A Review on Development of Citrus Inclusrty in Taiwan


本文回顧過去二十五年來,台灣柑橘產業發展與政府輔導措施的演變,包括柑農組訓,柑橘專業區的設置,推動共同經營管理,執行「台灣柑橘產業發展輔導方案」與「降低柑橘產銷成本計畫」。未來,柑橘產業將以提高生產力,健康苗供應體系,品種多樣化、建全推廣體系,合理降低生產成本及提昇品質為目標。 This article reviewed the development of official guidances for citrus industry in the past 25 years, which contained organizing and training of farmers, establishment of citrus mass production area, encourageing joint management of orchards and executing ¡¥the Development and Conducting project for Citrus¡¦ and ¡¥Reducting Production and Marketing Cost of Citrus¡¦. In the future, the policy of the citrus industry will be emphasized on increasing fruit quality and productivity, reducing production and marketing cost, supply of virusfree and diverse cultivars and establishment of efficient extension system

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