26 research outputs found

    Design of sensor energy-saving controller for photovoltaic power generation

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    传感器储能性能较弱,导致设计出的光伏发电中的传感器节能控制器网络延迟较长、节能效果不理想。因而,设计一种新型光伏发电中的传感器节能控制器,其对供电电路、无线通信芯片和太阳光传感器芯片进行重点设计。nRF905无线通信芯片对控制器中各设备、电路、元件之间的数据通信进行监控,保障节能效果、缩短网络延迟。供电电路为控制器的节能工作供应电能、优化太阳光光强的能量转化。优化后的太阳光能量,将通过太阳光传感器中的TSL2678芯片太阳光进行参数提取和分析,输出太阳能最佳采集方位和该方位的太阳光光强,实现光伏发电的最优节能。控制器软件设计部分给出了控制器的节能控制流程。分析实验结果可知,所设计的控制器具有网络延迟短、节能效果好的特点。Since the sensor energy?saving controller for the photovoltaic power generation has long network latency and unsatisfied energy-saving effect due to the poor energy storage performance of the sensor,a new sensor energy-saving controller for the photovoltaic power generation was designed,and its power supply circuit,wireless communication chip and solar sensor chip were designed emphatically. The wireless communication chip NRF905 is used to monitor the data communication among each device,circuit and component in the controller to ensure the energy-saving effect and shorten the network latency. The power supply circuit supplies the electric energy for the energy-saving work of the controller,and optimizes the energy conversion of so?lar light. The parameters of the optimized solar light energy are extracted and analyzed through the chip TSL2678 in the solar light sensor,which outputs the optimal acquisition orientation of the solar energy and its intensity to realize the optimal energy saving of the photovoltaic power generation. The energy-saving control flow of the controller is given in Fig. 5 in this paper. The analysis experimental results show that the controller has the characteristics of short network latency and good energy?saving effect.国家自然科学基金(70873100);河北省教育厅科学技术项目(Z2014166


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    以香溪河干流上5个连续的小水电站为对象,于2005年10月20—22日分别对其浮游藻类和主要理化指标进行研究.结果表明:硅藻占绝对优势(95.54%),其中,线性曲壳藻(Achnanthes linearis)、披针曲壳藻椭圆变种(A.lanceolatavar.elliptica)、扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeisplacentula)为绝对优势种,其平均相对丰富度分别为23.96%、18.62%和12.48%;所有样点的平均藻类密度为6.29×105ind.L-1,最高为1.81×106ind.L-1


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    2005年7月~2006年6月对三峡水库湖北库区最大支流香溪河的大型底栖动物进行定量采集,并对所得数据进行了数理统计分析及生态位分析.结果表明,香溪河水系大型底栖动物物种丰富度在不同季节、不同支流间差异均显著;密度在各季节间差异显著.四节蜉、高翔蜉、锯形蜉、朝大蚊和扁蜉生态位较宽;Tetropina sp.、短尾石蝇、黑蝇生态位较窄.四节蜉、高翔蜉、锯形蜉、朝大蚊与其它分类单元生态位重叠值较大,黑蝇、短尾石蝇、直突摇蚊、Tetropinasp.与其它分类单元生态位重叠值较小.相对丰度和生态位宽度对生态位

    The space and time of the acto : a proposal for training between theatricality and preformativity

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    Orientador: Suzi Frankl SperberDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: Essa dissertação propõe a investigação de uma prática para atores, que sirva tanto para o contexto teatral quanto para o performativo. Buscam-se procedimentos que pouco a pouco permitam a autonomia dos atores para que eles possam encontrar seu próprio caminho estético e treinamento. Para tanto, este estudo tem como referência a Coreologia o Viewpoints, o Movimento Imagem e os Jogos Teatrais.Abstract: This thesis proposes the investigation of a practice to actores that serves to theatral context and performative context. The searching of procedures that step by step permit an actors'autonomy to they persue their own aesthetics and training way. Therefore, this study has as reference the Coreology, the Viewpoints, the Moving Image and the Theater Games.MestradoTeatro, Dança e PerformanceMestre em Artes da Cen

    Breaking the stranglehold of striga

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    Dipping maize seeds in a very small amount of herbicide blocks the ability of Striga hermonthica to parasitize and kill crops. Experiments over the past two years m Kenya have shown that dipping seeds in the herbicide imazapyr can triple the yield of maize. The results of the trial were announced earlier in the year at the Sixth Parasitic Weed Symposium in Cordoba, Spain. The technique has been developed by researchers at the Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) at Kisumu, Kenya, together with plant geneticists from the Weizman Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. Currently, the technique is based on using a herbicide-resistant strain of maize developed by an American seed company, Pioneer International. Pioneers strain of maize can withstand herbicides which block the action of an enzyme called ace to lactate synthase . Without this enzyme, striga is unable to make vital amino acids, and dies. Trials showed that, on average, a plot of treated seed yielded almost 3.5 times as much maize per plot compared to plots of untreated seeds which had five times as much striga growing in them as the treated plots. As the dipped seeds grow, the herbicide diffuses into the growing tissue and surrounding soil, killing the striga before it can get a hold. By the time the maize is harvested the herbicide in the soil has broken down. The use of this seed-dipping technique cuts out the need for potentially harmful spraying and eliminates the buildup of residues in the soil. Additionally, the cost of using such small quantities of herbicide is so little that even the poorest subsistence farmer could afford the technology. Just 15 grams of herbicide costing 5isenoughtotreatonehectare,andcouldbringafarmeranextra5 is enough to treat one hectare, and could bring a farmer an extra 100 of income per hectare in improved yields. At present this Pioneer strain of maize, which was developed for use in the US, is susceptible to African fungi and viruses. The KARI researchers are now crossing the Pioneer strain with African varieties to produce a herbicide-resistant maize that is suited to local conditions. George Odhiambo and Gordon Abayo Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute Kisumu, KENYADipping maize seeds in a very small amount of herbicide blocks the ability of Striga hermonthica to parasitize and kill crops. Experiments over the past two years m Kenya have shown that dipping seeds in the herbicide imazapyr can triple the yield..


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    基于对香溪河河流生态系统的多年研究,以该流域河流大型底栖动物最优势类群四节蜉为指示生物,建立了我国大陆地区第一个基于长期的连续的野外现场实测数据的水生生物栖息地适合度模型(habitat suitability model,HSM).为保护河流生态系统结构和功能的完整性,文中将河道内环境流量分为3个层次,即河道内最小需水量、最小环境流量和适宜环境流量,并利用水文法和加权可利用面积法(weighted usable area,WUA)分别构建了这3个层次的河道内环境流量的计算模型.结果表明:香溪河的最小需水量为Tennant法中描述为差或最小状态的流量(即0.615m^3·s^-1),为保护河流生态系统健康、维系河道景观多样性,应将多年平均流量的42.91%(即2.639m^3·s^-1)作为研究地点的适宜环境流量.综合考虑水文和生物因素,从3个层次确定了河道内环境流量,可以为香溪河水资源的合理配置和综合管理提供技术支持,同时为较准确地计算河道内最小环境流量提供探索性研究


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