5 research outputs found
Compare of cooperation modes in a supply chain based on the market equilibrium
以两阶段供应链为例,说明了供应链中供应商和零售商在生产与销售过程中存在的利益冲突,提出供应链的两种协作方式:核心企业协作方式及对等谈判协作方式.通过效用函数对比两种方式产生的供应链收益,阐述了在市场均衡条件下对等协作方式对供应链整体具有更好的激励作用.In supply chain,there are many conflicts of interest between the suppliers and the retailers during the production and selling of the products.In this paper,a two-stage supply chain sets to choose one of the two cooperation modes: the central cooperation mode and the coordinate cooperation mode.In order to harmonize the interest of each side and maximize the return of the supply chain,central cooperation mode suggests that the supply chain should have a central corporation which leads cooperation among all these suppliers and retailers.However,coordinate cooperation mode suggests that all the members in the supply chain should equally negotiate about the matter of cooperation and make decision together.We introduce utility functions and income functions to compare the outcome of the two modes in the chain.As a result,when the market comes to the equilibrium the coordinate mode gains more profits for the whole than the central one.We then explain the reasons by analyzing the rationality of the conclusions.And the applications and limitations of the paper's results for other domains are discussed
Mapping Earth's gravity in space: Review and future perspective
地球重力场的科学数据在地球测绘学、冰川学、陆地水循环、固体地球物理、灾害监控及国防军事等领域具有重要应用价值. 美、德合作研制的地球重力场反演与气候实验 (gravity recovery and climate experiment, GRACE)卫星, 有力地推动了地球重力场测量、反演和应用. 为进一步提高重力卫星科学数据的时、空分辨率, 扩展应用领域, 中国及欧美等国都考虑发射升级的重力卫星, 即后 GRACE 计划 (GRACE-follow-on). 本文将简单回顾重力卫星的发展历程, 介绍重力卫星的数据采集技术和反演方法, 亦着重阐述后 GRACE计划的测量方法学、关键技术及预期结..
地球重力场的科学数据在地球测绘学、冰川学、陆地水循环、固体地球物理、灾害监控及国防军事等领域具有重要应用价值. 美、德合作研制的地球重力场反演与气候实验 (gravity recovery and climate experiment, GRACE)卫星, 有力地推动了地球重力场测量、反演和应用. 为进一步提高重力卫星科学数据的时、空分辨率, 扩展应用领域, 中国及欧美等国都考虑发射升级的重力卫星, 即后 GRACE 计划 (GRACE-follow-on). 本文将简单回顾重力卫星的发展历程, 介绍重力卫星的数据采集技术和反演方法, 亦着重阐述后 GRACE计划的测量方法学、关键技术及预期结..