48 research outputs found

    High Power White LED Driver

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    大功率LED驱动器不单影响LED发光效果,而且影响整体效率以及整机的稳定。驱动器应采用哪种DC/DC转换器的拓扑结构由LED串上的总压降与供电电压范围之间关系决定。 本文所设计的芯片能够通过不同外围电路的接法用同一块芯片实现以上三种拓扑结构以适用不同的应用场合。设计采用UMC0.5µmEPOWER工艺设计制作的宽输入电压、低功耗CMOS大功率LED驱动器。就此,本文开展了以下工作: 1.从LED灯的特性出发,比较当前各类LED驱动器优缺点,着重比较电感型DC-DC的LED驱动器和开关电容结构LED驱动器的不同,对影响LED驱动器的效率、性能等因素进行综合分析,对各种不同结构进行...High power LED driver not only influence LED lighting, but the whole effciency and stability. The relationship between LED voltage and input voltage range decides the knid of DC/DC converter. This design can realize three DC/DC converter topologys by changing external components, so that this design can be used in different cases. It adopts umc 0.5um EPOWER process to design wider voltage input r...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_精密仪器及机械学号:20042904

    Identification and Functional Analysis of Structural Proteins of White Spot Syndrome Virus

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    对虾白斑综合症病毒(Whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是线形病毒科(Nimaviridae)白斑病毒属(Whispovirus)中一种新型的DNA病毒,是养殖对虾中一种主要的病害。它的宿主范围广,传染力强,致死率高,难防治,不仅严重危害对虾养殖,还对海洋环境构成威胁。本论文对病毒主要膜蛋白和核衣壳蛋白的鉴定及生化属性进行了全面的蛋白质学分析。另外本论文还开展了病毒主要结构蛋白的功能和相互作用的研究。 WSSV病毒粒子从感染病毒的克氏螯虾Procambarusclarkii组织里被提取出来。纯的病毒样品经去污剂TritonX-100处理后分成膜部分和核衣壳部分,随后两部分...White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) represents a new genus of DNA viruses, Whispovirus, belonging to the Nimaviridae family, and is a major pathogen in the cultured penaeid shrimp. It has a wide range of hosts in crustaceans, a high infection and mortality rate, and is hard to be controlled. Therefore WSSV is not only a major threat to the shrimp industry but also to the marine environment. In this t...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:B20042603

    A Study on Restriction of Acts of Abuse

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    内容摘要近年来,滥用程序权利的问题日益突出,由于法律的缺位,无辜的受害者往往难以寻求法律救济。本文力图通过对滥用程序权利行为进行较为全面的分析,并借鉴国外立法,提出对这种违法行为进行规制的法律对策。本文除引言和结论外,共分五章。第一章,滥用程序权利的概念和构成要件。从分析诉权和诉讼权利的联系和区别入手,对国内几种相关的概念进行比较;在此基础上,提出滥用程序权利的概念,并从四个方面对滥用程序权利侵权责任的构成要件进行阐释。第二章,滥用程序权利的类型、成因和危害。将滥用程序权利划分为滥用诉权和滥用诉讼权利两大类;从传统与现实、法律和非法律的因素分析其成因;指出该违法行为对国家利益、当事人合法权益和...ABSTRACT In recent years, the problem concerning abuse of procedural rights is becoming more and more significant, it is always difficult for innocent victims to seek legal remedy due to the absence of related legislation. This article is intended to raise the legal approach to restrict this illegal acts through relatively comprehensive analyze on the acts of abuse of procedural rights and...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20010807


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    High Precision Data Collector Based on PIC Single Chip

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    介绍利用PIC单片机对24位的Δ ∑模数转换芯片进行应用而开发的一种通用高精度数据采集器。具体介绍了数据采 集器中的A/D转换芯片的工作原理,PIC单片机的通讯模块,实现数据采集工作的相应电路及程序流程图。In this paper, a common high precision data collector which uses PIC microchip to control the 24 bit Δ-∑ A/D converter is introduced. The principle of A/D converter, the communicating block of PIC microchip, the corresponding circuit and the flowchart are introduced in detail

    Failure to Complete Cross-Border M&As:“To”vs.“From” Emerging Markets

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    周晨希是厦门大学管理学院2015年引进的海归博士,受聘为“群贤计划”市场学助理教授。他是美国佛罗利达大学商学院营销学专业博士,主要从事企业战略管理、行为经济学等方面的研究。 本研究调查涉及新兴市场跨国并购完成的预测因数如何取决于全球扩张的方向,即向发展中市场的入境投资或来自发达市场的出境投资。【Abstract】While cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) involving emerging markets have been increasing in recent years, a high percentage collapse before completion. This study investigates how the predictors of cross-border M&A completion involving emerging markets depend upon the direction of global expansion, i.e., investment inbound to a developing market or outbound from a developing market. Analysis based on 15 years of data from four emerging economies, Brazil, Russia, India, and China, from 1995 to 2010,reveals fundamental differences in the predictors of inbound vs. outbound M&A completion. Country-level factors reflecting differences in political, trade,and legal environments strongly affect the completion for inbound M&As, but have a much weaker influence on outbound M&As. By contrast, firm-level factors such as past M&A experience have a significantly stronger effect on completion for outbound than for inbound M&As. Most interestingly, two deal-level factors (the percentage of stake sought by the acquirer and whether or not the deal is a cash transaction) increase the likelihood of completion for inbound but decrease it for outbound M&As. These findings have important managerial implications for enhancing the success of global expansions

    Study for the Anterior Capsule of Human Crystalline Lens with Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis

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    在临床试验获得的形态数据和物理数据的基础上,建立了连续环形撕囊后前囊膜的物理模型,利用非线性有限元分析法对撕开口大小与囊膜最大拉伸长度之间的关系进行了仿真计算。结果表明,随撕开口的增大,囊膜所能承受的最大拉伸长度显著增加,最大拉伸状态下的撕开口周长Cr与撕开口初始周长Cc的比值(Cr/Cc)也增大。该结论与实验研究的结论一致,表明前囊膜的可拉伸性能随着撕开口的增大而增大。进一步分析指出,拉伸时,撕开口边缘处外力作用的范围会显著影响最大拉伸长度:外力作用范围越大,囊膜所能承受的最大拉伸长度也就越大;增大幅度随作用范围的增加而减小。研究结果表明,仿真分析取得的结果与实验研究结果相符。Based on experimental data,a nonlinear finite element model of the anterior capsule was constructed to study the relationship between the diameter of continuous circular capsulorhexis(ccc) and the maximum extend of the anterior capsule by finite element analysis.Calculating results showed that the capsule could be extended larger by an external force as the diameter of CCC aperture increasing.This result is accord with the results of experimental studies on lens capsules of human body.Furthermore,simulation indicates that the contact area of the external force has a great influence on the max extend length: giving the same diameter of CCC,the capsule's extend length increasing as the contact area of the external force become larger.This result remains undiscovered in experimental studies.The current work demonstrates that simulation analysis is believed to be a promising,powerful tool in the field of biology medical engineering.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60371012);; 福建省科技重点项目(2002Y021

    The effects of adolescent stress on emotional behaviors and brain monoamines in adult rats and the role of antidepressant

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    临床流行病学调查表明,青少期负性生活事件导致个体成年后抑郁症、焦虑症等情绪疾病的易感性增加。青少期应激增加情绪疾病风险的发展神经生物学机制目前尚不清楚。通过不同类型应激(社会隔离VS 慢性温和应激)和发育阶段(青少期VS 成年期)大鼠的比较研究,本研究系统考察青少期应激对成年大鼠情绪行为和前额叶皮质及皮层下边缘脑区单胺能系统反应的影响,以及不同类型抗抑郁药物的治疗作用,建立青少期应激所致成年大鼠情绪障碍易感动物模型。研究采用糖水偏好测试(一种反映快感缺乏程度的指标)、开场和强迫游泳测试检测抑郁样行为;采用高架十字迷宫检测焦虑样行为;采用高效液相色谱法检测前额叶,海马,杏仁核和纹状体单胺能神经递质及其代谢物的水平。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青少期慢性温和应激(PND28-41)对成年大鼠(>PND62)的糖水偏好指数和旷场自发活动性没有影响,但在强迫游泳测试中表现出更多的绝望行为(不动行为增加)和更少的主动行为(挣扎行为减少)。此外,青少期慢性温和应激增加成年大鼠高架十字迷宫中的焦虑样行为。 2. 青少期慢性温和应激导致大鼠成年后纹状体5-HT 代谢率(5-HIAA/5-HT)和杏仁核DA 含量升高,而海马5-HT 代谢率降低。进一步的相关分析显示,青少期应激导致的大鼠挣扎行为和不动行为变化分别与纹状体5-HIAA/5-HT 呈负相关和正相关。 3. 5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂氟西汀和多巴胺再摄取抑制剂安非他酮都能减少强迫游泳测试的不动行为,同时分别增加游动行为和挣扎行为。但与对照组相比,氟西汀对应激组大鼠强迫游泳测试中行为的改善作用减弱。神经生化检测结果表明,氟西汀能够逆转应激导致的纹状体5-HT 代谢率增加,安非他酮可以逆转应激造成的大鼠杏仁核DA 增加。综上所述,青少期慢性温和应激并不影响大鼠成年后偏好糖水的本能行为,但导致其应激应对能力受损,对成年应激事件更容易发展出次级的应对无能或绝望的抑郁样行为;同时青少期慢性温和应激导致成年大鼠海马,杏仁核和纹状体多巴胺和5-羟色胺及其代谢物含量持续改变。抗抑郁药物氟西汀和安非他酮都能够改善应激诱导的抑郁样行为改变,该治疗作用可能分别通过逆转应激导致的纹状体5-HT 代谢率和杏仁核DA 改变所介导。 这些结果从表面效度,结构效度和预测效度三个方面表明青少期慢性温和应激可以作为成年大鼠应激性抑郁易感动物模型


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    选取了一株具有杀藻功能的蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)与铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)在28℃条件下共同培养,同时利用气相色谱-质谱技术对甲硫醚(Dimethyl sulfide,DMS)、二甲基三硫醚(Dimethyl trisulfide,DMTS)、β-环柠檬醛(β-cyclocitral)等3种异味物质进行了测定。气质联用结果显示,在藻类延滞期阶段,藻菌共培养组中的B.cereus能够增加DMS和DMTS的浓度,藻菌共培养组中β-环柠檬醛浓度低于铜绿微囊藻单独培养组;在藻类对数期阶段,β-环柠檬醛成为主要的异味化合物。双因素方差分析表明藻菌之间的相互关系影响异味化合物的变化,DMS和DMTS同时受到微囊藻和细菌的影响,而β-环柠檬醛只和铜绿微囊藻的生物量呈正相关

    Evaluating nearest neighbor queries over uncertain databases

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    Nearest Neighbor (NN in short) queries are important in emerging applications, such as wireless networks, location-based services, and data stream applications, where the data obtained are often imprecise. The imprecision or imperfection of the data sources is modeled by uncertain data in recent research works. Handling uncertainty is important because this issue affects the quality of query answers. Although queries on uncertain data are useful, evaluating the queries on them can be costly, in terms of I/O or computational efficiency. In this thesis, we study how to efficiently evaluate NN queries on uncertain data. Given a query point q and a set of uncertain objects O, the possible nearest neighbor query returns a set of candidates which have non-zero probabilities to be the query answer. It is also interesting to ask \which region has the same set of possible nearest neighbors", and \which region has one specific object as its possible nearest neighbor". To reveal the relationship between the query space and nearest neighbor answers, we propose the UV-diagram, where the query space is split into disjoint partitions, such that each partition is associated with a set of objects. If a query point is located inside the partition, its possible nearest neighbors could be directly retrieved. However, the number of such partitions is exponential and the construction effort can be expensive. To tackle this problem, we propose an alternative concept, called UV-cell, and efficient algorithms for constructing it. The UV-cell has an irregular shape, which incurs difficulties in storage, maintenance, and query evaluation. We design an index structure, called UV-index, which is an approximated version of the UV-diagram. Extensive experiments show that the UV-index could efficiently answer different variants of NN queries, such as Probabilistic Nearest Neighbor Queries, Continuous Probabilistic Nearest Neighbor Queries. Another problem studied in this thesis is the trajectory nearest neighbor query. Here the query point is restricted to a pre-known trajectory. In applications (e.g. monitoring potential threats along a flight/vessel's trajectory), it is useful to derive nearest neighbors for all points on the query trajectory. Simple solutions, such as sampling or approximating the locations of uncertain objects as points, fails to achieve a good query quality. To handle this problem, we design efficient algorithms and optimization methods for this query. Experiments show that our solution can efficiently and accurately answer this query. Our solution is also scalable to large datasets and long trajectories.published_or_final_versionComputer ScienceDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph