107 research outputs found


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    Situation of Real Estate in China and Analysis of the Factors Influence the Price of Real Estate Market

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    08年金融危机对我国经济增长提出了挑战,同时也引起对国民经济健康发展的反思和借鉴。从次贷危机——信贷危机——金融危机——经济危机这一系列的传导过程中可以分析,房地产市场的发展不仅关系到投资消费结构问题,还涉及到金融安全甚至经济安全。 2010年伊始,最受政府和公众关注的就是高房价的问题,国家各项调控手段纷纷出台,也受到各界的争论和学术界的研究探讨。由于房地产行业的高度关联性、房地产金融的投资性和风险性,使得高房价既与国计民生相关,又与经济结构的优化与调整相连。因此,本文在对房地产市场发展现状进行分析研究的同时,结合日本、美国房地产市场泡沫化的历史和教训,提出了我国高房价的推动力不仅仅是高地价...The 08th global financial crisis poses a challenge on China's economic growth, we also put more attention on the healthy development of the national economy. The process of financial crisis can be summarized as four stages: the sub-prime crisis; the credit crisis; the financial crisis and the economic crisis, from which we can conclude that the safety of the real estate market is not only relati...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_管理经济学学号:1532007115154

    The Passive Innovation Effects of Contracting International Outsourcing on Chinese Firms ——Based on Analysis on the Interprovincial Panel Data Models of Chinese Industry during 2001-2008

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    随着国际生产分工的日益深化以及全球外包的蓬勃发展,承接国际外包为我国企业提高技术创新能力,实现技术“追赶”提供了重要平台和通道。但受制于全球价值链中主导企业的治理和控制,我国企业创新的“自主性”和内在驱动力受到不同程度的抑制,技术受制致使我国企业的技术“追赶”变成了技术“追随”,研发创新成为一种“被动”行为,长期来看,将不利于企业技术进步和自主发展。为此,本论文着力于探寻“被动创新”背后的逻辑和机理,以找到问题的根源,从而为我国企业在承接国际外包过程中有效规避该“陷阱”提出政策建议。 首先,本论文理论分析了承接国际外包影响我国企业创新的四种路径,并对四种路径之间的内在机理进行了深入探讨。然后...With the deepening of international division of labor and rapid development of global outsourcing, subcontracting international outsourcing has provided an important platform and channel for Chinese companies to improve their technological innovation capacity and achieve technical pursue. But enslaved to the management and control of leading corporations in the global value chains, our companies’ ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际商务学号:1572008115199

    Design and Implementation of College Financial Management System based on Android

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    在高校的日常管理工作中,财务管理工作是一项尤为重要的事务,它直接影响到整个机构的经济状况,而且财务信息的复杂性和多样性制约着高校财务管理水平和效率,一个安全、高效和便捷的财务管理软件有助于减少相应的财务管理问题,帮助高校各项工作的正常开展。如今,移动终端大范围普及,为了配合国家“十二五”规划工作展开,高校正努力加强自身综合办学能力、提高多方面管理水平,这就需要在合理的管理流程下,通过先进的科学技术,改进管理手段,实现高校在管理工作方面低风险、高效益的回报。因此,在Android平台广泛应用的前景下,设计并实现一套可以在移动终端使用且针对高校财务管理的信息系统是非常有价值和必要的。 本文从解决...In the daily management of colleges and universities, financial management work is a particularly important affair which directly affects the financial situation of the entire organization, and the complexity and diversity of financial information restricts the financial management level and efficiency of colleges and universities. Safe, efficient and convenient financial management software could...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223124


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    目的:采用响应面法优化公石松总黄酮微波提取工艺。方法:先摸索液料比、反应时间、微波功率、反应温度四个微波提取条件,然后依据Box-Benhnken试验设计拟用四因素三水平方法,以公石松总黄酮提取率为响应值进行响应面试验,最后对不同公石松样品的总黄酮进行对比分析。结果:得出最佳提取工艺条件为:液料比30∶1(ml·g-1)、反应时间6.72 min,微波功率699.99 W,反应温度90℃,公石松总黄酮的提取率可达到1.02%。结论:微波提取工艺优化后公石松总黄酮的提取率可达1.02%;公石松叶子中的总黄酮含量高于茎,成熟期的总黄酮含量高于未成熟期。福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目(编号:JAT171141);;漳州卫生职业学院课题项目(编号:ZYZ201701


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    以鳞片作为鉴定年龄的材料,对龙溪河厚颌鲂(Megalobrama pellegrini)种群开展年龄结构与生长特性的研究。结果表明,厚颌鲂鳞片年轮结构呈疏密切割型,年轮特征显著,可用于年龄鉴定,3~4月是年轮形成高峰时间。种群由0~7龄共8个龄组组成,以低龄个体为主,1~3龄个体占83.14%,体长分布主要集中在130~250 mm间(77.71%)。体质量分布主要集中在50~250 g(64.33%)。群体总性比为♀∶♂=1∶1.03,符合1∶1理论比值。体长和鳞径呈直线关系,体长和体质量呈幂函数关系

    Synthesis of Narrow Size Distributional Thiol-Functionalized

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    会议地点:中国天津[英文文摘]A number of thiol-functional organic microspheres are synthesized via the willisamson reactions of perchlorinated PAHs with the sodium salts of 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadizaole, dithioglycol or Na2S·9H2O, respectively. These as-synthesized microspheres can be further functionalized as monodispersed noble metal-nanoparticle-embedded materials

    The clinical significance of KAI1 /CD82 expression in colon tumor

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    目的 KAI1是一种特异性抑制肿瘤转移的基因,其蛋白产物为KAI1/CD82。通过检测 6 4例结肠腺癌石蜡切片的KAI1/CD82蛋白表达,探讨其与预后等临床因素的相关性。方法 肿瘤经福尔马林固定 ,石蜡包埋。免疫组化方法检测石蜡切片中KAI1/CD82蛋白表达水平。生物学统计采用 χ2 检验法。生存曲线采用Kaplan Meier软件绘制。结果 KAI1/CD82蛋白呈现棕褐色、细颗粒状物 ,弥漫性分布结肠腺癌细胞膜上。KAI1/CD82蛋白在结肠腺癌组织中表达阳性率为 5 1.5 6 %。生物学统计结果表明 ,KAI1/CD82蛋白表达与淋巴结转移、远处转移及肿瘤临床分期等密切相关 ,有统计学意义 ;而与肿瘤患者的年龄和性别、肿瘤大小、分化程度及肿瘤部位等无关。KAI1/CD82蛋白阳性结肠腺癌患者的术后生存期明显高于阴性患者 ,前者平均术后生存期为 5 4 .2 7± 2 1.5 1月 ,而后者仅为 37.5 5± 15 .17月 ,具有统计学意义。结论 KAI1/CD82表达水平与结肠腺癌分期、淋巴结转移及远处转移关系密切 ,可能和其它指标一起作为判断结肠腺癌预后的指标之一 ,对术后进一步治疗具... 【英文摘要】 Objective KAI1 gene is a specific metastasis suppressor gene, and its protein product is KAI1 /CD82. The relationship between KAI1 /CD82 expression and colon cancer patient prognosis was investigated. Methods 64 colon tumor specimens were detected and analyzed for their KAI1 /CD82 protein expression level with immunohistochemical method, the paraffin embedded tissue sections were incubated with anti KAI1 antibody. The Student s t test and the Kaplan Meier method were used. Results The KAI1 /CD82 pro...教育部科学技术重点项目(00073);教育部访问学者专项基金(2000年度

    From Self-Assembled Microspheres to Self-Templated Nanotubes: Morphologies and Properties of Sulfur-Bridged Fluoranthene-Based Organic Materials

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    The inability to controllably synthesize organic nanomaterials with desired morphologies and properties is a major barrier that prevents the scientific development of organic nanomaterials. A controllable method by means of adjusting the solubility of organic reactant has now been applied to Construct sulfur-bridged fluoranthene-based materials with desired spherical or tubular morphologies, based on the Williamson type of reaction starting from perchlorinated fluoranthene and disodium salt of 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadizaole. A disubstituted fluoranthene derivative is proved as the basic building block for the organic materials by the data of mass spectrometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, as well as crystallography. Through quenching the intermediates toward the fluoranthene-based microspheres or nanotubes, the routes of self-assembly via a vesicle pathway and self-template from perchlorinated fluoranthene rods are proposed for the growth of the microspheres and the nanotubes, respectively. The proposed routes can be extended for synthesis of other aromatic molecular materials with controllable morphologies. On the basis of the reaction with thiol groups retained on the surface of the as-synthesized materials, functional groups or noble metal nanoparticles have been facilely linked to the fluoranthene-based materials for potential applications. Morphology-dependent properties of the fluoranthene-based materials have been demonstrated, on the basis of the experimental evidence about strong near-infrared absorption exhibiting in the microspheres but lacking in the nanotubes.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 20525103, 20721001, and 20531050) and the 973 Program (Grant 2007CB815301)