11 research outputs found


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    The Adjustment of Fruit Industry in Taiwan upon the Accession to GATT/WTO

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    台灣光復五十年來,果樹產業在水果種類與品種之增多,南北區域與不同海拔地帶之交互利用,果品產期之調節,耕作及經營技術之改進,單位產量之增加,果品品質提昇,及健全示範推廣體系之建立及運作等,均有長足之進步。 但近十年來,台幣升值工資偏高、耕作人員老年化、專業經營比例仍低、果樹生產力偏低、產銷成本偏高、產業競爭力逐漸失去,加以水果市場即將開放,關稅減讓必須承諾,國內外果品競爭更激烈。果樹產業面臨困境日益顯著。然而,新種類、新品種、高品質與產期調節之水果,不獨受市場歡迎,也是收益較高的作物;政府輔導降低產銷成本及提高果品品質工作順利,而產銷型式也逐步轉變成內銷為主、外銷為輔之型態,相信發展前景仍是光明的。 我國加入關貿總協,是果樹產業調整產銷結構,脫胎換骨之契機。但開放市場,對受到保護程度較高的果樹產業,將造成很大的衝擊。如何化危機為轉機,是當前要務。 未來,果樹產業結構須大幅轉變,朝種類及品種多樣化、降低產銷成本、提高果品品質、兼顧水土保持及資源合理利用,以及提高果農收益之方向發展。 Taiwan fruit industry has made great progress on several tasks after Taiwan’s restoration from Japan fifty years ago. Fruit species and varieties have been diversified. Fruit harvesting period has been manipulated through the interaction of various geological and altitude factors. The cultivation and management techniques have been improved to promote yield and quality of various fruits. The demonstration and extension systems have been established and well functioned. Taiwan fruit industry has encountered many challenges last ten years. The wages are increased due to the shortage of labors. The farmers are been getting aged. The rate of professional fruit farmers is still low, which results in low productivity and high production and marketing cost. Moreover, the amount of fruit importation is increased year by year which is rather competitive in our market. It is foreseeable that there will be more competitive between import and domestically produced fruits after Taiwan open more fruit market upon the accession to GATT/WTO (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade / World Trade Organization). The result of opening market will cause a heavy impact on our fruit industry. However, if we find a way out to overcome the impact, the fact of joining GATT/WTO could creat an opportunity for Taiwan fruit industry to adjust its production and marketing structures. In the future, the structure of Taiwanese fruit industry need to be greatly adjusted. Fruit quality must be continuously promoted. Fruit species and varieties have to be more diversified to meet the consumer’s requirment. Production and marketing cost should be further reduced by promoting efficiency of orchard management. Last but not least, the soil and water resources have to be seriouly conserved and properly utilized

    A Review on Development of Citrus Inclusrty in Taiwan

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    本文回顧過去二十五年來,台灣柑橘產業發展與政府輔導措施的演變,包括柑農組訓,柑橘專業區的設置,推動共同經營管理,執行「台灣柑橘產業發展輔導方案」與「降低柑橘產銷成本計畫」。未來,柑橘產業將以提高生產力,健康苗供應體系,品種多樣化、建全推廣體系,合理降低生產成本及提昇品質為目標。 This article reviewed the development of official guidances for citrus industry in the past 25 years, which contained organizing and training of farmers, establishment of citrus mass production area, encourageing joint management of orchards and executing ¡¥the Development and Conducting project for Citrus¡¦ and ¡¥Reducting Production and Marketing Cost of Citrus¡¦. In the future, the policy of the citrus industry will be emphasized on increasing fruit quality and productivity, reducing production and marketing cost, supply of virusfree and diverse cultivars and establishment of efficient extension system

    Effect of Bagging in the Field and Package after Harvest on the Quality of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.)

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    田間套袋對簡易PE塑膠布設施內棚架栽培所產苦瓜之好果率、畸形果率、蟲咬果率、果長、果徑、和果實比重等之影響不顯著;惟對果重、果肉重、果肉乾重率、特級品率、苦味值、色差儀a值、批售價格等則有顯著地影響。黑色PE塑膠袋內襯舒果網套掛瓜果,對其果長、果徑、果重、果實比重、果肉之厚與重、果肉與種子乾重率等,較之僅以黑PE塑膠袋掛套者,雖有一致性之些微促增趨勢,惟差異並不顯著。採收後苦瓜曾經舒果網套包裝,其批售價格較裸果以碎紙片充填襯墊者增加29%。舒果網套和泡綿墊襯包裝,可以有效減少因碰撞傷害所引起的失水和乙烯生成。 The effect of bagging on fruit quality such as fruit length, diameter, weight, specific gravity, and percentage of insect bite and abnormal fruit, and market salability was not significant. However, dry weight percentage of pericarp, percentage of fancy grade fruit, bitter value by panel test, and the value a of color meter were significantly affected. Comparing to the black PE bag only, the black PE bag with white foam cushioning net decreased percentage of abnormal fruit significantly. Moreover, fruit length, width, weight, specific gravity, thickness and weight of pericarp, dry weight percentage of pericarp and seed, of packaged fruit were unsignificantly increased. The packaging of harvested fruit with white foam cushioning net increased whole sale price about 29%, reduced the water loss and wound ethylene production

    Effect of Storage Temperature on Skin Blackening and Flesh Quality in Harvested Fruit of Japanese Pear ‘Shinsetsu’ (Pyrus pyrifolia Nak.var. Shinsetsu)

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    梨山地區的雪梨採收後,貯藏在1℃及5℃下30 週,其腐爛率低,都在5%以下;在9℃ 下,腐爛率增加為13%;而13℃者,則大幅增加至35%以上。至於失重率,1℃者約7%, 在5 及9℃均為11%,而13℃者高達24%。貯藏溫度愈高,貯藏期間愈長,腐爛及失重情 形愈加明顯。雪梨果實在採收後及貯藏之初,其果皮完全正常。但低溫(1、5 及9℃)貯藏2 至6 週後,果皮即呈現不規則形狀黑色斑點及區塊,中央色澤較深,果皮黑變面積會隨著 低溫期間的延長而擴展增大。雪梨在1、5、9、13℃貯藏室中30 週,就果皮黑變的果實數 百分比、以及表皮黑變面積百分比而言,以1℃最嚴重,5℃和9℃次之,13℃更少。低溫 貯藏導致梨果表皮產生黑變斑塊的特徵,此結果應為低溫造成的寒害。同時雪梨貯藏期間, 1℃者失重最少、而黑變果實數百分比及黑斑面積最多,而13℃者失重最多,但是其黑變果 實數百分比及黑斑面積卻是最少。果實的失重似乎與果皮的黑變斑塊發生,應無直接密切 關係。在冷藏室(1、5、9、13℃)中的雪梨果實,經過14 週貯藏,其果肉品質之硬度,隨著 貯藏期間之增加而逐漸遞減,並且隨著貯藏溫度之提高,果肉硬度降低得更快、更多。果 肉糖度的變化,隨著貯藏期間之增加而逐漸遞減。同時,果肉糖度也隨著貯藏溫度之提高, 而有降低之趨勢。 The goal of this research was to investigate the effects of storage temperature on flesh quality and skin blackening in harvested fruits of Japanese pear ‘Shinsetsu’ produced in central Taiwan. After stored at 1, 5, 9, and 15 ℃ for 30 weeks, the percent of rotting ant weight loss in sampling fruits were both increased when refrigerating temperature decreased. The percent of rotting and weight loss of fruits stored at 1℃ were below 5% and 7%, respectively. It was suggested the shelf-life duration of post-harvest pear could be maintained for up to 30 weeks at low temperature (1-5℃). However, fruit skin blackening disorder (like superficial scald) development at the epidermal tissue was observed after 2, 4, and 6 weeks storage at 1, 5, and 9℃, and was heavily reduced commercial value. This physiological disorder was only occurred at skin region, the flesh tissue was remained normal throughout storage period. It was found when storage temperature decrease, the fruit skin blackening scald development could extend to a greater extent. It could be concluded that the fruit skin blackening of postharvest pear was a physiological disorder, chilling injury induced by low temperature. The more weight loss the less skin blackening scald was found when stored at 1 and 5 ℃. It was also observed that the percent of weight loss had no direct effect on the scald development in epidermal tissues of fruits. The firmness and total soluble solids content of flesh in harvested fruits were both slowly decreased, as storage temperature increased and storage duration extended to 14 weeks