89 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Financial Management System

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    由于迅速发展的科学技术,尤其是计算机技术的发展,使人们的财务管理已经发展到信息化管理层面,但是对一些企业,尤其是个体经营者来说,财务管理的信息化意识还处于较低水平,其中的大多数对财务管理还是依靠手工记账的方式,为了解决这个问题,本文针对企业对财务管理的实际需求,研究开发出一个应用于个体及中小型企业的财务管理软件。 本文针对中小企业的财务管理问题,基于ASP.NET软件开发平台和SQLServer2005数据库技术,设计并实现了基于B/S模式的中小型企业财务管理系统,其主要研究内容如下: 1、本文基于.NET三层架构和微软SQLServer2005数据库,整体采用B/S架构模式设计并实现了中...Because of the rapid development of science and technology, especially the development of computer technology, so that people's financial management has been developed to the level of information management, but for some companies, especially self-employed, the financial management of information technology awareness is still low level, most of which rely on the financial management manual bookkee...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323223

    Fuzzy Association Rule and Its Application

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    数据挖掘(DataMining)就是近年来随着人工智能和数据库技术的发展而出现的一门新兴学科。关联规则(AssociationRule)是数据挖掘的重要的研究课题,是数据挖掘的主要技术之一,目的就是要在交易数据库中发现各项目之间的关系。它在决策支持系统、专家系统和智能型信息系统等各个方面都起着重要的作用。近年来有许多学者都在进行关联规则的研究,并在原有的方法基础上进行了很大的改进,还结合不同领域的知识得出了多种不同的关联分析方法。本文对基本关联规则的现状进行了剖析,指出了其两个重要衡量工具—支持度和置信度的表达方式上的混淆之处,并从集合论和概率论两个角度给出了规范化描述,为以后的研究分析奠定了...Data mining is a new subject which arises with the development of artificial intelligence and database. Association rule is one of the important research tasks, and also one of the key technologies in data mining. Its purpose is to find out the association between all items in business database. Association rule plays a very important role in decision system, expert system and aptitude information...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_数量经济学学号:20031004

    Cloning and expression of six Caenorhabditis elegans homologous genes in Ancylostoma caninum

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    钩虫是重要的人兽共患寄生虫,寄生于人体可导致贫血,儿童感染钩虫后会造成发育迟缓。犬钩虫是寄生于犬的钩虫,Caenorhabditiselegans在dauer时期的行为、形态和功能与钩虫L3期极其相似。另外,C.elegans从dauer时期进入L4期的机制也与钩虫L3感染宿主的机制比较相似。本文根据犬钩虫EST库从中筛选出与模式生物C.elegans同源基因,根据这些序列设计一系列引物,以犬钩虫cDNA为模板,扩增C.elegans同源的基因片段。 为了解犬钩虫中ANT-1、FTT-2、RETR-1和NTE-1的功能,我们对犬钩虫的ant-1、ftt-2、Retr-1和NTE基因进行了克隆...Hookworms are important intestinal parasitic nematodes. The dauer stage of C.elegans is morphologically, behaviorally, and functionally analogous to hookworm L3. The molecular biology of dauer recovery is well-defined, and has provided an useful information for investigation of the molecular biology of hookworm infection. A series of primers were designed according to the EST library of A.caninum ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_动物学学号:2162007115204

    Study on Arbitrability of the Subject Matter of Disputes

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    争议事项可仲裁性问题是仲裁制度发展的基础,由此引发的对仲裁范围的界定成为仲裁的前提,直接影响到仲裁的受案量。可仲裁性问题有其深厚的理论根据,不仅需要对仲裁制度的民间性作深刻的剖析,还需要理解它与司法权的关系。这种关系体现了国家司法权向民间的有限让渡。这其中不但运用到了各种标准,比如可和解性、商事争议以及财产权益等。还引入公共政策,根据特定的情况灵活地决定权限放宽的幅度。20世纪60年代以来,商事仲裁制度迎来了各国积极推动和支持其发展的良好环境和机遇,争议事项可仲裁性问题也在国际范围内呈现出扩大化的迹象,并汇聚成当今商事仲裁制度发展的一大趋势。本文将在争议事项可仲裁性问题产生的法理和现实依据基础...Arbitrability of the subject matter of disputes constitutes a basic in arbitration, from which the scope of arbitration acts as the vital part of arbitration as well as influences the quantity of accepted cases. Due to the profound theoretical foundation of arbitrability, we should not only focus on the folk nature, but shall also pay attention to the relation of arbitrability and judiciary power,...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_诉讼法学学号:20040805


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    Application of Schema to the Process of Simultaneous Interpretation

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    “图式”源自于认知心理学,是人脑中关于外部知识的组织形式,是人们从过去经验中提取并作为人们行为的一种模糊指标。图式一直以来在演变积累,并不断扩展纳入新经验,形成合理的语境及关联。自1932年“图式”这一概念首次提出以来,图式理论被广泛应用到认知心理学、人工智能学及语言学等领域。尤其是在过去二十多年里,图式理论一直活跃于第二语言习得领域;许多学者相继把目光投向图式理论,试图用它去研究二语的听力和阅读过程,并取得了相当丰硕的成果。尽管这些研究形式不同,得出的结论却几乎一致,即在二语的听力理解和阅读理解中,背景知识均起到促进作用,语言缺陷可以通过激活图式的能力来弥补。作为一名口译方向的学生,作者受此...Schema, originated from cognitive psychology, refers to a mental framework or outline that functions as a kind of vague standard that arises out of the past experience, growing and differentiating throughout childhood, and places new experience in the appropriate context and relation. Schema theory, since firstly proposed in 1932, has passed from psychology, through artificial intelligence, and in...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202006115034

    City Tourism Image Positioning Research Based on the Value Proposition Theory: Taking Singapore and Hong Kong as Examples

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    以城市整体发展战略为前提的旅游形象定位能够推动城市与其旅游业的协调发展。该文将价值主张理论引入城市旅游形象定位实践中,指出在城市旅游形象定位过程中应综合考虑城市和旅游者双方的价值诉求。通过寻找共鸣点和结合竞争因素,提炼出城市旅游价值主张,并作为城市旅游形象定位的重要依据。在理论分析的基础上,选取新加坡和香港的城市旅游形象定位作为案例分析对象,印证了基于价值主张的城市旅游形象定位路径的可行性和先进性。The tourism image positioning which is based on the whole strategy of city can drive the common development of the city and its tourism.In this paper, we introduced the value proposition theory to the practice of city tourism image positioning, and pointed out that the city's and tourists' value appeal should be synthetically considered in the process of tourism image positioning.By combining the sympathy points and competitive factors, we got the value proposition of city tourism, which came up to be the important basis of city tourism image positioning.Based on the theoretical analysis, we selected Singapore and Hong Kong as the objects of cases analysis.The analysis confi rmed that the proposed value proposition based city tourism image positioning path is feasibility and advanced


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