39 research outputs found

    The Research of Association Rule and its Updating Algorithm

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    数据挖掘就是从大量的、不完全的、有噪声的、模糊的、随机的实际应用数据中,提取隐含在其中的、人们事先不知道的、但又是潜在有用的信息和知识的过程。数据采掘工具还可以对现有的大型数据库直接挖掘,以发现数据库中潜在的知识。它在决策支持系统、专家系统和智能信息系统等各个方面有着重要的作用。数据挖掘可以采用关联规则,决策树,神经网络,遗传算法,规则推理,模糊逻辑等方法,其中以关联规则最为常用。 本文主要介绍了数据挖掘的定义、特点、分类,讨论了数据挖掘的产生和发展,并完成了关联规则典型算法的研究以及关联规则的更新算法的开发的基础研究工作。本文论述的内容主要分为以下几部分:数据挖掘技术,关联规则,经典关联规...Data mining means a process of nontrivial extraction of implicit previously unknown and potentially useful information from data in database. Data mining tools can directly mining in large database for discovering potential knowledge in database . It plays an important role in decision support system, expert system and management information system. It may exploit all kinds of tools, such as, asso...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:X20034302

    A Research on Middle Manager’s Performance Management in JD Power Supply Company

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    企业以人为本,人是企业可支配资源的最核心要素,也最具有潜力和可塑性。中层管理人员是企业人力资源的核心层,起着承上启下的纽带作用,在企业运营体系中,是企业价值增值的主要贡献者,也是企业政令畅通的衔接者,至关重要。研究中层管理者绩效评价对于企业发展,特别是公共服务型企业具有重要的意义。 JD市供电公司是一家承担JD市行政辖区供电任务的电网公司,属公共服务行业。目前,JD公司实行绩效考核的模式,在实际操作中注重考核的形式,只在年终组织中层干部述职,中层干部的业绩考评缺乏量化的指标体系,主要依靠上级领导日常接触印象打分,无法全面真实反映中层干部的绩效贡献。从指标管理看,每年JD公司上级单位下达一套绩...Enterprise is people-oriented. The human resources are the core elements of enterprise disposable resources, and also one of the most potential and plasticity. Middle management who plays a linking role ,is the core of human resource,and the enterprise values of the main contributors. Study of middle managers performance evaluation for enterprise development, especially the public service-oriented...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115058


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    利用世界银行2005年对我国120个城市6 826家民营企业的调查数据,深入考察了民营企业所处地区的产权保护水平和融资约束程度对其研发投入水平的影响.在控制了企业特征、企业家特征、行业等因素后,研究发现:民营企业所处地区产权保护水平的提高和融资约束程度的降低,无论是对于促进我国民营企业参与研发活动,还是提高其研发投入强度,均有显著积极影响.进一步分析表明,上述影响总体上对中小企业更为显著

    Updating Algorithm for Association Rules Based on Fully Mining Incremental Transactions

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    目前已提出了许多快速的关联规则增量更新挖掘算法,但是它们在处理对新增事务敏感的问题时,往往会丢失一些重要规则。为此,文章提出了一种新的挖掘增量更新后的数据库中频繁项集的算法EUFIA(Entirety Update Frequent Itemsets Algorithm),该算法先对新增事务数据分区,然后快速扫描各分区,能全面有效地挖掘出其中的频繁项集,且不丢失重要规则。同时,最多只扫描1次原数据库也能获得更新后事务数据库的全局频繁项集。研究表明,该算法具有很好的可测量性。Incremental Association rules Mining is an important content of data mining technology.This study proposes a new algorithm,called the Entirety Update Frequent Itemsets Algorithm(EUFIA)for efficiently incrementally mining association rules from large transaction database.Rather than rescanning the original database for some new generated frequent itemsets,EUFIA partitions the incremental database logically according to unit time interval,then accumulates the occurrence counts of new generated frequent itemsets and deletes infrequent itemsets obviously by backward method.Thus,EUFIA can discover newly generated frequent itemsets more efficiently and need rescan the original database only once to get overall frequent itemsets in the final database if necessary.EUFIA has good scalability in our simulation.国家自然科学基金项目(50474033);; 福建省自然科学基金项目(A0310008);; 福建省高新技术研究开放计划重点项目(2003H043

    Method and implementation of transcribing speech corpora based on human-computation

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    提出一种基于人类计算的语音语料库标注方法.该标注方法的主要思路是通过一个基于WEb的语言学习系统来收集由大量学习者(用户)输入的词汇标注和音标标注,并从中选择出现概率最大的用户输入作为语料的正确标注.为了保证通过这种人类计算方法获得的标注文本的质量,使用了一些计算机辅助机制来校验收集到的标注的可靠性.采用这种方法实现语音语料库标注的主要优点在于将语料库标注和语言学习相结合,无需专门投入大量的人力来进行枯燥乏味的语料库标注工作,从而节省了语料库标注的成本.对这种基于人类计算的语音语料库标注技术进行了探讨,说明了用于收集用户输入的语言学习系统的设计以及标注生成系统的设计.系统的应用表明,该标注方法能够有效、低成本地生成语音语料库的词汇标注和音标标注.A new method is proposed for generating transcriptions of speech corpora based on human-computation.The method depends on collection of orthographic transcriptions and phonetic transcriptions from a large number of users by using a Web-based language learning system and choosing commonly-used labels as the transcriptions of the speech corpora.In order to guarantee the quality of transcriptions,some computer-aided mechanisms are also used to verify the collected transcriptions.This method combines speech data transcribing with language learning and cuts down the cost of transcribing corpora effectively.The technology of human-computation-based speech corpora transcribing and the detailed design of language learning system have been discussed,transcriptions generation system has also been expatiated in this article.The application of system shows that this method is an effective and economical way to generate orthographic and phonetic transcriptions.国家留学基金资助项目(2006104705);福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2006J0043);厦门大学“985工程”二期信息创新平台资助项目(0000-X07204


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    Does CEO Type Impact Family Firms' Tax Aggressiveness?

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    基于代理理论和社会情感财富理论双重视角,本文利用2003—2012年中国家族控股上市公司的3592个年度观察样本数据,实证分析了CEO类型对家族企业税收激进程度的影响关系,以及家族股东超额控制权和经营年限两个因素对这一影响关系的调节效应。结果表明:(1)与聘请职业经理人担任CEO的家族企业相比,由家族成员担任CEO的家族企业具有显著更高的税收激进程度;(2)家族股东经营企业的年限越长,家族CEO对家族企业税收激进程度的正向影响越弱;(3)家族股东的超额控制权越高,家族CEO对家族企业税收激进程度的正向影响也越弱。上述发现对于帮助理解和认识中国家族企业的税收激进活动具有重要的理论价值和实践启示。Taxes represent a significant cost to the company and a reduction in cash flows available to the firm and shareholders,leading to firms' and shareholders' incentives to reduce taxes through tax aggressive activities.In spite of this,there is great difference in the degree of tax aggressiveness among diverse firms.So what kinds of factors determine the degree of firm' s tax aggressiveness? It is remarkable that although tax aggressiveness will bring the firms with benefits(e.g.,reduced taxes and increased cash flows),there are still tremendous costs along with this process,for example,the time,efforts as well as money spending on tax aggressive activities themselves;the fines paid for being detected by tax collecting and administrating agencies;the leading agency conflict among each stakeholder in the firm by tax aggressive activities and the possible reputation loss of the firm or the individual decision-maker.Therefore,the acquired degree of the tax aggressiveness is always determined by CEO on the balance between costs and benefits from tax aggressiveness.Based on this logical thinking,standing from the perspective of combined agency theory and socioemotional wealth theory,and using the data of 3592 firm-year observations of Chinese family firm from 2003 to 2012,we analyzed the impacts of CEO type on the degree of tax aggressiveness of family firm as well as whether this is affected by family shareholders' excess control or operation time.Empirical results demonstrate that:(1) The degree of tax aggressiveness is significantly higher in these family firms whose CEO are family members compared to professional managers;(2) The longer family shareholders operate the firm,the weaker of the positive impacts of the family CEO on the degree of family firm' s tax aggressiveness;(3) The higher the excess control of family shareholders,the weaker of the positive impacts of the family CEO on the degree family firm' s tax aggressiveness.The above findings have crucial enlightenment in helping us understanding Chinese family firm' s tax aggressive activities.The main contribution of this paper is:(1) The previous studies in the area of tax aggressiveness mainly focus on influences of firms' basic characteristics,external environment,ownership structure and senior management incentive mechanisms on tax aggressive activities,while this paper concentrates on the impact of CEO type,which could help to fulfill our knowledge about associated factors of firm' s tax aggressive activities;(2) The previous studies in the area of family firm compare family CEO' s and non-family CEO' s functional differences from the perspective of entrepreneurial performance,earnings management and IPO underpricing,yet this study focuses on analyzing the difference of firm' s tax aggressive activities' decision between family CEO and non-family CEO;(3)Studies paying attention to both family firms and tax aggressiveness before mainly emphasize on comparison between family firms and non-family firms,this paper pays more attention to the contribution of these three factors of family CEO,excess control and operation time to the family firm' s tax aggressive activities,and will help to enrich the studies of family firm' s heterogeneity.This paper also provides some practical implications.Firsdy,given the fact there are significant differences between family CEO and non-family CEO in terms of tax aggressive activities,family firms should carefully weigh the potential costs and benefits of two different types of CEO,and then decide to choose family members or outside professional managers as CEOs according to the firms' needs.Secondly,considering that the impact of family CEO on tax aggressive activities depends on family shareholders' excess control and operation time,it is reasonable for family firms to take operation time,the control structure and CEO types into account in order to more reasonable tax decisions.国家自然科学基金青年项目“转型经济背景下我国家族企业的创新活动:内部治理结构和外部制度环境的影响”(71302090);国家自然科学基金青年项目“家族内外部所有权结构安排与家族企业冒险行为及绩效研究:基于双重代理理论框架”(71202061); 中国博士后基金特别资助项目“中国民营企业的技术创新:家族治理和风险投资的作用”(2013M531622

    Does Media Coverage Increase Stock Price Informativeness?

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    媒体对上市公司的报道范围日益广泛,内容也日益深入。那么,媒体报道究竟对股票市场运行效率产生了何种作用呢?本文试图以股价信息含量为着眼点,考察媒体报道对中国股票市场运行效率的影响。基于中国A股上市公司2003-2011年5608个年度观察样本的实证研究发现,媒体报道能够显著提升中国上市公司的股价信息含量,即上市公司受到媒体的报道越多,基于r2度量的股价信息含量就越高。在控制了内生性、其他可能的替代解释等问题后,本文的研究结论仍然稳健成立。这说明,媒体报道对中国股票市场运行效率的提升发挥了积极作用。The media coverage on listed firms is increasingly important for investors in today's information age.However, little is known about the role of media coverage on the effectiveness of stock market.This paper examines the effect of media coverage on the stock price informativeness of Chinese A-share listed companies.Using a sample of 5608 firm-year observations during the period of 2003-2011, we find evidence that the media coverage can significantly increase the amount of firm-specific information incorporated into share prices, indicating that the more media coverage a firm receives, the more informative its stock price is.As a result, our findings suggest that the media coverage is playing a positive role on the effectiveness of Chinese stock markets.国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:71202061); 福建省社科规划青年项目(编号:2012C027)的资


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