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    [[alternative]]The study of factors influencing the performance of distributor

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    碩士[[abstract]]面臨資訊系統市場的需求日漸萎縮以及新產品科技的快速汰換下,通路廠商的生存空間愈趨狹小,配銷商代理多種知名大廠品牌產品的銷售壓力也愈大。為提升銷售績效,透過品牌產品的知名度與專業技術服務,建立與經銷商群的事業夥伴關係。由於產品的複雜性,須透過業務員與顧客良好互動來銷售,獲得良好的顧客滿意度,提升產品獲利率與再購買率。本研究個案配銷商提升競爭力,以品牌產品互補性作組合行銷,從代理系列產品中,推出結合IBM與Oracle資料庫伺服器及附加專業服務的多種品牌產品,探討影響配銷商績效因素,作為日後擬定產品行銷策略的參考。本研究利用個案配銷商公司銷售資料紀錄抽樣,以2006年第一季有成交經銷商顧客名單90名的內部交易資料分析其獲利率及再購買率,並以電話訪問或問卷調查其滿意度;本研究資料統計係採用SPSS軟體,以信度分析、迴歸分析等方式進行量化驗證。由研究資料分析,獲得主要結論如下:一、探討配銷商經營多品牌產品時的產品因素(如交易價格、品牌知名度)對獲利率及再購買率的影響有顯著相關。二、探討配銷商經營多品牌產品時的服務因素(如產品售前諮詢、售後服務)對獲利率及再購買率的影響無顯著相關。三、探討配銷商經營多品牌產品時的業務員因素(如業務員的資歷經驗、關係、銷售技巧)對獲利率及再購買率的影響有顯著相關。四、探討配銷商經營多品牌產品時的顧客因素(如購後滿意度)對獲利率及再購買率的影響有部分相關。關鍵字:配銷商、品牌知名度、顧客滿意度。[[abstract]]Faces to the requirement of information market curtail gradually and the technologies of new product develop quickly, most of the consignees have confronted with challenge of subsistence. In order to raise the accomplishment of sale, to build the well-known brand image and the professional service for customer satisfaction for profits raising and repurchasing, it is an important object to above other competitor. For the purpose of competitive capability promotion, distribution consignee always constitute distinct brand of manufactures product for sales market. The study in this paper, one agency pulls the multi-brand within professional service to promote the competitive capability follow their selling route; we try to confer the case of effects to frame the effect sales strategic for decision maker reference. Moreover, by the way of a sampling survey form the selling recodes of one agency, we study the rate of profits and repurchasing from close deal records of ninety distributor lists on 1st quarter 2006, and surveyed by survey phone or form to understand the customer satisfactions. In order to test and verify the effects of this study, we use the SPSS statistic software by using regressive and reliability analysis for inference.Through the analysis effects, we got the results as below:1. The deal pricing and brand image is obvious influence between profits raising and repurchasing.2. The pre-consultation selling before and after selling service is unobvious influence between profits raising and repurchasing.3. The sales have qualified experience, relationship and selling skill is obvious influence between profits raising and repurchasing.4. The customer’s satisfactions after purchasing have part influence between profits raising and repurchasing.[[tableofcontents]]目 錄 目 錄 I 表 目 錄 III 圖 目 錄 IV 第一章 緒 論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 8 第三節 研究範圍 10 第四節 研究流程 11 第二章 文獻探討 12 第一節 資訊服務相關產業的現況說明 12 第二節 多品牌產品的經營 15 第三節 服務因素之影響 26 第四節 業務員之影響 28 第五節 顧客因素之影響 31 第六節 評估配銷商經營的績效因素 35 第三章 研究設計與方法 40 第一節 研究架構 40 第二節 研究變數定義與衡量 42 第三節 研究假設 45 第四節 研究對象及抽樣設計 47 第五節 資料收集 49 第六節 分析方法 50 第四章 資料分析 52 第一節 樣本結構 52 第二節 信度分析 57 第三節 迴歸分析 58 第四節 結果與討論 66 第五章 結論與建議 68 第一節 研究結論 68 第二節 研究貢獻 71 第三節 研究限制 72 第四節 未來研究建議 73 參考文獻 74 一、中文部份 74 二、英文部份 75 附錄:問卷 78 表 目 錄 表 1 我國資訊服務業分類及內容 12 表 2 配銷商所經營多品牌資訊系統產品及特性 23 表 3 配銷商經營多品牌資訊系統產品所衍生的專案服務型產品 24 表 4 產品行銷規劃矩陣表 30 表 5 配銷商對於企業顧客與經銷商群體 31 表 6 配銷商產業顧客構面關鍵性績效指標 39 表 7 受訪企業顧客次數分配表 52 表 8 受訪者次數分配表 53 表 9 配銷商自行將品牌知名度分類表 54 表 10 配銷商交易資料分類表 55 表 11 問卷的信度分析 57 表 12 產品因素中對變數縮減 59 表 13 績效因素的獲利率之迴歸分析表 60 表 14 績效因素的獲利率之迴歸分析表 63 表 15 研究假說之相關驗證 66 圖 目 錄 圖 1 台灣經濟成長率統計圖 4 圖 2 台灣民間固定投資統計圖 5 圖 3 研究流程圖 11 圖 4 伺服器技術的演進 16 圖 5 IBM/HP/Sun三大UNIX企業伺服器市佔率與營收分配圖 21 圖 6 各廠牌資料庫的顧客佔有率 25 圖 7 資訊系統產品的專案銷售服務流程 27 圖 8 供應鏈的價值流程 33 圖 9 以顧客為主的行銷 34 圖 10 CRM建立模式及預測的過程 35 圖 11 研究架構圖 41[[note]]學號: 793450346, 學年度: 9

    電話監聽中偶然發現之證據使用禁止 —以德國刑事訴訟法為中心

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    Planned Path Navigation of a Mecanum Wheeled Omnidirectional Robot

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    本篇論文針對含未知參數或參數變動之麥卡倫全方位行動機器人,分別發展該機器人之SoPC-based里程計算法,路徑追蹤控制器,非奇異終端滑模控制器,全域路徑規畫以及其實驗。該兩種控制器皆利用Lyapunov 穩定理論證明其近似穩定特性,並藉實驗數據以及電腦模擬,證明其定位控制與軌跡追蹤的性能。在全域路徑規劃之設計程序中,整合粒子群與實數型基因演算法之方法被用來找尋已知地圖中的最佳路徑路徑,並結合上述的運動控制器近,可達成良好的定位與導航。模擬結果與實驗數據顯示論文提出的全域路徑規畫法具有有效性。This thesis develops techniques and methodologies for navigation system design and SoPC implementation of a Mecanum wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot (MWOR). The navigation system is composed of four new modules: odometry, kinematic motion controller, nonsingular terminal sliding-mode dynamic motion controller, and global path planner, which have been implemented using the SoPC technology. The odometry is constructed by using a numerical method and a kinematic model of the robot, in order to keep track of the current position and orientation of the robot over short distances. Both kinematic motion control and nonsingular terminal sliding-mode dynamic control are well derived to achieve simultaneous point stabilization and trajectory tracking. A hybrid PSO (particle swarm optimization)-RGA (real-coded genetic algorithm) algorithm is proposed to find an optimal path between a starting and ending point in a given grid environment. Simulations and experimental results are conducted which have shown the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed control methods.中文摘要 ii Contents iv List of Figures vii List of Tables x Nomenclature xi List of Acronyms xii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Literature Review 2 1.2.1 Related Work for Navigation System Structure of Omnidirectional Mobile Robots 2 1.2.2 Related Work for Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control 3 1.2.3 Related Work for Global Path Planning 3 1.3 Motivation and Objectives 3 1.4 Main contributions 4 1.5 Thesis Organization 5 Chapter 2 Navigation System Structure and Odometry 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Navigation System Structure of MWOR 8 2.2.1 FPGA-Based Motion Controller 8 2.2.2 Motor Drive 9 2.2.3 Rotary Encoder 10 2.3 FPGA-Based Navigation Controller 13 2.3.1 SoPC Architecture 13 2.3.2 System Architecture 18 2.3.3 Wire Connectors 20 2.3.4 QEP Circuitry 22 2.3.5 Digital-to-Analog Converter: MCP4822 23 2.3.6 Signal Flow of the Overall System 24 2.4 Kinematic Modeling and Odometry 25 2.4.1 Kinematics Model 26 2.4.2 Odometry 28 2.4.3 Experimental Results for the Odometry 29 2.5 Chapter Summaries 32 Chapter 3 Design and Experimentation of FPGA-Based Dynamic Motion Controller 33 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 Dynamic Model 34 3.3.1 NTSM CONTROLLER DESIGN 37 3.4 Simulations and Discussion 39 3.4.1 Stabilization 39 3.4.2 Straight-Line Trajectory Tracking 40 3.4.3 Circular Trajectory Tracking 41 3.5 Experimental Result and Discussion 42 3.6 Chapter Summaries 45 Chapter 4 Global Path Planning Using Hybrid PSO-RGA Algorithm 46 4.1 Introduction 46 4.2 Hybrid PSO-RGA Algorithm for Global Path-Planning 47 4.2.1 Introduction for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm and Binary-Coded Genetic Algorithm 47 4.2.2 Reproduction 48 4.2.3 Crossover 48 4.2.4 Mutation 49 4.2.5 Fitness Function 49 4.3 PSO for Global Path Planning 50 4.4 PSO-RGA for autonomous Robot Navigation Step 52 4.5 Path Smoothing 53 4.6 Simulation and Discussion 54 4.6.1 Path planning in a Double U-shape Environment 55 4.6.2 Path Planning in a Triple U-Shape Environment 56 4.6.3 Path planning in a Complex Environment 58 4.7 Experimental Results and Discussion 59 4.8 Chapter Summaries 61 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 63 5.1 Conclusions 63 5.2 Future Work 64 References 6


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    A development on the wireless SAW gas sensor

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      隨著科技日新月異,人們的生活環境品質以及身體健康日趨受到重視,許多有毒氣體充斥於生活環境中,其中一氧化碳即為常見的有害氣體之一,它藉由燃燒不完全所形成,並且具有無色、無味的特性,此特性常造成人們不經意將其吸入體內,輕則頭痛、暈眩,嚴重甚至死亡,對於人們健康危害甚劇。此外,一氧化碳也會對一些貴重金屬的催化劑造成毒化的現象,使其催化效果消失,如燃料電池中的白金,因此偵測一氧化碳的裝置也漸趨發展。表面聲波式之氣體感測器具有良好的穩定度、靈敏度以及低成本的特性,非常適合用來作為一氧化碳的感測平台。   本研究中,以中心頻率433MHz、128˚YX-LiNbO3作為元件基板製作被動式無線表面聲波感測器,能直接在室溫下測量無須使用加熱器;並和天線結合製作為無須內部電源的被動式無線感測器,能與移動式燃料電池能源裝置結合架構出無線量測系統,達到即時監控之效果。具有體積小、低功耗、壽命長、無線量測且可大量製造等特性。   首先根據表面波耦合理論來設計元件之參數,應用微機電製程技術製作表面聲波共振器及外接阻抗電極,並使用面積-體積比較高的氧化鋅奈米柱,搭配對一氧化碳有高度還原性的金粒子催化層,製作高靈敏度、製作方便、且具有重複性的感測薄膜。再使用網路分析儀擷取其頻率響應數據,使用快速傅立葉逆轉換將其轉為時域訊號,量測反射波的振幅衰減量與一氧化碳濃度的關係。最後與天線結合,達到無內部供電的被動式無線感測器,並且加大發送天線的功率,使其無線感測距離得以增加。  For the sake of human safety and industry applications, the gas detection is gradually taken seriously. CO is one of the most harmful pollutants which is colorless, odorless and tasteless. When human inhale the CO, it could cause the symptoms of headaches, dizziness and even death. Furthermore, CO is able to poison the noble metals making poor performance on the catalyst like Pt used in fuel cells. Hence, monitoring the condition of hydrogen gas is important for environmental protection and human safety. The CO SAW sensor is developed for its stability, sensitivity, convenience and low cost.   In this thesis, the SAW resonator component was based on 128˚YX-LiNbO3 and the operating frequency was designed as 433MHz. The senor can operate at room temperature without a heater. It is available to combine the antenna with the SAW device to be a passive wireless SAW sensor. With mobile device, the sensor can link up with wireless system and monitor in real-time.   First, the impedance load sensor and SAW resonator were designed according to the couple of mode(COM) and fabricated by MEMS technique. For higher sensitivity and better surface-area-to-volume ratio, the zinc oxide nanorod was used to be as sensing material. Furthermore, the gold particle decorated ZnO nanorod as a catalyst for strengthening the sensitivity of carbon monoxide. Second, the signal of the impedance loaded SAW sensor was analyzed in signal processing. Finally, the wireless passive sensor was completed by combining with an antenna. Besides, the sensing distance of the passive sensor could be increased by power amplify applying background reflection