28 research outputs found

    Research of the Strategy of Local Government Non-coal Mine Safety Production——A Case on L City of F Province

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    我国是矿产资源大国,矿业经济发达,矿山企业众多,截至2010年底,全国共有非煤矿山75937座。在为经济做出重要贡献的同时,非煤矿山行业的安全生产问题也较为突出,2001年至2013年期间非煤矿山行业平均每年发生事故1400多起,在所有工矿商贸行业中仅次于建筑施工和煤矿。我国安全生产工作实行分级管理和属地管理,所以地方政府及安监部门承担了主要的非煤矿山安全生产监管职责,因此,提高地方政府非煤矿山安全监管能力对于促进非煤矿山行业整体安全生产形势的稳定好转有着重要意义。 对非煤矿山安全生产的监管中涉及众多的利益关联方,如上级的政府及监管部门、地方的政府及监管部门、非煤矿企业及其职工等,各方基于不...China is abundant in mineral resources and mining enterprises. At the end of 2010, there were 75,937 non-coal mines. Dispite their important contribution to the economy, non-coal mine production safety issues also prominent. During 2001 to 2013, non-coal mine accidents occur over 1400 annually in average, only less than that in building construction and coal mine during all mining and commercial. ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:X201113601

    Predictive Control Algorithm Based on High-Order Fuzzy Internal Model and Its Applications in Intermittent Coal Gasification Reactors

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    针对大时滞系统,提出一种高阶模糊内模预测控制算法。通过引入智能因子,被控对象的高阶模糊内部模型可实时预测对象输出,在线修正模型失配,从而克服时滞因素的不利影响。将算法应用于化工间歇造气炉集散控制系统中,现场运行结果验证了算法的实用性。A predictive control algorithm based on high--order fuzzy internal model, which aimed at systems with dead time, is proposed. By introducing intelligent factor, the high--order fuzzy internal model of controlled plant can forecast output of process in time and modify model uncertainty so as to overcome the disadvantages of dead time. Running results certify its practical values in apply-- ing the algorithm to the distributed control systems of coal gasification reactors.福建省青年科技人才创新资助项目(No.2004J020


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    Adaptive Control Algorithm Based on Linear Fuzzy Internal Models

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    针对非线性对象,提出一种线性化模糊内模自适应控制算法。该算法以一组模糊规则作为非线性对象内部模型,一条模糊规则表示一个局部线性系统;根据对象输入与输出测量值,利用TSK建模方法在线辨识局部模糊内部模型;同时依据辨识模型设计局部H2最优模糊控制规则,所有规则构成H2最优模糊控制器。仿真实验显示:该算法适用于非线性对象的控制,具有较好的鲁棒性和抗干扰能力。A control algorithm which aimed at nonlinear plant is proposed. The control scheme adopts a group of fuzzy rule sets as internal model of the nonlinear plant, where a fuzzy rule set represents a local linear system. This algorithm utilizes TSK modeling scheme to identify fuzzy internal model on line by using the input and output measurement of the plant; at the same time it designs local fuzzy control rule set of linear quadratic optimal ( H 2 ) based on the identified model and all fuzzy control sets consist of H 2 fuzzy controller. It is shown in the simulations that the proposed control method is suitable for nonlinear plant and possesses satisfactory robust performance and disturbance rejection ability

    Species Composition and Abundance Distribution of Meso- and Micro-copepods and Their Relationships with Environmental Factors During Dry and Wet Seasons in the Pearl River Estuary

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    中小型桡足类是河口区浮游动物的重要组成部分.根据珠江口枯水期(2013年11月)和丰水期(2014年8月)24个站位的调查资料,对中小型桡足类种; 类组成、丰度分布和优势种等特征进行了研究.枯水期和丰水期中小型桡足类分别出现60和40种,以河口和近岸类群为主.根据表层盐度变化将珠江口分为Ⅰ、; Ⅱ、Ⅲ区,桡足类种类分布具有显著的河口特征,枯水期和丰水期盐度均为Ⅲ区>Ⅱ区>Ⅰ区.相关性分析结果显示,桡足类种类数与盐度呈极显著正相关.桡足类; 丰度时空分布差异显著,丰水期(10 809. 05 ind/m3{{\rm{m}}^{\rm{3}}})显著高于枯水期(1 371. 20; ind/m3{{\rm{m}}^{\rm{3}}}),且在2个水期均以I区丰度最高.强额孔雀哲水蚤(Parvocalanus; crassirostris)和中华异水蚤(Acartiella; sinensis)在2个水期均为主要优势种,其空间分布亦与盐度密切相关.研究结果表明盐度是影响珠江口中小型桡足类种群结构的关键非生物环境因子.Meso- and micro-copepods are the major species of estuarine zooplankton.; Based on investigations of 24 stations in the Pearl River Estuary in; November 2013 (dry season) and August 2014 (wet season),the species; composition,abundance distribution and dominant species of meso- and; micro-copepods were studied.Results showed that there were 60 and 40; copepod species identified in the dry and wet season,respectively,mostly; belonging to the estuarine and neritic groups.In our study,the Pearl; River Estuary was divided into three regions according to its surface; salinity.The Distributions of species number in both dry and wet seasons; were Region Ⅲ >Region Ⅱ >Region I,displaying a remarkable characteristic; estuarine distribution.The species number of copepod was significantly; correlated with salinity.The abundance of copepod was found varying with; time and geographic locations.The average copepod abundance in the wet; season (10 809. 05 ind/m3{{\rm{m}}^{\rm{3}}}) was much higher than in; the dry season (1 371. 20 ind/m3{{\rm{m}}^{\rm{3}}}), and in both; seasons Region I had the highest copepod abundance.Moreover, the two; copepods of Parvocalanus crassirostris and Acartiella sinensis were; found dominant in both seasons,and their distributions were; significantly correlated with salinity.In conclusion,salinity was the; key abiotic factor influencing copepod population structure in the Pearl; River Estuary.广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室2015年开放课