77 research outputs found

    チアマゾールによる顆粒球減少をきたし甲状腺全摘術を行った1 型糖尿病合併Basedow 病の1例

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    " 20代女性の急性発症1 型糖尿病とBasedow 病の同時期発症による多腺性自己免疫症候群(APS)3A 型を経験した.強化インスリン療法とチアマゾール(MMI)15㎎/日で治療を開始したが,顆粒球数は減少傾向となり,薬剤性顆粒球減少症と考えMMI を中止しヨウ化カリウム50㎎/日に変更したのち,甲状腺全摘術を行った.  日本人の1 型糖尿病における自己免疫性甲状腺疾患(AITD)の合併頻度は2 ~10%であり, 1 型糖尿病とBasedow 病合併例の症例報告も多数なされている.本症例のようにMMI導入による顆粒球減少は0.2~0.5%の頻度で報告されているが,急性発症のAPS3A 型に対して外科的治療を行った症例は稀である."journal articl

    〔研究ノート〕 都市街区における路地空間の利用と 空間的効果に関する研究(その2) 第3回・第4回ヨーロッパ都市街区内路地空間調査報告

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    This is continued from the previous report about inner alley spaces in European cities. We report the measurements recorded in the third and the fourth surveys conducted in 5 cities(Barcelona, Paris, Leiden, Amsterdam, Venice). The detailed mapping, photographs, explanations and analyses are made using the same method as in the previous study. We compile this in the hope that it will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of alley spaces in Europe

    Effects of Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Histological Changes in Immune and Endocrine Organs of Hairless Mice

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    紫外線が皮膚に及ぼす影響については、多くの研究がある。しかしながら、皮膚以外に及ぼす影響についての研究は少ない。そこで、本研究においては、ヘアレスマウスを用いて免疫器官および内分泌器官に及ぼす影響について組織学的に検討した。雌のヘアレスマウス(Hr-/Kud;8週令)を材料として用いた。紫外線を含む太陽光を模した人工太陽光ランプ(VITA-LITE)を光源として用いた。また、紫外線を除去するために紫外線カットフィルム(アクリプレン;三菱レイヨン)を用いた。明暗周期(12時間明:12時間暗)、恒温(25℃)の条件下で動物を飼育した。紫外線を含む人工太陽光に照射されたマウスは、アクリプレンフィルターで紫外線をカットしたマウスに比べてシクロブタン型ピリミジンダイマーが顕著に多かった。器官重量(胸腺、脾臓、卵巣、肝臓)は紫外線を含む人工太陽光と紫外線をカットした人工太陽光の間で違いは見られなかった。また、血液像、組織学的観察においても両者の間に顕著な違いは見られなかった。Effects of ultraviolet light (UV) irradiation on the skin physiology have been studied well. However, other effects than the skin physiology have not been investigated so much. Therefore, in this study, we examined the effects of UV irradiation on the immune and endocrine organs in hairless mice. Female hairless mice(Hr-/Kud; 8 weeks old)were used as a material. An artificial solar lamp (VITA-LITE; Light Sources Co. Ltd.) that simulates solar spectra including UV was used as a light source and a sheet of film (Acryplen: Mitsubishi Rayon) was used to remove UV. The animals were kept in a light and temperature controlled room (12 hour light and 12 hour darkness at 25 ℃). Significantly greater cyclobutane pyrimidine dimmers (CPDs) were detected in the skin of hairless mice when exposed to the solar simulated light with radiation (VITA-LITE) than that of animals exposed to the solar simulated light without UV. Organ weights (thymus, spleen, ovary, adrenal gland and liver) did not show statistical differences between the animals exposed to the solar simulated light with and without UV. Histological observation of these organs has not shown differences between the animals exposed to the solar simulated radiation with and without UV. Thus, the intensity of UV radiation used in the present study was strong enough to induce DNA damage in the skin, but it did not induce histological changes in immune and endocrine organs.論

    Serial examination of cardiac function and perfusion in growing rats using SPECT/CT for small animals

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    金沢大学疾患モデル総合研究センターFew studies have evaluated myocardial perfusion and ventricular function in normal, growing rats. We, therefore, evaluated serial changes in cardiac perfusion and function during the growth of normal rats using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with technetium (99mTc)-sestamibi. Gated SPECT was serially performed in six normal rats. The left ventricular end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), stroke volume (SV) and ejection fraction (EF) were calculated with Quantitative Gated SPECT software. The perfusion distribution was calculated as the percentage uptake of each of the 17 segments using Quantitative Perfusion SPECT software. As expected, the body weight (BW) of the rats increased with growth, but their heart rates (HR) did not change over time. EF decreased very slowly over time and showed a negative correlation with BW. EDV, ESV and SV showed strong positive correlations with BW. There were no significant differences in the percentage segmental uptake in 13 of the 17 segments during growth, except for three basal and one apical segments. Therefore, a single normal database could be applied for the evaluation of perfusion abnormalities in rats of at least 8 to 28 weeks old. © 2020, The Author(s)

    The history and present status of researches on endoscopy nursing in the West : A review of the literature

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    研究では,欧米における内視鏡看護研究の歩みと現状を明らかにすることを目的に文献的考察を行った. MEDLINE (1951~2003年)とCINAHL(1982~2003年)のOvidのWeb版(2004年5月7日現在)を使用し, Key wordをNursing and Endoscopyとする全種類の文献のうち,看護系雑誌に掲載されていた109篇を対象に分析を行った.その結果, 1966~1980年代までは解説が中心であったが, 1990年代に入ると研究報告や症例報告もみられるようになり,文献数は増加傾向を示していた.しかし約50年間において,解説に準ずるものが全体の86%を占め,研究報告8.3%,症例報告4.6%であり,未だに内視鏡看護に関する研究が乏しい現状が明らかとなった.文献は活用目的により,『患者の安全・安楽への援助(48.7%)』『医学知識の習得(22.9%)』『看護業務の質の向上や円滑化(28.4%)』の3カテゴリーに大別された. 1960年代後半は医学知識の習得のための報告が主であったが, 1980年代中頃から患者の安全・安楽への援助に関するものが急増していた.さらに1990年代になると,再び医学知識の習得のための報告があり,看護業務の質の向上や円滑化を図るための報告も次第に定着してみられるようになっていた.これらは報告内容によりさらに12サブカテゴリーに分類された.とくに患者の成長段階・理解力・疾患や病期・心理面など患者の特性に視点を置いた看護の報告や,スタッフの教育や健康管理,関連部門や他職種との連携などの実践に繋がる報告が少なく,この方面への研究の蓄積が今後の課題として考えられた.The aim of the study was to show the historical development and present status of researches of endoscopy nursing in the West. We searched the Web version [Ovid Technolo gies] of MEDLINE from 1951 to 2003 and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) from 1982 to 2003 using the following key words: nursing and endoscopy at acce ssed 2004, May 7. A total of 109 articles of nursing on endoscopy were identified. As a result, most articles were commentaries from 1966 to 1989. In the 1990s, research reports and case reports appeared, and the total number of articles increased. Of all articles, 86% were commentaries, 9.1% were research reports and 4.5% were case reports during past 50 years. Thus far, research reports on endoscopy nursing were still limited. These literatures were grouped into 3 categories based the purposes of practical use as follows; Safe and comfortable aids for a patients (48.7%) , learning about gastroenterological endoscopy and bronchology (22.9%) , and Quality improvement and smooth promotion of nursing service (28.4%). In the second half of the 1960s, literatures related to learning about gastroenterological endoscopy and bronchology were main theme. In the middle of the 1980s, articles related to Safe and comfortable aids for a patients increased rapidly. In the 1990s, articles related to learning about gastroenterological endoscopy and bronchology appeared again, and reports related to Quality improvement and smooth promotion of nursing service were established gradually. The contents of articles were grouped into 12 subcategories. In future, it is needed to research in the field following two kinds of contents; 1) Nursin g care service focused on the difference of characteristics of patients, such as growth stage, comprehension, condition of disease, and psychology. 2) Practical methods for staff education and health management, coordinating with related sections, cooperating with various special staffs