13 research outputs found


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    在公平交换协议中,无可信第三方的协议不能实现较充分的公平性,离线可信第三方协议在恶意主体的情况下仍需第三方的介入,且效率大大降低。另外,现有的公平交换协议大多针对特定项的交换,通用性不强。针对以上不足,采用低负荷在线第三方的方法,提出了一种基于恶意主体的通用公平交换协议,并给出了可能影响协议公平性的各种属性分析。分析结果表明,该协议降低了对环境的要求,增强了交换的通用性,克服了一些现有交换协议公平性隐患,同时保持了较高的效率。In fair exchange protocols, a protocol without trusted third party (TTP) cannot support fairness fully, and an off-line TTP protocol also needs TTP and suffers low efficiency when the agents of the protocol are malicious. Moreover, most of the current fair exchange protocols aim at exchanging specific items and thus lose their universality. With the method of lowload on-line TTP to tackle the above deficiency, a generic fair exchange protocol based on malicious agents was proposed, and properties affecting the fairness were analyzed. The analysis result shows that the protocol requires less on environments, provides universality on fair exchange, avoids most fairness problems in the current protocols, and keeps high efficiency


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    Remote Sensing Image Ship Detection Based on Improved R-FCN

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    3-MCPD and Glycidyl Esters in Potato Chips Sold in Turkey

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    3-Kloropropan 1,2-diol (3-MCPD) maddesi gıda kaynaklı bulaşanlardandır. 3-MCPD, Avrupa Komisyonu'nun Gıda Bilimsel Komitesi tarafından genotoksik karsinojen olarak belirlenmiş ve İngiltere Gıda Danışma Komitesi tarafından gıda ve gıda maddelerinde minimum düzeylere indirilmesi önerilen proses tabanlı bulaşan olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, piyasadan elde edilen ve farklı markalardan alınan patates cipslerinin 3-MCPD esterleri ve glisidil esterlerinin miktarlarının belirlenmesidir. Patates cipslerinde bulunan 3-MCPD esterleri ve glisidil esterleri miktarları üzerine üretim yönteminin (markanın) ve kızartma amacıyla kullanılan yağ tipinin etkisi istatistiksel olarak incelenmiştir. Ayrıca ortalama vücut ağırlığına sahip bir bireyin, saptanan miktarlarda 3-MCPD esteri içeren patates cipsi tüketim sınırları ve tolere edilebilir günlük alım miktarları üzerinden hesaplanmıştır. Patates cipslerinin toplam 3MCPD esterleri ve glisidil esterleri miktarlarının belirlenmesi için DGF C VI 18(10) standart yöntemi kullanılmıştır. En yüksek 3-MCPD esterleri miktarı 2.97 mg/kg olarak B2 markasında (Örnekleme 1) bulunmuştur. Ayrıca en yüksek glisidil esterleri miktarı B2 markasında (Örnekleme 2) 6.01 mg/kg olarak tespit edilmiştir.3-Chloropropane 1,2-diol (3-MCPD) is a food-based contaminant. 3-MCPD is declared as a genotoxic carcinogen formed in foods by the Scientific Committee on Food of the European Commission and the UK Food Advisory Committee has recommended reducing its level to minimum in foods. The objective of this study is to determine 3MCPD esters and glycidyl esters contents of commercially available potato chips sold in Turkey. For this purpose, various brands of potato chips were obtained from local markets. The effects of production method (brands) and frying oil were investigated statistically based on the formation of 3-MCPD esters and glycidyl esters in various brands of potato chips. Moreover, maximum consumption for potato chips was calculated based on tolerable daily intake of 3MCPD esters for individuals of average body weight. DGF C V 18 (10) standard method was used for determination of 3-MCPD esters and glycidyl esters in potato chips. Maximum value for 3-MCPD esters was 2.97 mg/kg in B2 brand (Sample Block 2). Also, the highest amount of glycidyl esters was determined as 6.01 mg/kg in B2 brand (Sample Block 2)


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    项目《雪害防治技术在国道217线天山公路中的推广应用》是在于2007年11月正式立项,由新疆交通科研院等5家单位组成联合攻关小组,于2007年12月和交通部西部交通建设科技项目领导小组办公室签订项目合同,合同编号为2007 318 797 78。 研究工作从2008年1月开始到2011年12月结束,共进行了四年,其项目成果对高寒山区公路雪害防治具有重要的指导意义,主要内容如下: 1.基于国道217线天山公路雪害分布规律及其特征研究,首次系统提出了高寒山区公路雪灾分类区划及风险评估指标和方法,完成了公路沿线雪灾区划图集,并建立了公路雪害危险度评价体系。 2.针对G2..