研究。而在众多分子基磁性材料中,存在着一种双稳态材料。对这种分子双稳态的化学体系的深入研究不仅具有基础理论研究意义而且有望将其运用在开发设计新一代的分子器件上。然而选择何种配体能获得在室温附近且有较宽热滞的自旋交叉化合物、如何透彻理解外界条件诸如溶剂分子、抗衡离子对自旋转变的影响等仍然是化学科研工作者亟待解决的难题。所以本文选择不同的端基配体,合成了多个新颖的双稳态配合...With the rapid development of microelectronic technology, more and more researchers focus on the development of research about molecular level of microelectronic device material and hope to create variable steady-state materials. Compared with traditional magnetic materials,molecule-based magnetic materials which have many incomparable advantages such as small volume, low density, easy to modify a...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_无机化学学号:2052013115152

    Design and Implementation of Sales and Purchase System of Retail E-Commerce Company

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    随着网络技术的不断发展,互联网、移动端应用等新技术不断深入我们的日常生活,全球的各行各业都发生了巨大的变化,互联网技术更是对零售行业带来了巨大的挑战与机遇。近年来,线上零售业的兴起,改变了传统零售企业对商品结构、销售方式、销售定价等管理的方式方法,随着线上销售模式越来越成熟,越来越多的人群已经接受并习惯网络购物的生活方式,而伴随近年来宏观经济政策的收缩,传统线下的零售商面临着巨大的生存压力,考虑开展O2O(OnlinetoOffline)的商业模式,全面打通企业线上线下资源,已成为传统零售行业迫切需要解决的问题。 本文以零售行业电商企业的商品管理、商品采购及上架、线上商品销售等业务作为研究对...With the continuous development of network, the internet bring us more opportunity and challenge. In recent years, the online marketing becomes much more popular, and it have changed the traditional retail business mode. More and more people love the way of shopping on the internet, especially the girls and guys. The traditional offline retailers have to face the enormous pressure of survive, and ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323016

    Fast detection of thanatophoric dysplasia type I p.R248C mutation hot spots and rapid prenatal diagnosis of three TD type I high-risk fetuses

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    目的针对致死性侏儒症I型(thanatophoric dysplasia typeⅠ,TD-Ⅰ)FGFR3基因的突变热点"p.R248C",建立快速特异的酶切鉴定法(restriction endonuelease testing,RE)和扩增受阻突变系统(amplification refractory mutation system,ARMS)/RE法,并应用于后续3例疑似TD-I高危胎儿的快速产前诊断,以及时防止患胎出生,同时为今后的胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(preimplantation genetic diagnosis,PGD)打下良好基础。方法首先,针对突变热点p.R248C突变前后的序列特点,选择合适的内切酶"Afe I",建立酶切鉴定法。其次,设计双错配碱基特异引物结合Apa LI酶切,建立ARMS/RE双重特异鉴定法。对阴性和阳性结果均再用普通引物扩、测的结果进行验证。结果用Afe I酶切FGFR3基因exons(6-7)普通引物的PCR产物(535 bp),正常对照及非p.R248C突变的TD病例均能被切成255 bp和280 bp 2个片段,而胎1~胎3均切出255 bp、280 bp和535 bp 3个片段。用特异引物E7(p.R248C)扩增,正常对照和非p.R248C突变的TD病例均扩增阴性,无法进一步做酶切鉴定;而p.R248C突变均扩增阳性,当再用Apa LI酶切PCR产物(365 bp)时,胎1~胎3均切出22 bp和343 bp 2个片段。通过引物扩、测结果显示:胎1~胎3均是p.R248C杂合突变。结论该法快速特异、准确可靠,可用于p.R248C突变热点的快速检测及含该突变高危胎儿的快速产前诊断。该法还可用于含p.R248C突变TD-I型家系的PGD。胎1~胎3都是TD-I患胎,建议尽早终止妊娠。Objective To build up the specific rapid methods of RE and ARMS/RE for mutation hotspot"p.R248C"in the FGFR3 gene of thanatophoric dysplasia type I(TD-I),then use the method for rapid prenatal diagnosis of 3 follow-up high-risk fetuses of TD-I to stop the birth of suffering fetuses,at the same time,lay a good foundation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis(PGD) for the future.Methods First,according to the characteristics of the sequence of the mutation hot spot p.248 C before and after mutation,the appropriate enzyme"Afe I"was selected to establish the identification method of enzyme digestion.After that,specific primers of double mismatch bases were devised,combining the method of digestion of Apa LI(ARMS/RE) to achieve the double identification.In the end,the sequences obtained by common primers were used to verify the negative and positive results through DNA sequencing.Results For the normal control and the patient without p.R248 C mutation of TD-I,PCR products(535 bp) of exons(6-7) of FGFR3 gene,amplified by common primers,could be digested into 2 fragments(255 bp and 280 bp) by Afe I.However,for fetuses 1~3,the PCR products could be digested into 3 fragments(255 bp,280 bp and 535 bp).The normal control and the patient without p.R248 C mutation of TD-I were negative using the specific primers E7(p.R248C),which could not be further identified by enzyme digestion.For the fetuses with p.R248 C mutation of TD-I,PCR products(365 bp) of exon 7 of FGFR3 gene,amplified by specific primers,could be digested by Apa LI and all the digested products were 22 bp and 343 bp.Sequencing results of common primers' products indicated:fetuses 1~3 were p.R248 C heterozygous mutation.Conclusions The method is fast,accurate and reliable,which can be available for the fast detection of mutation hot spot p.R248 C and the rapid prenatal diagnosis of high-risk fetus with p.R248 C mutation.This method can also be applied to PGD of high-risk fetus of TD-I with the mutation"p.R248C".Fo闽粤合作科研基金(71010025

    Difficulties and Aids for Foreign Students in Japan about Future Choosing : Take Chinese Students in Japan as Example

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    在增强的UV-B辐射(ultraviolet-B radiation)作用下,植物体会受到一定的影响,产生活性氧自由基(ROS),造成DNA、蛋白质的损伤,使茉莉酸、水杨酸及乙烯等植物激素的含量发生变化。迄今为止,有研究发现植物在受到UV-B辐射时有两条通路在抵御紫外线伤害时发挥作用,一条是通过特异的紫外光受体UVR8来启动自身的应答机制来减弱辐射的伤害程度,另外一条是通过MAPK途径传导UV-B辐射,但是这两条通路的研究都还并不完善。本实验以模式植物拟南芥哥伦比亚(col)野生型、cim7(Constitutive immunity 7)突变体和ndr1(Non-race-specific disease resistance 1)突变体为研究材料,目的是揭示NDR1(Non-race-specific disease resistance 1)基因缺失时紫外线辐射对植物生理生化的影响及初步探讨紫外线辐射下植物的保护机制。 主要结果如下: (1)在增强UV-B辐射后,拟南芥野生型、ndr1突变体及cim7突变体的生长都受到了抑制。从增强UV-B辐射后三种拟南芥叶片的表型看出,辐射对叶片造成了不同程度的损伤, cim7叶片受到损伤最为严重,叶片明显萎蔫,叶色变为黄绿色;野生型其次,叶片萎蔫,叶色稍暗;ndr1突变体受到伤害相对较小。通过电子透镜的观察,ndr1内部叶绿体结构完整。进一步确认ndr1突变体的叶片对UV-B辐射的敏感性较弱,野生型和cim7突变体对UV-B的敏感性较强。 (2)在生理生化方面,增强UV-B辐射后,三种拟南芥受到了氧化胁迫,细胞内的活性氧物质过氧化氢的含量明显上升,丙二醛含量也明显升高,叶绿素含量均降低,其中ndr1突变体膜脂氧化程度较高。三种拟南芥的紫外吸收物质的含量有所上升。col野生型、ndr1突变体和cim7突变体细胞中的抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽的含量都有所升高,其中ndr1突变体在处理前后SOD、POD活力较高,处理后的CAT和APX活力也明显高于另外两种拟南芥。 (3)通过Real time PCR分析,拟南芥中UVR8途径中的AtHY5基因的表达量有明显升高,同时,拟南芥细胞内的抗逆相关基因AtPR1、AtPAL2的表达量也有明显的上调。在ndr1突变体中,苯丙烷代谢相关的AtC4H基因以及和类黄酮合成相关的At4CL3和AtCHS基因在处理前表达量较高,AtPAL2基因在处理后表达量明显 升高。在ndr1突变体中,和DNA损伤修复相关的切除修复基因,如AtCSA、AtDDB1b和AtRAD54的表达量有明显的升高。在野生型和cim7突变体中,和DNA损伤修复相关的切除修复相关基因AtDDB2、AtUVH1和错配修复基因AtMSH2、AtMSH6的基因表达量都有上调。处理前后ndr1突变体的细胞周期相关的AtCYCLIN、AtHIS4基因的表达量较低。处理后的cim7突变体中AtCYCLIN基因有明显下调,野生型中的AtSIM基因有明显上调。 从上述实验结果得到结论:拟南芥ndr1突变体对于增强的UV-B辐射较野生型不敏感,NDR1基因的缺失对植物抵抗UV-B辐射来说有一定积极作用。Ultraviolet-B(UV-B)radiation is a negative impact factor to plant growtrh. It cause the reactive oxygen species(ROS) burst in plant cell and damage to DNA and protein. Meanwhile, the contents of plant hormone such as jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene were changed by UV-B radiation. Up to now, two biological paths were found to against UV-B radiation stress in plant. One is to start their own response mechanism through specific receptors of UVR8 ultraviolet radiation to reduce the damage, and another is through the MAPK pathway to avoid the harmful from UV-B. But there did not have detail researchs focus on these two pathways. Using Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type col, mutant ndr1(Non-race-specific disease resistance 1) and mutant cim7(Constitutive immunity 7), we explored the physiology and biochemistry responses and the protection mechnisms of plant to strong UV-B radiation. The results were as follows: (1) Under strong UV-B radiation, the growth of wild-type, ndr1 and cim7 have been suppressed. Radiation caused varying degrees of damage on Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. cim7 was severely damaged, and leaves was turned to obvious wilt and yellow-green. leaves of col were also wilted and turned to dark. ndr1 were minor injured. By the transmission electron microscope, we found chloroplasts structure were intact in ndr1 plants. Its further confimerd that ndr1 were less sensitivity to UV-B radiation than col and cim7. (2) In physiological and biochemical aspects, three kinds of Arabidopsis thaliana faced oxidative stress under strong UV-B radiation, ROS substance such as hydrogen peroxide obviously increased, MDA was also increased, the chlorophyll content was decrease. The ndr1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana had a higher degree of membrane lipid oxidation. The ultraviolet absorption substances were increase. The content of ascorbic acid and glutathione were increase in col, ndr1 and cim7. ndr1 had a high activity of SOD and POD before and after treatment. The activity of CAT and APX were higher than others after treatment. (3) Using Real time PCR technique, gene expression data indicated that the expression of AtHY5 gene which is a key gene in the UVR8 pathway was up-regulated in all three Arabidopsis thaliana . Resistance related gene of Arabidopsis, such as AtPR1 and AtPAL2 was also up-regulated expression. In ndr1, phenylpropanes metabolizing gene AtC4H and flavonoid biosynthesis related geneAtcyclin genes At4CL3 and AtCHS were also expressed with high level before treatment, but AtPAL2 gene had a obviously increase after treatment. After treatment, DNA excision repair genes, like AtCSA, AtDDB1b and AtRAD54 were up-regulated in ndr1. DNA excision repair genes AtDDB2, AtUVH1, mismatch repair gene AtMSH2 and AtMSH6 were up-regulated. Cell cycle genes AtCYCLIN and AtHIS4 showed lower expression in ndr1 before and after treatment. After treatment, expression of AtCYCLIN was down-regulated in cim7, expression of AtSIM was up-regulated in col. In conclusions: ndr1 was not sensitive to strong UV-B radiation compared to wild-type, the deletion of NDR1 gene have certain positive effect in resistant to UV-B radiation

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    Effects of Elevated NH_3 on the Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics in Winter Wheat Leaf with Various N levels

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