104 research outputs found

    Some Microbial Grow to Influence the Nitrogen Content in the Aging Process of Tobacco

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    烟草在加工成卷烟之前的复烤后的储藏、发酵和陈化过程统称醇化过程。分析醇化过程中生物碱及氮含量的变化,为有效防控微生物生长提供依据。实验方法 1.总生物碱的测定:YC/T 160-2002中国烟草及烟草制品总生物碱的测定连续流动法2.氮含量的测定:YC/T161-2002中国烟草及烟草制品总氮的测定连续流动法实验结果取8个正常烟叶样品作对照,霉变烟叶与正常烟叶比较值:实验显示微生物生长导致烟叶中生物碱含量降低,而总氮含量上升,生物碱降低的百分比基本上与总氮上升的百分比近似。证明烟叶中的部分微生物是以通过降解生物碱,吸收生物碱中的碳、氢、氧,释放氮元素为代谢途径的


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    A review of the microflora structure in the digestive tract of marine finfish

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    从海水鱼消化道结构、消化道菌群结构、消化道菌群功能及消化道菌群结构研究手段等几个方面综述了海水鱼消化道菌群结构的研究进展。指出海水鱼消化道菌群结构受到生长发育阶段、养殖环境及饵料变化等因素的影响。论述了正常消化道菌群的重要功能,比较分析了目前消化道菌群结构不同研究手段,阐明了消化道微生物分子生态学研究的学术价值。为筛选高效、专一性、可定植性的海水鱼益生菌奠定了基础。This paper reviewed the research progresses of the microflora structure in digestive tract of marine finfish, including physiological structure of the digestive tract in marine finfish, the microflora structure in the digestive tract, the function of the microflora in the digestive tract, and the analysis means of the microflora structure in the digestive tract. It was pointed out in this paper that the microflora structure in digestive tract of marine finfish was affected by the developmental stage of the fish, aquaculture environment, variation of the diets, and so on. Besides, the key function of the normal microflroa in the digestive tract and the different analysis means for the study of the microflora structure were discussed. Lastly, the academic values of studies on the molecular ecology of the microflora in the digestive tract were elucidated, aiming at providing reference for screening the efficient, special, and indigestinous prebiotics for use in the culture of marine finfish.国际科技合作重点计划项目(2004DF060800);; 中国博士后科学基金项目(2005037625);; 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室开放课题(2005FB05);; 广东省自然科学基金项目(05300945)共同资


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    为了确定赖氨酸生产废水经过膜技术处理后废水中的CODcr值的大小 ,我们采用超滤与纳滤相结合的工艺分别对浓废水和稀废水进行中试实验。实验结果表明 :采用超滤 -一级纳滤 -二级纳滤工艺流程处理浓废水 ,终端废水的CODcr值降低到 489mg/L ;采用超滤 -纳滤流程处理稀废水 ,最终透析液的CODcr值可以降低到 5 0 2mg/L。大大减轻了后续生化处理的负荷

    The Evolution of World City Network in Post-Recession Era

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    本文主要探讨后危机时期世界城市网络体系的变化特征,并探讨这些趋势背后的深层次动因及影响要素。从网络体系的等级特征上看,中等层级的世界城市在网络中的地位迅速提高,使世界城市网络趋向于“钟型“结构。从区域属性上看,新兴经济体与亚太区域世界城市的崛起成为显著趋势,从而使世界城市网络的广度与深度得到提升。世界城市网络体系的新趋势,反映出危机后国际政治经济格局产生重大变化的背景下,全球化力量的调整与新布局。With the impacts of global finance crises,great changes have occurred in the system of World City Network(WCN).This article,by tracing the changes,attempts to explore the new trends of WCN and the cause for these changes.The result shows,the rising of medium class world cites led to the new "Bell-shaped" structure of WCN.For the regional attribute,emerging market cities and Asian Pacific world cities showed great enhancement for the rank system of WCN.These new trends,improving the breadth depth of world city system,demonstrated the modification and rebalance of globalization in Post-Recession era.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“国际城市服务经济结构演变反思与中国大都市服务业发展问题研究”(2009JJD790014)资

    The Two Significant Restructurings of Manufacturing Industry and Regional Evolution in the United States

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    美国制造业曾经历了两次重心迥异但又密切关联的重大调整。第一次调整始于20世纪70年代初,到90年代初方告一段落,主要内容是"去工业化"。在此过程中,东北部-中西部"冰雪带"和西部-南部"阳光带"此消彼长。90年代,制造业的发展比较平稳,但进入21世纪后,在中国等新兴经济体的冲击下,美国制造业就业再次下滑,引起整个社会的关注,由此出现以重振制造业为主的第二次调整,是为"再工业化"。这次调整在产业转型的同时,区域经济布局渐趋均衡。从"去工业化"到"再工业化",并不仅仅是制造业数量的变化和区位的移动,更重要的是,在此过程中,美国产业升级换代,区域经济结构优化,潜能得到了比较充分的释放,在美国的总体经济走向上留下了深深的印记。The manufacturing industry has experienced two significant restructurings in the United States, which are quite different and closely related to each other. The first restructuring which originated in the early 1970s and ended in the early 1990s is labelled as deindustrialization and caused the decline of snowbelt and rise of sunbelt. The manufacturing industry kept growing in the 1990s, whereas in the new century with the competition of China and other developing countries, the manufacturing employment declined again and has drawn the attention from the media, government and academia. In response to this condition, the reindustrialization to revitalize the American manufacturing became the high priority and caused the second restructuring, which shaped the new regional economic equilibrium. It is noteworthy that the shift from deindustrialization to reindustrialization is not only the change of manufacturing jobs and location,but the upgrading of industrial and regional structure, which has a tremendous influence on the American economy.国家社会科学基金重大项目“20世纪世界城市化转型研究”(16ZDA139);国家社会科学基金项目“美国制造业城市转型研究”(12BSS018)