74 research outputs found


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    针对机器人末端抓持工件时,无法利用生成在工件上的轮廓点进行去毛边加工的问题,对机器人末端抓持工件在工具固定的情况下去毛边加工的方法进行研究,提出在确定工件加工轮廓与机器人末端TCP的固定位姿关系之后,将固定在机器人工作空间中的工具上一点设置为虚拟TCP,以该虚拟TCP为基准,将附着于机器人末端工件上的加工轮廓点映射成机器人工作空间中的虚拟轨迹点的方法。在给出工件上轨迹点与虚拟轨迹点的映射关系,完成虚拟TCP以及机器人末端TCP设置的基础上,在Fanuc机器人仿真软件Robo Guide中对该方法进行了运动仿真验证后进行了加工,测量了其刀具进给量。实验结果表明:利用该方法对机器人夹持的工件进行去毛边加工,完全满足生产加工的精度要求。福建省重大科技专项资助项目(2016HZ0001-6

    Digital design and manufacturing technology of customized hip prosthesis

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    针对人体的髋关节具有个性化特征以及传统假体与股骨匹配后力传递不稳定等问题,对人体髋关节假体数字化设计、有限元力传递分析、基于机器人磨削的数字化加工进行了研究,提出了在设计、仿真和加工过程中将髋关节假体模型统一的方法,实现了定制式假体数字化设计、有限元力传递的分析和机器人磨削加工的一体化,初步建立了髋关节假体的数字化设计与制造、产品生命周期的服务模型,为数字化设计与制造技术在髋关节假体等骨科植入物中的应用建立了基础。实验结果表明:采用机器人数字化磨削加工定制式假体,保持机器人软件空间与实际工作空间一致,可以有效提高假体的制造精度,实现假体与股骨髓腔的最优匹配。Aiming at the personal design of human hip joint and the stable force transmission after the matching of traditional prosthesis and femur, digital design of the human hip prosthesis , finite element analysis of force transfer and digital processing based on robot grinding were studied. The method of unifying hip prosthesis model in the process of design, simulation and processing was proposed to realize the integration of digital design of customized prosthesis, finite element analysis of force transfer and robotic grinding processing and both digital design and manufacture of hip prosthesis and service model of product life cycle were preliminary established to provide the basis for the applications of digital design and manufacturing technology in orthopaedic Implants, such as hip prosthesis. The results show that customized prosthesis produced by robotic digital grinding could effectively improve the manufacturing precision and achieve the optimal matching of prosthesis and femoral medullary cavity by keeping the robot software space consistent with the actual working space


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    研究了MoPO/SiO2 催化剂对丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛的催化性能 .MoO/SiO2 催化剂主要表现出对丙烷氧化脱氢的催化性能 ,在该催化剂中添加磷后 ,丙烷转化率和选择氧化产物丙烯醛的选择性明显提高 .催化剂的X射线衍射、拉曼光谱、程序升温还原、吡啶吸附红外光谱和程序升温脱附等表征结果表明 ,MoO/SiO2 催化剂主要含有MoO3 晶相 ,添加磷后 ,形成了表面多钼酸物种 ,磷以PO4四面体结构存在于表面 ,可能形成部分Mo—O—P键 ,从而抑制了MoO3 在MoPO/SiO2 上的形成 ,起到分隔活性中心的作用 .在MoO/SiO2 催化剂中添加磷后 ,催化剂的B酸和L酸酸性均增强 ,有利于丙烷在MoPO/SiO2 催化剂表面活性的提高 .由此可见 ,催化剂表面结构和酸性的变化可能是导致MoPO/SiO2 催化性能提高的原

    Selective oxidation of propane to acrolein over MoPO/SiO2 catalyst

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    The selective oxidation of propane to acrolein over the MoPO/SiO2 catalyst has been studied. MoO/SiO2 exhibits only activity for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propene. The propane conversion and acrolein selectivity are evidently increased by the addition of P to MoO/SiO2. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, H-2-TPR, NH3-TPD and FT-IR spectroscopy. The XRD and Raman results show that crystalline MoO3 is dominant on the silica-supported molybdenum oxide catalyst, while polymolybdate species are present on P-doped catalysts. Compared to the P-O-P stretching vibration at 905 cm(-1) in PO/SiO2, the P-doped sample exhibits the Raman band of the asymmetric PO4 stretching mode at 1085 cm(-1). Therefore, Mo-O-P bonds are likely to be formed on the P-doped catalyst, and the active sites are isolated by the phosphorus in MOPO/SiO2, preventing the growth of crystallized MoO3. These changes in structure and thus the improvement in reducibility of the MoPO/SiO2 catalyst may be responsible for the increase in propane conversion and acrolein selectivity. Furthermore, the results of FT-IR spectroscopy of pyridine adsorption and NH3-TPD show that both Bronsted and Lewis acid sites on the surface of the P-doped sample are stronger than those on MoO/SiO2. These suggest that the addition of phosphorus modifies the surface structure and enhances the surface acidity of the supported catalyst, thus improving the behavior of the catalyst


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    甲基苯酚是煤热解产物之一,其高温热解反应可能是影响煤热解过程二次反应及最终热解产物性质的重要因素。本文利用ReaxFF MD方法[1]就对甲基苯酚热解机理进行研究,模型体系由1000个对甲酚分子构成。考察了主要热解产物的生成顺序及产物分布随温度的演变规律,结果表明苯、甲苯等芳香产物随温度升高先增多后减少,而氢气、甲烷等小分子气体随温度单调增加。本文还基于ReaxFF可视化分析工具VARxMD[2]分析获得了初始反应机理及主要产物的生成路径

    Atypical and Anatomical Resection for Virtual Liver Surgery

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    为了提高肝癌手术治疗计划的可靠性,在利用腹部CT图像数据进行肝脏三维重建的基础上,实现了任意角度对虚拟肝脏进行平面切割和切割面结构的显示;通过构造可以调节大小、位置的球体模型,实现了球体切除;通过在肝脏三维模型表面上勾画不规则封闭区域,实现了任意曲面肝脏切除;并依据肝内血管结构进行肝段划分,实现了解剖性肝段切除.临床实验结果表明,文中所述的技术能够满足虚拟手术的需求,有利于医生制定安全可靠的术前计划,提高手术成功率.In order to improve the reliability of liver surgery planning,three-dimensional reconstruction of liver is created based on the data set of abdominal CT images.Two types of virtual liver resection are presented in this paper,i.e.,atypical resection and anatomical resection.Atypical resection can be realized in three modes: plane resection,sphere resection,and curved surface resection.Cutting plane provides plane resection from any angle and the visualization of the structures on the cutting surface.Sphere model can be parameterized and transformed to resect the surrounded region.Closed curve can be drawn manually to define the resection region on the surface of the reconstructed liver model.Liver segments are marked according to the structure of the liver vessel,and anatomical resection is realized by removing the assigned segments.The results of clinical trials indicate that the virtual liver resections provide a reasonable and useful basis for preoperative planning,and improve the success rate of surgery.国家自然科学基金(30770561;60701022;61001144;61102137


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    针对目前串行量子随机数发生器方案中,量子模式提取的信号带宽与数据处理速率之间的权衡在实时产生速率方面造成了瓶颈,文章利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)对多个量子边带模式的并行托普利茨(Toeplitz)哈希实时后处理,研究分析了不同规模Toeplitz矩阵的逻辑资源占用,设计了两层并行流水线算法并进行了仿真验证,充分利用FPGA的并行处理优势和硬件资源,最终实现了实时速率8.24 Gbit/s的量子随机数安全后处理。仿真结果表明,量子随机数发生器的熵源具有较好的随机性,经后处理后的随机数自相关系数保持在10-4量级且能通过Diehard测试。通过与集成电路匹配并行提取多个量子边带模式,实现了一种可商业化的高鲁棒性、高速实时量子随机数发生器